P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found

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I am wondering why JB wouldn't be thrilled that a video existed of the site that supposedly shows that the body wasn't there in November. Wouldn't that be GOOD for the defense? Of course it would. It seems like he should be happy at that thought. But instead he seems panicked and is rushing to get in there and make sure they don't "release any privileged information". They haven't been working for him for quite a while from what I understand. So just what is he thinking they will say that would be privileged? The only thing that I can think of is that Casey said something that lead them there.

I have thought the same thing, and if Casey did tell something that led them there, then Baez is just giving himself away, lol, maybe that is what he is trying to do, he knows he is screwed either way and can't handle it, just maybe he is trying to get himself thrown off the case instead of having the guts to step down the right way.:confused:
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Actions DO speak louder than words. The only action I saw was driving a bill board around, putting a money jar out, tv & print interviews, hose spraying, name calling, crazy guilty acting, accusing everyone, claiming KC is MOTY. I did not see, begging, pleading, crying, searching.


I could believe that if it were not (seemingly) verified that this video was indeed from November. I don't think that the P.I.s would have had the forethought to film this area for the purpose of further emotional blackmail.

But they could have had some INSIDE information and were working on "setting something up"...It happens all the time in this lovely world we live in. :)

I don't think that's fair. The G & C had no legal right to stop KC from taking her daughter where she chose. They provided for her in every way possible, but they were limited as to what they could do. I am sure KC didn't tell them she was spending the night at men's homes, etc.

I support my sister in those same ways because I really love her daughter. And it is very frustrating to me that I still can not stop my sister from doing stupid crap that endangers the little girl. Matter of fact, I have even called CPS to see what I could do to prevent certain actions and unfortunately, there is not a thing I could do unless I could specifically document the little girl being injured or abused...and I can cite worse things than the Anthony's probably suspected.

While I agree that G & C are and have been trying to save KC, it is unfair to say they didn't love Caylee. They DID love her...very much.

George and Cindy had EVERY right to set rules in their own home and to expect those who lived in their home to abide those rules or to leave. They further had even MORE sayso over Caylee and Casey due to the fact that they were Caylee's complete source of support. Casey did not ever even buy Caylee any diapers and we know this from her own closest relative-her brother Lee. Casey's parents had exactly the same duty and responsibility that we all share as parents-to teach our children to exist in society and to contribute TO society and to abide by the laws of our land. Instead of doing THIS they allowed her to go on and on in lies and theft and all manner of deceptions and manipulations while they looked on and ignored EVERYTHING and actually rewarded her for her ill deeds by continuing to support her and her daughter. If they had acted as reasonably responsible parents they would have FORCED Casey to tow the line a little or to make the choice to support her OWN self. It is an honorable thing for you to try to "support" your sister due to your love of her child, but in the end, it will not help much. Takers continue to take as long as givers keep giving and you will find when you STOP giving the takers no longer even have anything to do with you. I know because I have lived it myself, and in the end, the parent is the ULTIMATE influence on the child, even when there is a good example standing by with love and support on the "outside". Condoning wrongdoing as Cindy and George have done and actually rewarding it is not love-it is SAVING FACE plain and simple. They love themselves is who they love.
i thought the 3rd call, an officer met mr kronk and BOTH of them were unable to find the bag? because of snake? whatever dumb reason...they BOTH did not locate the bag.

for those who support the theory that bag was recently moved...what was mr kronk reporting in august? so, how does that work? he calls and reports a bag that was NOT there in august....months later he somehow locates the bag, and then takes it to spot that he reported in august???? that just does not make sense.

the bag must have been there and been overlooked. as ridiculous as that sounds, it sounds more credible than someone planting it in the EXACT spot that mr kronk had reported 3 times in august and then finally in december. imo
sorry, still don't think any cop is going to start shooting at snakes on the ground or in the water, a crocodile maybe, but only if it had one of them by the leg.

regarding the part i bolded, hindsight is 20/20, isn't it?
there has to be a reason LE weren't really taking this guy seriously, maybe because he couldn't pin down an exact location, get the street name correct, i don't know..but i don't think LE are at fault here.

