PA PA - Debra Makel, 8, Rices Landing, 5 Oct 1973

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Sorry so long without a reply. Still working on the story and talking to some folks.I'm unaware of any 'new evidence' in the case and am in contact with folks who would have known about that,if it were the case.

At one point I considered dropping the story and moving on with other projects but I continue to get messages encouraging me to move forward and pursue it. There two parts to this mystery.1. Obviously,who is responsible and 2. Why have people been so reluctant to discuss it for so long.

I don't want to sound arrogant or 'in the know' but having grown up in the town, I know,pretty much everyone who was around then and more folks than I expected are willing to talk to me about it. As was mentioned before,the only people who would have a problem with me doing the story is someone with something to hide.
I will have the article (or at least part 1) up this weekend. I have a few people to talk with yet,but there will be something posted by Sunday 10/6 at the latest.
That's a nice opening chiipper. I can't wait for the next post.
I will have the article (or at least part 1) up this weekend. I have a few people to talk with yet,but there will be something posted by Sunday 10/6 at the latest.

For the article. And I am looking forward to reading more from you on this case. Just a quick comment, will you be mentioning anything about the person whom had a vision on where she was found. I read about that up thread about three years ago. Just wondering if that statement was fact or fiction from your discovery...When I read that, I thought about the times back then, across the country psychic movies and books were very popular, the occult in general was being mentioned and discussed across the country with the likes of Ruth Montgomery and others. Jean Dixon to name another.

I am just guessing until you post your next segment. But knowing now they do have a profile of DNA but nothing to match it to, I am guessing this murder was not premeditated, but rather resulting from the girl threatening to tell, and she was killed to keep her quite.....Someone wanted to have some sexual contact with her, and she rebuffed his advances, and or did not want to do this and that and he forced her to do things, she threatened to tell afterwards and was killed for it.

I would guess, this person was young also, around the teenage years, anywhere from 14 to 19 at the time and knew her, and knew her family , the routines of the family etc etc and lived not far from her home..........Perhaps the reason the dogs didn't bark, if the neighbors remember correctly, is because after she got home she did her normal routine, bringing in the mail, perhaps the afternoon paper, putting her books up, not sure if there was an indication she changed cloths after school that day, but would like to know that.

She left the house to go play, away from the house like she did so many times before.
And while away from the house she met her killer. Away enough the dogs didn't bark.

Thats all I have, and wanted to once again to thank you for posting your article, it was very good, and created a nice image for one to read. You sharing some facts about the case, is more than we can expect from the LEOS, since it is a on going investigation.

They should find there killer with persons offering to give up there DNA sample. BUT, if a person of interest is deceased, such as the man whom had the vision, than a court order to exhumed the body for a DNA sample may be necessary to bring closure once and for all for the family.
I think the killer was in the house when she got home.

She came in the front door and put down her coat, keys, and books.

The plums got moved... I think they must have been moved to an unusual place for there to be any reason to worry about them. Maybe as if someone was eating them?

The killer may have hidden from her and then pounced suddenly. He took her out the cellar door (it was left open because he just couldn't close it).

Or maybe he was waiting there for her and had some kind of excuse why he was there. I don't know what would be plausible. But, she was only eight. So, there is that to consider. He knew her brothers were coming, so he got her outside quickly.

She had her coat when she came in, but not when she left. Was it now warm enough she would not need her coat if she wanted to go outside? This would help determine whether she left the house of her own free will (to play on her own) or if someone got her out of there either by deception or force.

Such a sad story..

Maybe it's just that people have a lot of suspicions, but no one knows much for sure?
Yet another year goes by & sadly, there is still no justice for Debbie. I must say that, its nothing short of mind-boggling to me that, no progress has been made in this case, for all these years. Its been about a year since I last revisited this case [ due to the 40th anniversary] & with that time of the year approaching again, I decided to comb through all the articles & jog through all the notes that Ive taken over the decades, from actual people around at that time & re-analyze just what my thoughts are on this case, now. One things is for sure, though. 41 years have went by & there hasn't been an arrest made & there are still no publicized, concrete answers to this case. I say "publicized" only because in my opinion { & I have been personally told } LE have always known, with zero doubt, who committed this crime, they just could never prove it. Then again, maybe not. Ill get back to this....

