OR - Photo released of Portland man who posed as police officer/abducted two women

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Man posing as Portland police officer abducts two women after concert

"A man who posed as a Portland police officer is sought in the kidnapping of two women after they left a Snoop Dogg concert late Thursday at the Roseland Theater in Portland's Old Town.

According to police, a man approached the women as they were walking to their car, parked in a lot at Southwest Second Avenue and Ash Street. He said he worked for the Portland Police Bureau and needed to escort them out of the area so they would not get stopped for driving drunk.

Both women, who are in their early 20s, declined and got into their car.

The man stayed in the area and went back to the women. This time, he warned them that if they drove away, police were waiting for them, and they'd be stopped.

He cautioned them that their car likely would be towed if they left it in the lot. So the women allowed the man to drive their car after he said he'd get them home.

Instead, the man drove on Interstate 5 south to Marion County. He took the Detroit Lake exit and stopped the car on a gravel road....."

More at link as well as excellent photo!!
I read this earlier while WS was down....those women are so lucky!

He's probably a serial rapist/killer.......just creepy!!
Wow. Glad he has been identified already, though with that great pic it wouldn't have been long!! I used to go to a lot of concerts in Portland, the "real" cops are pretty dang obvious. I wouldn't go near a guy like that! They are vvvvvvv lucky.
and the cops wonder why people dont pull over when officers in unmarked cars flash badges at them
and the cops wonder why people dont pull over when officers in unmarked cars flash badges at them

Where they do that? You know here because well you know. Ford Taurus with what are usually very identifiable cops inside.

Sweet Lord. Thank God these two girls are alive.

That guy is huge and scarry and he's got a demonic look on his face. Add in that hunting camaflouge jacket and man I'm afraid he could be coming this way. They still have not been able to catch this guy. He's got nothing to lose now, right?

This is something good to post about in our "Keep Safe" thread in The Jury room. Girls, DO NOT go with anyone just because they say they are a cop or flash a badge. Bam they should have got in their car. Locked the windows and doors at their first chance and called the cops. They had a cell phone obviously and all I can say is "Good lookout young lady" because that took GUTS to take that guy's picture.

Izzy, thanks for posting this. I hope we can keep this out there. BTW, why can I find no other information about this guy on a Sex Offender Registry? He's not in a National Database.
I think it's amazing one of the women thought to snap a picture...and a great pic at that!!! Those two gals are very lucky!
I think it's amazing one of the women thought to snap a picture...and a great pic at that!!! Those two gals are very lucky!

Absolutely amazing, Sassy. It's obvious by that time they KNEW he was no cop. I'd have been wetting myself. Not thinking on my feet. She did good.

However, I soooooooo wish they would have went with their instincts and not needed a photo.

Someone close to me has some freakazoid stalking them at work. Every single day coming in and buying only something real small and waiting in the long line time and again. Sitting outside on a bench. The boss said "Well now we took his picture". Big whoop says moi. It'll be a little too late if the guy grabs you up and they produce a picture.

Still how could this dear girl be so calm? He is creepy. Like he's got that evil face on. Plus the cahoonas he's like almost smiling like "I'm getting what I want plus my picture taken".
So, the guy's name is Paul Evans Winklebleck. I've done some checking and I can't find him other than just a listing for Portland and the Portland suburbs. I don't see him on any social sites. I do find a boy with the last two names, also a 30 something woman with the last name on MS both in the Portland area. Surely somebody knows who and where this guy is.

I agree that it's odd that he doesn't show up on any database. That's a mighty bold move with two girls. I could see one but two? I know the exact spot where he picked up those girls and the odd thing is that there's usually LE and security all over the place at the end of concerts--especially a hip hop concert. The location is very "tight" and it's tough to get everybody out of the congested area so LE really has to work it.

