P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found

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A fellow sleuther had suggested at one time Caylee may have been placed in one of those bags that you vacume the air out of. Space Saver bags. That may be why LE took all the vacume cleaners from the A's home.

I think the body may have been in a pillow case. Maybe that is why it changed color from when the MR first saw it, It could explain the beeline to the Ant house to look for linens missing and also maybe that is what is cut out of the MR phone call? maybe he says case?
i don't think they can go shooting willy nilly in a populated area (even though they were in a wooded area of a populated area)..a snake slithers and moves in under stuff, it's not like its a big loping moose or something...a snake would be a much harder target to hit.

The officer would not have been shooting willy nilly. Snakes are not that hard to shoot. We have water moccasins and my boys and nephews have shot and killed them since they were about 5 years old with pellet guns.

I'm sure that his superiors would have been understanding about the shooting of a couple of snakes if it meant finding Caylee's body. Because this guy didn't look farther, eviedence that was contained in the bag-fingerprints and who knows what else-may have been lost because the bag tore and the contents were exposed to the elements. If he were my employee, he'd be looking for a job.


How do we know that this PI shot video in this exact location?
Or they thought the vacuums might contain dirt from the burial site (fallen from shoes and clothes). Now that they have a burial site, they may have tons of soil samples. I'd check Casey's clothing for EVERYTHING. For heaven's sake, the hair of an-already dead victim was found inside the accused's car. I hope they bring in soil and pollen forensic experts. Orlando in June and July? Lots of plant activity then. I'd even want to know what plants/trees, in the area of the burial site, were producing pollen in the area of the burial site and whether Casey's clothes had any of such pollen on it.

I daresay we will know it all when it comes to the plant life/soil of florida. I'm anxious to see if those vacume cleaners hold a treasure trove of evidence.
I don't recall hearing about this! Do you remember anything else about this?

I remember that! Didn't Lee come along and pick him up a little ways down from the house?
Maybe they will do a lottery for the seats. if they do I coming to Orlando. I asked my ex if I could stay with him and his wife.

Oh, I so want to see it; I am afraid, though, that it will be so many years down the road for a verdict that I might need a walker, respirator, dna resussitation per Jurassic Park.

We can hope, though! :)

House of cards, wolves on wolves in a famine. nice.
I think the body may have been in a pillow case. Maybe that is why it changed color from when the MR first saw it, It could explain the beeline to the Ant house to look for linens missing and also maybe that is what is cut out of the MR phone call? maybe he says case?

Very true. It could have been white at one time and due to outdoor conditions/ weather/dirt turned gray. Yes, that could very well be why LE beat feet to the A's to check out the linens. Where did the plastic bag and the duct tape come in? Would she duct tape the pillow case? The first reports I heard, they said the MR picked the bag up and the skull fell out, if it were a pillow case this would mean it had torn. Anyone care to elaborate?
I have read everything on this thread. Please consider post 379?


Steed secretly has a plan.
Good point.

But -- wasn't that area still under water at that time????

It had just "emptied out" in the 2 or so weeks prior to poor little Caylee being discovered there.
It's WFTV.

nuff said.

This is Channel 9 Chilly...are you confusing them with Channel 12? I know Channel 12 is the one that Baez accused of being tabloid news and I would tend to agree somewhat, but Channel 9 does not have the same reputation do they?

I really don't think the Anthonys would knowingly let Caylee lay rotting somewhere and not do anything. They loved that little girl... how could any loving grandparent do that to a grandchild they adored? I don't believe they knew where she was all that time... I just can't go there.

Wouldn't they? Let's see.
They ignored the decomp evidence that they both (all 3) SMELLED.
They ignored the forensics that said it was HUMAN decomp.
They ignored the hair that was Caylee's that came from a CORPSE.
They ignored all of Casey's lies about the "nanny".
They ignored the TRUTH in favor of LIES every single time there was a choice.
They WOULD have left Caylee there until such a time as they could figure out how to move her without getting caught. Love? I doubt that any one of that family knows the meaning of the word!

They clearly love Casey more than they loved Caylee. That is evident in their actions and words throught the time Caylee was missing.