During the time of the 40th anniversary last year & with the social media coverage it received, I happened to come across a person that personally knew the original lead investigator of the case. Without delving too much into how this encounter came about, this person told me that this case haunted the LI all the way up until his death, some years ago & that he also spent many, many years after the murder occurred, completely entrenched with solving the case. The case had never stopped being his passion. Of course now, this is just what I was told so, I took it with a proverbial grain of salt, naturally. Although, if that statement were to be true, it could be interpreted in 2 different ways. 1] They really didn't know who the killer was, or 2] They did know the killer's identity & they just were waiting for that 1 key piece of solid evidence to arise, to make an arrest.

Recently, a few things have began to stick out for me, regarding the coverage of this case. If you carefully read through all the newspaper articles throughout the years, there are so many glaring mistakes with the presentation of this story. Was it intentional? Not only that but, there was never any in depth coverage of this story ( atleast that of which was printed)! 40 years worth of a few Journalism 101 paragraphs was all anybody really gathered of this story. With all due respect, they really dropped the ball on this case because, nobody wanted to step up to the plate & report the story that needed to be told. Its almost as if they were afraid to ask questions for fear of the answers that they would actually get. As a matter of fact, I believe that, one of the reasons this case was never solved was because, the entire FACTUAL story was never bestowed upon the eyes of the community at large & the followers of this case. Sure, I can understand the legal ramifications of name-dropping & the public knowledge of key elements of the case but, there are so many pieces of this story that have been cloaked in secrecy for 40 years & that alone, is such a terrible shame. The real question is WHY? Why did the local media treat this story like it was just some periodic itch, that needed to be scratched just to morally soothe the injustice of a dead child, in Smalltown USA. Lets face it, this tragic story was only covered a hand-full of times, especially 6 months after the crime was committed, in a 40 year span. Let me repeat that again; An innocent, young child was raped & murdered in a very small town & the murderer has been walking about amongst everybody, freely for 40 years. Yah, that's only worth a few paragraphs every 10 years. Seriously? This just strikes me as being very odd.

Some New Thoughts:

In the 40 years of reporting of this story, Ive noticed that the news reporters, other than once that I can recall, have only interviewed & published the statements of LE investigators, County Coroner & immediate family members, regarding this case? Why didn't they ever bother to interview & publish the statements of actual search party members? Members of the Fire Department? The men who ran the bloodhounds through the area? The cousins who found Debbie? The Neighbors? In all fairness though, it was once reported that the majority of the local community wanted no part in the aiding of any information to the media, due in large to fear maybe??? How incredibly strange. In any regard, Isnt it always in the best interest of a story, to report multiple insights & aspects of the story? That just didn't happen here & Ill touch back on why, below.

LE has never publicly offered up any theory / theories on what they actually believe happened. I find this to be extremely interesting. I can understand that they would have wanted to keep the cards of this case close to their chest in the beginning but, after 40 years? It just doesn't make any sense to me as to why they wouldn't even offer up what they truly believed happened, leading up to the discovery of Debbie, on that Sunday morning. Maybe they have been waiting for the perpetrator to somehow slip up, in these past 40 years or maybe a witness to come forward, or maybe.....well, who knows? Once again, when most of the factual, key points of information are kept under a veil of secrecy, one can only speculate.

The new lead investigator in this case stated in 2013 that, he planned on asking for consent to take DNA swabs of those that were still viable suspects. WHY did it take 26 years to do this? News outlets reporting this case have publicly stated that, DNA testing technology has been available since 1987. I also find it odd that the reporters themselves didn't ask LE why it has taken 26 years to finally get around to swab test these suspects.

