Padilla Holds A Memorial For Caylee -2/10/09

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There were not thousands at the "real" one...there were hundreds. I think we need to stay with the facts. Just sayin.:blowkiss:

The facts are thousands attended the Church where there were real preachers.:blowkiss:
LP could have chosen any other day on the Calendar except today & it would have been a wonderful tribute to Caylee........

But he didn't...!!!

He chose to do it TODAY

It was disrespectful, ignorant & selfish...!!

Exactly what I've come to expect from Leonard

I think it was wonderful there was two different memorials. Those that didnt feel comfortable or not welcomed at one or the other, but really needed a place to go surrounded by others whose thoughts were with Caylee, had a choice of where to go and pay tribute where they were comfortable. I see nothing tacky or disrespectful about it.
I haven't had a chance to catch up on all of the news but here is a link to one of the many stories about the Suburban Dr gathering.
You can find many more like this in the Media Section and the Daily News Section/Thread

Mourners hold separate memorial where Caylee's remains were found
Rich McKay | Sentinel Staff Writer

With tears, prayers, and toys in hand, more than 70 people gathered near a small patch woods in southeast Orange County where the body of Caylee Marie Anthony was found after months of holding the attention of the nation.
"I haven't invited a single [media] camera here," Padilla said. "Caylee means more to me than she does to the media. To the media, she's just good television. I wish that I met her, I didn't, but I feel like I know her."

Richard Grund spoke of his family's love for the child and the pain they feel at her loss.
"The message here is for all of you," he said. "If you have children, love them today, because as we found out from this case, you may not have them tomorrow."


Thanks for posting this! I hope the Grunds were able to find some closure too. I see nothing wrong with LP holding a small memorial @ Suburban on the same day and time for Caylee. These were people that wanted to pay their respects and either were not allowed or opted not to attend the Church Memorial. I would have attended this one as well.
I think it was wonderful there was two different memorials. Those that didnt feel comfortable or not welcomed at one or the other, but really needed a place to go surrounded by others whose thoughts were with Caylee, had a choice of where to go and pay tribute where they were comfortable. I see nothing tacky or disrespectful about it.

Thanks for posting this! I hope the Grunds were able to find some closure too. I see nothing wrong with LP holding a small memorial @ Suburban on the same day and time for Caylee. These were people that wanted to pay their respects and either were not allowed or opted not to attend the Church Memorial. I would have attended this one as well.
I agree! :clap::clap::clap:The disrespect, IMO is mentioning her murderer at the same service to memorialize the victim.
I think it was appropriate to hold a service at the memorial site the same hour, the same day. People do this all over the world for various reasons, occasions, and people. I believe it was polarizing to "ban" people from a service. Why not allow people to grieve or show their respect in a way that makes them comfortable?

Padilla appears to be a decent man, just as the Grunds appear to be fine folks. They were invested in searching for this child, the Grunds LOVED her and have a right to put closure on her death, as well as honor her as much as anyone else.

Frankly, I do not think the public spectacle created at a 5,000 person church would have been something I would have been comfortable attending, and had I lived closer, would have been inclined to go to a memorial NOT put on by this family. Clearly there were other people who felt the same way.

We should all be focused on Caylee and her memory, not on trashing or attacking others, especially on this day.
Welcome to WS and I completely agree with you!
I agree! :clap::clap::clap:The disrespect, IMO is mentioning her murderer at the same service to memorialize the victim.

