Patsy's Art Work

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"'symbolize something new, pure & pristine...something brought back to its original condition, like a lovingly restored classic car"
dodie,I also found that was interesting,I always connect cherries with sexuality or lust.
Knowing what we know happened to JonBenet and all that talk about her hymen I don't think if I were Patsy I would be painting Cherries and I definitely would not find them "delightful",those were my thoughts when I saw the cherry paintings but after you posted the other meaning I'm thinking all her paintings seem to be about restoring innocence.They are completely void of anything negative ,maybe that's why they seem so empty.Maybe they are meant to turn back time and return everything to its pure condition.But they do not convince me.
I connect those cherries to a lot of negativity also, & those cherries at night, kind of freaked me out. & I wonder who the goddess was...but even though she copied those paintings, I still think there's something there, because something about those particular paintings grabbed her, & she didn't let go. Her sister's name is Polly, so I'm thinking Polly's Rooster might be her husband, & Cocky Doodle Dude, is John. It seems that she took the idea, & added a little something. But you're right, what she might've considered whimsical, leaves me a little cold. I don't know anything about art, but I would think that even if she tried, she couldn't keep her subconscious from popping up, in unexpected places. I may be way off, but I get the feeling that she thought death purified Jon Benet, & that she was satisfied with her family unit being just the 3 of them. Except for Unfinshed Garden, I didn't 'get' any longing, & I'm not sure I got it there. That could've been Patsy wanting another child. because unfinished seems like an odd choice of words, (sounds hard, IMO), to describe losing a child. incomplete maybe? & wasn't Patsy a journalism major? If so, I would think the words would be just as important to her, as the art, & I'm sure she chose them very carefully...even if subconsciously.
"'symbolize something new, pure & pristine...something brought back to its original condition, like a lovingly restored classic car"
dodie,I also found that was interesting,I always connect cherries with sexuality or lust.
Knowing what we know happened to JonBenet and all that talk about her hymen I don't think if I were Patsy I would be painting Cherries and I definitely would not find them "delightful",those were my thoughts when I saw the cherry paintings but after you posted the other meaning I'm thinking all her paintings seem to be about restoring innocence.They are completely void of anything negative ,maybe that's why they seem so empty.Maybe they are meant to turn back time and return everything to its pure condition.But they do not convince me.
If she was symbolizing restored innocence, I can't help but wonder if she meant restoring her family to the way it was before Jon Benet. Seriously, IMO, some of those paintings give off a very content vibe.

I think this painting entitled "hope" is interesting,the description reads "An Angel Contemplates the Promises of Eternity" and I can't find a painting she may have copied like it (which doesn't guarantee it doesn't exist)
The angel stands backwards and carries a broken heart between her wings.Inside of the "eternity" block the angel is just a shadow facing forward and is holding the broken piece of the heart.
I definitely think PR saw eternity as a means to mend a broken heart and to restore purity,wholesomeness.IMO she had that believe already before JonBenet died.
It kind of strengthens my belief that she sort of romanticized death and instead of seeing it as the horrible end she saw it as hope and new beginning.

This piece IS interesting. The 2 "blocks"---is the "A" meant to be Alpha, and the one below it Omega? JB's Christmas tree was decorated with angels (as was the tree by her grave). The heart symbolism is obvious. IMO this painting definitely references JB as "the angel". And then there are the other rectangular frame-type shapes above and below left of the angel which appear to be significant, yet blank (or reflective). Looking at the painting as a whole one wonders why they are there. They are "framing" something, but what??
I remember a painting she had done of her children sitting at the beach with their backs to the viewer, looking out at the ocean.

Yep...I bought a copy of the original done by another artist and use it in my Summer Decorating @ my home. I almost fell over to see that she 'copied' the original artist's work in her 'beach buddies' work...


The one on top is the original artwork that was copied by PR.

Yep. That's it... I have a framed print of the original work...Sorta makes me sad to see it now & think about JBR's mom ripping it her own...
Yep. That's it... I have a framed print of the original work...Sorta makes me sad to see it now & think about JBR's mom ripping it her own...
Actually, it is quite common for artists to copy other artists' work as practice in honing their own craft. However, it is totally unacceptable for artists to copy work and claim it as their own. As was previously mentioned, it may be that the people who posted PR's work on the website are not even aware that they are copies. I know little about the law in this area, but it may be as long as the pieces are not offered up for sale it's fine to show them. I would think, however, that regardless, it is the ethical thing to do to credit the original artist.

