OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #8

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still working within a 2 mile window/

Question..I know there is a reason but why cant they use heat seeking devices to search the woods via aircraft at night?

Not an expert answer here, but I always assumed it was because animals also give off heat, and at night they can't really guide ground crews in to check out anything they find.

Searchers looking at heavy brush leading up to Kyron's home.

Lot's of cards and flowers left at mailbox of Kyron's home.
Could it be that they have nothing. Absolutely nothing, but as a strategy do not let on to that in the PC's. For example,LE is thinking we have no idea where Kyron is but we cant throw our hands up and give up. What if a perp has him...we need to keep the pressure on to make him/her THINK we are moving forward. We cannot let perp think they have gotten away. Lets keep the pressure on and keep looking until something gives.
the lady who was speaking seemed shaking, her face seemed worn out... her eyes, like she was on the verge of tears.

Gates almost broke down for a moment too. They're totally worn out.

I think they're having a hard time keeping their game face on, as this is now day 7 :(
Concentrating so close to the school, I think they honestly think he is lost out there...how or why they got to this conclusion we don't know, if that is what they think, but they may have gleaned something from interviews that led them to believe he did go outside on his own. But this is day 7, if you count Friday...shouldn't this two-mile area have been cleared first? Or did they learn something Monday or Tuesday? I almost wish they would give up the PC's until they have something to say.
Not an expert answer here, but I always assumed it was because animals also give off heat, and at night they can't really guide ground crews in to check out anything they find.


ahaa! Doh! I should have known that. Thanks :)
Lets talk about survival in the woods. Is there any wild berry or fruit? What about fresh water from rivers or ponds. What about thick bushes could Kyron have gotten stuck?
It sure sounds to me that they think Kyron is out there alive somewhere in the woods and they are desperately trying to find him.

Said they have been in touch with experts who can tell them how long a person could live out there in that terrain.


Why aren't they using thermal imaging if they think he is alive? Or are they and I just missed that?
Not discussing reward money in a missing child case???

I guess this is a very unique case.

Elle -
I, (and likely others), have a side theory that Intel (dad's employer) is helping with search funding. JMO theory though. Based on an e-mail blast from dad to Intel-related associates.
It's obvious to me LE is trying to control all that goes out to the media. These meetings after each press conf IMO is for LE to tell the press what to report on and what not to report on.

The more and more I hear, the more I think they are working on something very sensitive and that kinda makes me think Kyron is alive and they don't want to risk anything getting out that should not.

Sheriff Staton is very emotionally connected to the case----he also has a child in a Portland elementary school. He looks on the verge of tears in his news interview.
Elle -
I, (and likely others), have a side theory that Intel (dad's employer) is helping with search funding. JMO theory though. Based on an e-mail blast from dad to Intel-related associates.

and this may be why they said that they are not worried about the cost of search
ok. the way he acts. the smile after avoiding questions and then saying he has more info for off camera. As if saying "oh I wish I could tell you"

I do feel like they know who has him and they have info they will not let media share. I think they are certain Kyron in still alive and are trying to keep him alive.

At one point they asked when they would stop searching. In his reply he made a comment like "I won't back down" As if maybe giving that as a message to someone with Kyron

Praying you are right. That would be the best thing possible if he was found alive.
If they think and have some proof a perp has him or someone has him. Why risk over 500 lives in the woods. That just doesn't make sense to me. MOO
I am not seeing what info they could possibly have that he is alive that corresponds with this seemingly desperate search of areas close to the school...to me, they are going back to square one and starting over.
going to talk to press off camera???

Did the same thing yesterday.

Also, notice, no questions about the family today.

I think he's told the media that questions about the family are off limit right now. I can dig that. They aren't talking about any investigative aspects, so that makes sense.
You know it saddens me to see in this day and age with all the missing children that there isn’t a nationwide law that is in place that all schools are secured.
I live in southern Florida and our county has schools that look like Fort Knox’s.(our children are more valuable then gold.)
They have one gate in and one gate out, a fence 500 yard out, around the school with all traffic stopped as you come thru the gate. You give them your license on the way in and get it back on the way out. Cameras everywhere that keeps recorded video for weeks. Every person that even comes within 100 yards of the children has an extensive criminal background check even if a construction company works on the school, they all are fingerprinted, and background checks. If there is a science Fair or other open day, you have to submit a request to attend it. No children are allowed to wonder the hallways without an electronic pass that tracks where they go ever second.
It is extreme but if it even saves one life it is worth it.
In addition, we are one of the counties in America with the lowest crime rate but parents did not ever want to take the change of having something happen to their child.

(My very humble opinion)
I am seeing this as a very, very different case and find it very important for no one to release information or talk to media unless under the guides of LE.

It saddens me in this day and age we have to lock away are kids school as if they are prisoners just to be able keep the safe!
Alternate version of "he went off with someone he knew" theory:

Perhaps they have a tip or info or lead that he was indeed seen out on a trail. A limited tip, or perhaps a minimally cooperative witness.
I agree. I "think" they may know he's alive and someone has him. That would be very sensitive and would explain the "no comments" and the "I can't talk about that".

May also explain the relase of Kyron's artwork and the fact the family has not spoken.

Praying he is alive and someone has him. Praying LE knows who and are just trying to locate them. Praying whoever it is will not hurt Kyron.
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