I personally know / knew a few of the men who helped searched for Debbie that weekend, in the exact area where she was discovered & I can say with utter certainty that, I unquestionably believe them when they said, she definitely wasn't in that shallow grave on Friday or Saturday. Even after all these years, these men's accounts & their unwavering certainty of her body not being there on Friday & Saturday, is absolutely concrete in their memories & in the delivery of their stories. Although, all of these accounts have been denounced by LE & the then County Coroner. Before the age of DNA / forensics testing, LE & CC we quoted in stating that, they simply didn't believe her body had been placed in her makeshift grave, only prior to her discovery on that Sunday morning. Recently as of 2013, they have both been quoted in saying that, it was forensically impossible & that her body had remained in the same makeshift grave since sometime Friday & that all the searchers simply overlooked her. While I don't doubt & highly respect the expertise of LE & the then CC in their respective careers, I personally, will never believe that she was merely overlooked by that many searchers for 2 days, especially after hearing eyewitness accounts of good, honest men that I knew that were involved in the search & while I may be ultimately wrong in my belief of that, that is what I believe.

If this murder was the doing of a serial child rapist/killer, why havent they struck again, within that area in the past 40 years? To the very best of my knowledge, there has never been another instance of anything remotely resembling this case, in this small area, ever since Debbie's murder. This brings me to another statement made by the lead investigator of the case in 2013. It was stated that there were atleast 3 viable suspects currently alive. I solely believe that, I know the identity of 1 of these suspects & this person is still alive & of an older age. 2 other persons of interest, whom solely I have thought were suspects, are both dead as well. That being said, the 2 other suspects mentioned by LE in 2013, are still alive & would lead me to think that they were of an adolescent age at the time of the murder. Personally, I have a hard time believing this theory simply for the fact that I cannot possibly fathom 2 younger persons carrying out a crime of this magnitude & getting away with it for all these years but, its obvious that LE definitely knows more about these suspects, then what they have publicized for the past 40 years. Maybe these 2 other living suspects just had the backing of good lawyers & solid alibis. Pure speculation.

Major Discrepancies In The Publicized Facts Of The Case ( & Was it Intentional?),1304530

In some articles, LE claims she only made it only to her house, not inside of her house. Others claim her school books, house key & her coat were found outside of her house. Listed below are just some of the other discrepancies listed in the above articles:

Who delivered the bowl of plums to the house?

Were the bowl of plums delivered inside or outside of the house?

Just what she was strangled with?

What clothing was discovered at the crime scene?

Was the cellar door simply unlocked or was it completely open?

In this article, the newspaper actually says that LE did speculate that Debbie's body was indeed placed in the makeshift grave, sometime Saturday night.

Was it Debbie's leg protruding from the pile of brush or was it a brightly colored sock that attracted the attention of her cousins?

As of 1980, LE claimed to have a file on the case that was the size of a Pittsburgh phone book. As of 2013, LE claims they have 7 - 6 inch binders & an entire cardboard box of compiled information on the case. It would just seem to me that, most of the information on this case would have been gathered during the first 7 years, whilst the case was still "fresh". rather than in the past 33 years. I would also tend to believe that most of the information gathered in the past 33 years are the claims of every nut-job in the world, claiming to be the killer. Ultimately, I believe the most pertinent clues & information collected in this case were achieved within weeks, maybe a month, after the murder & LE has been dissecting & re-dissecting the same, infinitely small amount of pertinent clues for 40 years, therefore just resulting in LE hitting the same brickwall, over & over.

In closing, being a spectator on the outside & looking in, there are simply just too many variables & unknowns in this case to ever really know who the killer was & what exactly happened in the following 36 hours, from Debbie's initial disappearance to the discovery of her body on that Sunday morning, although I absolutely believe that there are still people alive, who could definitely shed a new light upon this case. Tragically, they've just chosen not to participate for 41 years. I also personally believe & am very confident in saying that, LE definitely knew exactly what happened, how it happened & ultimately who committed this crime. LE probably could have gambled & made an arrest but, they could just never establish enough concrete evidence for what they & the DA knew would mount a solid conviction. This also furthers my notion into believing that whoever was responsible had the means to great legal representation & more importantly, an ironclad alibi along with credible witnesses to back up their alibi. That's just pure speculation though. I also strongly believe that LE purposely used & still continue to use the newspapers to create a lot of misdirection & confusion ( read again above), as 1 last resort to maybe trick the killer into thinking that they were/are off of his trail & he may just finally somehow slip up. Personally, these are the only logical reasonings I can accept as to why, this case has never been solved.
I remember my mother talking about this case way back in the day. Rumor was at that time, and still is to this day, that the young girl was relocated to the area where she was found after it had been searched. I believe she (my mother) said there was a freezer in the basement and that's where others had speculated the body of the young girl was until she was later moved. I hadn't heard the details of the basement door, usually locked and being found open, until I read it somewhere I believe in this thread. Speculation would lead one to believe the act occurred in the basement, or perhaps somewhere inside the house, and the person or persons later tried to cover their tracks. That would explain why missing items of clothing were never recovered.

