Paris Hilton Fender-Bender Caught on Tape,she left the scene without giving info

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Jan 11, 2006
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LOS ANGELES — Paris Hilton had a fender-bender accident when her Range Rover backed into a car in a parking garage after a shopping trip, her publicist said Friday.
Hilton backed into a parked Honda Civic on Thursday. A videotape on the Web site showed Hilton getting into the car, saying goodbye to someone and backing up. The sound of a crash followed.

The video showed scrapes on the bumpers of both vehicles.

The Rover stopped briefly then continued on toward the exit of the parking structure. indicated Hilton failed to leave contact information for the Honda's owner and thus may have violated laws against hit-and-run. Her publicist denied that.

"Did she commit a crime? No," Elliot Mintz said.

She left the scene of the accident,that is hit and it not??
she will probably get away with it. If she can drink and drive on a daily basis and not get in trouble she can pretty much do whatever she wants. its not right but i guess thats how it is.
dancingdaisy said:
she will probably get away with it. If she can drink and drive on a daily basis and not get in trouble she can pretty much do whatever she wants. its not right but i guess thats how it is.
Hi there Dancingdaisy :) ,
I am sure that you are right.She will claim that the media forced her to flee and Mommy and daddy's money will help her flee from the misdemeaner charge.
She called the garage and made sure they new to tell the car owner (who was not there at the time) Her information.

THat is not illegal.
I'm so thankful I'm not in the public eye. I'd hate for everyone to know my every move.... I can only imagine how hearing all those reporter's negative take on your every move feels. I guess they chose that life... but I can only say that I wouldn't want it.
Amraann said:
She called the garage and made sure they new to tell the car owner (who was not there at the time) Her information.

THat is not illegal.
Hi Amraann,
It was said by Paris' rep she left info with the parking attendant.The news said that it is not verified as true,because it shows Paris leaving without a seat belt as soon as the incident happened.She did not go back and speak to the attendent and no she did not call the parking garage and speak to the attendant because she is not going to give up personal info.(I do not have a link since it was just stated and how would she know that the attendant would not use it for his own personal use,AKA Paris's stolen cell phone records.)That is why it is not believed that she left personal contact info......

It was also meantioned that Paris has eight instances on video,since May 1,2006 where she drives away in her car without her seat belt.She has never been cited. If she had, the fines would total $1682. BTW, Thursday's incident brings the count (of driving without a seat belt) to nine.
Thanks for the post Amraann.Hopefully it is true that she had
mssheila said:
I'm so thankful I'm not in the public eye. I'd hate for everyone to know my every move.... I can only imagine how hearing all those reporter's negative take on your every move feels. I guess they chose that life... but I can only say that I wouldn't want it.
Hi Mssheila,
Public eye or not,we all need to pay attention,what if someone someone were loading their bags into there trunk and she backed into them?

I say that because it happened to my aunt.
I think that if she did call back to the garage to give her info it was because of all the media attention. I havent heard that she did do this but if she did i doubt it was because she wanted to. her rep probably told her she had to because the hit and run was caught on tape. I still wouldnt bet the farm that she actually did though :)
dancingdaisy said:
I think that if she did call back to the garage to give her info it was because of all the media attention. I havent heard that she did do this but if she did i doubt it was because she wanted to. her rep probably told her she had to because the hit and run was caught on tape. I still wouldnt bet the farm that she actually did though :)
Hi Dancingdaisy,
No one believes her rep that she did this.She left the scene.She did not go back and speak to anyone.If she did it would have been the person she hit.She did not do that.After her cell phone was hacked and her address book,photos and everything else was taken she vowed not to store personal info in her phone and to call only family and close friends with it.

So does anyone think that she called up 411,got the garage phone #,got connected to the right booth and then gave personal info to an attendant she had not seen.I would not bet the farm either.
SHE called..
There was a article at comcast stating she called.
I disagree with the seat belt law anyhow..

As a grown adult I do not need the government dictating what I should be doing for safety of myself.

I wear a seat belt because I choose to be safe. MY wearing or not wearing a seatbelt doesn't affect my driving or cause harm to others on the road.
Amraann said:
I disagree with the seat belt law anyhow..

As a grown adult I do not need the government dictating what I should be doing for safety of myself.

I wear a seat belt because I choose to be safe. MY wearing or not wearing a seatbelt doesn't affect my driving or cause harm to others on the road.

I wear a seat belt but a few years ago my middle daughter had a bad car accident. She lived in the country and was going into town. Her right side tires went off the road a little and she over corrected. The car flipped and she was thrown out through the back window that had broken out with the impact. If she had been wearing a seat belt she would have been crushed by the top of the car because it was almost flattened. She ended up with a broken back and hip and lots of stitches in her head but at least she was alive....thank God. I think the majority of the time seat belts save or lives though.

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