Parents of third graders outraged at diversity tape

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Good night Janet and Irish. It's been fun! *plots what kind of havoc I can wreak while they sleep, muahahahaa!*:crazy:
Dark Knight said:
Oh, ok, NOW I see your point. As a result, I want the schools to show videotapes about homosexuality being considered a sin by some people and that it is possible to not think same-sex couples are "OK." Is it OK with you if your kids see THAT video and have lessons on such matters? The school should be teaching them ALL the viewpoints objectively and without bias since the parents might not get around to it so our 3rd graders can make an informed decision.

DK, I doubt that the video is saying one way or another that same sex marriage is OK. It is saying, according to the link that "the video is to help teach children about respect for all children and diverse families. Is that any different than what our own Church teaches? The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "Men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided."
Maral said:
DK, I doubt that the video is saying one way or another that same sex marriage is OK. It is saying, according to the link that "the video is to help teach children about respect for all children and diverse families. Is that any different than what our own Church teaches? The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "Men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided."
And just know that if they engage in sex, they are going to burn in hell forever.
Dark Knight said:
Yes because popular opinion makes it alright. :rolleyes:

*sigh* I knew that was going to sound bad and be taken the wrong way. Actually, popular opinion around here is that the tapes should not be shown ever. (Which is amazing to me because Philadelphia has a rather large gay population.)
((Melisinde)) No sighing :o

I'm surprised that Philly would react that way also!
Look, my point is this. (Keep in mind I come from a Roman Catholic background and attended Catholic school for the first 12 years of my schooling. I'll probably be going back to a Catholic university at a later point.) The Catholic church teaches "love the sinner, hate the sin." Now, I guess I should no longer be in the Catholic church because of some of my beliefs but... children are cruel. What is wrong with saying to children, "Look, Emily has two moms. You shouldn't pick on her because she is different in that way though." There's a difference between teaching kids that homosexuality is okay and that children shouldn't "suffer" because of their parents' "sins." Do you propose to tell your children that homosexuality is wrong and that anyone who is in any way shape or form connected to it is bad also? Or do you just want to tell your children, "Emily has two moms. I don't agree with her having two moms, but you shouldn't be mean to Emily because she has two moms"... because essentially, this is what that video is doing. They showed part of it on the news the other night and the video basically says, "Families come in all different forms. Some people have one mom, some people have two moms, some people have older moms." Nowhere does it say you should support/accept everyone's lifestyles!

You know, gay marriage was almost passed in Hawaii before they slipped into the state constitution that marriage was between "a man and a woman." The state tried to argue that their compelling interest was that only a couple of a man and a woman could properly raise a child. So much for single parents in Hawaii I suppose....
GASP!!!!!!!! OHMYGOD!!!!! Not a video that contained . . . things that may be DIFFERENT than Ozzy and Harriet. Please tell me that these poor little third graders were not subjected to the HORROR of actually seeing little Emily with two moms. HEAVEN ABOVE!!!!!!! How will she ever turn out right after seeing something like that!!!!! I'm outraged. She'll need therapy for the rest of her life. She'll probably grow up brain damaged. Jesus when will this nightmare end. :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
angelmom said:
I guess this whole thing smacks of the nanny state to me. Do we really want a babysitter who makes every decision for us based on what polls well?
Make a decision about what? Surely you do not believe sticking your fingers in your child's ears, closing your child's eyes and repeating "la la la" and pretending homosexuals don't exist isn't going to make it so.
Linda7NJ said:
Make a decision about what? Surely you do not believe sticking your fingers in your child's ears, closing your child's eyes and repeating "la la la" and pretending homosexuals don't exist isn't going to make it so.

That's absolutely right Linda. The child whose got your fingers in her ears may actually even be homosexual, so what a waste that would be, huh?
Dark Knight said:
It's religious opinion that same sex marriage doesn't fall into the category of "accepting diversity." But those opinions don't count, I guess.
Not in a public school
I am totally against teaching children in public school about "sin".

