GUILTY PA - Tom, 51, Lisa, 47, & Kevin Haines, 16, murdered, Manheim Twp, 12 May 2007

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Its interesting that the DA is very displeased with this Coroner and says he has interjected himself into cases before where he has no expertise.

I frankly find the Coroner a little reckless with his predictions as they do nothing but strike more fear in the community when the perp may not be a random serial killer at all but someone known to this family.


ITA This coroner seems to be seeking the limelight and mouthing off about stuff that is totally beyond his expertise. A bit of a Quincy wannabee.
This retired surgeon coroner seems very unprofessional. I wonder if LE thinks there was more than one murderer. If the scene was that horrible and the victims weren't bound or gagged, then I don't see how one person was able to prevent any screaming, yelling, loud crashes of objects being knocked over, or able to prevent the last victim being able to escape while the others were being murdered.
This reminded me of the Dickus murders in Franklin, Indiana. (In that no arrests, and brutally knifed to death.) Any news?

Coroner ripped for 'sensationalizing' Haines murders

"Dr. Kirchner has once again compromised a major criminal investigation by publicly disclosing detailed information about victim injuries that only the killer would know, and he has done so for no legitimate reason," the statement read.

The coroner has "compounded his obstruction," the statement continued, by profiling the killer, "even though specific information about the criminal investigation has been intentionally withheld from him and he has no expertise as a behavioral scientist."

The statement concluded that Kirchner's assumptions are "irresponsible and not worthy of consideration."

Kirchner responded to the criticism in a telephone interview this morning.

"I try to be reasonable with this man," he said of Totaro. "He says my opinion as coroner carries great weight, but then he turns around and says that what I say isn't worthy of consideration."

*snip - more at link*
This was taken from the above article posted by indigo mood:

"Two years ago, Totaro learned that Kirchner may have breached the county's 911 communications center Web site by giving his password to Intelligencer Journal reporters.

Kirchner denied the charge. Totaro turned over the case to the state attorney general's office.

Following a grand jury investigation, the attorney general accused Kirchner of breaching the security of the 911 system and violating the public trust.

The coroner has been arraigned and will be tried on two felony charges."

This blows my mind. He is awaiting trial on 2 felony charges but is still preforming the duties of coroner? That just doesn't seem right to me. He should be suspended pending the outcome of his trial. I think that by him being involved in any investigation that is compromising the integrity of the case.
Strange way for a coroner to be behaving. I wouild like to know more about why he would purposely compromise the investigation.

Is Kirchner's judgement impaired by drugs or alcohol?

Did Kirchner know any of the victims?

Does he like gory video games and hanging around with teenagers?

Does he have a teenage son? Does he have a thirty-ish son who likes teenagers and gory games?

Is he just a jerk who gets a power trip out of causing problems for LE investigators? Maybe a personal grudge of some kind?

Perhaps he believes he will lose his job anyway when he goes to court regarding the 911 password charges and wants to cause trouble on his way out.

Strange way for a coroner to be behaving. I wouild like to know more about why he would purposely compromise the investigation.

Is Kirchner's judgement impaired by drugs or alcohol?

Did Kirchner know any of the victims?

Does he like gory video games and hanging around with teenagers?

Does he have a teenage son? Does he have a thirty-ish son who likes teenagers and gory games?

Is he just a jerk who gets a power trip out of causing problems for LE investigators? Maybe a personal grudge of some kind?

Perhaps he believes he will lose his job anyway when he goes to court regarding the 911 password charges and wants to cause trouble on his way out.


I think the answer is pretty simple: he loves to hear himself talk and see his name in the papers.

They're gruesome. They're awful. They're bloody. They're unbelievable," Kirchner said, adding that the victims were stabbed multiple times. Kirchner, a retired surgeon, has his own theory about the killer.
My theory is probably that this is a psychotic killer. And that means that the whole motivation for the killing is in his head. It's not out among people," said Kirchner. Shapiro asked Kirchner more about his take on the crime.

Shapiro: "What makes you think it's a psychotic killer?" Kirchner: "Because they're not coming up with anything. No motives. No people. I mean we're down to interviewing kids at school. They've gone to Florida to visit the daughter's college roommate."

More at the link above.....

interesting....wonder if this is someone that knew, or dated, the daughter?... something will 'break' in this case soon...(i thought the same thing about Michelle Young's murder early on though, & it's going on 7 months now, ugh)
good...i'm glad someone else thought of the above case also....first thing that popped into my head, after hearing about these murders...(daughter 'escaped' unharmed)

I have to admit that I too thought of the Sarah Johnson case. I hope that this is not the same but until we know something definitive it will continue to run through my mind.

It just seems so implausible from the time she called 911 until the police arrived 4-5 minutes later they were all dead but not only that but the perp(s) were gone from the scene.:waitasec:

I know they're trying to keep details quiet, but do we know if they have any forensic evidence (DNA, fingerprints, etc...) yet?

I was hoping they had some good suspects by now, and maybe they do but they're doing a good job of keeping it quiet, despite the coroner's blabbering.

Speculation has been running rampant, both here and across the country; several Internet sites devoted to "true crime" are following the case closely, with one noted crime-writer suggesting that Kevin Haines appears to have been the main target, in that he is the only victim to have had his throat slashed.

"To stab someone is a very personal crime," said Steve Huff, a former Court TV "" writer who now writes at, among other sites. "To slit someone's throat, that's even more personal."

Huff said he has received several confidential e-mail tips in the case, and considered one important enough that he forwarded it to local authorities.

Totaro said a Manheim Township police officer has been "monitoring various Web site postings that relate to this case."

"Family murders often have a galvanizing effect on a community," said Huff, whose work has been cited by Rolling Stone and Wired magazines and who has been a guest on news shows broadcast on MSNBC, Fox News, Court TV and NBC. "It goes to the heart of a community's worst fear — that you're not safe in your own home."


In an on-line posting Saturday, Huff noted that while "At the moment, not much is being revealed, [it is] likely for good reasons — investigators always have information they want to withhold from the public, in part to weed out false confessions."

more at the link
I know they're trying to keep details quiet, but do we know if they have any forensic evidence (DNA, fingerprints, etc...) yet?

I was hoping they had some good suspects by now, and maybe they do but they're doing a good job of keeping it quiet, despite the coroner's blabbering.

I believe that they have blood evidence from the killer since they put out the word that he might have injuries to his arms or face. Must be some blood that didn't match that of the victims.
I believe that they have blood evidence from the killer since they put out the word that he might have injuries to his arms or face. Must be some blood that didn't match that of the victims.
Let's hope so!! I really hope they have a good suspect and are just gathering evidence, I know I'm impatient. :crazy:

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