ITA!!!! Of ALL days...this one should have been about Caylee and only Caylee. :mad: IMO, that was disgraceful.
Leonard spoke on NG tonight and the memorial for Caylee lasted only 1/2 hour on Surburban Drive. Some folks stayed a little longer but all in all it was only 1/2 hour.
I think that if the people who wanted to honor Caylee - but were not allowed to the public memorial, then gathering at the crime scene is fine by me. I understand that CA didn't want the people who don't drink her cool-aid to be near her on her day of mourning Caylee. Personally I was surprised that the 5,000 seat church was as empty as it was and perhaps an indication that the "circus" has lost a lot of its allure and that the memory of Caylee is in our hearts and that we are ready for the next step of this story.
I think that if the people who wanted to honor Caylee - but were not allowed to the public memorial, then gathering at the crime scene is fine by me. I understand that CA didn't want the people who don't drink her cool-aid to be near her on her day of mourning Caylee. Personally I was surprised that the 5,000 seat church was as empty as it was and perhaps an indication that the "circus" has lost a lot of its allure and that the memory of Caylee is in our hearts and that we are ready for the next step of this story.

NG reported 2000 at the church, but the AP reported 1200 at most. I read crowds of about 100 give or take a LP's.
I think it was wonderful there was two different memorials. Those that didnt feel comfortable or not welcomed at one or the other, but really needed a place to go surrounded by others whose thoughts were with Caylee, had a choice of where to go and pay tribute where they were comfortable. I see nothing tacky or disrespectful about it.

I am going to schedule myself for a that I can post such well written and unoffensive posts like this one.

Bravo :clap:
NG reported 2000 at the church, but the AP reported 1200 at most. I read crowds of about 100 give or take a LP's.

Those are still amazing turn-outs for a memorial. I fully expected it to be standing room only with lines still outside. I hope this is a good sign, like I posted before, that only the people who really should be there were there.
Very Well Said He got what he deserved just about a hundred people showed up where as the REAL MEMORIAL there were thousands.He should be a shamed of himself all he is after is getting his 15 minutes off of a dead child.

It's not fair to say which was the real memorial.
People have different needs.
Sometimes a simple cigar band means more to
a person than a real wedding ring.........
It's not always about size and glitz.
Just a reminder about LP. He is a public figure and calling him controversial is an understatement. That said, we don;t all have to agree with him or like him, but name calling and plain old bash type posts are going to be removed, as we try to do with all name calling posts. Posts that are critical but constructive are fine.
Hopefully that makes sense and you all see the difference.
I haven't had a chance to catch up on all of the news but here is a link to one of the many stories about the Suburban Dr gathering.
You can find many more like this in the Media Section and the Daily News Section/Thread

Mourners hold separate memorial where Caylee's remains were found
Rich McKay | Sentinel Staff Writer

With tears, prayers, and toys in hand, more than 70 people gathered near a small patch woods in southeast Orange County where the body of Caylee Marie Anthony was found after months of holding the attention of the nation.
"I haven't invited a single [media] camera here," Padilla said. "Caylee means more to me than she does to the media. To the media, she's just good television. I wish that I met her, I didn't, but I feel like I know her."

Richard Grund spoke of his family's love for the child and the pain they feel at her loss.
"The message here is for all of you," he said. "If you have children, love them today, because as we found out from this case, you may not have them tomorrow."


Oops! Looks like Kalani was on the list too.
Very Well Said He got what he deserved just about a hundred people showed up where as the REAL MEMORIAL there were thousands.He should be a shamed of himself all he is after is getting his 15 minutes off of a dead child.

I don't believe there were "thousands". :rolleyes:
Very Well Said He got what he deserved just about a hundred people showed up where as the REAL MEMORIAL there were thousands.He should be a shamed of himself all he is after is getting his 15 minutes off of a dead child.
The only other gathering I was aware of was the production at the church.

I watched the production but did not see a memorial.
Yes, my point was it was not thousandS. As for LP doing it today, does it really matter. The people that were at his were the people who would not have gone to the other one. At least they had something.

Exactly. If I had been in Orlando I wouldn't have gone to the church, I might have gone to the site. It looks like LP's gathering was about 10 percent of the number who went to the memorial. Even if all those people chose to go today it wouldn't have made a dent in that sanctuary (I've been in it, 5000 people is a lot in one room). The people who were going to go to the memorial went. Had he been invited, it would have been bad taste to hold a memorial today apart from the family's. But he wasn't invited.

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