I do believe it is necessary to teach why a diversity class is even taught. There is nothing wrong with teaching children about bigotry, prejudice, racism, discrimination and hatred and where it begins. Sadly, it's usually at HOME.
Linda7NJ said:
Not in a public school

Not even in "public" anywhere. No one on this earth has the right to sit in judgment of who we choose to make our family members. No one on this earth has the right to say you cannot make a life and a family with this person or that person simply because of your own personal beliefs. If God is supposed to be The One who judges us, let it fall upon Him to do so. In the meantime, I don't need someone who happens to be able to quote a lot of bible passages telling me what and who I'm allowed to call my family.
Jeana (DP) said:
Not even in "public" anywhere. No one on this earth has the right to sit in judgment of who we choose to make our family members. No one on this earth has the right to say you cannot make a life and a family with this person or that person simply because of your own personal beliefs. If God is supposed to be The One who judges us, let it fall upon Him to do so. In the meantime, I don't need someone who happens to be able to quote a lot of bible passages telling me what and who I'm allowed to call my family.

Amen, Jeana. As you kcan probably tell, I am not enamored of the government or its institutions telling me squat. (I know better than they :D ;) ). Simply studying the history of our country should teach plenty of "diversity" if anyone would bother to do it. I see nothing wrong with children being made aware there are many types of families. There always have been, for that matter. Remember "Oliver?" -"Huckleberry Finn?" Recognizing it and respecting it doesn't mean advocating it. People who are confident of their beliefs and teachings should not be threatened by this.

Jeana (DP) said:
Not even in "public" anywhere. No one on this earth has the right to sit in judgment of who we choose to make our family members. No one on this earth has the right to say you cannot make a life and a family with this person or that person simply because of your own personal beliefs. If God is supposed to be The One who judges us, let it fall upon Him to do so. In the meantime, I don't need someone who happens to be able to quote a lot of bible passages telling me what and who I'm allowed to call my family.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I think the problem comes in with educating 8 year olds about sexual relationships. If my kids met two women, they would assume they were roommates. There would be no discrimination because they are completely naiive as to the nature of the relationship. They see my husband and I sleep in the same bed, but are completely naiive to the nature of what happens behind our bedroom door as well.

Why do 8 year olds have to be prematurely sexualized with regard to the alternative lifestyles when they're not aware of any sexuality?

The school should teach respect for individuals period. You don't have to endorse private bedroom behavior to be respectful of individuals and their rights to do as they choose.
In my experience, any video remotely like this that was going to be shown at my children's school, would have had to be authorized by the parent. I think I had to sign a waiver once saying that my child could watch "The Wizard of Oz". :doh:

Years ago, I would have thought third grade was too young to show such a film. But not anymore. In this day and age with TV, movies, daily contact with human beings, children need to understand and respect.

JanetElaine said:
And again, if 3rd grade is too soon, then when is the right time for this?
It shouldn't even have to be a class. It should be something families talk about from birth onward. The only true way to teach tolerance and compassion for our fellow beings is to instill it in them from birth. That way they have no memories of NOT being a person who is capable of feeling any of those emotions.

Sadly, many by pass that and instead teach them that others are wrong, or sinful, or backwards...or, or, or. You get it...anything different than what they think is just too out there to be taught to a young mind. Believe you me, children are capable of making up their own minds about facts and if presented to them in an unbiased way, have remarkable abilities of making sense of a world gone nuts...unlike the adults who want to contrain it to a form that they can cope with.

Yet they wonder why our kids are killing each other, why they think life is expendable, why they think making fun and being bullies of others who are different is right.

eta, I still don't think schools should teach it. That falls squarely on a parents shoulders. Maybe they should be showing this film to parents only?
twinkiesmom said:
I think the problem comes in with educating 8 year olds about sexual relationships. If my kids met two women, they would assume they were roommates. There would be no discrimination because they are completely naiive as to the nature of the relationship. They see my husband and I sleep in the same bed, but are completely naiive to the nature of what happens behind our bedroom door as well.

