Pamela Long Wiggins In-Depth Discussion

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The only plausible reason I can think of that they let her out was to watch her and see what she does at this point. But that even seems like a lame reason, given what she allegedly has done. So, I'm back to thinking state's witness?

Letting her out has been the biggest mystery since LE cracked this case, IMO.
I just went ahead and deleted my earlier post in this thread before someone else did. Sorry for anyone who was reading it or interested.
Has anyone looked up the bail guidelines for such a crime ... I once knew someone with a 2nd DUI hearing(no accident) having a bail of $5,000 with $500 to spring. DUI is truly bad but somehow it doesn't seem to compare with this.

Also, lets examine the logic of 'after the fact' knowledge.

1. She has NO knowledge of a crime beforehand
2. The group murders someone
3. After the murder, the preps tell her of the murders and ask for help hiding the safe. They can plan the perfect crime (minus the video) for a month but between 7 of them can't figure out how to hide a safe? I can see the conversation now ....
---a. (prep 1) 'Perfect crime guys, great work! ..... oh crap!!! what do we do with the safe????'
---b. (preps 2 - 7) 'I don't know boss we sure did overlook that detail .... maybe ask a friend for help?'
---c. (all preps) - 'Great idea, maybe Pam can figure this part out? Yep, Yep, Yep, Yep, Yep, Yep, ... then we all agree, how about you boss?'
---d. (boss) - 'Yep, lets call Pam, she is so smart with things like this!'
4. She is NOT involved until then but decides to help out anyway ... now learning of the murders. I wonder how that conversation went?
---a. (boss) 'Hi Pam, how are you doing?
---b. (Pam) 'Good, can you?'
---c. (boss) 'Fine, except us guys ... , we have this little problem'
---b. (Pam) 'Whats wrong?, maybe I can help out'
---c. (boss) 'Well you see ... we were robbing someone and some people got killed'
---d. (Pam) 'and ... ?'
---e. (boss) 'Well maybe this sounds stupid .... but we don't know what to do with the safe now that we got one' :rolleyes:
---f. (Pam) 'Ohhhh ... ok, see you in 10 mins and we can figure it out together'

Nope, it didn't happen like this and agree there is something very wrong here. There is not a single person on earth (including family) whom I would go to prison for given this situation.
Like Judge Judy would say 'Don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining'. :furious:

The only plausible reason I can think of that they let her out was to watch her and see what she does at this point. But that even seems like a lame reason, given what she allegedly has done. So, I'm back to thinking state's witness?

Letting her out has been the biggest mystery since LE cracked this case, IMO.
Like Judge Judy would say 'Don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining'.[/

It seems like she is deeply involved, but I have to wonder how in the world she was released on bail if she is indeed the mastermind. What amount of bail was set? I've always wondered, but didn't want to wade through the long threads the find out.

(I'm so tickled there is a forum for this case now!)

Do you think bail was set at an obtainable amount so that she could get out ands be watched and observed?
Throwing that safe over the 3 mile Pensacola Bay bridge in the middle of the night would prolly would have been a better plan than burying it in ole sashay smiley Pam's backyard! Of course Hugh, Pammy's hub, prolly would have found out about that as well and told authorities and they would have sent divers down to recover it. It's been said that Pam is a smart woman, but I can figure out why in the world she would allow the safe to be buried in her own backyard! That was a DUMB move (just one of many)! :bang:
LE found 3 cell phones in her van..I wonder if all 3 were functional. It is strange that they didn't search the van for a few days..unless LE had the van. Still so many unanswered questions in this case.
last night while looking for info, Pam was a POI in 1994 arson in Albany GA.
I wish I had saved the link, can't find but that is very interesting.
I have no idea what ever happened to that case or what the arson was...hope a local from Albany may know.
Something stinks. The murder weapon apparently was found on her property, as well as the safe? It sounds like she knowingly was involved if she provided so much towards this crime that became a murder. Wish we could know more about her connection(s). Wonder why she is so smug and smirky over the death of two people. Please, someone, help me understand!
Throwing that safe over the 3 mile Pensacola Bay bridge in the middle of the night would prolly would have been a better plan than burying it in ole sashay smiley Pam's backyard! Of course Hugh, Pammy's hub, prolly would have found out about that as well and told authorities and they would have sent divers down to recover it. It's been said that Pam is a smart woman, but I can figure out why in the world she would allow the safe to be buried in her own backyard! That was a DUMB move (just one of many)! :bang:

IMO, JMO, etc, etc...:

I'm throwing something out there...

WHY, if you owned a boat, would you not dump the safe in the ocean and destroy the contents (or sell them, etc....)? UNLESS.....

Someone that HIRED YOU required the safe and contents in exchange for PAYMENT?
Just in case you have not gotten your share of PLW, a Fox newscrew spotted her at a local restaurant and tried to get a comment. She would not speak. According to the accompanying article this was filmed the evening of 22 July.

In addition, I have read elsewhere that she has been spotted at a local starbucks, again surrounded by media. I would think she would be laying low.

Does anyone know her well enough to know if this is her husband with her? His face is obscured. Is that his car?
Make sure if you link to someone with a similar name that it is in fact the suspect before you post.

thanks :)
I happened to be cruising down hwy 98 today on my way back from Navarre, Florida earlier today and noticed PW's antique mall was NOT hurting for business. The parking lot was JAM PACKED with cars when I drove by about 1:00 pm this afternoon. I don't recall ever seeing it that crowded before and wondered if news of her arrest and all the publicity was in some wierd way good for her business! I don't recall ever seeing that many cars in the parking lot!
last night while looking for info, Pam was a POI in 1994 arson in Albany GA.
I wish I had saved the link, can't find but that is very interesting.
I have no idea what ever happened to that case or what the arson was...hope a local from Albany may know.

You know what has me thinking? When LPG Jr's wife, TG, divorced her husband BF (who happens to be good friends with LPG JR), there was some type of order issued from the judge in their divorce that they (TG and BF) were to split some type of insurance settlement they received for a fire. I'm assuming a house fire. It just has me wondering....what's up with all these fires? PW suspected of arson.....LPGjr's wife received a monetary settlement due to a fire...see where I'm going? :waitasec: :confused: :eek:

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