Outburst during JS hearing!

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I thought her child was three years old. Now he's two. And did she say she was in a two year abuseive relationship? I need to go back and try this again...
Respectfully snipped so I could respond.

Mental issues, IMO, are not an excuse to behave in any manner a person feels like behaving in and having no consequences. IMO, the judge has already been very lenient with this woman. If this woman has such bad mental problems she has absolutely no self-control, IMO, she should not be out running loose infringing on the rights of the rest of society.

Methadone, and please correct me if I am wrong, is medication taken instead of major illegal drugs, it is not some kind of anti-depressant.
Oh...she's bipolar, manic-depressive, and suffers from anti-social personality disorder...and tryng to rehab.
whether you think she is punkn us or not, this would be a good time to take a moment to count your blessings...

whatever her story may truly be, it surely makes me thankful to be where i am and who i am and for the people in my life.

that is all.
Do they give Methadone in jail I wonder?

cant speak for florida, however, in texas in the county jails, I have seen inmates get methadone patches..the nurse would give it to them..

Ive seen inmates pull the patch off their arms and eat the patch, or sell the patch to other inmates, when I say sell i mean trade for commisary...

crazy but its true...ive seen it happen w/ my own eyes
I'm glad HHJP stuck to his guns. IMHO she should have gotten a week. HHJP showed great compassion in only giving her two days.

I know this poor lady has major issues and tugs at our heart strings but she clearly knowingly did what she did. Do you really think HHJP should have let her go? No way. He needs to be firm so that he dissuades others from trying the same thing at trial and causing a mistrial. No one wants that!
LDB was almost in tears...

View attachment 15577
me, too..........Though I do not condone her behavior I guess I have a soft spot for folks with mental illnesses as I have had to deal with it up close and personal. Poor girl, she is in a bad way in many facets of her life , it seems, and needs some kind of help very badly. Like the lady said about KC.......I'm praying for her......and her child.
The Lady in question has a Three-Year old in her care?? A record like that , I wouldnt be shocked if Child Services isnt already questioning....

A few minutes ago, the child turned two again!
(ER said she needs to hold her two year old therefore needs out of jail.)
If Elizabeth does appeal JP's ruling, does she have to go all the way to Orange county, since JP won't be in Pinellas county after tomorrow? And, if she hasn't had a chance to appeal, why does she have to spend the night in jail. I'm confused.

He is a judge so he can hand out 2 days in jail (which she will bond out of tomorrow), then she will have to face the court again. Normally a cop can only hold you for a certain amount of time (usually until they get to see a JP or Judge to agree with your actions)

I am not a lawyer -- just talking from experience (not mine LOL)
I thought her child was three years old. Now he's two. And did she say she was in a two year abuseive relationship? I need to go back and try this again...

Lordy ... you judge HARD lol The child may be nearly three, may have just turned three .... lol
When the public defender goes and sees her they will probably ask for mental health care for her. Sadly though it can take days (even weeks sometimes) before you get your meds when first entering in jail. My guess is- if they have a medical unit that's where she'll end up because of possible withdrawal issues and suicide watch. If this woman is really on the meds she says she is, she has got to have her meds!

Now I'm suspicious about why she came back out and said that she had not taken her meds this morning when earlier she said she had.

Automatically I'm thinking she just wants more meds. You can't have it both ways and an excuse for everything - no siree!
Lordy ... you judge HARD lol The child may be nearly three, may have just turned three .... lol

Nope. I just hear well and am becoming quite adept at spotting hooey.
She first told HHJBP she had a three year old child and that she was mentally challenged and that she had never been in a courtroom like that before. Judging hard would be adding that the last part of that statement might explain her failure to appear charge.
She's smiling like an idiot. This makes her more or less crazy? My goodness how quick we judge based on a picture.

Like an idiot? To me it simply looks like she's happy in not distressed.
Most people are distressed when checking into jail (like she is now).
Just seems weird to me.

My opinion is simply that, an opinion, about someone who has inserted themselves into the case. JP does not think it's funny nor do I but it's hinky imo.

Please don't judge me on my judgments! Okay, I'm judgmental. There, case closed.
I really think she meant she'd never been an observer in a courtroom and didn't realize she would react that way. I don't feel she was faking any of it, when anxiety kicks in you can't put your thoughts together well enough to say exactly what you mean. I feel bad that she has to spend time in jail but with the monotony of so many potential jurors being asked the same questions over and over I do think it was a small reminder to Ms. Anthony of what caused them all to be in the courtroom.
Nope. I just hear well and am becoming quite adept at spotting hooey.
She first told HHJBP she had a three year old child and that she was mentally challenged and that she had never been in a courtroom like that before. Judging hard would be adding that the last part of that statement might explain her failure to appear charge.

As i said earlier, I believe when she said she had not been in a court before she meant that she had never been in to watch a case, not never been in court. That is the only way her comment made sense.
You'd be surprised. My arrests all pretty much took place in the same town with the same cops busting me over and over again.. I'd been being arrested by these folks since I was 15- they used to tell me to smile when I got my shot taken cuz "why have a bad picture on your record? When you are a career "minor offender", not all arrests are high drama.

She does look funny as h3ll grinning in that mug shot- like it's a yearbook picture lol.

That's exacty what I thought of - a yearbook picture.

For newbies; OLG, we are so grateful for your candor and sharing your trials and tribulations here on WS. To understand is to learn. BUT you tell us from a viewpoint of healing, no bs. ER, imo, is stuck in bs mode. If she ever asked/needed my compassion, I'd give it to her. That's where I'm coming from. (bouncing off of you to express my point of view)
I think any lying she's doing is an attempt at damage control and in the same situation many people would do the same. However, I do agree that if she doesn't have impulse control and does have mental illnesses, drug problems and history of abusive relationships that she should be closely monitored in relation to her child.
Oh, well as I tell DH often, he doesn't know everything! LOL!

No need to write that. Every woman does that. It's part of a woman's DNA. :rolleyes:

The Lady in question has a Three-Year old in her care?? A record like that , I wouldnt be shocked if Child Services isnt already questioning....

I was thinking the same thing. I hope they get there ASAP.

She said she was coming from another courtroom, her SO had been busted for a domestic and she heard about Casey being in the other courtroom and she wanted to "see"

I didn't hear her say her SO had been busted just that she was coming from a domestic courtroom.

BTW, Love your avatar.

Maybe whoever was taking the mugshot said something funny...

Or maybe someone commented that she should have her own room since she is there so often...

Or maybe she just thought of something funny....

Or maybe she's just not sorry for whatever she did and thinks it funny.

A lot of people wearing the orange there.

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