Why do 8 year olds have to be prematurely sexualized with regard to the alternative lifestyles when they're not aware of any sexuality?

The school should teach respect for individuals period. You don't have to endorse private bedroom behavior to be respectful of individuals and their rights to do as they choose.

Have you read this thread? They are NOT teaching about sexual relationships. They are teaching about relationships. I can't imagine the video would be something like this:
"Inter-racial families exist, this is when a man puts his black penis into a woman's white vagina. Same-sex families exist, this is when a man puts his.... " I don't understand those of you who are complaining on the grounds that it's too young to teach about sexuality, when sexuality is NOT THE ISSUE.

My stepdaughter "came out" (I hate that phrase) about a year ago. I don't think about the sex stuff, I just think about the fact that she found someone who loves her for who she is, and treats her and her 3 children well. I don't want to think about what they do in the bedroom anymore than I wanted to think about what my stepdaughter did in the bedroom with the guy she was married to for awhile. It's not about sex, it's about two people who have committed to caring for one another through the good times and the bad.

For that matter, DH and I have had our friend staying with us for months now. My neighbors might very well think that I'm having sex with both guys, but I'm not. Sex doesn't enter into our relationship (our friend has a guest room all to himself) - we're just friends who are living together due to a temporary situation. While these living arrangements started out as temporary, I've found that the 3 of us are very compatible living partners and I'd actually love to build our own house (separate bedroom "wings", but one huge family room and kitchen). I've even teasingly asked our friend to "marry us". He loves to cook (and I don't); when I'm not into what the guys are watching on t.v., I come to my computer and don't feel like I'm ignoring my husband because he has someone else there. When my husband isn't home from work yet, our friend is there to kill a spider for me (silly example). I've learned a lot more about my husband, seeing how he interacts with his long-time buddy. I've heard more stories about work than I ever used to (DH said he didn't want to "bore me with work details", but now I get to hear it because he sits and tells our friend about his day).

I guess we'd be considered an "unconventional family" to some, but we're just 3 people who are living each day as it comes, being there for each other the same way that other families are there for each other.
Kitty5001 said:
I, as a parent of a 3rd grade boy would be FURIOUS if this happened to him. YES while there are homosexuals out in the world, there is a TIME and a PLACE to approach that topic and it certainly is not a 8 years old. It is at a time that they would be mature enough to understand it. People as parents have every right to censor what their children are exposed to- rated m video games, rated r movies, music with obsecene words and yes sexuality in any form. My son does not need to know about two guys or girls having relationships nor does he probably want to. It has nothing to do with buring anyone's head in the sand. It has to do with shielding our kids from the liberal ideas that they can see and hear all the crap in the world and become "educated" no-they become desensitized like we all have and moral values keep slipping further and further down the tubes.
I agree wholeheartedly. School is not where diversity training should be taught. That is why we rank way behind other countries in education. We are so worried about teaching tolerance, that we aren't teaching our kids math,science,history,and english. My kids used to go to the public schools and much of their day was wasted teaching anger management and diversity and self esteem and all that other crappola. It is not the job of the state to teach children morals, that should be done at home. I am forking out over 10,000 dollars a year at private schools to ensure no one elses liberal aganda is forced down the throat of my children. Bi-racial couples are diverse, because they exhibit diversity in culture.......where gay couples fit into that is beyond me. Since when did your choice of who to roll in the sack with make you diverse? Homosexuality is not a lifestyle or ethnic minority, it is a sexual preference. I wouldn't want my kids to learn about sado masichist households or swinger households.....why does the state feel its necessary to educate them about homosexual households? There are kids in third grade who can't read or do long division, but thank goodness they'll no how to socialize with a child from a same sex marriage. Doesn't make sense to me.:razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:

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