P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found #2

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NO- listen- he searched in Blanchard Park from the 7th- 14th- the phone call to LP from the P.I. came on the 15th - so it was AFTER the Blanchard park search- I think this is the biggest turn in this whole case so far- if he knew, why didnt he tell LE? they just let her lay there in the woods? Something is NOT adding up here- What if it is true that they did tell LP? and then the meter reader finds her? hmmmmmmm this is way beyond my thinking now

Exactly....there was big caca going on about his searching at the time. I think he did not take the PI seriously.
will be repeated at 6:00 on CNN HL- LP just explained it all- he told Dominic he better go to LE with this info- LP said he has Nick Savage and FBI to back him up on everything he is telling- but this still doesnt answer half my questions
I suppose that MN's knowledge of anything related to the Caylee case would be subject to attorney client privilege?

Is it at all possible that he would be allowed to talk with LE about what he knows and what compelled him to quit representing the Anthonys without jeopardizing his standing as an attorney?

I don't know where the line is drawn with regard to privilege- I would think that something like the knowledge of where a child's body is- or the knowledge that the parents were lying to the public might be excluded from privilege.

Any legal eagles want to weigh in?
Anything said to him by the Anthony's to MN is confidential and cannot be disclosed unless it could prevent serious harm to another from occurring. If, for example, they stated they knew Caylee was dead or where her body was, MN could NEVER release that info to anybody. Period. Confidentiality laws are very strict. MN is never going to open his mouth about anything he knows.
Legal eagles, tell us this. If a woman accused of murder fessed up and told her attorney where the body was, would the attorney try to manipulate the situation in some way... try to cover it up? A lot of posters on this thread seem to think JB had a hand in this videotaping in efforts to make it look like the remains were not there, etc. I don't know the protocol when a defendent confesses to their attorney (and we don't know if KC has). But I can't imagine JB taking action here. How would it benefit him? He'd be hauled off to prison too... for tampering!

But this theory with MN quitting the A's because he knew all of this stuff was going on is too far fetched to me. I may be alone, but I honestly think MN quit because the A's were ignoring his advice to save face and shut up. They weren't listening to his lawyerly advice.

I don't think JB needed Dr. Lee to tell him there was definitely a dead body in the trunk. He knew, just as we all did. I don't think Dr. Lee's assessment would have spurred any big action on JB's part.

An attorney would be in very serious trouble if he or she did so - disbarred and obstruction charges. I don't know any attorney who would do so.
Anything said to him by the Anthony's to MN is confidential and cannot be disclosed unless it could prevent serious harm to another from occurring. If, for example, they stated they knew Caylee was dead or where her body was, MN could NEVER release that info to anybody. Period. Confidentiality laws are very strict. MN is never going to open his mouth about anything he knows.

When MN gave a statement after he quit he said the A's had every right to continue hoping Caylee was alive.This was in the midst of the mall sighting and the CA sighting the A's talked about on LKL.If MN thought the A's knew where Caylee was at that time I don't think he would have made those comments.I think he was fed up with them talking.
Anything said to him by the Anthony's to MN is confidential and cannot be disclosed unless it could prevent serious harm to another from occurring. If, for example, they stated they knew Caylee was dead or where her body was, MN could NEVER release that info to anybody. Period. Confidentiality laws are very strict. MN is never going to open his mouth about anything he knows.
I will never understand the law in this regard. To know where the remains of a body are and not be able to tell is wrong on so many levels. The truth should win over rights in that situation.
I will never understand the law in this regard. To know where the remains of a body are and not be able to tell is wrong on so many levels. The truth should win over rights in that situation.

I don't get it either, in fact I really don't think that all these people are protected. At some point someone has a responsibility to tell LE. I may be thick on this point but I intend to stay that way.

There is no way that an entire group of people know where the dead body of Caylee is and none of them are required by law to do something about that, no..that just can't be true.
Could the PIs faces charges if they know this area was going to be crime site?
What if somthingwas found( like a buiness card) at the site and could be connect to one of the pi also connect to the Anthonys home. I assuming they both have been in the house. ( I hope this make sence)
Anything said to him by the Anthony's to MN is confidential and cannot be disclosed unless it could prevent serious harm to another from occurring. If, for example, they stated they knew Caylee was dead or where her body was, MN could NEVER release that info to anybody. Period. Confidentiality laws are very strict. MN is never going to open his mouth about anything he knows.

I will add that if MN had been told by CA or GA that they intended to commit a crime (or fraud), MN could be compelled to disclose that communication.
An attorney would be in very serious trouble if he or she did so - disbarred and obstruction charges. I don't know any attorney who would do so.

Thank you, gitana. Let's all keep this in mind when we're trying to dissect what happened here.
I will never understand the law in this regard. To know where the remains of a body are and not be able to tell is wrong on so many levels. The truth should win over rights in that situation.

I can understand the frustration, but its a case of where to draw the line. Once rights are removed it becomes very hard to get them back.

It's kind of like the same way the NRA works to protect gun ownership rights. They will do all they can to oppose any laws that cause even the slightest infringement of those rights, knowing if they give an inch they give a mile.

