Found Deceased OR - Owen Klinger, 18, University of Portland, 6 Oct 2019

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DNA Solves
Owen is an adult. I wish he had done more research on the dangers of train hopping. (And I wish I hadn't.). Kudos to the Portland Police for their detective work and for pursuing this until they determine that Owen is okay.

Hopefully Owen will recognize the danger isn't worth the freedom/adventure and come home.
Owen Klinger's father speaks about son's disappearance

"The interviewer asked Klinger to clarify if he was saying that something that happened at the university could have been a factor in Owen's disappearance.

"Well, we just don't know. We've talked to so many people, we've talked to so many friends, and Owen was an emotional, concerned guy," he said. "He was worried about other people more than himself more often, and that's why this is just so out of character. He wouldn't get so wrapped up in his own concerns at the moment. That wasn't his pattern. So the worry is that maybe he was trying to help someone or going out to do something for someone else."

2:09 PM PDT October 16, 2019

Understandably, I think his parents are struggling to come to terms with what they've learned about OK's intentions, including his decision not to inform them of his intentions.

It's pretty clear that OK left voluntarily for his own reasons, and in pursuit of his own aims.

I'm sure that in addition to feeling unimaginable fear and anxiety, his parents are now also feeling deeply hurt.
Or at least, they would, if they allowed themselves to believe he left of his own volition without telling them.
I think because the thought of it is so painful, they just can't go there yet.

OK: Phone Home.

Let your parents know you're still alive.

That's all you gotta' do, dude.

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Owen Klinger's father speaks about son's disappearance

"The interviewer asked Klinger to clarify if he was saying that something that happened at the university could have been a factor in Owen's disappearance.

"Well, we just don't know. We've talked to so many people, we've talked to so many friends, and Owen was an emotional, concerned guy," he said. "He was worried about other people more than himself more often, and that's why this is just so out of character. He wouldn't get so wrapped up in his own concerns at the moment. That wasn't his pattern. So the worry is that maybe he was trying to help someone or going out to do something for someone else."

2:09 PM PDT October 16, 2019

We don't know for sure he hopped a freight train. I am sure his family and LE found evidence of him searching that recently on his laptop. However, gosh, if I went missing and they used my computer search history for clues, I am reasonably sure they would come up with some wild ideas probably the most prominent idea would be I went out on some murder spree! :D

What his father is saying tells me is that if he were such an emotional guy who put others before himself, it would be out of character to just up and leave knowing his family and friends would be in a panic. The flip side of that could be said. He could have wanted to leave, the pressure of school was too much or some other reason and he was so concerned about telling his parents that he opted not to face that kind of confrontation even if it was only a dramatization in his teenage brain. To me, it sounds like he isn't the type of kid who would want people to worry about him.
We don't know for sure he hopped a freight train. I am sure his family and LE found evidence of him searching that recently on his laptop. However, gosh, if I went missing and they used my computer search history for clues, I am reasonably sure they would come up with some wild ideas probably the most prominent idea would be I went out on some murder spree! :D

What his father is saying tells me is that if he were such an emotional guy who put others before himself, it would be out of character to just up and leave knowing his family and friends would be in a panic. The flip side of that could be said. He could have wanted to leave, the pressure of school was too much or some other reason and he was so concerned about telling his parents that he opted not to face that kind of confrontation even if it was only a dramatization in his teenage brain. To me, it sounds like he isn't the type of kid who would want people to worry about him.


To your first bolded point:

HA! True dat.

It's also a good reminder that while those computer searches provide a strong indicator, it's not proof positive.

Occam says he hopped a train, though. So there's that.

To the second bolded point:

I think that's a spot-on assessment.

My read on descriptions of OK as being "the peacekeeper" who "doesn’t rock the boat," per his mom, is that OK isn't necessarily someone with an assertive personality.

He sounds like he may be someone who goes out of his way to avoid potential conflict.

If he anticipated conflict with his parents re: not wanting to go to college, he may have just gone.

Then left.

