Deceased/Not Found PA - Anna Maciejewska, 43, Chester County, 10 April 2017

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Thank you for the update. Where is the description of Anna's keys?
I have confirmed with the Finding Anna folks that it is NOT Anna's key.
Can I ask, how do they know it is NOT Anna's key? Do they know where her keys are? Did LE say it was not?

I am not asking because I think it is her key. I am asking because I would like the know HOW it is possible the Finding Anna group would know whether it was or wasn't.
There is an approximately one mile utility cut (sometimes known as fire roads) that runs between the point where Anna's car was found, up to the backyard of her home. You can see it on google maps. I imagine they searched it well before the summer overgrowth took hold.
OK. I've been following this thread for months now, but just registered because of the key discussion. Pull the reigns in. It is not confirmed that the key/keys found were Ana's. I live in the area, and someone found an Audi key and posted it to the local facebook page asking if anyone was missing a key. Someone mentioned that Anna drove an Audi, and then someone who I believe is connected to the Finding Anna page took the discussion offline. Next thing you know, the person who found the key was turning it over to police. If you read the Finding Anna page, it is misleading, but it does only say that "keys matching the description" of Ana's keys were found. From what I could see, it was one Audi key. It also was very clean and did not look like it had been on the ground very long. The spot where the key was found is a bus stop, so it could very well belong to a soccer mom and not be in any way related to Anna's disappearance. Just wanted to set the record straight on that.
Welcome, and thanks for clarifying about the keys. This is how rumors grow legs!
Well that's a let down about the keys. Hoping it was a good clue as to direction of travel. Back to square one.
There is an approximately one mile utility cut (sometimes known as fire roads) that runs between the point where Anna's car was found, up to the backyard of her home. You can see it on google maps. I imagine they searched it well before the summer overgrowth took hold.

Good question! I would love to check it out in person once we have a killing frost, except (and this is a big except) that is not public access. I'm not sure if it is the power line or pipeline right of way. I have a very powerful metal detector with a forensics coil on it that picks up keys, cell phones, shell casings etc at upwards of 17" in the ground.
You might now get that big of a killing frost until November. I haven't been in that area since Spring, but it has not been a dry summer and my bet would be the undergrowth is dense. My bet would be she is not in the woods, nor do I believe this is a suicide.
The undergrowth is far more dense than usual this year. We had a wet spring and a cool, damp summer with no scorching days.

The cut you see on the aerials is a power line. However, it is bisected by the PA Turnpike right near Anna's house. There is limited access to it, but a Township official owns one of the lots that can access it and I am confident that he cooperated with the State Police because he is a good guy. I have thought about it over and over again.

I keep coming back to the dumpster theory. So many dumpsters just a couple of miles away. Some are behind restaurants and are emptied every couple of days.
The utility cut search would not be to look for Anna, but to look for evidence that someone travelled from Anna's car back to her house.
You cannot safely cross the Turnpike where the utility cut is. There are fences on both sides and center median barriers It would be far easier, safer and only a little bit longer to walk along the roads. There is occasional traffic on a dirt track along the utility cut because there is a cell tower that needs attention now and then.
You cannot safely cross the Turnpike where the utility cut is. There are fences on both sides and center median barriers It would be far easier, safer and only a little bit longer to walk along the roads. There is occasional traffic on a dirt track along the utility cut because there is a cell tower that needs attention now and then.

Most right-of-ways I have been on during search operations have a trail on one side or the other used by locals, kids, dirt bike riders, deer, etc. Humans in general take the path of least resistance, so if there is a trail of some sort, a human would most likely follow it as it is easier than slogging through heavy brush. Humans tent to tear up the landscape just a tad less than a bull moose in heat because they kick stones, fallen branches and leaves. Even at this late date, some evidence may have survived. Any egress off the main trail into the surrounding woods may still be visible. I am willing to sweep the area ONLY IF one of the local folks can get permission from the utility company.

