Outrage! - being made to wear pants

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Is it legal for non citizens to file lawsuits? If not, it should be. IMVHO.

They should not get full rights until they become citizens.

This post confuses me. Did you mean they should be able to sue or not be able to sue?
Is it legal for non citizens to file lawsuits? If not, it should be. IMVHO.

They should not get full rights until they become citizens.

So my boss, who holds British citizenship but has legally lived and worked here for 20 years, shouldn't be able to sue if he is legitimately wronged? And the same for my Zimbabwean coworker, who has legally lived and worked in the US for 15 years?

That would give unscrupulous people the right to basically screw anyone who was here legally but did not become citizens. Awesome.
How OLD are you????? :D:D:D:D

LOL, old enough to remember when companies considered their employees "family" ... you know, before they started "downsizing" employees over 50 or those with 20+ years of seniority in a company for younger employees with lower salaries and lower insurance premiums and to save on benefits.
ahh no. I've seen the clothes that these women wear...with the scarves on their heads and loose dresses...and I've seen the machines used to make tortillas and roll them flat. There is no way in a million years I would get near one of those machines wearing clothes like that. I think it's wise to make sure everyone has to wear pants and shirts. They are protecting their employees and themselves. You know that if one of those women would've gotten caught in the machines, the company would've been sued anyways.

I do live in MN and I am so fed up with this stuff. A taxi cab driver that wont pick up a drunk person from downtown Minneapolis? Are you kidding me??!?! Isn't that one of the main reasons that people use cabs? A cashier at a grocery store not checking you out because you bought pork? Sorry...if you are unable to do the job entirely get a different job. As far as the schools go. I'm not religious but there have been so many fights to keep "God" out of schools...so then why is it that when I was in high school, they could wash their feet in the bathroom sinks and pray in the school but when the Christian students fought it, the school's compromise was that they could pray outside in front of the school if they wanted to.....mmmmkay.....
How long will it be before some of these people try to get American men arrested for looking at them or to try and sue churches because men and women congregate together? Will they expect special laws to enforce that? They're trying to change our way of living.
Do other religions have these issues,or is it just Muslims? I think Orthadox Jews regard pork as unclean,but do they refuse to handle it grocery stores? I truelly don't know,just that I never hear of these issues,unless its someone of Muslim faith. Does the media just publicize these things to stir up trouble?
MINNEAPOLIS -- Fatuma Hassan has just enough rice in her near-empty cupboards to make it through the month. The anger she felt when she lost her job in May has given way to a dull, nagging hunger.

Yet this soft-spoken 22-year-old became an unlikely hero within the Somali community when she and five of her Muslim co-workers were dismissed last month from the Mission Foods tortilla factory in New Brighton, Minn., for refusing to wear a new company uniform -- a shirt and pants -- they consider a violation of their Islamic beliefs.

"For me, wearing pants is the same as being naked," Hassan said, noting the prophet Mohammed taught that men and women should not dress alike. "My culture, my religious beliefs, are more important than a uniform."


ed: Wonder what OSHA has to say about wearing a dress around factory machinery?

The company has a dress code. Abide by it or leave. ::shrug::
WTH is going on with all this bs about people wanting jobs BUT DEMANDING to wear what they wish.

I can just see back years ago when I worked at places with dress codes, be it pants and shirt or dress clothes. Now, imagine me refusing to do so. lol. I'd be fired so fast. My employers would NOT be humored.

Why do some think they deserve special considerations when they choose to be here?
It's going too far.:banghead::doh::sick:
Do other religions have these issues,or is it just Muslims? I think Orthadox Jews regard pork as unclean,but do they refuse to handle it grocery stores? I truelly don't know,just that I never hear of these issues,unless its someone of Muslim faith. Does the media just publicize these things to stir up trouble?

No. If a Jew decides to take a job where pork is involved, he/she will do their jobs.
Now, they may wear disposable gloves and wash up after but they do their jobs like they are EXPECTED to.
Hasidic Jews usually work within the Hasidic community.

Very succinct, Paladin.

Before we know it we'll be a third world country.

ding ding ding ding!
And THAT is what seems to be happening.
WE are being TOLD by others what WE should do.
And by "we", I mean the USA.

Look at New Orleans. That poor place is still a mess but if something happens across the world-----the good ole USA is there up at the front wanting to help.

What ever happened to help at home? Take care of the USA FIRST and then do what we can for others?

I truely am glad that I'm at the middle of my life....closer if I take after bio gram and bio mom and I'm actually not sad about it. I'm scared for the future.
Your freedom of religion does not mean that I have to change my life to accomodate you, nor do you have to change your life to accomodate me. I do not believe the employer is required to provide accomodations for every possible religion. I think that an employer is to set their company rules and you can follow the rules or you can work else where. The discrimination comes into place when an employer specifically won't let someone work their because of their beliefs or if an employer starts making rules that target specific groups. I don't think the employer did anything wrong.

You are free to follow your religion. If your job doesn't meet your needs, than find a job that suits your needs better.
It doesn't matter. For whatever reason. If a company-wide uniform policy is put into place, it's the company's perogative to make (or not) exceptions.

And for a factory, I can certainly understand why they don't.

I could understand it if it were a school. Or anything else, actually.