ETA: We need one of our lawyer experts to help us out on this one. Does the site have the original artists' permission to be selling PR's work?
Ugh.......there was a video about the case I watched lately where she was showing lots of her paintings but I forgot which video now :(
Maybe I'll stumble upon it and post the link.
Yep. That's it... I have a framed print of the original work...Sorta makes me sad to see it now & think about JBR's mom ripping it her own...
the original is most definitely, the better work, but I did read in one of the links, that the original artist doesn't hold any animosity towards Patsy.
the original is most definitely, the better work, but I did read in one of the links, that the original artist doesn't hold any animosity towards Patsy.

You're right, Dodie. She didn't hold any resentment but Patsy did not ask her about copying her work either. It makes me wonder if the other artists are aware they were copied and if they gave her permission.
ok, so if the issue has been in the media, then I'm going to assume that the person who has them up on that site for sale is aware that they are copies.

and they are charging a pretty penny too - for unoriginal artwork

the unmitigated gall
ok, so if the issue has been in the media, then I'm going to assume that the person who has them up on that site for sale is aware that they are copies.

and they are charging a pretty penny too - for unoriginal artwork

the unmitigated gall
making money off Patsy's notoriety. shame shame. I think her work is good, but you're right, it's a little pricey, especially for the animal pictures. I wouldn't think there'd be a market for those, at all. I do like, 'Home Again', & 'Summer Storm', but I don't like 'Hope' or 'The Goddess' at all...& like I said earlier,'Cherries Delight' freaked me out. I'm not sure how I'd feel about them hanging in my house.
If the money really goes to charity I don't care. I wonder what motivates those who do buy them, hope they will be become "valuable" in the event that Patsy is proven to be a murderer. John Wayne Gacy's art sells for a lot. It looks like she took art classes and studied other people's work. That is what most amateur artist do. Most professional artist don't mind as imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

I sense a lot of unbridled hate for the woman.
I feel pity for her even if she killed her child. She is dead and whoever did this will have to answer to God. If she did it she is being punished, and will continue to be so for all eternity. Even if she killed her child she suffered in life, not the cancer, but the joy of seeing JBR grow. Knowing that feeling of a pair of arms hugging you close and the unconditional love kids have. If you hate her that much take joy in the fact that she missed out on one of the best things going in her life. She took for granted the love God blessed her with and took back to heaven with him. She may not have been sent to prison but who can compare prison time to never knowing how truly blessed she was.
Every time a parent murders a child I think- didn't they know, another person who is so oblivious to reality that they take for granted and abuse the best most valuable thing in their lives.
It doesn't excuse what they did in the least. It doesn't lessen the need for justice for their victims but compassion for others is something Jesus tells us to have, even for those we hate and call enemies. The most compassion I can muster is pity. I hope that is enough to satisfy Jesus cause if not, I'm in big trouble.
If the money really goes to charity I don't care.
Except they are ripping off artists. Would you care if someone went into your bank account, without your permission, and took money at will...even if it was supposedly going to a charity? It's the same thing. And the Ramseys have had "foundation" troubles before.
I, for one, don't hate Patsy or John. I'm also not their spiritual judge. What I hate is the fact that JonBenet's life and innocence was stolen from her and not one person who supposedly loved her has stood up for justice. Not one. I am a grandmother and I know in my heart that if someone murdered one of my grandchildren, I could not rest till that person was found and punished. I can't imagine what it would be like knowing (or even suspecting) that one or both of their parents were responsible. But I do know this: If it happened and you don't hear me screaming for justice, it's because I KNOW that one of the parents is responsible and I'm covering it up to protect them.
The deafening silence of JonBenet's grandparents and aunts, who by all accounts, worshipped her, screams of parental involvement.
Ugh.......there was a video about the case I watched lately where she was showing lots of her paintings but I forgot which video now :(
Maybe I'll stumble upon it and post the link.

These are the ones I was talking about


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