Pastor - Neil Schori

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I'm thinking that she didn't want the pastor to say anything because she was Drew's alibi, and that would mean that she lied to the police during the initial interview after Kathleen's death- she would be in trouble as well.

And I bet Drew pointed that out to Stacy any chance he got. He may have even gone as far as telling her she would be blamed for it. After all, he got away with it initially.
As a pastor and minister of God -- why didn't he come forward with this BEFORE she went missing? This was a crime. Personally -- I don't believe him.

I would be curious if he discussed Stacy's conversation with another pastor or counselor? If he didn't he made a poor choice. In California a mandatory reporter must report murder or threats to harm self or others to LE. If he was being cautious because Drew was a Police Officer in the department he would be reporting to he should of discussed it with someone else.

He looks very young. Didn't he realize Stacy was in extreme danger? And does he have any remorse now for sitting on this information?
And I bet Drew pointed that out to Stacy any chance he got. He may have even gone as far as telling her she would be blamed for it. After all, he got away with it initially.

I believe that several of these things took place. Drew hung it over her head that she was his alabi therefore an accomplice and maybe that he would twist things to make it look like Stacy took more of a role in the actual murder of Kathleeen.

Also I think that it is very possible Drew told her she would never be allowed to leave him because the same thing would happen to her. He told wife number 2 and Kathleen how could murder them and make it look like an accident. So there is no reason to beleive he wouldn't have told Stacy the same thing. Drew was very skilled at manipulating his wives by using bully and fear to get the results he wanted.

I'm sure Stacy felt if she went to the police that would not keep Drew from having a little accidental death befall her. I am sure she shared all this and more with the pastor. I think she may have even started the conversation with the fact that this needed to be kept confidential until she was prepared to move forward with the info...she would need to know and believe that the pastor would not let this info out until she was ready.

I think she was preparing to leave Drew and may have mentioned that to the pastor and that this was why..and also how much she feared for her life.

It is amazing how much we learned from just the little bit he was able to tell us..that this does jive with the other info the police have. That so far everyone's story has been alittle different but the main facts have not changed..they all seem to back each other up. Yet they don't know each other. The minister having a phone message from Drew when he returns backs up the stories of Drew's stalking and bugging that others have related.

The peices of the puzzle continue to fall into place.
I would be curious if he discussed Stacy's conversation with another pastor or counselor? If he didn't he made a poor choice. In California a mandatory reporter must report murder or threats to harm self or others to LE. If he was being cautious because Drew was a Police Officer in the department he would be reporting to he should of discussed it with someone else.

He looks very young. Didn't he realize Stacy was in extreme danger? And does he have any remorse now for sitting on this information?

Someone at Greta posted the California law and explained it would only have applied if Stacy said she had or would kill someone. It doesn't apply to second party hearsay or what could be considered gossip.

Schori is 32 years old. Has a lengthy educational resume, and probably does feel remorse. But I'm not sure he had a legal leg to stand on to report anything until Stacy went missing and a crime directly related to her obviously occured.
Fine line. Perhaps she was adamant to him not to. Perhaps she felt her life would be in greater danger if he came forward. Certainly if he reported it to the police, DP would know she was telling people. Also, this put the Pastor's life on the line, too.

I feel Stacy would have been frightened that the pastor might tell the police and it would turn out to be the "wrong police" - those who were DP's friends. This information in the wrong hands would be a disaster. Not only would DP find out that Stacy had told someone, he would know who that someone was.

I think Stacy would have told the pastor to please keep the information confidential. The pastor, in his capacity as a counselor, would be obligated to keep the information confidential unless he felt Stacy was in danger. Stacy told the pastor about DP killing Kathleen, but from what the pastor said in his interview with Greta, she didn't tell the pastor that she was being physically abused. Had that been the case - DP killing Kathleen and now physically abusive to Stacy, that would have been the one thing that may have prompted the pastor to break his obligation of confidentiality and tell authorities.
Does anyone know what Christian Denomination the church is that this man pastors? I am an ordained women's minister and I have to tell you that if someone came to me with this information I would have been obligated by God and my conscience to tell the police.
Something about this "pastor" just doesn't set right with me. No evidence, just a hunch.
You would have gone to the BB police knowing that her husband is a cop on their force, that his third wife Kathleen had called them 18 times and was murdered by him, that his current wife was afraid of him, and when you get back to the office there is a voice mail from him saying he knows where you were and you just met with his wife?