They did not "love" either one of them, but KNOWING that Caylee was lost they were trying to preserve Casey so THEY would not be deprived of their only daughter. This kind of disfunctional family does not experience "love" like your normal Joe Bloe. To them it is all about the CONTROL and the APPEARANCE and the warm fuzzy feeling that THEY receive from the object of their love...it is never about the individuals personal growth and well being and what might be best for them...it is always a game of chess with this "type" and the people are the pawns, unfortunately. I have no doubt they loved Caylee in their own way, but THAT way is as far from "textbook" love as one can get!

They would be perfectly happy to let Caylee's murderer go unpunished and unidentified if it would keep their damaged daughter out of prison.

Because they KNEW that Caylee's murderer WAS Casey and they were trying to preserve what was left of their dignity and honor and respect by attemtping to exonerate their daughter. It was not really about saving Casey, and still is not. It is about saving face, a thing which is more valuable than GOLD to Cindy.

Of course they wouldn't. According to all sources, the area was underwater up until a week and a half before the body was found. The article makes no sense at all. Can anyone make sense of these quotes, supposedly by Carlos Padilla?

"We will definitely look into that, absolutely," said Carlos Padilla, Orange County Sheriff's Office.

"They know the existence of the tape and want to look at all evidence that's available," Padilla said.

Who is 'they' if it's not 'we'?

To me it sounds as if he means the detectives who are investigating when he says "they" and includes himself as a member of the sheriff's office when he says "we".

Why would he have gone out to film the area? That must certaily doesn't gel with the "Caylee Alive" theory.

To see if she WAS visible anywhere that THEY could discover themselves because they KNEW where she was.:eek:

I think they are more interested in knowing who told him to go to that area. When he did is not as important as why he did.

I agree completely. Why did they need to film in the EXACT location that Caylee was discovered and who told them to go there?

I'm not seeing the big deal here. IF the guy taped the area and didn't see anything, so what? LE was out there a number of times and didn't see anything. There's the question of why he was in that particular area, of course. WFTV failed to mention what his reason was. Maybe he filmed many areas near the Anthony home.

Can anyone reasonably think that George and Cindy had him film the area and then moved Caylee there after it was filmed? The body was obviously there at the time he filmed, he just missed it.

Obviously he was LOOKING for it and missed it...that is the interesting part-THAT he was looking at all right there in that EXACT spot.:waitasec:

What about the lady from TES who has photo's of the area? How come so many people and search dogs keep missing the spot? She was so close to the road.

It was underwater until around the time of the discovery. Tim Miller lost an entire 4-wheeler in there, completely submerged. That is why they called off the search there. He knew they would push her down in the mud and they might NEVER find her if they continued.

I think the Anthonys did know where the remains were. Or at least a general location. I think some of the 'code' that KC gave Lee was trying to tell him where the body was. I believe the body wasn't easily seen by that time. Even if this PI did film the area doesn't mean he was in this exact area or that the remains didn't shift with the hurricane that came thru.

I agree completely. There is something hinky about this entire case and has been right from the start.

Now this article I find interesting. Although it doesn't mention the videotape, in reading between the lines it appears that Baez believes PI Casey and, I would assume, his partner Hoover (who did the filming) used privileged information in some way. Did Casey A. tell Baez where she put the body?

That is the million dollar question. If she did it was his DUTY to step down and allow another attorney who did NOT know the truth defend her. You cannot LIE, even as an attorney-you are bound by the oath of TRUTH. You can color the truth and twist it around but you cannot brutally LIE to defend your client. It is completely unethical and utterly illegal.

The Anthony's didn't love Caylee enough to keep her safe and they didn't love her more than KC. CA must save KC at all costs. IF CA had loved Caylee enough she would NEVER have let KC take her off at nite to spend the nite in various boyfriends beds, laying around on couches at parties where there was booze and drugs and who knows what else and sleeping where? In the trunk of the car??? CA didn't care enough about Caylee to find out what sort of life the poor child was leading. Caylee was a VERY abused child. I wish to God someone had called child protective services long ago.


If the remains were not visible in August, then how did the meter man see the bag?

He saw A bag, not necessarily THIS bag. The bag that he saw may not have been the one the remains were in. I think more of why he wanted it checked out was a SMELL. Even the neighbor there had reported a smell and apparently an animal was found and that was that. :confused:

I bet Baez also knew the body was in that area. I bet KC told them all and Baez has been hiding it all this time. Isn't that illegal?

