P.I. "Cobra" searches for Haleigh, feels confident there will be a break in case soon

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Wow so many people with negative opinions of this person who has donated his time and resources. I have posted this same comment three or four times now, Google him. He has a lengthy list of accomplishments reported by ABC, NBC, CBS, DATELINE, 60 MINUTES, etc... Hopefully he can continue his good record and bring Haleigh home.

Exactly... clocking and mocking Cobra w/in 48 hours, rushing to criticize--while they themselves do nothing :waitasec: And re "all" those ruthless parents "killing" all their children "every day" over miniscule arrearages, phew... just wondering how they choose which one? Eenie-meenie-miny-mo, I'm mad at dad one's gotta go :confused: JMO
Or maybe they kill them off one by one, until the back support has been caught up and paid in full... :waitasec: but wait, oh yea you can't collect support on children who are deceased. Looks to me as if Crystal's moved on w her life so we can safely rule out jealousy as well as SA by mom... Nope, not seeing alot of motive here. JMO
I was not sure where to post this, so mod's please move where needed.
It's about the fact that now the calls are being transfered to the call center in Canada. I feel this is going to help out a lot in the investigation. If I am not mistaken, please correct me here where I am wrong. In the Anthony case the SA had to give Baez all the tips and then the media put them out for the public view. I have always felt that a lot of people will not come forward in fear that their name will be exposed.

Haleigh callers swamp center In Canada

Yes, she said, for legal reasons to protect the identity of callers.

"We use a Canadian call center because the tipster information and their phone number can never be subpoenaed," DeWees said. "All of our calls are 800 numbers that are forwarded to the Canadian call center." http://www.palatkadailynews.com/articles/2009/03/18/news/news01.txt
Has anyone heard from Cobra? He came into the investigation with such a splash, and, now, not much.
Or maybe they kill them off one by one, until the back support has been caught up and paid in full... :waitasec: but wait, oh yea you can't collect support on children who are deceased. Looks to me as if Crystal's moved on w her life so we can safely rule out jealousy as well as SA by mom... Nope, not seeing alot of motive here. JMO
OFF TOPIC: The motives ARE there and maybe there is a need to step back to see the bigger picture. I realize while blinders are a good way to go about keeping a focus on only what people want to see, they are very detrimental when it comes to solving a case.
I know in one of her inviews, that Misty said that she got up to go to the bathroom and notice the kitchen light on , she never got to the bathroom, she went to the kitchen and seem the door open. So has anyone asked did you ever go to the bathroom? and what bathroom did she use?

The whole bathroom thing bothers me. She says she got up to go to the bathroom. She was asleep and she woke up. From what we've seen of the positioning of the bed, it seems to me she would notice the light on in the kitchen before she even got out of the bed. But she phrases it in a way that suggests she got up, then noticed the light was on in the kitchen.

It would make sense for her to say "I woke up and noticed the kitchen light was on".
What possible difference does it make WHICH bathroom she decided to pee in or why?! Ugh! How does it solve this case? How does it bring Haleigh home? Does seeing the light in the kitchen tell us anything about who took Haleigh really?! No. These details are really very meaningless, imo.
P.I. Searches for Haleigh | Video http://www.cbs47.com/default.aspx

P.I. Searches for Haleigh | Video http://www.cbs47.com/content/topstories/story/P-I-Searches-for-Haleigh/rwX4oL0NrE6kKhoe2vdr-g.cspx

SATSUMA, Fla. -- There's a new investigator on the Haleigh Cummings case. He calls himself Cobra. He's a private investigator from Fort Lauderdale, who is in Satsuma at Haleigh's mother's request.

"In 30 years he caught over 8000 fugitives, 199 child molesters, 2 murderers, and one terrorist," says Cobra. Now his focus is on Haleigh. Thursday, he joined police in their ground search.

P.I. who calls himself Cobra said yesterday that he feels they will have a big break in the case soon.

From what I understand he is working for the Mother of Haleigh free of charge. They don't have a story yet only a video. He feels confident there will be a break in the case real soon. I pray he is right! What frightens me is that they are doing ground searches lately. I pray Haleigh is alive. None of the results have came back from the lab or they did and LE is not sharing. I just hope no decomposition was found in any of the items that LE took in for testing in the past.