And yet, when I went to elementary school, we got benched if we wore pants!:silenced:
How long will it be before some of these people try to get American men arrested for looking at them or to try and sue churches because men and women congregate together? Will they expect special laws to enforce that? They're trying to change our way of living.

Do other religions have these issues,or is it just Muslims? I think Orthadox Jews regard pork as unclean,but do they refuse to handle it grocery stores? I truelly don't know,just that I never hear of these issues,unless its someone of Muslim faith. Does the media just publicize these things to stir up trouble?

Eating pork isn't the same as handling it. Orthodox are forbidden from eating pork. Also Orthodox Jews do not let men and women pray together, but they aren't out to sue to change the laws of the U.S. or churches.
So my boss, who holds British citizenship but has legally lived and worked here for 20 years, shouldn't be able to sue if he is legitimately wronged? And the same for my Zimbabwean coworker, who has legally lived and worked in the US for 15 years?

That would give unscrupulous people the right to basically screw anyone who was here legally but did not become citizens. Awesome.

They should have been deported a long time ago. Green cards are not given so you can make a living here and claim you live else where. If they have been working here that long they need to be paying Uncle Sam filing taxes as a US citizen.
OK, I'm up late with a migraine, so maybe this won't make sense....

To totally avoid the subject of religion altogether, why can't they show a video and do some training about what happens when you wear dresses around the tortilla machines and suggesting a safer clothing code. Then have everyone sign a waiver stating they understand the risks if they choose to dress in a manner that may be unsafe.

Like I said, I'm on meds so this may not be a workable solution, but it seems to me like it would put the responsibility back on the people who could actually get sucked into the machines...
OK, I'm up late with a migraine, so maybe this won't make sense....

To totally avoid the subject of religion altogether, why can't they show a video and do some training about what happens when you wear dresses around the tortilla machines and suggesting a safer clothing code. Then have everyone sign a waiver stating they understand the risks if they choose to dress in a manner that may be unsafe.

Like I said, I'm on meds so this may not be a workable solution, but it seems to me like it would put the responsibility back on the people who could actually get sucked into the machines...

They'd still find a way to sue. Best to avoid the situation altogether.
OK, I'm up late with a migraine, so maybe this won't make sense....

To totally avoid the subject of religion altogether, why can't they show a video and do some training about what happens when you wear dresses around the tortilla machines and suggesting a safer clothing code. Then have everyone sign a waiver stating they understand the risks if they choose to dress in a manner that may be unsafe.

Like I said, I'm on meds so this may not be a workable solution, but it seems to me like it would put the responsibility back on the people who could actually get sucked into the machines...

:clap: Excellent post Hipmamajen. I think that's a great idea. My only concern is if someone was sucked into a machine, and had worn a skirt knowing the risks, could this endanger another worker who tries to help them or the paramedics? I hope your migraine is better.
Haven't read every post in this thread, but isn't it true that if we visit their country we must abide by their attire?????????
They should have been deported a long time ago. Green cards are not given so you can make a living here and claim you live else where. If they have been working here that long they need to be paying Uncle Sam filing taxes as a US citizen.

They do pay taxes, just like a citizen. You think people with green cards don't pay taxes? My boss is a college professor. His son has (gasp) DUEL British/US citizenship because his mom is American. People here on legal visas are subject to the law just like everyone else, which includes taxes.

If we deported everyone who was here legally, our academic institutions would be in bad shape. In my department alone, we have a Brit, a Tunisian, a Greek, an Australian and a Swede, all of whom get huge chunks of grant money, train graduate students and teach classes in the vet and/or med school.

Citizenship doesn't mean that they claim to live elsewhere. If I take a job at my friend's biotech company in Scotland, I'd keep my American citizenship, but live in Scotland. Both governments would know I lived in Scotland. I'd be protected by Scottish law. That's the way it should be. When I wanted to move back to the US, I'd be able to.

ETA I apologize for my post if your post was sarcastic. I'm not sure if you were serious or not.
OK, I'm up late with a migraine, so maybe this won't make sense....

To totally avoid the subject of religion altogether, why can't they show a video and do some training about what happens when you wear dresses around the tortilla machines and suggesting a safer clothing code. Then have everyone sign a waiver stating they understand the risks if they choose to dress in a manner that may be unsafe.

Like I said, I'm on meds so this may not be a workable solution, but it seems to me like it would put the responsibility back on the people who could actually get sucked into the machines...

It sounds good in theory, except for the risk to others, the damage to the machines, the cost of the rescue operation, the time lost when everything has to shut down to fish the body parts out, and the trauma to all of the other employees who witness it.

I feel for these people who are trying to work and also follow their religion's rules, but something's gotta give!
And yet, when I went to elementary school, we got benched if we wore pants!:silenced:

In my daughter's elementary school, they were required to wear dresses at first, then it changed over to jeans or pants, but they were very specific about what kind of pants/jeans, etc.

Then in their 5th grade, they moved over to uniforms.

I really don't have a problem with it. (I actually wish every school had mandatory uniforms, it seems to make life easier.)

But, I digress.

If your religion is preventing you from working in the public sector, change religions or jobs, it's up to the individual to decide which is more important to them.

It's that simple.

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