When MM made the 2nd (?) call he wants them to know he saw something "white & round"..Why is this important in re: to Caylee's remains & what is he trying to say without saying it?..I thought at the time (& still do) he thinks maybe it's the SKULL..The same SKULL he says fell/rolled out of the bag when he finally did get close enough to investigate the contents..But how the heck did the skull get back INSIDE the bag four months later?.There's just no way unless someone placed it there.

But who & why?

I honestly do not believe this scenario but had to throw it out there anyway.
Very true. It could have been white at one time and due to outdoor conditions/ weather/dirt turned gray. Yes, that could very well be why LE beat feet to the A's to check out the linens. Where did the plastic bag and the duct tape come in? Would she duct tape the pillow case? The first reports I heard, they said the MR picked the bag up and the skull fell out, if it were a pillow case this would mean it had torn. Anyone care to elaborate?

A certain poster once again diverted convo (good for adversary, devil's advocate). Amusing, but tends to make real inquiries off point. Please refer to my post 379, all posts of PotatoHead, Magic-Cat, etc.

Meter man is not not the point. Date of filming. Client. See it?

Remains are remains. No matter where found, by whom, etc.

Again, how did the PI know to go there? Based on what info? Who told him?

[facts: the psychic vid is close but not the site, the teenager's vid is during body recovery)

My thoughts; (If indeed the tape of the exact spot exists)

A. The defense is just trying to say that Caylees remains werent there then, and someone dumped them there later hoping to prove it wasnt Casey but the imaginary Nanny again. (another words bogus).

OR B. If they did video tape the exact spot, WHY? Because then someone else is involved in the event her remains werent there, and then they were. Making a "cover up" for Casey ie one of the Anthonys or someone associated TO Casey moved the remains.
Yeah, I guess this is really the heart of the matter. But I think if the video somehow showed CLEARLY that the body was definitely not there and it could be shown that the video was taken a month ago....that would be great news to the defense. They would argue (with good reason) that the victim was dumped there at a time when the accused was sitting in jail. They'd argue it is reasonable to infer that the person(s) who dumped the body is the person(s) who killed the victim. So LE would need to show someone connected to Casey dumped the body there. Plus....even if a person connected to Casey dumped the body...that wouldn't mean (by itself) that Casey killed her. Perhaps the one who dumped the body (example - Lee, but just as an example) killed the victim? If Lee dumped the body, Casey wouldn't have to "prove" that Lee killed her in order to be entitled to the inference that Lee killed her. So in my mind, it's going to be important to see what the alleged video shows of the burial spot. (Though even if it does, I doubt the video will eliminate the possibility that poor Caylee was buried underneath the vegetation shown in the video. There have been so many bodies found tucked under groundcover vegetation and nothing seems amiss so that folks searching for the person don't even see the body lying there).
Until LE states exactly who it was or states that it was not a detective, I'll stay with the initial reports of the person being a detective.
I don't know if this has been answered, but it was a deputy from the sheriff's office. I have no idea, though, if they have detective deputies.
A certain poster once again diverted convo (good for adversary, devil's advocate). Amusing, but tends to make real inquiries off point. Please refer to my post 379, all posts of PotatoHead, Magic-Cat, etc.

Meter man is not not the point. Date of filming. Client. See it?

Remains are remains. No matter where found, by whom, etc.

Again, how did the PI know to go there? Based on what info? Who told him?

[facts: the psychic vid is close but not the site, the teenager's vid is during body recovery)


I think you meant post 378, not 379, but I've read the other one several times now. :)


Sorry about bold.

Don't forget, there are two news entries, here, but inferences follow.

1) JB, most esteemed, asks for court master in LE questioning of PI Dominic C

2) Hoover, Dominic C employee, allegedly filmed discovery site in last 10 days of November, to WFTV (love their acronym).

3) JB contract with Dominic C firm ended October 1. Investigators retained then, by A family.

4) If Hoover filmed site, led to by A family. See above dates.

5) Privilege does not attach to A family. But it does to anything Dominic C company employees learned, saw, etc. during time of contract with esteemed JB, because he is a lawyer with a client under severe charges. To wit, film and info is fair game for LE.

