Outrage Over Self-Abortion School Project

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White Rain

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Jan 3, 2007
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This woman is beyond sick in the head. She needs mental help ASAP.

A Yale student who claims she artificially inseminated herself "as often as possible" and then took drugs to induce miscarriages for her senior art project says she will showcase the stomach-turning display next week — complete with her own blood samples and videos from the terminated possible pregnancies.
The story of art major Aliza Shvarts' upcoming exhibit, which the Yale Daily News broke Thursday, has sparked widespread disgust and outrage.
"It’s clearly depraved. I think the poor woman has got some major mental problems," said National Right to Life Committee President Wanda Franz. "She’s a serial killer. This is just a horrible thought."
Critics on campus said the display sounds like a shock-and-awe look at the highly sensitive issue of abortion and called it a sick stunt to get attention.
But Shvarts said the goal of the project is to encourage debate and discussion about the connection between art and the human body.
"I hope it inspires some sort of discourse," Shvarts, whose age was withheld, told Yale's newspaper. "Sure, some people will be upset with the message and will not agree with it, but it's not the intention of the piece to scandalize anyone."
more: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,351608,00.html
What a sick and twisted woman! My God! And Yale still plans to let her dispay this?
Too bad she didn't accidentaly abort herslef in the process. I am sure her parents are brimming with pride.I am still not sure how this is defined as art...
To me it sounds like shock factor. If she truly was taking mifepristone and misoprostol then I'd be worried about the health implications if she truly was inducing a medical abortion that many times. The clinic I went to, won't even offer the medical abortion because of the complications, the risks of it not completing etc.

Not to mention where did she get all the sperm? LOL she going up to random guys and asking them to masturbate in a cup for artistic purposes?

ETA - I'm now thinking this is just a hoax for shock factor - not that I'd want to see it, but when it was stated abortions and the like, I thought she was going to have tissue samples, expelled fetus' etc. She's having smears of blood basically on cardboard, she could have been menstruating and took samples of that as sick as it sounds.

I'm not expert on men, BUT I don't know many that would willingly give a woman a sperm sample with the knowledge that he could contribute to a pregnancy and be on the hook w/ not only a child but child support to, combine in, the cost (no matter how trivial) of STD screening and the like, and well something just ain't ringing totally "true":waitasec:

Of course this is all JMO, :crazy:
I am totally 100% PRO-CHOICE but I gotta say...this woman is nuts and what she did should be illegal. Her body or not...she needs to be hospitalized and get a complete psychiatric work-up
To me it sounds like shock factor. If she truly was taking mifepristone and misoprostol then I'd be worried about the health implications if she truly was inducing a medical abortion that many times. The clinic I went to, won't even offer the medical abortion because of the complications, the risks of it not completing etc.

Not to mention where did she get all the sperm? LOL she going up to random guys and asking them to masturbate in a cup for artistic purposes?

ETA - I'm now thinking this is just a hoax for shock factor - not that I'd want to see it, but when it was stated abortions and the like, I thought she was going to have tissue samples, expelled fetus' etc. She's having smears of blood basically on cardboard, she could have been menstruating and took samples of that as sick as it sounds.

I'm not expert on men, BUT I don't know many that would willingly give a woman a sperm sample with the knowledge that he could contribute to a pregnancy and be on the hook w/ not only a child but child support to, combine in, the cost (no matter how trivial) of STD screening and the like, and well something just ain't ringing totally "true":waitasec:

Of course this is all JMO, :crazy:
she will have video taken of her in her bath tub as each fetus passes from her. it will be projected on the walls as you pass through the exhibit.
"I hope it inspires some sort of discourse," Shvarts, whose age was withheld, told Yale's newspaper. "Sure, some people will be upset with the message and will not agree with it, but it's not the intention of the piece to scandalize anyone."
And just what the hell is the message? The only message I'm getting is that she's a freak that should be jailed.
I find it difficult to believe, but in either case...I support locking her up (mental hospital or prison).:furious:
National Right to Life Committee President Wanda Franz. "She’s a serial killer. This is just a horrible thought."

Maybe someone should explain to this Wanda Franz, what serial killers really are.
I have to also question the professor that APPROVED this project...are we sure that this isn't a hoax? IE - maybe her art is depicting that, but it's not true per se on how she came to her project? What about Yale's medical liability? How could she possibly have THAT many pregnancies occur within a NINE month timeframe, and not experience any hemorraging, incomplete abortions etc? Something still isn't adding up to me.

Thanks for correcting the video on the walls, I must have been in too big of a hurry while reading the article for that to sink in LOL.

I'm guessing this is her --

(View of one of her art projects - I don't know if this is related to her current project or if this is a previous one)


I'm sorry, but this is not about being either Pro Life or the Rights for a women to choose. This is about a very sick individual making some very whacked choices for some "upcoming exhibit".

I find it simply disgusting and wrong on ALL levels. If Yale has decided to support and back this up, they have lost all credibility as an institution of great education.

Absolutely disgusting.:sick:
:eek: This is truly disturbing. What a sick world we live in where some people consider self-abortion and starving dogs a form of "art". Give me a Thomas Kinkaide, anyday!! She truly needs psychiatric help, IMO.
I cannot even read the article.
This woman is not an artist, she is a mental case.
She should be locked up in an asylum.
The article at the initial link now says this was all a "creative fiction," and that she didn't actually do this.

I'm still concerned about her mental health.

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