All that said, the dumpster theory is still one of the leading scenarios. I was really hoping the keys were hers. If our leading theory is that Anna did not park the car where it was found, the actor would have had to toss the keys lest he or she would be holding damning evidence. A nearby body of water, into the undergrowth near where the car was found, a nearby dumpster...or the right-of-way. Is there a dumpster near where the car was found? Of course that would be the first place LE would look for them. Those who are close to the case, I am willing to check any overgrowth near where the car was found with my metal detector (once it dies off) ONLY IF you can get permission from the complex.

Where amateur sleuths get themselves jammed up is when they step onto private property without written permission, or when they find and tamper (due to lack of training) with evidence.

A question that has been nagging at the back of my mind... Was there any other employee of her employer that left within a week of when Anna went missing and moved elsewhere? Just want to rule that scenario out.

“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” As an investigator you create a mental list of all potential scenarios for an event. You then systematically eliminate those explanations that you can demonstrate are impossible, either through logic or empirical evidence. Whatever you are left with is the solution – even if it may seem extremely improbable.
The simplest and most logical explanation in my mind has become the theory because of the LACK OF effort to find her. I think her housemate put her somewhere, her car somewhere else, then hiked home. Simplest, most logical, least resistant path is that one. Just sayin'.
The simplest and most logical explanation in my mind has become the theory because of the LACK OF effort to find her. I think her housemate put her somewhere, her car somewhere else, then hiked home. Simplest, most logical, least resistant path is that one. Just sayin'.

I have to agree, nothing else makes sense.

In theory, why would an innocent acquaintance/friend/spouse of a missing person choose to actively and intentionally do absolutely nothing to support the search for or even just speak about the search for their "missing person". And even intentionally avoid all contact with friends and family related to this missing person, sometimes with the extreme measure of leaving the state completely to go hundreds of miles away to avoid contact with family.
Is this normal behavior? Seriously, if a person is truly innocent and has no involvement in the disappearance of someone, is this an extreme sort of behavior to try to protect themselves from false accusations or an escape due to fear of being blamed or an attempt to protect any children that may be involved from additional heartache from media/outsiders/etc??? Any psychologists out there with some insight??

It also seems that the "fear" of the finding anna facebook group has been lifted. Wonder why that is?? It seems that comments are no longer being deleted and they all definitely have a common theme. I wonder if there has been any reaction to the comments??

And it sounds like they might have a pretty solid case built, but just need some additional physical/concrete or witness evidence to "wrap it up" as they said. Wonder what folks could be intentionally seeking or going door to door again maybe??
I'm no psychologist, but for as long as I've been reading here, there seems to be two ways "most" perps go. They either completely avoid any contact or they are over-the-top appearing to care and help.

Relation Perp Avoid example - Will Cierzan
Relation Perp Help example - Scott Peterson

I'm sure we could list 100 for each example. There are sometimes gray area too, but we do not usually find out the truth of the situation with those.

Relation Perp Gray area example - Sherri Pampini
FWIW You can get around the fencing at the turnpike by cutting a short distance to the right, cross over the bridge on Bodine Rd, that crosses the TPK, then back onto the right of way ( utility cut).
I pass by that cut twice a day. It just keeps giving me a bad case of the "feels"....(illogical, I know) Right now, it's pretty overgrown with vegetation, but they're predicting an early and unusually cold Autumn this year.
FWIW You can get around the fencing at the turnpike by cutting a short distance to the right, cross over the bridge on Bodine Rd, that crosses the TPK, then back onto the right of way ( utility cut).
I pass by that cut twice a day. It just keeps giving me a bad case of the "feels"....(illogical, I know) Right now, it's pretty overgrown with vegetation, but they're predicting an early and unusually cold Autumn this year.
Would it be illegal to take the path described?
The right-of-way is private property and 99% of the time is posted. Sometimes it is posted on the towers, sometime on the surrounding trees and sometimes on poles. Going onto posted property without written permission is asking for big trouble. Going onto un-posted private property is more of a grey area. The land owner can make you leave or have LE remove you, but without signage, it would be "iffy" to get you into a court room and make it stick. I am not willing to get jammed up and wreck my reputation with local LE by tromping on private property unless I see someone in distress and in need of emergency assistance.
I don't blame you, Trackergd. Perhaps Find Anna peeps can request the local SAR cadets get permission to train in there, or have a clean up crew do a sweep through it to get rid of garbage and debri.
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