6) Meter Man/attempts/color of bag/bleh does not matter, forensics do. Entymology. How about that duct tape sticky side? Bet it has some nice high prints of a certain person.

7) Where did the info come from? Dominic C visits with KC (many on the roster)? No. Why? Left JB employment Oct 1; why wait a month to film the site? Hokey, but maybe: reputed messages, conveyed by JB to A family, possibly hints in jailhouse vids seen by us, others known by LE. Going with messages, for obvious reasons. But why tell? Oh! For story of PI cameraman: "Nothing here." hahahaha. [Not]

8) Anthonys and immunity and why not subpoenaed yet: from what I gather, according to Chezhire and others on the C and G testimony thread, LE is putting off sub. Why? Because a subpoena entitles the bearer to automatic immunity when giving testimony. If they don't have one, but are called habeas corpus etc, they are danged. LE / SA is playing it now....

9) PI film in mid November of site, and discovery of remains site 11 December = Happy Dance, LE! Well deserved....for all the defiance (thanks, SS for the tip about A family DEFIANCE. Good catch!)

: )
I would be so grateful if you could find the 8/12/08 phone call where Roy K says the color of the bag. This has bothered me since I first heard the phone call.

This isn't too helpful but is what I remembered/heard, no mention of a 'bag' but something white.


"KRONK: But there`s a stretch of road there that goes from, like -- from where the start of the road is down to a school. And in between on either side, there`s a swamp. And if you`re heading back out towards the main road, on the left-hand side in an area, I noticed something that looked white. And there was -- I don`t know what it is. I`m not telling you it`s, you know, Caylee or anything of that nature.

I called this in yesterday. I don`t know if this is what y`all looked at today or not. But on the way back up, I stopped in the middle there, where there`s a swamp. There`s a -- if you`re coming out, there would be a fence on the right-hand side and just open, you know, swamp area on the left-hand side.

I went down -- well (INAUDIBLE) I went down, and behind one of the trees was a (DELETED) and it looked rather suspicious. I didn`t touch anything. And then a little bit further up, you can tell where someone ran across it with a mower, but the weeds are still real high in that area. There`s a fallen tree that it looks like someone had tried to cut on it at one point. But there was a white board hanging across the tree, and there was something round and white underneath of it. And I don`t know what it is, but it just didn`t look like something that should be there."
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Actions DO speak louder than words. The only action I saw was driving a bill board around, putting a money jar out, tv & print interviews, hose spraying, name calling, crazy guilty acting, accusing everyone, claiming KC is MOTY. I did not see, begging, pleading, crying, searching.

And furthermore, why would they have these conversations in the presence of the PI's hired to follow-up on 'Alive' tips?

Again, recall that CA said on LKL the night before Caylee's remains we found, that these same PI's were finding out that KC's lies were true.

Hate to keep hammering that point home for those who wish to ignore it, but it is relevant.
...which leads me to think they concocted some unbelievable stories to counter what the prosecution will present.
I don't recall hearing about this! Do you remember anything else about this?

I just read something yesterday about that but I'm sorry to say, I can't recall what link/website I was on! It was said to be the day of the incident involving the teens who had found a string tied to a stick that led into the ground which supposedly turned out to be a bomb :crazy: always thought that was a bit suspect, anyhow the boys saw a PO looking around the area where they had seen it the previous day, told him/her about it and led them to it. IIRC that was on August 3rd, sometime in the late afternoon into the evening. That was the time/day supposedly GA was seen leaving his house and going out on a walk.
...which leads me to think they concocted some unbelievable stories to counter what the prosecution will present.
Ironic, isn't it? They seem to be throwing out outlandish scenarios to defend a suspect who lived on outlandish scenarios. This may be the latest in Defense tactics, "the KC Defense."
the kid across the street told a reporter that that particular spot had been under water until approx. a week to two weeks prior to the discovery of the bones.

I heard that interview too and according to the FEMA maps the whole area behind Hope Spring all the way down that side of Suburban is within a flood plain.


And then look at the 2008 rainfall for June-August compared to the 2007 totals for the same time period.


I have no doubt it was a swampy mess there.
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