OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #8

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I believe there was criticism following the Kim case and how it was handled? Maybe that is why they are so reluctant to speak about the search, etc...
I'm having a difficult time trying to keep up with current news on more than one case, so please forgive me if this has already been discussed here. If so, I'd appreciate a link to same.

I noticed that someone has already asked whether or not there was video surveillance in the school. What other precautions were taken when there were going to be many parents, grandparents, guests of the students in the building that day, either for the science exhibits or the talent show?

How many entrance doors were available to the public? Were visitors allowed more than one point of access? Did guests have to sign in or report to the school office? Were there volunteer monitors to direct visitors to the appropriate classroom if they did not accompany a student?

In my community, many elementary school buildings are routinely used as voting precincts. On such occasions, many folks who might not have children in the schools enter these facilities to exercise their civic duty. Teachers/staff are usually instructed to park their cars in alternate areas so that voters have easy access to the main entrance to the school. Signs are posted to direct voters to the gym or cafeteria where polls are set up. Hallways that don't lead to voting are usually blocked with tables and/or parent monitors to make sure that guests are not permitted to roam the building. I hope that similar precautions were taken on the day that Kyron's school would be inundated by visitors, many of whom might not have been familiar with the facility.

I wish that more attention was being devoted to Kyron's disappearance than the Joran Van Der Sloot situation in Peru. jmo
Hey ASAP please I need video footage and also photo comparison of the VW stuff. I am chatting with a friend who may be doing SAR this weekend and she has not even heard about this and really would like to.
Thank you

I'll go look for it now.
It's true: if LE thought Kyron just wandered off, there would be no need for secrecy, caginess, and being vague about the last times he was seen. There would be no need to control the story so tightly if he was just lost.

LE must think there's a very good chance there IS a perpetrator. BUT, they also don't think he's far from the school. They're searching in a very tight radius.

What this points to, to me, is that 1)A perpetrator took him, and 2) they left on foot.

What if the last time Kyron was seen, he was WITH someone? That would account for why they're so reluctant to to confirm about when he was last seen -- they don't want that "last seen" story getting out and revealing who he was with.

I'm not the first person to raise this possibility, but to me it looks an awful lot like an Elizabeth Olten situation: a young perpetrator, someone he knew and trusted, who took him into the woods near the school. :( And they can't "scare" this young person, because they need info out of him or her.

Hi Maggieo - The way that I interpreted the ban on releasing information was not to taint the information that they needed to get from any potential witnesses at the school. I'm sure it took days to interview everyone and obtain information and they did not want information coming from the media that could be heard by these witnesses and then have them adopt that information. I think they knew early on that he was probably in the woods but didn't know when or how he got there. That is why they are calling it an isolated incident. JMO
It's true: if LE thought Kyron just wandered off, there would be no need for secrecy, caginess, and being vague about the last times he was seen. There would be no need to control the story so tightly if he was just lost.

LE must think there's a very good chance there IS a perpetrator. BUT, they also don't think he's far from the school. They're searching in a very tight radius.

What this points to, to me, is that 1)A perpetrator took him, and 2) they left on foot.

What if the last time Kyron was seen, he was WITH someone? That would account for why they're so reluctant to to confirm about when he was last seen -- they don't want that "last seen" story getting out and revealing who he was with.

I'm not the first person to raise this possibility, but to me it looks an awful lot like an Elizabeth Olten situation: a young perpetrator, someone he knew and trusted, who took him into the woods near the school. :( And they can't "scare" this young person, because they need info out of him or her.

It is interesting that most often in the movement of a Nonfamily Abducted child, he/she is carried away to a vehicle and taken less than 50 miles away. Scroll down to Table 5:

Oh YES LOL Coyotes. Ta Elk are fascinating. Once while out in the Oregon woods I came across these perfectly shaped oval things, lots of them, and thought they could have come from s flying saucer they were so unique. Elk poop! I never laughed so hard in my life. LOL

hahahah... until your dog rolls in it. :sick:

checking high lines?Do you know where?That's what I was thinking when he said electric.

That was mentioned twice and I've been scanning the map for one of those rights-of-way that are often cut through gullies etc for a string of 'high wire lines'.. but I don't see one!

These are usually quite wide swaths that the power company leases & maintains, even when on privately owned land.
Hey ASAP please I need video footage and also photo comparison of the VW stuff. I am chatting with a friend who may be doing SAR this weekend and she has not even heard about this and really would like to.
Thank you

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5271246&postcount=215"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #7[/ame]
It's true: if LE thought Kyron just wandered off, there would be no need for secrecy, caginess, and being vague about the last times he was seen. There would be no need to control the story so tightly if he was just lost.

LE must think there's a very good chance there IS a perpetrator. BUT, they also don't think he's far from the school. They're searching in a very tight radius.

Think about all the possible perps in that school, on that morning. All the teachers. All the parents. All the volunteers. All the non-teaching school personnel. It could be any of them, and LE doesn't know which one, and they're all open to the investigation.