They do here in Texas. ;) Esp. if it's a rattlesnake.
Here's where Kronk say's it ...http://www.myfoxphilly.com/myfox/My....jsp?contentId=8132676&version=1&locale=EN-US

1st call - He see's something white.
2nd call - He talks about a board and something white and round underneath it.
He's also very reluctant to call the tip line in case they find a dead body and then he chuckles.

Yep - that's what I remember. But I don't think it is really all that relevant. Caylee WAS there...whether he saw her in August or not. What remains to be seen was whether LE investigated his tips fully or not. We know they responded, but we don't yet know exactly what they did out there and whether or not Mr. K was satified after the third call. Perhaps he was satisfied and that is why he didn't call again or come back until December! We just don't know. I honestly don't care that much - I think it would be easy to miss the body...and it doesn't mean that LE wasn't doing their job if they did miss it on these calls.
Here's where Kronk say's it ...http://www.myfoxphilly.com/myfox/My....jsp?contentId=8132676&version=1&locale=EN-US

1st call - He see's something white.
2nd call - He talks about a board and something white and round underneath it.
He's also very reluctant to call the tip line in case they find a dead body and then he chuckles.

Yep - that's what I remember. But I don't think it is really all that relevant. Caylee WAS there...whether he saw her in August or not. What remains to be seen was whether LE investigated his tips fully or not. We know they responded, but we don't yet know exactly what they did out there and whether or not Mr. K was satified after the third call. Perhaps he was satisfied and that is why he didn't call again or come back until December! We just don't know. I honestly don't care that much - I think it would be easy to miss the body...and it doesn't mean that LE wasn't doing their job if they did miss it on these calls.
Either I am confused or this search for Caylee was a real FUBAR.

Tim plans a search in the area, but loses a 4 wheeler in the area and cancels the search. In Aug. the meter man finds a bag, and it takes 3 calls to get someone out to look at it, nothing found (why didn't the meter man look in the bag?). Nov. the PI allegedly films the area. And then Dec. the bag with Caylee's remains was found by the same meter man who called in the previous tip. Info at the time said that the area had been under water until recently (but the meter man and the PI were separately in that area in the mean time).

I don't see that the PI story will help the defense all that much though. Either the video will show the area where the remains were later found, without the remains- which would make me question how the PI knew to film that exact area out of the whole woods. Did they film the area and wait until KC was otherwise occupied and alibied to move the remains there? Or are they going to say that the "nanny" let them know exactly where the remains were going to be left? IOW were they setting up the story they would use later? Or the video won't show the exact area, and won't prove anything.

I do agree with Wudge though (imagine that.) Defense will try to use this video to show the LE incompetence, though I don't know that that will make any difference in the end result at trial.
Yep - that's what I remember. But I don't think it is really all that relevant. Caylee WAS there...whether he saw her in August or not. What remains to be seen was whether LE investigated his tips fully or not. We know they responded, but we don't yet know exactly what they did out there and whether or not Mr. K was satified after the third call. Perhaps he was satisfied and that is why he didn't call again or come back until December! We just don't know. I honestly don't care that much - I think it would be easy to miss the body...and it doesn't mean that LE wasn't doing their job if they did miss it on these calls.

I agree with you. I saw Patty G's post and she was wanting a link. I have a feeling someone is going to spill the beans before long because there are so many people involved and one of them is dying to talk.
I have thought the same thing, and if Casey did tell something that led them there, then Baez is just giving himself away, lol, maybe that is what he is trying to do, he knows he is screwed either way and can't handle it, just maybe he is trying to get himself thrown off the case instead of having the guts to step down the right way.:confused:

If he gets thrown off.....can LE suppeona him??????? I know the lawyer/client privledge BUT I am sure he has spoke with others regarding this (ie, a family)
Man! I was gone all afternoon and came home to find this news! Maybe I should spend the afternoon away more often.