Most importantly I believe she prefaced the whole meeting with the fact that this must remain was a situation where he was damned if you and damned if you don't.
Does anyone know what Christian Denomination the church is that this man pastors? I am an ordained women's minister and I have to tell you that if someone came to me with this information I would have been obligated by God and my conscience to tell the police.
Something about this "pastor" just doesn't set right with me. No evidence, just a hunch.
With all due respect, bring this to police based on what? There was no indication that Stacy said there was an immenent threat to her life. Perhaps she did, but that is not stated. She may have told the pastor that she needed prayers as she was working on a plan to make this right, but she need time. She also may have stated to the Pastor that telling authorities at this time would only endanger her more.

I believe that his obligation was to bring it up to senior pastoral staff, which appears to be what he did. From there, I'm sure that he was advised on what to do next.

It is always easy to look back in the mirror after the fact and say what he should have done, but I'm sure he was doing what he felt was the right thing.
I also heard Mark Furman say that ISp most likely leaked the info out about the pastor and he said it was us (media)who tracked the pastor down and started asking him questions. Like others I believe he feared going to BBPD knowing that Drew worked there and I'm sure Stacy would of told the pastor that NO one is going to believe us. I believe the pastor did a lot of soul searching and many sleepless nights thinking that if he reported what Stacy had told him that Stacy could very well come up dead and himself as well. This is just my own thinking.
You would have gone to the BB police knowing that her husband is a cop on their force, that his third wife Kathleen had called them 18 times and was murdered by him, that his current wife was afraid of him, and when you get back to the office there is a voice mail from him saying he knows where you were and you just met with his wife?

Most importantly I believe she prefaced the whole meeting with the fact that this must remain was a situation where he was damned if you and damned if you don't.

Tall tale or otherwise, the pastor's reporting is twice removed hearsay and Stacey is not available to be confronted, thus, inadmissible as evidence.
I understand that the pastor may have,after much consideration,and talking to his superiors,decided to go to LE and tell them what he knows.If all is true,I'm glad he did.

What I have a hard time with is,talking to LE is one thing,doing an inteview with a nightly news show is something else. I'm surprised he did that.
I'm praying and hoping that Stacy told someone else after she told her pastor about DP killing wife #3. I feel like Stacy may have told someone else, since her pastor asked for anyone to come forward if they had any information at all (that comment seemed a little odd coming from pastor - I thought).
I believe that Stacy shared info with the pastor in Aug. because she already knew she was leaving DrewP. And I believe it is possible that she may have asked him not to report the info until she had gotten away from DrewP.
I also believe that she shared with the pastor for a reason. That reason being that if she ended up dead or missing, she wanted that info to come out. This was her way of insuring that.
He's 32? He looks so much younger. I wonder just how new he is to being a clergyman. He said he did more counseling than preaching. I do remember Brodsky? saying something earlier about things told to a pastor shouldn't be repeated. The confidential bit. I know Greta did have the Illinois law there and said he could report conversations to the authorities. I just wonder how much inexperience caused his hesitation to report to the police immediately.
BOLINGBROOK, Ill. — An ex-cop's missing wife once confessed to her pastor that her husband admitted killing his third wife, the pastor told FOX News' Greta Van Susteren in an interview that aired Monday night.
Former Westbrook Christian Church pastor Neil Schori told "On the Record" that he was "reeling inside" after his conversation with Stacy Peterson over coffee in August.
"He killed Kathleen (Savio)," Stacy Peterson had said, according to Schori.

What's with the FORMER?
Tall tale or otherwise, the pastor's reporting is twice removed hearsay and Stacey is not available to be confronted, thus, inadmissible as evidence.

Most likely true, unless it can be tied to motive. As in this conversation caused Stacy's demise. Which would make the Pastor a first party and no longer hearsay. Otherwise, it probably can't be used in court at all. But what a great investigative tool. And whatever Drew said to the Pastor isn't hearsay.
BOLINGBROOK, Ill. — An ex-cop's missing wife once confessed to her pastor that her husband admitted killing his third wife, the pastor told FOX News' Greta Van Susteren in an interview that aired Monday night.
Former Westbrook Christian Church pastor Neil Schori told "On the Record" that he was "reeling inside" after his conversation with Stacy Peterson over coffee in August.
"He killed Kathleen (Savio)," Stacy Peterson had said, according to Schori.

What's with the FORMER?

He's currently at a different church.
BOLINGBROOK, Ill. — An ex-cop's missing wife once confessed to her pastor that her husband admitted killing his third wife, the pastor told FOX News' Greta Van Susteren in an interview that aired Monday night.
Former Westbrook Christian Church pastor Neil Schori told "On the Record" that he was "reeling inside" after his conversation with Stacy Peterson over coffee in August.
"He killed Kathleen (Savio)," Stacy Peterson had said, according to Schori.

What's with the FORMER?

He's now with Naperville Christian Church

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