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If I went missing and LE did a search of my computer to help guide their search, they'd end up canvassing Bath & Body Works stores, putting up missing posters in the windows alongside all the smell-good candles and body lotions.

To the second bolded point:

I think that's a spot-on assessment.

My read on descriptions of OK as being "the peacekeeper" who "doesn’t rock the boat," per his mom's description, is that OK isn't necessarily someone with an assertive personality, and that he may be someone who avoids conflict at any cost, even if it was merely potential or anticipated conflict with his parents re: not wanting to stay in school.

Snipped & BBM
Well, now we know what to get you for your birthday! :D
All signs do point to a voluntary missing scenario. The evasiveness, the making up of the lacrosse meeting when questioned, the timing right before midterms, and of course, the freight train searches. I pray that he is safe, and that his break from the pressures he was facing is a short one, or that when/if the glamour wears off and hardship sets in that he knows he is loved and missed and no one will be angry if he calls or asks for help.
My read on descriptions of OK as being "the peacekeeper" who "doesn’t rock the boat," per his mom, is that OK isn't necessarily someone with an assertive personality. He sounds like he may be someone who avoids potential conflict at any cost.

If he anticipated conflict with his parents re: not wanting to go to college, he may have just gone.

And being a middle child, I would think these traits would be accentuated. I hope he's fine and just exercising his 18 year old independence.
Family Of Missing University Of Portland Student Owen Klinger Dispute Police Narrative

Family Of Missing UP Student Dispute Portland Police Narrative

"The release of the details set off an immediate outcry within Klinger’s nuclear family, who believe the information was cherry-picked and will ultimately hamper the search efforts they’re continuing to organize.

“It doesn’t make sense. He’s a practical kid,” said Owen’s mother, Mary Klinger. “If he had a dream in his heart to go adventure somewhere, we would have talked about it more. He would have made a plan, gotten more of his money, gotten more stuff, gotten a buddy. He wouldn’t have gone on his own without telling us, breaking all our hearts.”

She noted the same night Owen had watched “Into The Wild,” he had also binged “Ocean’s 11,” episodes of “Suits,” and possibly “Good Will Hunting.” As for the YouTube videos of train-hopping, she said it’s not clear how often or how recently Owen watched them.

Owen’s father, Dustin Klinger, said he felt the release of the details amount to the police “abdicating” the investigation.

“They’re giving up because he watched a movie,” Dustin said. “They have absolutely no evidence other than that he watched two things online.”"


So sad for his family.
I don't blame his family for being annoyed that people are so quick to jump to conclusions! People can have a lot of interests and not act on them. I really enjoy watching youtube videos of abandoned Detroit mansions and streets...half a country away from me. If I turn up missing, I sure don't want people to look there for me! I like experiencing from a safe distance.
Family Of Missing University Of Portland Student Owen Klinger Dispute Police Narrative

Family Of Missing UP Student Dispute Portland Police Narrative

"The release of the details set off an immediate outcry within Klinger’s nuclear family, who believe the information was cherry-picked and will ultimately hamper the search efforts they’re continuing to organize.

“It doesn’t make sense. He’s a practical kid,” said Owen’s mother, Mary Klinger. “If he had a dream in his heart to go adventure somewhere, we would have talked about it more. He would have made a plan, gotten more of his money, gotten more stuff, gotten a buddy. He wouldn’t have gone on his own without telling us, breaking all our hearts.”

She noted the same night Owen had watched “Into The Wild,” he had also binged “Ocean’s 11,” episodes of “Suits,” and possibly “Good Will Hunting.” As for the YouTube videos of train-hopping, she said it’s not clear how often or how recently Owen watched them.

Owen’s father, Dustin Klinger, said he felt the release of the details amount to the police “abdicating” the investigation.

“They’re giving up because he watched a movie,” Dustin said. “They have absolutely no evidence other than that he watched two things online.”"


So sad for his family.
Heartbreaking either way. If it turns out Owen did leave on his own accord, I can’t imagine how devastated and hurt his parents will feel. If it turns out to be foul play or an accident, it’s hard knowing LE may not be doing all they can to find him.