My guess is that he approached these girls in clear sight of uniformed LE or security. He's bold and that's scary. My guess is that they'd done some ecstasy or a good bit of pot or they wouldn't have fallen for this. But then, they're 20...so young and not careful. I hope their parents have chewed them up one side and down the other....after hugging them to pieces. Thank God they weren't impaired too much to fight and run. I hope this is used as a cautionary tale for all girls who go to concerts.
The Oregonian is saying that this case is not connected to the Winklebleck case but it is eerily similar:


"Aurora [OR] police are looking for a man who impersonated a police officer and stopped a man's car on Highway 99E between 1st Street NE and the Clackamas County Line at the Pudding River Bridge in Aurora Saturday night.

The impersonator was driving a dark blue or black Dodge Charger and used a flashing blue light on the passenger's side of his car's dashboard or visor to signal a driver to pull his vehicle over, said Officer Scott Reilly of the Aurora Police Department. The impersonator asked the driver for his license, registration and insurance information, Reilly said. When the driver questioned the man posing as an officer about his credentials, Reilly said, the impersonator returned his documents and left......"

That's a distinct tattoo this guy has. It's on the upper part of his body up by his neck in the back.

Please God let them find this dude.
I can't believe there isn't more local publicity about this! It's so freakin scary. I think I will post to Craigslist or somewhere else local for people to be on the lookout.
If I'm reading it correctly, he was charged with three sex crimes in October 1998 and pleaded guilty to one Class A Felony charge of Sodomy in March 1999. The other charges were dismissed. He was given 100 months at the Men's Correctional Facility and 240 months probation.

The next date shown is July 2007 so it looks like he might have served his whole time. He's shown as absconded from probation (which ends in 2018) now. Can someone else help out and look as I'm not the best at reading these docs.
They found his cell phone.

A driver on a route in Clarkston, Washington found a cell on the highway. He called the number and was told the man who owned the phone was wanted.

Crazy *advertiser censored*s has no known ties to the area. Of course he doesn't. Another link said he may be looking for "suicide by cop". That's just great.

Iz, I'm sorry I can't open those PDF files or I'd help you. Where is this guy going?

suicide by cop works for me

Naw, he's chicken chit then. You want out go do it.

Lord only knows where this guy is. Probably a survivalist. All I'm sayin is that grin on his face that young girl captured freaked me out.

Winklebleck's court documents. Still haven't found the creep. Can someone else look over these and see if they can tell if he served out his last sentence. I don't think so. I think he was on probation and had absconded. I'm confused.

It says he got 100 months in a mens' correctional facility,
and he got 240 months post prison supervision,
and had to register as an RSO, among other things.
including no contact with children.

It does make mention that he could be credited some time, but likely this was while he was waiting for conviction.
Oregon has a mandatory mimimun sentence for certain crimes, his being one, so he must have served his 100 months, which comes out to 8.33 years. This occurred in Feb of 99, so it's safe to say he hasn't been out long.

He is in his late thirties, so he is obviously a serial rapist, now kidnapper, and who knows if he successfully murdered anyone to cover up other rapes, and kidnapping.

I always find it discouraging when they are that old before they are caught for only the second time. His actions were bold in this current case, and he knew and recognized the vulnerablity of the young mind, and he boldly kidnapped two of them at the same time, which is rather unusual.

I'd like to see the stats on that happening.
He took them to woods, right off the main roads and it reminded me of Brook H. from Corvallis. He even looks like the guy they finally decided took her.

all moo
As far as I can tell Winklebleck was given 100 months in 1999. He looks to have served the entire time as it looks like he got out in early 2007. I see no probation violation until the incident of kidnapping and assault. Presumably, he was complying with the probation requirements until that evening. There's a couple of kids who I've found with names that must be connected with him in the Portland area--same middle and last name. There's also a woman with the same last name who might be a former wife or sister.

I don't know where he'd be going inland as I don't see any past record of him living there or family. BTW, he's 42. If they catch him, he'll have lots of charges slapped on him. The girls weren't minors, however, they are reported to be in their "early twenties".

Clarkston, WA is about 350 miles from Portland and there's only one road. windy and narrow 84 which follows the Columbia River. It shocks me that they haven't seen him if he's still in his original truck. I haven't read of them finding the truck ditched. My guess is that he's heading into far Eastern Washington or Idaho to hole up.

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