Patricia Garrido

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
From what I know, schizophrenia is a male dominant gene, just like color blindness, male pattern baldness, and stuttering. Males have a 75% chance of getting these diseases, so I'd estimate it's not very likely the girls will inherit it.

Incorrect. According to the epidemialogy section in wikipedia:

Schizophrenia occurs equally in males and females, although typically appears earlier in men—the peak ages of onset are 20–28 years for males and 26–32 years for females.[1] Onset in childhood is much rarer,[187] as is onset in middle- or old age.[188] The lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia—the proportion of individuals expected to experience the disease at any time in their lives—is commonly given at 1%. However, a 2002 systematic review of many studies found a lifetime prevalence of 0.55%.[3]

There has been a recent theory proposed that autism and schizophrenia are opposite ends of the same disorder since schizophrenia has a high association with a pair of sequences in the genome where one copy has been duplicated, whereas autism has a high association with the same pair of sequences where one copy has been deleted.
Maybe, but that usually manifests itself in early adulthood so it would be to soon to say. They have a 25% chance since there is nothing wrong with Jaycee.

From what I've read, if PG is schizophrenic, the girls would have a 13% chance of inheriting it. They've got a long, challenging road ahead of them, so I truly hope that they won't have to deal with schizophrenia on top of everything else.
None of us really know for sure. It is a possibility, though. We may never know for sure if he is schizophrenic because of HIPAA laws. I agree that the girls will have issues but pray that they'll be able to overcome them as much as possible in order to lead somewhat normal lives.

If he has schizophrenia, I wouldn't be surprised if it's brought up during the trial, especially if his attorney plans on using an insanity/mental health defense.
It is possible, but according to the parole records, he's been on some sort of "calming" drug for a long time.
I don't know by PG's behaviors if he is truly mentally ill with schizophrenia, bi-polar or if he is just a damn good con man who uses mental issues as a reason to try and justify his actions. He seems the epitome of pure evil, self absorbed, with his wants and desires at the top of the food chain. He has no problem using all around him to accomplish his goals. There is no way I can believe that he is mentally sane, but I truly believe that he knows right from wrong and should be accountable for his crimes.
PG obviously has some sort of mental disorder but he's not insane. If he wasn't aware of the difference between right and wrong he wouldn't have had to conceal JC and her girls from LE for almost 2 decades and also teach them to lie just in case. There would be NO need to teach the girls to lie if he didn't know what he was doing was wrong/illegal.
It is possible, but according to the parole records, he's been on some sort of "calming" drug for a long time.

We could probably narrow it down if we could figure out which prescription drugs show up on drug tests. If we had an idea of what kind or class of medication he was taking, we could better guess at what mental disorder he was diagnosed as having.
which calming drug was it, the pot or the crack?

seriously, even if he was on medical prescriptionns, there's no drug other then castration (or lorena bobbit) that i knnow of that can stop a rapist or pedophile.
I don't know by PG's behaviors if he is truly mentally ill with schizophrenia, bi-polar or if he is just a damn good con man who uses mental issues as a reason to try and justify his actions. He seems the epitome of pure evil, self absorbed, with his wants and desires at the top of the food chain. He has no problem using all around him to accomplish his goals. There is no way I can believe that he is mentally sane, but I truly believe that he knows right from wrong and should be accountable for his crimes.

PG obviously has some sort of mental disorder but he's not insane. If he wasn't aware of the difference between right and wrong he wouldn't have had to conceal JC and her girls from LE for almost 2 decades and also teach them to lie just in case. There would be NO need to teach the girls to lie if he didn't know what he was doing was wrong/illegal.
I agree with both of these posts, also Garrido has claimed that his past drug use made him do what he's done, so he may well have brain damage from drug abuse, but that's no excuse for his behavior! He didn't change when he cleaned up/found God, and he clearly knows right from wrong, and did at the time he kidnapped Jaycee.
From what I've read, if PG is schizophrenic, the girls would have a 13% chance of inheriting it. They've got a long, challenging road ahead of them, so I truly hope that they won't have to deal with schizophrenia on top of everything else.