Sounds like Dominic Casey. Since I've been MIA for a bit did cs find him or did he insert himself into this case?
He came as a package deal with the new Attorney for CS. In other words...he did indeed insert himself into the case. Pro Bono, of course. ;)
SS :blowkiss:,
In Wis a person rarely goes to jail for Contempt of Court for child support.
My daughters Ex owes over 100 grand on 2 kids......the court 'unfortunately' looks the other way. Wi gives little aide in helping with any type of welfare.
In TX you will spend time in jail. I've known a couple of guys that spent weekends in jail because of not paying child support.
It could just as easily be argued that Ron, tired of paying for a sick child's medical bills, knowing Crystal had fallen behind on her child support (which has attached to it the contempt charge since it was court ordered to pay), planned to kill off Haleigh at the same time Crystal is served to go to court in order to cast suspicion in her direction. Crystal doesn't seem to be driven by revenge. She laid her life out there, hiding nothing, not trying to paint herself better in order for people to be sympathetic. Her past is filled with problems and a lot of those problems happened while she was involved with Ron. She stated what she went through and what she did. She has never said "Ron is a bad dad." She's no princess, but she's hardly Mata Hari, either.

Ron has insurance on the kids so I don't think that would be a motive and how would he know the court was going to file contempt charges on Crystal? Do they tell people that in advance of them doing it?
The whole bathroom thing bothers me. She says she got up to go to the bathroom. She was asleep and she woke up. From what we've seen of the positioning of the bed, it seems to me she would notice the light on in the kitchen before she even got out of the bed. But she phrases it in a way that suggests she got up, then noticed the light was on in the kitchen.

It would make sense for her to say "I woke up and noticed the kitchen light was on".

If I woke up and discovered that my 5 yr old daughter was missing I doubt that I would make much sense either my mind would be racing so fast or it would just be numb. I think we need to put ourselves in this girl's place and really think about how we would act and what we would say. I doubt that we would say things just the way they happened or even remember the way things went step by step. We probably wouldn't make much sense right off the bat either. I know I wouldn't because I would be terrified out of my mind and I wouldn't want to sit down to answer questions and explain every detail of what happened. I would want to be looking for my daughter. I would be a wreck. I don't make it a habit to swear but I might even get a swear word in there too. Instead of questioning me I would want LE to get out there and find my child.
I want to know where the break in the case is and where is the arrest?????? What is this PI doing????

He came as a package deal with the new Attorney for CS. In other words...he did indeed insert himself into the case. Pro Bono, of course. ;)

figures and I see he is working pro bono, too. I have never seen so many kind hearted people in Fla. that work pro bono. Yep, that is sarcasm :rolleyes:
I have done a little searching and it seems he has 2 companies(if I am reading everything right) Hi-rise Repair Corp and Lightning Strike Force

Here is a number of cases that he was attached too in someway in Broward County and one is a Dissoulution of Children and the attorney is Picazio..

here is his PI license with the state of FL

http://licgweb.doacs.state.fl.us/cg...COUNTY=00&LICENSE=C 9600786&STATUS=IND_DETAIL

nothing earth shattering but I know some were curious about "cobra"
The more we learn and see of Ron and Misty, the less likely I think custody will remain with them.

Granted, they may not have belonged with Crystal back then either, but I feel strongly that she has handled Haleigh's disappearance with a great deal of patience. If I were her, I would be on Geraldo and any other show that would have me every night spilling my guts about EVERYTHING I knew and heard about Ron and Misty.

The only people I've heard say anything positive about Ron and Misty are people here who do not know him and their own families.

Can you clarify what you are talking about in your last sentence of your post?
I have thought Crystal has had more of a motive in all of this from the beginning and one of the reasons is that she is pointing the fingers at everyone else and she basically gave up on the children that she is just NOW saying are and were terribly abused?
She has a new daughter that is 9 months old and had left her baby that was only 6 months old?
She is asking for donations for her and her children?
This does not make any reasonable sense to me as how is she taking care of the baby she has and why hasnt she brought this up before now?
They put off her hearing of not paying child support for now while searching for Haleigh. Why put this all on the media.
She is saying that Ron has been living in a tent? She was too and now asking
for donations for the place she is now staying in for free and she already has a home that she should have her not missing child at?
Also she has the motive to have someone take the daughter and then get custody of Jr to get back at Ron?
I PERSONALLY know that Ron will not accept personal donations and that the money from the B of A is going for the reward fund and neither party is allowed that money.
I think Crystal has not been looked at closely enough by us here and that everyone is so apt to blame Misty and Ron.
I am sure hoping that Le is looking closer than most.

I am not taking sides on this case but we should not rule anyone out in this case and the parties that are pointing fingers should be careful in the publics eye..
I am so
for a break in this case!!
What possible difference does it make WHICH bathroom she decided to pee in or why?! Ugh! How does it solve this case? How does it bring Haleigh home? Does seeing the light in the kitchen tell us anything about who took Haleigh really?! No. These details are really very meaningless, imo.

Gosh you've been on these boards for so long I thought you might understand that every nuance deserves to be looked at... especially about ther person who was last known to be with the child. Of course it won't solve the case, but listening very carefully to the story MC has told could be helpful. I really thought you would understand that... I hope I'm helping you a little bit.
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