While on a personal level I know that some of those proposed laws would likely end up saving lives, I do at the same time fully support the NRA's position to protect those rights as an example here.
I think this PI video tape stuff certainly opens things up for lots of speculation. More and more I have this gut feeling that so much of what we have thought about this case is going to be turned on its ear.

I have thought for quite awhile that Casey was responsible, my only questions were motive and/or accident rather premeditated. All of that was weird enough by itself. Now things are really getting really weird.
In this article above it says Dominic told LP on the 15th that they found the body- LP left to go back to California the 16th-or the Sunday after the 16th which someone just told me- Why would LP leave to go back to Calif. if he was told they found the body- wouldnt he have stuck around?????? and why would the P.I.'s just leave the body there for a month until the MR discovered it- am I missing something here? Wouldnt the P.I.'s be in trouble for not telling LE they found the body or LP for not telling LE that the P.I. found the body?

The article is confusing because it sounds like Dominic called LP on the 15th; however, LP is actually quoting the other PI (Hoover) regarding a conversation he (Hoover) had with Dominic on the 15th. Sounds confusing until you watch the video. Not sure what date LP talked to the PI though.

I posted this in another thread, but maybe it would've been more appropriate here. (Sorry, still new and figuring the posting stuff out.)

Basically, I'm wondering if anyone else thinks that LA may have moved the bag shortly before the video was shot (if the video truly depicts what they claim it does)? His attorney has come out making some pretty bold statements as to his innocence, and if the talking heads on tv are right -- this probably means he's afraid that LE really does have something on his client.

If that is the case, could it be that he moved the bag before (and again after) the tape was made?

If not, what is he hiding? Any ideas? He has been fairly uncooperative from the start (not giving his DNA or fingerprints until forced to), but the latest from his atty seems odd, unless he really does have something big to hide.

What do you all think?
Sounds plausible, but I still don't see why the PI's would go out and videotape the area in the first place. What does it accomplish? Who does it benefit? All it does is put them in a precarious situation with LE, as they are now.

If this all turns out to be true than the videotape probably wasn't the goal. The PI (according to LP) said that she was dead and they were going to go get her. They just didn't find her, the MM did.
ITA. I think on Nov14 after Dr. Lee looked at the car and told JB in no uncertain terms that there was a dead body in the trunk, JB went to KC and told her to come clean. He then got word back to the A's and the PI's and had the PI's go out and video tape the general area so they could see if the bag was visible now that the vegetation had started to die off. I don't think it was taken to support a defense of "look, the body wasn't there on 11/15 so my client couldn't have done it" but was taken to assure themselves that the body was hidden well enough and wouldn't be found. You'll also notice that this is about the time that MN quit. I speculate that he found out that the A's knew about the location of the body and that they were going to keep quiet about it and he didn't want to be a part of that crime so he quit. Everything was going along fine. The A's were still able to play the "Caylee is still alive, please send us money to help search for her", they could still pretend that KC was innocent. Then along came Roy on 12/11 and screwed their plans all up. Now everyone's getting nervous about being charged, they're asking for immunity and lawyering up and they're just waiting for the other shoe to drop. The PI that has the video figures he better leak it to the media and take the stance that "I didn't know the reason they asked me to video tape that area. They just told me to go to Suburban Dr and video tape the swamp on the south side of the road"

***the above is purely speculation on my part, but like any puzzle, if the pieces fit.....*****

:clap::clap::clap: This post makes the most sense to me of any so far! :)
Ok how bout this..
There was a leak from JB's office thru Joy or her hubby that is said to work for JB, that the body was in that area. DC figures He will go find the body, get the reward and fame etc. Plus have it filmed by H the PI so they can sell the video. But somehow the exact location is not easy to find and they cant find the body they were told was in that area. .. so they gave up and didnt say anything till the body was found..

its a odd theory but no odder than the rest .
shakes head
In terms of attorney/client privilege, which I agree is an important right that must be protected, but I have a problem trying to understand a few things.

We have a PI hired to make a video tape that for the sake of argument is done so under that privilege umbrella. If it is privileged how does this get leaked? Who leaked it? An attorney can be disbarred or worse for violating this privilege, does this also apply to the PI?
In terms of attorney/client privilege, which I agree is an important right that must be protected, but I have a problem trying to understand a few things.

We have a PI hired to make a video tape that for the sake of argument is done so under that privilege umbrella. If it is privileged how does this get leaked? Who leaked it? An attorney can be disbarred or worse for violating this privilege, does this also apply to the PI?

According to LP it was leaked by Hoover, and if it does fall under the umbrella of privilege I am not sure what you can do to a PI for violating it? It wouldn't help their professional reputation for sure. If the prosecution found the tape to be useful Baez might be able to keep it out since it was obtained under privilege... but the PI violated that privilege by talking to third parties. The tape should be fairly worthless in the Casey trial so overall it might not matter. If George and Cindy knew, and depending on when they knew, it is probably better evidence against them.
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