If the genetic basis is a developmental disorder, having the defective genes places you at risk, ie you may get the disease or you may not, depending on just how your brain develops in response to environmental conditions.

If you look at the graph on the link you provided, genetic twins have a 50% chance of developing the disease, that would be the risk component. The probability of the girls inheriting the defective chromosome would be 25%, and a 50% risk of that resulting in the disease turns that into a 12.5% probability.
I haven't read the entire thread on PG's schizophrenic problems so some of this might be a repeat. If it is genetic then yes there is a percentage chance of passing it along. However, if it was accident and drug induced then it would not be genetic and no chance of passing it along. Didn't PG's dad say he was in a motorcycle accident with head injuries and started acting strangely after that accident. And we all know he is a heavy user of drug and alcohol. And I understand that some drugs like LSD can actually remain in the system forever, causing reactions long after the last usage.
There was just an article in today's paper linking the teenage use of pot/Marijuana with Schizophrenia. I'll be back with it...

By Nicole Ostrow

Feb. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Young adults who used marijuana as teens were more likely than those who didn’t to develop schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms including hallucinations and delusions, an Australian study found.
Those who used the drug for six or more years were twice as likely to develop a psychosis such as schizophrenia or to have delusional disorders than those who never used marijuana, according to research released online by the Archives of General Psychiatry. They were also four times as likely to score high on a list of psychotic-like experiences.
The findings build on previous research and shows that marijuana use isn’t as harmless as some people think, lead study author John McGrath said yesterday in an e-mail. The study was the first to look at sibling pairs to discount genetic or environmental influence and still find marijuana linked to later psychosis, the authors said in the study.
“This is the most convincing evidence yet that the earlier you use cannabis, the more likely you are to have symptoms of a psychotic illness,” said McGrath, a professor at the Queensland Brain Institute in Brisbane, Australia, in a statement. “The message for teenagers is: if they choose to use cannabis they have to understand there’s a risk involved.” more at link:
I agree with both of these posts, also Garrido has claimed that his past drug use made him do what he's done, so he may well have brain damage from drug abuse, but that's no excuse for his behavior! He didn't change when he cleaned up/found God, and he clearly knows right from wrong, and did at the time he kidnapped Jaycee.

I totally agree. He knew from day one and prior to day one because he made arrangements prior to the kidnapping, for a place to keep his victim, that sound proof shed, and he went trolling outside his area so that he would not be suspect. He kept her hidden so people would not know he had her and he made precautions up to the day he was caught of what to say, how to act, etc. and he is quoted as saying "in the beginning it was a disgusting thing that I did. . . ." Of course he is not sane. He is criminally insane but he is totally capable of helping in his defense and sane enough to go to jail for his crimes.
I totally agree. He knew from day one and prior to day one because he made arrangements prior to the kidnapping, for a place to keep his victim, that sound proof shed, and he went trolling outside his area so that he would not be suspect. He kept her hidden so people would not know he had her and he made precautions up to the day he was caught of what to say, how to act, etc. and he is quoted as saying "in the beginning it was a disgusting thing that I did. . . ." Of course he is not sane. He is criminally insane but he is totally capable of helping in his defense and sane enough to go to jail for his crimes.
BBM. To me this phrase is NOT admitting responsibility for his actions, he's so vague... just what disgusting things is he admitting to?: kidnapping Jaycee and keeping her from her family, or raping her repeatedly, forced imprisonment, forced childbearing, on and on, without getting into details. I see it as a non-admission. Even if he found God and left her alone the last several years, doesn't absolve him from what he did, and for that he needs to be punished! He's already tried the I was on drugs/I've found God routine before to try to snow the courts and his Parole Officers.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
With PG it is always all about him. He admitted to the parole people he raped Jaycee and had two kids. Then he makes that comment about a wonderful story and how he is now cured and the angels talk to him. Like you said, same old story, but different embellishments. If he is considered nuts for talking to God through that black box, what does that make those people who endorsed him. They are all a tad nuts IMO.

oh what is BBM?
:) Thanks Beena. I think you are right in the Bolded By Me (ok I tried something so if the bolded by me looks strange I did it wrong)

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