P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found #2

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Any overhead shot of the Anthony neighborhood shows lots and lots of wooded area, he didn't look at any of that land, he himself says this is the only location he looked.

If he was employed as a PI by Baez then a plausible explanation would be "I am not able to comment on events that led to me documenting this area at this time." The more the whole group speaks the more suspicious they look. moo

There could be multiple plausible explanations. DC gave one.

I have never heard one from the meter man. Rather, he lawyered up, which was smart. Because nobody is buying his storyline.
I don't want to attribute motives to the PI that he might not have had, but this is a truly excellent point. What would be inappropriate about taking pictures of a supposed hangout on an empty lot if it wasn't already known to be or suspected to be a burial ground? Would an investigator really go out there merely to take photos or video to show -- what? That there were no beer bottles, trash, etc. there, to impeach Kio's testimony? Or to show there were such things to prove it WAS a teen hangout? What's the point? You don't have to be a whacked out conspiracy theorist to at least wonder why there was all this interest before the remains were found in the area where they ultimately were found? And why come forward about past acts now? Why did 2 men who are unrelated and don't work together, per DC, just fortuitously show up at this same place to take photos/video on the same day at the same time?

From what DC has said, I glean that he was out there shooting pics (perhaps he had a hunch about the area, or somehow heard about the meter reader's tips). JH got word about DC's hunch. He visits the area too, uninvited by DC. Maybe DC called it "inappropriate" because of the way JH barged in?

Just another of 1,000,000 theories...
From what DC has said, I glean that he was out there shooting pics (perhaps he had a hunch about the area, or somehow heard about the meter reader's tips). JH got word about DC's hunch. He visits the area too, uninvited by DC. Maybe DC called it "inappropriate" because of the way JH barged in?

Just another of 1,000,000 theories...
Sorry...I'm not buying it. Those 2 PI's and everyone associated with the A's are a whacked bunch of folks who can come up with some of the most far-fetched stories I've ever heard in my life!!!!!!!!! All of it is just too coincidental to make sense to me. They're all just trying to cover their own a$$es and it is becoming pretty pathetic.
Sorry...I'm not buying it. Those 2 PI's and everyone associated with the A's are a whacked bunch of folks who can come up with some of the most far-fetched stories I've ever heard in my life!!!!!!!!! All of it is just too coincidental to make sense to me. They're all just trying to cover their own a$$es and it is becoming pretty pathetic.

Not only that but if they had a hunch or tip about the site from the the meter reader tips... why wasn't there photos from other sites... other sites that were tips... other site that people had hunches about such as the airport. There is no coincidence... they knew cause the family or lawyer told them where to shoot.
Not only that but if they had a hunch or tip about the site from the the meter reader tips... why wasn't there photos from other sites... other sites that were tips... other site that people had hunches about such as the airport. There is no coincidence... they knew cause the family or lawyer told them where to shoot.

EXACTLY! forensics will prove that the body has always been there and the fact that they have a video BEFORE Caylee was found only hurts the defense
There could be multiple plausible explanations. DC gave one.

I have never heard one from the meter man. Rather, he lawyered up, which was smart. Because nobody is buying his storyline.

While I know a number of people here at WS are questioning the meter man's story - I have not seen anything saying that LE is not 'buying' his story. In fact the day they had the news conference to talk about the fact that he had called in tips in August, the OCSO spokesman came back to the microphones after the initial Press Conference to reiterate that they believed his story and he was a 'concerned citizen' and not involved in any way. Since that time I have not seen or heard anyone from OCSO say anything that made it seem like they were doubting his story.
DC's explanation is plausible, for it's close to the house and easy to check.

The meter man's story is not believable (nonsense).

Wudge not only are plenty of people buying his story, it could have been any one of us...but now I think plenty of us are saying thank heaven it wasnt me, with all that's being said about him now. I for one am a wanna be sleuther and he was just in a place where he could follow up on his theories.
I know it is not admissable in a court of law but has anyone else thought that the week we did not know who the meter man was that LE more than likely gave him a polygraph exam and he must have passed in order for them to clear him of any wrongdoing as far as the meter man I think it is Case Closed.
Wudge not only are plenty of people buying his story, it could have been any one of us...but now I think plenty of us are saying thank heaven it wasnt me, with all that's being said about him now. I for one am a wanna be sleuther and he was just in a place where he could follow up on his theories.

DC's explanation is plausible. However, in August, the meter man saw something no one else could see. Four months later, he finally decides to pick up the bag that no one else could see. That's malarkey.