I just do not know what to make of this yet, EXCEPT that I feel it may be a conflict of interest for Baez to represent the PI that made the video and Casey, the defendant of a murder charge in the same case.

Just when is Baez going to realize he doesn't get everything he asks for in that he wants someone to sit in on the interview with the PI?

I cannot wait to see how all of these new developements unfold!
i thought the 3rd call, an officer met mr kronk and BOTH of them were unable to find the bag? because of snake? whatever dumb reason...they BOTH did not locate the bag.

for those who support the theory that bag was recently moved...what was mr kronk reporting in august? so, how does that work? he calls and reports a bag that was NOT there in august....months later he somehow locates the bag, and then takes it to spot that he reported in august???? that just does not make sense.

the bag must have been there and been overlooked. as ridiculous as that sounds, it sounds more credible than someone planting it in the EXACT spot that mr kronk had reported 3 times in august and then finally in december. imo
How does that explain the bones being scattered over an acre plus area which took over a week to process? People act like this bag contained the entire body for that time and obviously it did not. Even if the bag had been moved, the rest of her little bones were scattered about in such a manner that could only be from animal or water activity, imo.
If KC told JB the body was there, would JB be legally required to tell LE? OR would he be legally bound *not* to tell LE because of confidentiallyP

Bring in the lawyer posters.


That's a great question.
I am wondering why JB wouldn't be thrilled that a video existed of the site that supposedly shows that the body wasn't there in November. Wouldn't that be GOOD for the defense? Of course it would. It seems like he should be happy at that thought. But instead he seems panicked and is rushing to get in there and make sure they don't "release any privileged information". They haven't been working for him for quite a while from what I understand. So just what is he thinking they will say that would be privileged? The only thing that I can think of is that Casey said something that lead them there.

But . . . but . . . but how does the PI (or JB) explain video of the exact location that the body is found -- if true -- if the video does show nothing there at that time? The remains were lodged up under/in a palmetto and undergrowth. Too good to believe that the PI filmed that whole area thoroughly and looked under every palmetto, etc. That's hard to explain, especially where there were other items, according to crime scene photos and, little bones across an acre. What focused the PI on that specific tree -- if true -- that's harder to explain than what is gained by using it as evidence of a frame up.

Be careful what you wish for . . . does JB want the cat out of the bag on what they were really concluding before it was concludable, i.e., the invis-nanny had bumped Caylee off and planned to dump her at that location -- before they supposedly would know that and were working on Caylee is Alive as the only thing they could possibly know until she was found.

It all points to KC's guilt, conscience of guilt, knowing where the remains were to be found and, as stated -- a prep on "If it was an accident and if . . . then the remains are .... as stated.
my humble theory on this latest "video":

lady with "caylee is alive" sign reports to LE about her video...everyone thinks she is crazy and deems her "not credible" because of her ?ties with the ants. so she gives video to the "PI" to claim HE made the video, this supposedly makes it credible, because it is coming from a "professional investigator."

if this video had any relevance it would have been given directly to LE. the PI could have proven its authenticity and it would become part of the official evidence. the way it is being "leaked" or portrayed makes it as useful as the "official picture" that proved a sighting of caylee in the mall or the supposed picture of zanny, caylee and casey that the PI found. (did anyone ever see that, btw?)

any "evidence" or proof found by anyone on the defense that is given to media is definetly suspect in my book.
I agree with you. I saw Patty G's post and she was wanting a link. I have a feeling someone is going to spill the beans before long because there are so many people involved and one of them is dying to talk.