The parents bring up an interesting point about the other movies Owen watched in succession with Into the Wild - perhaps removes some of the meaning from his watching it. I wish we knew the timing of his watching everything.

After I watch a movie that captures my attention I often Google aspects of the movie. For instance, Googling deep sea diving after watching a documentary about it or Googling Dissociative Identity Disorder after watching Split. Maybe Owen innocently Googled train hopping after being introduced to the concept through the movie? I’m sure that’s what the parents are hoping. I’m glad that search parties are still being deployed. We by no means have concrete proof that Owen has disappeared voluntarily.
I think he went missing voluntarily, but how long he intended to stay missing is really the question. Nothing in this says to me that he wanted to stay gone. Not a lot of money, not many belongings, and being a considerate person with a good family background and no history of this type of thing—all tells me that he was headed somewhere mysterious for the night maybe, not the month.
Heartbreaking either way. If it turns out Owen did leave on his own accord, I can’t imagine how devastated and hurt his parents will feel. If it turns out to be foul play or an accident, it’s hard knowing LE may not be doing all they can to find him.

The parents bring up an interesting point about the other movies Owen watched in succession with Into the Wild - perhaps removes some of the meaning from his watching it. I wish we knew the timing of his watching everything.

After I watch a movie that captures my attention I often Google aspects of the movie. For instance, Googling deep sea diving after watching a documentary about it or Googling Dissociative Identity Disorder after watching Split. Maybe Owen innocently Googled train hopping after being introduced to the concept through the movie? I’m sure that’s what the parents are hoping. I’m glad that search parties are still being deployed. We by no means have concrete proof that Owen has disappeared voluntarily.

IDK. I doubt he appreciates mom telling the world what he binge watches. If he's wanting privacy. moo
Didn’t someone say fall break for the campus was next week? Is so, I would think if this was some adventure, he might would wait until then.

IDK... I just hope they find him and at least give his loved ones a peace of mind. MOO
In the interview with the Policeman, I had the impression they think he planned to hit the rails. I disagree with them for the following reasons: 1.He didn’t take enough cash to survive very long. 2. Why lie about a lacrosse practice/meeting if you are running away? All he had to do was say he was running over to the Student Union for coffee. 3. I think he was “cat-fished”. I think he was meeting someone for a date or a purchase. I really feel LE shouldn’t have said what they said today until they had more proof that is in fact what he did. It could cause people to stop looking for him. I feel he may have been trafficked. I hope I’m wrong.
IDK. I doubt he appreciates mom telling the world what he binge watches. If he's wanting privacy. moo
I actually thought the same thing when I read that, but I think she’s a mom desperate for people to believe her that he didn’t leave voluntarily so they will keep looking for him. She’s probably more concerned with finding him than him being mad that people know he watches Suits. I don’t blame her. :)
In the interview with the Policeman, I had the impression they think he planned to hit the rails. I disagree with them for the following reasons: 1.He didn’t take enough cash to survive very long. 2. Why lie about a lacrosse practice/meeting if you are running away? All he had to do was say he was running over to the Student Union for coffee. 3. I think he was “cat-fished”. I think he was meeting someone for a date or a purchase. I really feel LE shouldn’t have said what they said today until they had more proof that is in fact what he did. It could cause people to stop looking for him. I feel he may have been trafficked. I hope I’m wrong.

1) If he's hitting the rails, he might not need very much cash. McCandless took almost nothing with him and survived for years, of course he was doing odd jobs to work, and relying a lot on the kindness of strangers as well.
2) That's also a lie. He only needed to give a plausible reason to his roommate that wasn't "I'm gonna be a hobo like in Emperor of the North" and lacrosse practice/coffee at the Union/making a Voodoo Donuts run all work.
3) Maybe. The police seem to have a reason just beyond him watching "Into The Wild" to think he ran off voluntarily. There may be things that his friends and family have told police that they don't want to tell the media; if he's been depressed, you don't exactly want to advertise that if there's a chance he'll come home and need to live his life, unless it's absolutely necessary.

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