*Major* need for secrecy, in so many ways. These people know the school, the people, the parents, the kids, heck, they probably know LE.

All they need is one little tip that LE is on to them, or has one piece of evidence, or has one piece of information, and who knows what they'll do to cover up?

I'm not at all surprised that LE is being secretive.

Now extend that to the need to protect every single person - all the adults - all the children - who were at that school that morning and may have seen something.

It's mind-boggling. I want LE to keep a tight lid on info in this case. It's rare, almost to the point of being unique.
I believe there was criticism following the Kim case and how it was handled? Maybe that is why they are so reluctant to speak about the search, etc...
As I remember that is because Mr Kim had not been dead very long when he was located. And he was not really that far away from his car - down the side of the ravine and down the river a bit, found on the rocks. The search was too little too late and not well organized at the beginning. IMO
VW Video [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4p2VK2AYTM[/ame]

VW Video

1. Child (7ish) riding in FRONT seat. Most parents know the law and he would be in the back seat.

2. Obviously not wearing his seat belt because his face is pressed up into the front windshield, looking. Again, most parents would not allow this. So, is that really a PARENT driving?

3. Now look at the driver... huh? Appears to be asian, with a freaky amount of lipstick and eye shadow on and some kind of ? haircut. The boy appears to be caucasian.

4. Driver wearing gloves...

PLEASE do not think I am implying ANYTHING about what people look like. It's just one of those scenes with enough little odd things to make me say huh?
checking high lines?Do you know where?That's what I was thinking when he said electric.

Bouncing off of KScarpetta's theory of an undergroung hidey-hole....sure would be more comfy with a little bit of electricity down there for the coffeemaker! It would be great if they ended up catching the kidnapper because he didn't want to risk heating his morning coffee over a campfire...smoke signals, you know.

I know that an underground bunker does sound flaky, but it has been done before, and it sounds like the rough terrain around there might lend itself to the concealment of a man-made cave.
As I remember that is because Mr Kim had not been dead very long when he was located. And he was not really that far away from his car - down the side of the ravine and down the river a bit, found on the rocks. The search was too little too late and not well organized at the beginning. IMO

But from what I gather, the search in this same general area this past weekend was not really thorough either...which could give them even more reason to not comment too much. If they find him now and it is too late...there will be critcism, if he is right in that area, IMO. Warranted or not.
When LE says something is "an isolated incident" it means they know who is responsible (or have a very good feel for who). I agree with the posters above who say if the little boy is merely missing because he wandered away and got lost, then why all the secrecy? No, there's something amiss. It leads me to strongly believe this is a crime, it is an abduction, and LE believes they know who it is (enough to say this is an 'isolated incident').

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Thank you so much for 'tuning in' with us in as we try to figure out what happened to Kyron.

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If you think you have a tip, please call it in to the Sheriff's office at

Thank you!
The little boy in this VW looks just like kyron to me. Could this woman driving possibly be the teacher that left?
Bouncing off of KScarpetta's theory of an undergroung hidey-hole....sure would be more comfy with a little bit of electricity down there for the coffeemaker! It would be great if they ended up catching the kidnapper because he didn't want to risk heating his morning coffee over a campfire...smoke signals, you know.

I know that an underground bunker does sound flaky, but it has been done before, and it sounds like the rough terrain around there might lend itself to the concealment of a man-made cave.

Have you seen the movie "The Lovely Bones" based on the book by the same name? The abductor used an underground bunker.
I am not even going to form an opinion of what I think happened as to remain neutral, but
anyone remember the story of the dad and his daughter living in Forest Park for 4 years?


and from Wiki (I was looking for animal info for the area and this caught my eye)

Forest Park has occasionally been the scene of murder and other major crimes. In 2001, a man who preyed on heroin addicts and prostitutes pleaded guilty to the 1999 murder of three women whose bodies were found in Forest Park near Northwest Saltzman Road.[47] In 2003, jurors convicted another man of the 1996 murder of his ex-girlfriend on a Forest Park trail.[48] Less serious crimes have included assault, car theft, arson,[49] indecent exposure,[50] and marijuana cultivation. Multnomah County Sheriff's deputies in 2007 seized 114 mature marijuana plants found growing in the park on a hillside near Portland's Linnton neighborhood. Deputies had seized another small grow operation in the park in 2005.[51] More common has been illegal camping by homeless transients and others.[52] An illegal biking trail, about 1 mile (1.6 km) long, was discovered in a remote part of the park in February 2010.[53]
I agree that the boy looks just like him.

Sorry for being slow, but what is the question about the "high lines"? Was it somewhere they were going to search? What was the context?
When LE says something is "an isolated incident" it means they know who is responsible (or have a very good feel for who). I agree with the posters above who say if the little boy is merely missing because he wandered away and got lost, then why all the secrecy? No, there's something amiss. It leads me to strongly believe this is a crime, it is an abduction, and LE believes they know who it is (enough to say this is an 'isolated incident').

"no other children are in any danger " ? .... wow, that's going out on a limb. I've just never heard them say that...
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