P.I. "Cobra" searches for Haleigh, feels confident there will be a break in case soon

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I posted this on another thread, but this is what I think should be taking place right now for people in or around Satsuma:

Where is Haleigh now? What can we be doing constructively to find her? Evidently, what LE is doing has them no closer to finding her. I want to find Haleigh.

Are people putting out fliers? There should be people handing out fliers to passing motorists on the weekend from the street corners in every surrounding community. There should be fliers tacked up in every business.

There should be searches taking place even if they are privately done. If you have property in or near Satsuma, please take the time to go search your own property as it impossible for others without permission. Look in every outbuilding, look for signs of disturbance by outside sources, and report them. On many cases, I have suggested the media/public have a day set aside for everyone to search their properties to further the cases along.
Hmm. I thought KP was Crystal's lawyer, and therefore what she does for her client is done with her client's okay. But yes, technically, KP brought the PI on board. I hold this to be trivial, since the PI is looking for Haleigh at the behest of one of her parent's, either through the lawyer or no.
Can't someone call the radio station and see if this is a real interview? I think NG or JVM or GVS could easily find out yet we still don't have proof it is real so you almost have to think it isn't.
I hope Cobra is listening to what JR has to say about that night. Maybe the man in black/possible "black man" is the one who took Haleigh and the same one who Misti was seeing. The bouncing couch and squeaky shoes is a part of the whole story. Junior needs to be kept safe ASAP.
Hi guys, Im carring this over because I feel this poster is sooooo RIGHT! I didnt even think of this...if Junior is onto something he IS IN GRAVE DANGER of being taken too to be kept quiet or kept from identifying perpetrator...I just cannot believe I didnt think of this before...he had to have seen or heard something, I know when my kiddies are sleeping when one wakes up which is rare, they will stir the other one a bit! How scary this case is getting!:eek:
I posted this on another thread, but this is what I think should be taking place right now for people in or around Satsuma:

Where is Haleigh now? What can we be doing constructively to find her? Evidently, what LE is doing has them no closer to finding her. I want to find Haleigh.

Are people putting out fliers? There should be people handing out fliers to passing motorists on the weekend from the street corners in every surrounding community. There should be fliers tacked up in every business.

There should be searches taking place even if they are privately done. If you have property in or near Satsuma, please take the time to go search your own property as it impossible for others without permission. Look in every outbuilding, look for signs of disturbance by outside sources, and report them. On many cases, I have suggested the media/public have a day set aside for everyone to search their properties to further the cases along.

hey seriously,
You are so right, people need to be extremely observant of their enviornment right now and should report any changes to le...I wonder if they have been told this or are doing this at all? Im just so surprised we have heard of no evidence or witnesses (maybe everyone is afraid) I dont know..Im hoping we hear something soon I feel so bad for the families on BOTH sides..MOO
why can't i see this video? or audio or whatever? i go to that link and its just a story about lawyers
Hmm. I thought KP was Crystal's lawyer, and therefore what she does for her client is done with her client's okay. But yes, technically, KP brought the PI on board. I hold this to be trivial, since the PI is looking for Haleigh at the behest of one of her parent's, either through the lawyer or no.

Yes, I totally agree. If this interview is true then he seems to be focused on finding Haleigh. It seems that he is working closely with RC in order to try to find her. He talks about RC throughout the whole interview, and it seems they spent a significant amount of time together. Perhaps he relates more to him because he is a father too.

On another note. I think its a great idea to get MC to do a reenactment of the events to try to jog her memory. And I think that he is on to something when he says he thinks she wasn't there. At any rate, I just wanted to state that if she did leave the house that night, I feel maybe this young girl may need some support, if she wasn't there then yes that is a mistake, but she needs to come forth and say that so that LE can rule her out and move on to find Haleigh. At this point I don't think MC hurt Haleigh, I just wish someone would make her feel ok about whatever it is she is hiding so they can get on with the investigation. I fear that they have been wasting time with her inconsistencies. At this point she is just being a roadblock. She making herself look guilty. Maybe she had a visitor she is scared of. Idk. I just wish they could get on with the investigation. I feel that she is misdirecting the focus. Needlessly.
To those that asked, here in Satsuma Haleigh is not forgotten. I for one am always looking going down roads I never go down, but the task is almost impossible due to miles and miles of vacant land and brush. If Cobra is in fact who he claims to be I'd say he has to be upset with RC not getting back in touch with him on Thursday. One has to question whether RC and MC are playing Cobra. Personally I hope they are, because Cobra will nail both of them. Little Misty knows way more than she is willing to tell and Ronald is so out of character not pressing Misty that this whole senerio is starting to stink even more than it already has.
I have seen Cobra's truck parked where he was searching in the woods. I've seen him at Meemaw's around the time he said he was there. It's time to get Ron Jr. out of harm's way before he gets caught up in the s*** hitting the fan.
I have seen Cobra's truck parked where he was searching in the woods. I've seen him at Meemaw's around the time he said he was there. It's time to get Ron Jr. out of harm's way before he gets caught up in the s*** hitting the fan.
Thanks for the insight, nunzio. We've missed you on these threads. It's always nice to get input from the locals.
I have seen Cobra's truck parked where he was searching in the woods. I've seen him at Meemaw's around the time he said he was there. It's time to get Ron Jr. out of harm's way before he gets caught up in the s*** hitting the fan.