My thoughts on varied comments regarding the subject being 'taboo' around town, and also 'why was this unsolved crime only brought up every so many years' are a combination of both sadness, since we all deal with difficult things in life differently, and questions as to why there hasn't been more outrage expressed at the lack of a conviction. Certainly the DNA should have been tested against family members and any possible suspects long, long ago!!
Just wanted to add in about a comment I read stating the investigation 'always seemed to shift the focus in other directions'. I totally agree with that speculation and would further speculate that the focus was shifted to the outdoors of the area right from the start.
December-------I am thinking it seems like a small window for the killer to be inside the house already----if he/she knew the routine, they would know how much time was safely available to commit the crime. Do we know if she was actually ever inside her home?? The missing items---shoes, underwear and purse seem (IMO) like trophies---underwear and purse yes, not so much shoes. Is there a floor plan of the house???????
stupid question----what did Debra carry in her purse????
would a new search of the house yield anything new I wonder---------the basement seems like a good place to begin---look at ceiling tiles etc.
Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all the locals who've come by to help us with info and just talk about the case. Clearly, this crime still being unsolved sticks in the craw of many good folks in the area. You are very appreciated here, speaking for myself and no doubt other WS'ers as well, who are not locals but do care about seeing justice done for poor Debra.

With all the "in the know" people who are clearly chafing to speak their minds, but are by necessity being cautious about dropping too many details, I am surprised there is not a website where people can speak openly.. anonymously, too - I feel that would help people to come forward who might have valuable info.

Chippertheripper, I'm looking forward to any additional posts you might make on your blog, particularly the interviews. I see in your comments the outrage felt among locals, the frustration people are feeling.

nousername, thank you also for your posts. I hope this year is the one in which you all get to see this terrible murder solved. Like yourself, what really concerns me is that Debra's killer could have been raping kids in the community or elsewhere all these years, thanks to the veil of silence and whatever corruption or collusion is keeping him safe from prosecution. How do people sleep at night...
I'm adding some links to some good news stories I found online. This one states: "A neighbor saw Debbie walk to the house, and her school books were found inside. When her brothers and mother arrived, the house was silent and nothing was out of place"

This next article states: "Makel said that she had hired a teenage girl to sit at the house with her children until she got home about 45 minutes after the school bus dropped them off each day, but said that the short term babysitter fizzled out, coming less and less frequently. The babysitter was not at the residence the day of Debra Makel's disappearance and Debra Makel's brothers had not ridden the bus with their sister because they were canvassing the neighborhood selling magazine subscriptions.
*Makes me wonder if the original target may have been the babysitting teenager*

Another newspaper article that states she was seen entering the house at 3:40pm, a bowl of plums was found moved, and a basement door usually locked was found open,3137885
This unsolved case is over 41 years old now. There seems to be quite a lot of speculation and many articles about it, yet no concise case summary here on this websleuths thread. It might help for someone familiar with the case to write up a chronology and list the known facts without opinion or commentary in a single post. This would help new readers focus on the case and understand better some of the comments made over the past 11 years.
I believe she (my mother) said there was a freezer in the basement and that's where others had speculated the body of the young girl was until she was later moved.

My thoughts on varied comments regarding the subject being 'taboo' around town, and also 'why was this unsolved crime only brought up every so many years' are a combination of both sadness, since we all deal with difficult things in life differently, and questions as to why there hasn't been more outrage expressed at the lack of a conviction. Certainly the DNA should have been tested against family members and any possible suspects long, long ago!!