agree with this...I also think that there was so much garbage and other debris lying around.....what may see out of place to someone--may not to the other....I think the more they keep bringing this guy up it works for defense---diversion diversion and slide away from finding the truth....
George and Cindy had EVERY right to set rules in their own home and to expect those who lived in their home to abide those rules or to leave. They further had even MORE sayso over Caylee and Casey due to the fact that they were Caylee's complete source of support. Casey did not ever even buy Caylee any diapers and we know this from her own closest relative-her brother Lee. Casey's parents had exactly the same duty and responsibility that we all share as parents-to teach our children to exist in society and to contribute TO society and to abide by the laws of our land. Instead of doing THIS they allowed her to go on and on in lies and theft and all manner of deceptions and manipulations while they looked on and ignored EVERYTHING and actually rewarded her for her ill deeds by continuing to support her and her daughter. If they had acted as reasonably responsible parents they would have FORCED Casey to tow the line a little or to make the choice to support her OWN self. It is an honorable thing for you to try to "support" your sister due to your love of her child, but in the end, it will not help much. Takers continue to take as long as givers keep giving and you will find when you STOP giving the takers no longer even have anything to do with you. I know because I have lived it myself, and in the end, the parent is the ULTIMATE influence on the child, even when there is a good example standing by with love and support on the "outside". Condoning wrongdoing as Cindy and George have done and actually rewarding it is not love-it is SAVING FACE plain and simple. They love themselves is who they love.
Believe me, I am not support how G & C raised KC and enabled her. I am just saying that it isn't fair to say they didn't love Caylee. And calling CPS would have done them no good. They had no rights over Caylee, unfortunately. And while I agree that they have the right to make the rules in their own home...look what happened when they tried to enforce them???

As for my sister, I cut her off financially a couple of years ago and her poor daughter has paid dearly. I still buy all her clothing, pay for her to go to activities, etc. But recently when I refused my sister to come live with me (after she was kicked out of her rental again, nonpayment of rent) - actually, I said she could, but would have to abide by my rules and she refused - she removed her daughter from kindergarden and has dropped her off in Mexico to live with her alcoholic, unemployed, deadbeat father. I said I would take her daughter. I would adopt her. I have all the means to support her and give her a wonderful life and have always treated her the same as my children. There was nothing I could do. I consulted with 4 therapists/child psychologists, Child Protective Services, and an attorney. There was absolutely NOTHING I could do. I fear tremendously for her and am in therapy myself trying to prepare for whatever happens to her and to try to absolve myself of the guilt I feel for not just allowing my sister and her to live her and deal with the unending crap my sister puts my family through JUST TO PROTECT HER DAUGHTER.

My point here is simply that I have compassion for the Anthonys. They were faced with tough choices. They DID draw the line. Now their granddaughter is DEAD. The guilt they feel must be unimaginable and very painful. While I do not support nor agree with their blind support of Casey, as I know that I would NEVER give my sister the kind of support they have shown Casey, I do not feel it is fair to say they didn't love Caylee. That's all I am saying.
I am wondering why JB wouldn't be thrilled that a video existed of the site that supposedly shows that the body wasn't there in November. Wouldn't that be GOOD for the defense? Of course it would. It seems like he should be happy at that thought. But instead he seems panicked and is rushing to get in there and make sure they don't "release any privileged information". They haven't been working for him for quite a while from what I understand. So just what is he thinking they will say that would be privileged? The only thing that I can think of is that Casey said something that lead them there.

Yep. . . so she didn't tell anyone for a month, left her at an uninhabited apartment with a person that doesn't exist, received an imaginary call from Caylee surprisingly on the day she's caught - but not at all during the month she's been missing, a really huge squarrel has been plastered to her car frame and left a stain and maggots in her trunk and smells like human decomp, but during that month she's telling everyone that does exist that Caylee is going to different places almost daily, she searches for her missing daughter in Target, Blockbuster, grocery stores, her boyfriend and other friends homes, and performs her own investigation by dancing and partying, etc., etc. She even investigates by taking police to her place of unemployment! Her family only draws more jawdropping negative attention to her stories, and to top it all off, Baez is her defense attorney. If it weren't so sad for Caylee it would be funny. Like they say, you can't make this stuff up. . . . . well, KC can.
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