Agree! Junior needs to be in a safe place with safe people. The Cummings life style is anything but safe.
Agree! Junior needs to be in a safe place with safe people. The Cummings life style is anything but safe.
OFF TOPIC: Can you point to anything unsafe at TN's home?

Where do you suggest IS a safe place for Rj?
Can you point to anything unsafe at TN's home?

Are any homes safe anymore? With perps coming in and stealing our children while we sleep, it leads me to think there aren't any safe places any longer. That is so sad for us all.

I can somewhat see where the poster is coming from. IF Junior's statements are true RE: squeeky shoes, black man in black, and bouncing couch...he could very well ID someone and that in itself could provoke the perp to want to silence this child.

I don't know if moving him from the Cummings to the Sheffields is the answer, maybe protective custody? Not away from his family but a safe-house of some sort where there is a guard to watch over him. On the other hand, I would dearly hope that if the police believe what JR is saying...then they would have taken it upon themselves to protect a potential witness to an abduction/crime...right?

Didn't mean to answer somebodies else's question....hope you don't mind the butt-in :)

Praying for Haleigh.
OFF TOPIC: Can you point to anything unsafe at TN's home?

Where do you suggest IS a safe place for Rj?

That whole lifestyle is violent by nature, moo!! I don't think GGM Sykes should have something like this put on her either. She looks robust and all, I'm not saying she can't take care of the child - she can, but she is older if someone caused trouble - which could be nothing more than a media ruckus. kwim!

I just feel sorry for a GreatGrandmother having a 4 yr old in this circus. moo
In my opinion, this Cobra dude lacks integrity! Regardless who hired him, etc. the fact that he would induce RC's confidences and then publically air them is not right. Now that he has put out this "interview" Misty can say to RC - I told you so, he is out to get Jr taken and that's all!

This stupid interview has done more harm than good in my opinion and for such a crackshot PI to be so careless about his work is amazing.

This cast of characters is beginning to resemble those in the Anthony case and it is disgusting! Seriously - is every young girl that goes missing in Florida going to be 20-25 people's chance to become famous and on national TV? WTH????

OFF TOPIC: Can you point to anything unsafe at TN's home?

Where do you suggest IS a safe place for Rj?

It's not "unsafe" I guess, but in 1999, Teresa was charged by K. Sykes for making harassing phone calls. Guess it just goes to character at that point, and sure does fit in with the nasty comments she feels she has to make about Crystal any time there is a camera or microphone within 10 feet of her.
OFF TOPIC: Can you point to anything unsafe at TN's home?

Where do you suggest IS a safe place for Rj?

OH!! Junior!! Can't forget about Junior here, LOL!! Actually thats a very good question at this point. I don't think being around this Chad is the answer I'm looking for. Unfortunately the State of Florida may have to decide this.
Are any homes safe anymore? With perps coming in and stealing our children while we sleep, it leads me to think there aren't any safe places any longer. That is so sad for us all.

I can somewhat see where the poster is coming from. IF Junior's statements are true RE: squeeky shoes, black man in black, and bouncing couch...he could very well ID someone and that in itself could provoke the perp to want to silence this child.

I don't know if moving him from the Cummings to the Sheffields is the answer, maybe protective custody? Not away from his family but a safe-house of some sort where there is a guard to watch over him. On the other hand, I would dearly hope that if the police believe what JR is saying...then they would have taken it upon themselves to protect a potential witness to an abduction/crime...right?

Didn't mean to answer somebodies else's question....hope you don't mind the butt-in :)

Praying for Haleigh.

Maybe this is why Haleigh is missing in the first place? Because she witnessed something she shouldn't have? Maybe it isn't an SO?

I agree, everyone needs to be making sure Jr. is safe and out of harm's way. I'll never watch Geraldo again - ever!

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