He lawyered up for a reason, which is other than people believing his storyline.
I know it is not admissable in a court of law but has anyone else thought that the week we did not know who the meter man was that LE more than likely gave him a polygraph exam and he must have passed in order for them to clear him of any wrongdoing as far as the meter man I think it is Case Closed.

Yes, pointing fingers at the meterman is only a distraction to take away from what the PI's have done, IMHO. Waiting to hear what Jose's response to this will be. He's been unusually silent, as far as I know:confused:
DC's explanation is plausible. However, in August, the meter man saw something no one else could see. Four months later, he finally decides to pick up the bag that no one else could see. That's malarkey.

He lawyered up for a reason, which is other than people believing his storyline.

Wudge...there is a thread devoted to the meter man where you can discuss him....this one is re the PIs.

And, I'm still waiting to hear from you why you thought the explanation was plausible...that is, what relevance would it have to the defence to prove it was a place where kids hang out now???
There could be multiple plausible explanations. DC gave one.

I have never heard one from the meter man. Rather, he lawyered up, which was smart. Because nobody is buying his storyline.

I find his storyline very plausible. LOL, what do you think he did? Do you think maybe he dressed up like ZFG for several years so he could kill Caylee and frame Casey? :crazy:
Seriously, the man called LE 3 times. I'm not sure where you are going with this. Do you think meterman was just screwing with them, and then in Dec. he actually put Caylee's remains there?
We don't have the whole story on this. What we do know is he hasn't been a meterman very long. He was on this route back in August. He saw something white, we don't know what yet, and it was suspicious to him. There were over 2000 tips called in by people who claimed to see something suspicious. Most of these tips did not pan out, but I am sure the people who called them in had curiousity of what it was they saw. We have reports in the docs of some people who found a rope tied to a stick or something buried in the ground, we pondered that for some time. (I read somewhere it turned out to be a bomb :eek:, but that could just be rumor.) We know meterman was then moved off that route until December. Why is it so unplausible this had been nagging at him the whole time, and when he was again in the area, he decided to really look into it? We don't know what he saw in Aug., and if it had anything to do with the case, but it seems to have not been there by the 13th when meterman was actually there with a deputy. If he had a strong enough feeling about the area, of course he checked it out.
As far as the PI's, I find it very suspicious the one area they chose to tape having to do with a dead Caylee happens to be the general location where her body turned up. Something fishy going on here.
So from reading this page I'm getting that KC is innocent of any wrongdoing and the meterman is involved in harming Caylee. This is so backwards!!!
<<<According to Casey, James Hoover now claims his video no longer exists, that he taped over it.

"I would be interested to talking with James Hoover myself," Casey said. "I have over 40 phone calls in to him and he has not returned my phone calls.">>>

That's because he's getting ready to throw you under the bus. :bang:
LOL I thought the same thing. Why would DC expect JH to return his phone calls since they both know what is coming?! It almost sounds like harassment. 40 phone calls in what time period?!
Ok, so now it appears that the defense and DC are throwing Hoover under the bus. They had nothing to do with him. He worked for the A's. So now the defense is in reality throwing the Anthony's under the bus and the guy that worked for him. Is there a tape or not? Does the FBI really have a tape or photos? So now if LE talks to Casey his story is that he was just there checking out a teenage hideout and had nothing to do with Hoover. What a bunch of liars!! How in the world can LE get to the bottom of this?? This case drives me crazy. I have never seen anything like this that no one cares to have the truth of what happened to a lovely 2 year old child that was killed. All they all want to do is hide the truth including her own grand parents. It really stinks. Guess I should be over on the rant thread.
"From what DC has said, I glean that he was out there shooting pics (perhaps he had a hunch about the area, or somehow heard about the meter reader's tips). JH got word about DC's hunch. He visits the area too, uninvited by DC. Maybe DC called it "inappropriate" because of the way JH barged in? "

There were tons of tips on MANY areas.... such as airport, Blancherard Park, THe APT area, and so on. BUT this guy ONLY video taped this area. I think that is more than a hunch.
DC's explanation is plausible, for it's close to the house and easy to check.

The meter man's story is not believable (nonsense).

The MM was in the area doing his job on his typical route on the dates he was supposed to be there. IMO, that's alot more plausable than any reason DC can come up with. The bottom line is DC expects us to believe he was looking for a live Caylee on behalf of the A's in an area a live Caylee would never have been. That is not plausable.
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