P.I. "Cobra" searches for Haleigh, feels confident there will be a break in case soon

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Maybe the break in the case has to do with the article below?
Link: http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/nancy.grace/

Monday night exclusive: Haleigh's father Ronald Cummings joins Nancy Grace. Who has the five-year-old missing girl, and has a clue been found on a stretch of Florida highway?
Originally Posted by Tichad3
What happened to the spokesperson?

Family Advocate Out

Kim Picazio, an attorney representing the Sheffield family, released the following statement Saturday.

"Wanted to thank Kruger for her emotional support.... but at this time she is not associated, affiliated or working for Picazio or the Sheffield family." Kruger’s abrupt departure does raise questions. http://www.cbs47.com/content/topstor...Q4r0Kw_EQ.cspx

Well she was effective ... for about a whole 15mins!
Well, Madjgnlaw~ It is certainly a good question NG is asking, but LE said they didn't find anything...so my guess the answer to her lead-in is, "No.". LOL

Still waiting on that "Big Break" Cobra and the "team" keep spewing...not seeing it yet tho. Where is it?!
Im pretty much with Pirate.
Take some of the on air interviews in the beginning of the case.

Some persons interviewed in support of RC/MC were local drug users/small time dealers. Those associations speak volumes of RC's character in my eyes.

I understand what you mean. The fact that Haleigh's biological mother hadn't seen her in two weeks before this happened, didn't have custody and is behind in child support payments speaks volumes about her too.
Maybe I've missed those articles. And I can admit that I tend to be blind to anything positive about him because of what I have learned personally about him. Can you share the links here? I'd like to make sure the judgement I'm making based on local and family accounts is fair to Ron and Misty.

I believe 'player' posted that he lives very near Ron, knows him but not well, and basically stated he seemed to be good guy who loved his kids. I'll see if I can find that post for ya.
Oh, don't get me wrong - I'm glad he's on the case. I just do think he's embellishing his record. By all means, the more folks on the case means the better chance of solving it. And that's a good thing. Just doubtful of his record, not about him being able to help. ;)

He is legit, google him and read all of the reports made about him in the news. I thought he "padded" his resume too but was very surprised to find his long list of accomplishments. He's captured terrorists, drug runners, child molesters, etc... it is all there in reports by ABC, NBC, CBS, 60 Minutes, Dateline, etc.... I think he is the real bounty hunter and I pray he can make a difference in this case. It has been too long, the family needs some answers soon. Bring this little one home.
Quite a record. That's an average of almost a fugitive a day.... I have my doubts.

Google him and find his accomplishments reported on ABC, NBC, CBS, DATELINE, 60 MINUTES, etc. Very lengthy career of 30 yrs. I hope he can bring her home soon!
Overblown statistics=sensation seeker.

This guy may be good, but I doubt he's that good.

Wow so many people with negative opinions of this person who has donated his time and resources. I have posted this same comment three or four times now, Google him. He has a lengthy list of accomplishments reported by ABC, NBC, CBS, DATELINE, 60 MINUTES, etc... Hopefully he can continue his good record and bring Haleigh home.
Wow so many people with negative opinions of this person who has donated his time and resources. I have posted this same comment three or four times now, Google him. He has a lengthy list of accomplishments reported by ABC, NBC, CBS, DATELINE, 60 MINUTES, etc... Hopefully he can continue his good record and bring Haleigh home.

Not me-- I think he looks like he is good at what he does, and if are people that don't want to go to the police because they have legal issues themselves or are afraid to come forward for fear of retaliation, they might feelmore comfortable with the PI. He just has to find them.
If Cobra can use all those devices..good for him, just hearing things around the town in different peoples houses should tell alot..hope he goes to the main bar in town and just sits and listens..that's where u hear alot, since the drinking loosens tongues.:laugh:
Praying that Cobra can help bring Haleigh home. I am so appreciate of all he has done to protect and stand up for children.
If Cobra can use all those devices..good for him, just hearing things around the town in different peoples houses should tell alot..hope he goes to the main bar in town and just sits and listens..that's where u hear alot, since the drinking loosens tongues.:laugh:

Bars, beauty shops and church. That's where the information is. MOO
With as many snakes as appears to be associated with this incident, Cobra would have been better nicknamed "Mongoose."
Wow owing $4k in support is definitely motive to spend the rest of your life in prison :waitasec: My ex was behind for years and owed $22k at one point and just imagine... not one child was kidnapped or turned up missing.

Ron should feel ashamed of himself that this total stranger is donating his services and time to look for Haleigh, all while her own father is shacked up in a hotel in NYC with his 17-yr-old wife, planning weddings, not working and doing who knows what else. Why isn't Ron on the ground combing through woods, going door-to-door, etc?

Ron and Misty are no longer "shacking up" they happen to be married and were married when they went to NYC to do a show. I doubt if their wedding took much planning as it was a small one and besides...the male usually doesn't do much of the planning. They didn't pick the hotel they stayed in...the show did. By being on these shows...they are keeping Haleighs face and name out there.

We don't know that Ron hasn't been out combing through the woods looking for Haleigh. We know that he has borrowed horses and went looking for Haleigh by himself. How do we know that he hasn't already been door to door looking for his daughter? We have no idea how he spends his days. I notice nothing positive was said when Ron was the only one out looking for Haleigh while everyone else sat on their butts in their tent. I haven't heard of Crystal or her stepbrother boyfriend out combing the woods looking. Ron isn't the only parent here that should be out looking.
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