I too had heard of the freezer "rumors" but, there is simply no way to confirm that unless you were to physically see the evidence file. What you have to ask yourself is, if it were to be true, WHY wasnt it reported by the news OR offered up as information by LE? Once again, just more mystery stacked upon a mystery. Obviously though, there was ALOT of information ( pertinent or not) being withheld from the public. Why? Thats 1 of many million dollar questions in this case. As far as the matter being classified as "taboo" by some of its locals, absolutely. I wholeheartedly believe that there are/were many that wanted to see this case just fade away into a blackhole of obscurity.
With all the "in the know" people who are clearly chafing to speak their minds, but are by necessity being cautious about dropping too many details, I am surprised there is not a website where people can speak openly.. anonymously, too - I feel that would help people to come forward who might have valuable info.

nousername, thank you also for your posts. I hope this year is the one in which you all get to see this terrible murder solved. Like yourself, what really concerns me is that Debra's killer could have been raping kids in the community or elsewhere all these years, thanks to the veil of silence and whatever corruption or collusion is keeping him safe from prosecution. How do people sleep at night...

41 years after the fact, I feel that there ARE some who could offer some new information on the case however, never wanted to get involved in the first place. To be quite frank, that isnt even the issue here anymore. Its pointless & bares no offering to the outcome & Ill tell you why. This case will never be publicly solved & for me, THAT is more fascinating than the whos & the hows. WHY after 41 years has this case never been PUBLICLY solved & put to rest? Personally, I would bet the ranch that, LE has known, without a shadow of a doubt, who committed this crime for 41 years. The REAL question is, why couldnt they prove it? Maybe, there was something *else* hindering an outcome.

As for speaking publicly: Id imagine that nobody wants to deal with lawsuits & public slander.

Ultimately, What you have to understand is, The backdrop of this story ( before & after) the murder, are just as fascinating ( & quite possibly as vile) as the murder itself. Maybe, just maybe, there were certain things that, certain people in places of power/influence knew that they never wanted to be known by anybody else? Ill leave that up to your own imagination. Ill say this though, for an absolutely random occurrence like the rape/murder of this child to happen, straight out of blue, in a small town like that & for 41 years, there is still no outcome, you have to seriously question the odds & possibilities.
This unsolved case is over 41 years old now. There seems to be quite a lot of speculation and many articles about it, yet no concise case summary here on this websleuths thread. It might help for someone familiar with the case to write up a chronology and list the known facts without opinion or commentary in a single post. This would help new readers focus on the case and understand better some of the comments made over the past 11 years.

Other than the fact that, Debbie was killed on a Friday & found on a Sunday, most everything else I believe to be mildl;y speculative. If you carefully comb through 4 decades of articles, there seems to be very little consistency from 1 story to the next. Truth be told, what they papers presented to the public ( speculation or not) was such a small piece, as to the overall puzzle. I still find all of the misdirection to be intentional.
My own family has suffered greatly at the hands of corruption and the silence which protects it, even to this day. So I get what you're saying, on a deeply personal level.

Who can anyone turn to, in a situation like that, to try for justice or a different outcome where one is possible? It gets to the point where the benefits of striving seem far outweighed by the suffering such action causes to all innocent parties concerned - and the potential dangers of opening various cans of worms.

Still, I have also witnessed some very wrong things indeed eventually made right. It takes a LOT of courage and some powerful back-up to do so, it seems. But I choose to remain hopeful for every case of this kind, rather than become despondent. Life can take surprising turns. I hope for Debra and those who loved her that it takes a turn toward justice, one day.
This case has some similarities to that of 6 year old Kathy Shea, who disappeared while walking to her kindergarten in Tyrone, Pa back in 1965. They both were likely perpetrated by someone who was known to the victim-both were grabbed within a very small window of time, and both victims' disappearance caused massive searches to take place. In Kathy's case, she was never found, and there appears to be absolutely no evidence found-these cases can't be related, but I think in both cases, the perps each knew the child's routine, and knew they had enough time to do what they wanted and get away without being caught. In Debra's case, I think I know where I'd look to find the one(s) who did this.

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