GUILTY PA - Dr. Kermit Gosnell for killing patient, 7 infants, Philadelphia, 2011

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I have not been posting but I have followedx the trial. I remember when this case first broke, the horror, the details that were coming out.

I have a feeling that this case is not getting the kind of coverage it would, or at least it wasn't getting the kind of coverage it could, because of the abortion debate and how volatile that conversation can get so quickly.

So some prefer to avoid the case altogether, for fear of it becoming more about debate of abortion in general rather than about what it should be - a horrible man doing horrible things that are far outside the medically approved in the name of greed.
Abortion seems to be one of the taboo subjects in the press. Regardless of one's personal opinions on the subject, this story merits coverage for a multitude of reasons. This is an excerpt from the article I linked to above entitled "Why Kermit Gosnell's Trial Should Be a Front-Page Story, written by Conor Freidersdorf of The Atlantic:

"Inducing live births and subsequently severing the heads of the babies is indeed a horrific story that merits significant attention. Strange as it seems to say it, however, that understates the case.

For this isn't solely a story about babies having their heads severed, though it is that. It is also a story about a place where, according to the grand jury, women were sent to give birth into toilets; where a doctor casually spread gonorrhea and chlamydiae to unsuspecting women through the reuse of cheap, disposable instruments; an office where a 15-year-old administered anesthesia; an office where former workers admit to playing games when giving patients powerful narcotics; an office where white women were attended to by a doctor and black women were pawned off on clueless untrained staffers. Any single one of those things would itself make for a blockbuster news story. Is it even conceivable that an optometrist who attended to his white patients in a clean office while an intern took care of the black patients in a filthy room wouldn't make national headlines?

But it isn't even solely a story of a rogue clinic that's awful in all sorts of sensational ways either. Multiple local and state agencies are implicated in an oversight failure that is epic in proportions! If I were a city editor for any Philadelphia newspaper the grand jury report would suggest a dozen major investigative projects I could undertake if I had the staff to support them. And I probably wouldn't have the staff. But there is so much fodder for additional reporting.

There is, finally, the fact that abortion, one of the most hotly contested, polarizing debates in the country, is at the center of this case. It arguably informs the abortion debate in any number of ways, and has numerous plausible implications for abortion policy, including the oversight and regulation of clinics, the appropriateness of late-term abortions, the penalties for failing to report abuses, the statute of limitations for killings like those with which Gosnell is charged, whether staff should be legally culpable for the bad behavior of doctors under whom they work...

There's just no end to it.

To sum up, this story has numerous elements any one of which would normally make it a major story. And setting aside conventions, which are flawed, this ought to be a big story on the merits."
Preachin to the choir Wazzu.

Total agreement. Just throwing out thoughts on why it hasn't been a huge headline grabber when anyone who spends five minutes looking at this case knows how huge it should be.

The fact that it was allowed to go on for so many years because complaints weren't followed up, taken seriously or properly investigated.
Preachin to the choir Wazzu.

Total agreement. Just throwing out thoughts on why it hasn't been a huge headline grabber when anyone who spends five minutes looking at this case knows how huge it should be.

The fact that it was allowed to go on for so many years because complaints weren't followed up, taken seriously or properly investigated.

I figured I was. :)

I've been spending most of my time on the Jodi Arias thread and became aware of this case when someone posted about it on Facebook. I hope this guy rots in prison, and I'll be following the case from here on out.
Answering this is complicated, which is one reason why people have used the relative lack of coverage as a way to take pot-shots at the supposedly liberal media. The article linked below ('There is no Gosnell coverup') attempts to answer your question, but it will likely be ignored by those who seek to politicize the issue.

Well I read that article and um, am speechless. It is not based on facts. It is not covered by the main media because of politics. It is a shame that 1,000's of innocent DEAD babies have NO voice for them and some people are upset that some of media are trying to pull the cover off this SERIAL KILLER and let the public know the facts of this case.

If this "doctor" shot all these babies with a GUN, it would be Front Page News Everywhere! But if he only cuts their spine when they are still alive and tosses them aside - well nothing to report....:furious:

I feel sorry for anyone who thinks that this is no big deal, no cover up. Move along people - nothing to see here. Just go back to the Jodi trial.

Big thanks to the people that had to search to even find this thread and take the time to post. All of the murdered babies need our voice.

There is so much wrong and evil about this man and it is so wrong that he and his crimes are ignored.
A little upset that the judge decided to throw out some charges in the middle of the trial. As some have commented, why would there be need to snip the spinal cords of supposedly already dead babies?

