P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found

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I'm not seeing the big deal here. IF the guy taped the area and didn't see anything, so what? LE was out there a number of times and didn't see anything. There's the question of why he was in that particular area, of course. WFTV failed to mention what his reason was. Maybe he filmed many areas near the Anthony home.

Can anyone reasonably think that George and Cindy had him film the area and then moved Caylee there after it was filmed? The body was obviously there at the time he filmed, he just missed it.
I don't think he ended up there by happenchance. It doesn't help that they can't find him to talk to him.
Casey Anthony's attorney concerned about police questioning of private investigator
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
6:04 PM EST, December 29, 2008

The motion states, "there is a chance that such questioning would delve into privileged information."

Baez stated he hired Casey as an investigator July 28, and the service agreement between the two was terminated Oct. 1.
During that time, Casey "acquired certain privileged information that would be protected under the work-product doctrine and the ethical standards adhered to by licensed private investigators."

You can explain away the Anthony's actions one by one. However when you add them all up.....they stink to high heaven. THEY KNEW. And I hope they nail them.
Anyone remember when George A. was seen looking in the woods? Recollection of where he was seen looking?
WOW...I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop...sounds like it just did! The pieces of the puzzle are coming together, slowly but surely, IMO.

Wonder if any other areas were recorded by the PI?

Interesting that he recorded the area mid November...MNJ's resignation was November 20th...I wonder if that had anything to do with his resignation?

Sounds like they wanted to make sure they had a tape of the area before...so that when it was found, they could spin this story, such as they are trying to do now. When will they learn that they can't "trick" the OCSO and / or the FBI? This will all come out in the wash...and I can't wait to see it happen! This sickens me!

This is impeachment evidence. It will almost assuredly be used to impeach LE (August detective) and/or the meter man.
They never picked up the tips, right? Do you think Kronk ever phoned in a tip to CA?

Baez never picked up the tips. Did we find the tips in the ones that were released to the public? Does Crimeline turn over tips to the victim's families? Maybe Kronk did phone in a tip to Cindy, who knows?
I don't think he ended up there by happenchance. It doesn't help that they can't find him to talk to him.

What about the lady from TES who has photo's of the area? How come so many people and search dogs keep missing the spot? She was so close to the road.
I think they are more interested in knowing who told him to go to that area. When he did is not as important as why he did.

Why was the PI filming woods? Wasn't he investigating the sightings at the malls, the restaurants, and the airports?
The crazy blonde woman is the wife of a guy who works for/with the PI.
How did the A's have money to "hire" the PI after he no longer worked for JB? Money from donations I expect.
Of course they wouldn't. According to all sources, the area was underwater up until a week and a half before the body was found. The article makes no sense at all. Can anyone make sense of these quotes, supposedly by Carlos Padilla?

"We will definitely look into that, absolutely," said Carlos Padilla, Orange County Sheriff's Office.

"They know the existence of the tape and want to look at all evidence that's available," Padilla said.

Who is 'they' if it's not 'we'?

Huh????? Obviously LE !!!
I really don't think the Anthonys would knowingly let Caylee lay rotting somewhere and not do anything. They loved that little girl... how could any loving grandparent do that to a grandchild they adored? I don't believe they knew where she was all that time... I just can't go there.

I understand what you are saying.

However, I believe early on, knowing Caylee was gone, they made a decision to focus all their efforts & energy on "saving" KC, no matter what! JMO.
Wow. That is why Baez went on damage control. I can see where this is going.

"The A's had a suspicion this is where Zanny might go since KC told them that Zanny knew where to plant evidence to frame KC. They went there to see if anything was there but it was so CONVENIENT that just happened to be where the body was found and where they CONVENIENTLY did not see anything at that time. Just a coincidence!"
This is impeachment evidence. It will almost assuredly be used to impeach LE (August detective) and/or the meter man.

The way I see it it is a way bigger problem for the defense to explain why their pi was there........
I mentioned in the Baez thread that this guy DC was not working for Baez, he was working for the A's before Caylee was found and that LE could/would be able to talk to him in reference to his employ with the A's.
Why is JB squawking NOW? Shouldn't he have had an agreement with the PI when he left JB's employ? Did not JB know that the PI went to work for C & CA? Or is DC actually working for the other PI? Would it matter?
I think the Anthonys did know where the remains were. Or at least a general location. I think some of the 'code' that KC gave Lee was trying to tell him where the body was. I believe the body wasn't easily seen by that time. Even if this PI did film the area doesn't mean he was in this exact area or that the remains didn't shift with the hurricane that came thru.
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