The defense rested today without calling any witnesses.
BTW, somebody is airing a show about this guy. I heard it on talk radio, but didn't catch the network, date or time. Just a heads up.
Abortion seems to be one of the taboo subjects in the press. Regardless of one's personal opinions on the subject, this story merits coverage for a multitude of reasons. This is an excerpt from the article I linked to above entitled "Why Kermit Gosnell's Trial Should Be a Front-Page Story, written by Conor Freidersdorf of The Atlantic:

"Inducing live births and subsequently severing the heads of the babies is indeed a horrific story that merits significant attention. Strange as it seems to say it, however, that understates the case.

For this isn't solely a story about babies having their heads severed, though it is that. It is also a story about a place where, according to the grand jury, women were sent to give birth into toilets; where a doctor casually spread gonorrhea and chlamydiae to unsuspecting women through the reuse of cheap, disposable instruments; an office where a 15-year-old administered anesthesia; an office where former workers admit to playing games when giving patients powerful narcotics; an office where white women were attended to by a doctor and black women were pawned off on clueless untrained staffers. Any single one of those things would itself make for a blockbuster news story. Is it even conceivable that an optometrist who attended to his white patients in a clean office while an intern took care of the black patients in a filthy room wouldn't make national headlines?

But it isn't even solely a story of a rogue clinic that's awful in all sorts of sensational ways either. Multiple local and state agencies are implicated in an oversight failure that is epic in proportions! If I were a city editor for any Philadelphia newspaper the grand jury report would suggest a dozen major investigative projects I could undertake if I had the staff to support them. And I probably wouldn't have the staff. But there is so much fodder for additional reporting.

There is, finally, the fact that abortion, one of the most hotly contested, polarizing debates in the country, is at the center of this case. It arguably informs the abortion debate in any number of ways, and has numerous plausible implications for abortion policy, including the oversight and regulation of clinics, the appropriateness of late-term abortions, the penalties for failing to report abuses, the statute of limitations for killings like those with which Gosnell is charged, whether staff should be legally culpable for the bad behavior of doctors under whom they work...

There's just no end to it.

To sum up, this story has numerous elements any one of which would normally make it a major story. And setting aside conventions, which are flawed, this ought to be a big story on the merits."

Thank you for your well worded post. I agree 100%.
Well I read that article and um, am speechless. It is not based on facts. It is not covered by the main media because of politics. It is a shame that 1,000's of innocent DEAD babies have NO voice for them and some people are upset that some of media are trying to pull the cover off this SERIAL KILLER and let the public know the facts of this case.

If this "doctor" shot all these babies with a GUN, it would be Front Page News Everywhere! But if he only cuts their spine when they are still alive and tosses them aside - well nothing to report....:furious:

I feel sorry for anyone who thinks that this is no big deal, no cover up. Move along people - nothing to see here. Just go back to the Jodi trial.

Big thanks to the people that had to search to even find this thread and take the time to post. All of the murdered babies need our voice.

There is so much wrong and evil about this man and it is so wrong that he and his crimes are ignored.

I agree that this thread should be more accessible.
Here is the link to download all 281 pages of the Grand Jury report and Recommendations.

I read it. I'm a little sorry I did, actually.

I don't get squeamish very often, but what the grand jury uncovered and what the employees in that clinic testified to might just be one of the most atrocious description of inhumanity that I have or will have ever read in my life: simply put, Infanticide. Infanticide possibly in the thousands. Thousands of 24+ week old "viable" fetuses that were born alive and had the back of their necks "snipped"

I am having trouble comprehending and understanding what I read. It's that bad.

Those poor little ones. Makes my heart sick.

I just finished reading. I truly have no words to fully express the shock and despair I am feeling. After reading how many complaints were filed against him as well as the many botched abortions he performed and patients that had to seek extra medical care elsewhere, I am even more sickened.

Why did this "clinic" even exist? THey were not even following basic procedures. The medical waste was in the basement in boxes. How long was this allowed to go on? How old were the bags of "waste"?

I followed the Caylee case from beginning to end. I watched as millions were enraged that the mother possibly drove around with the remains of her daughter in the trunk of her car for several days.

What somehow we as a nation are missing, or choosing not to see, is that this man and his staff- ROUTINELY- bagged up the remains of human beings, many viable babies, and left them to rot in his basement. Women, thinking they were in the good hands of a doctor, walked in to have medical procedures done in a building that must have smelled of human decomposition. Again, during the Anthony case we discussed that to no end. Yet, as a nation, we are nearly silent on this case.

The grand jury indictment states, "Let us say right up front that we realize this case will be used by those on both sides of the abortion debate. We ourselves cover a spectrum of personal beliefs about the morality of abortion. For us as a criminal grand jury, however, the case is not about that controversy; it is about disregard of the law and disdain for the lives and health of mothers and infants. We find common ground in exposing what happened here, and in recommending measures to prevent anything like this from ever happening again."

IMO the agencies responsible for overseeing clinics such as these are clearly not doing their job. I ask why? What are they afraid of? And why are we afraid to discuss it as well?
DA hype? really.

Come on jury, do what is right, this man is a monster.

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