Patsy's Plagarized Painting

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Aug 13, 2003
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....very interesting "final artwork" by PR....again, layer after layer of lies and the arrogance that no one would figure thiemout... Yes, I know that this is old news, but it just adds fuel to the profile of someone who was very deceptive, and who I believe "staged" her entire life, and controlled those around her...
cappuccina said:

....very interesting "final artwork" by PR....again, layer after layer of lies and the arrogance that no one would figure thiemout... Yes, I know that this is old news, but it just adds fuel to the profile of someone who was very deceptive, and who I believe "staged" her entire life, and controlled those around her...
Did you read this part...

Hamilton had read the stories about Patsy Ramsey's recent death from ovarian cancer and saw comments from Patsy's friends who said that she had started painting and enjoyed it.

"She was a beginner painter," she said. "When you're learning, you usually find pictures you like and practice painting them to learn the technique."
This is pretty standard for people learning to paint. You copy a painting you like.
cappuccina said: original work, n'est-ce pas mon ami?
Who said she did?

There are no references to plagiarism in the applications [for the art fair], only requirements that items to be sold be "handmade."
... which it was.
...original unless identified as a copy, e.g., a "mona LIsa variant" or some such....She was clearly trying to pass off this work as her own....

I am a musician....It works the same way....Composers pay homage to other works they are varying or copying...e.g., "variations on the Beavis & Butthead theme with apologies to AC/DC" etc.

An artist would say the same type of thing on the card with the painting... "Work by PR; variation/study on the painting entitled *advertiser censored* by YYY", UNLESS SHE WAS TRYING TO PASS IT OFF AS A TRULY ORIGINAL WORK...
cappuccina said:
...original unless identified as a copy, e.g., a "mona LIsa variant" or some such....She was clearly trying to pass off this work as her own....

I am a musician....It works the same way....Composers pay homage to other works they are varying or copying...e.g., "variations on the Beavis & Butthead theme with apologies to AC/DC" etc.

An artist would say the same type of thing on the card with the painting... "Work by PR; variation/study on the painting entitled *advertiser censored* by YYY", UNLESS SHE WAS TRYING TO PASS IT OFF AS A TRULY ORIGINAL WORK...
Wow, so the band playing "Brown Eyed Girl" the other night at the bar didn't write the song themselves? I feel so violated. :)

With all due respect, she did pass away before the show, and was very sick before then. It's not clear to me - from the article - how she chose the painting (or if she did at all), and if she did, whether she asked that it be noted that it was a copy of a painting. Or if she even remembered; someone in the last stages of cancer, about to die, is going to have a bit more on their mind than "was that painting a copy when I first started to learn, or an original?"

I think your bias is showing. It's sad that you want to believe she is responsible so badly, that you jump on a fairly innocuous thing that happened after she died.
It would have been nice if Patsy credited the original artist.

The artist she plagiarized was very gracious about the whole thing. Very nice woman.
...on both things...

LS, honey pie...I'm looking at an established pattern of behavior.....every credible LE and forensic scientist out there thinks PR did it with accessory after the fact by her husband....Every LE I spoke to at the time said that the evidence strongly pointed to PR and PR alone being the murderer with help from hubby with staging, perhaps...

The only reason this case did not go to trial was because of fatal error in chain-of-custody vis-a-vis the evidence collection and police letting everyone walk through the house...The final nail in the proverbial coffin was when police let FW and JR search for JBR; when JR brough her body up from the basement he fatally contaminated the crime scene...Of course, he already knew that...

BTW. known songs are obviously a whole different thing...but I think you already knew that honey... ;)
cappuccina said:
...on both things...

LS, honey pie...I'm looking at an established pattern of behavior.....every credible LE and forensic scientist out there thinks PR did it with accessory after the fact by her husband....Every LE I spoke to at the time said that the evidence strongly pointed to PR and PR alone being the murderer with help from hubby with staging, perhaps...
Define "credible." There are many LE, attorneys, judges, and scientists out there who believe the opposite. Take the judge who clearly stated there was no "virtually no evidence" connecting her to the crime. Certainly it seems like the current DA and LE don't feel PR did it.

I'd also like to point out that there is a big, big difference between trying to pass off a painting as your own - assuming that is what she was trying to do - and murder of your own child. I can't see how you can say one would logically lead to the other. The only forger who resorted to murder that I know of was Mark Hoffman, and he had a lot at stake (since forgery was how he made his money.)

Deception? Lying? Please show me the person who has never done these things, and I will show you a liar.
If someone could be upset, then the artist. But she was not. Quite the opposite! A very generous lady. With a heart and a soul! JMHO.

Here is what Morris Hamilton said:

"I've always wanted my paintings to bless people," she said. "I consider my artistic ability a gift from God. It doesn't belong to me. If this painting blessed her in any way, it accomplished what I intended.
"How can I feel bad about that?"
I admittedly am not very familair with this case, but if this comes under the heading of evidence that PR is a murderer, I understand why she wasn't arrested.
cappuccina said:
....what I AM saying is that there is a STRONG PATTERN of deception in PR's and her husband's behavior...

Read this:
Um, anything in particular?

After all, Thomas is the guy who couldn't crack the case. He's frustrated because he decided who the perp was and couldn't prove it. Sometimes it means you need to work harder to get more evidence. Sometimes it means you have the wrong guy.

I'm sorry, but if a homicide detective quits because the accused are being uncooperative... that's a pretty f'ing lousy homicide detective. Maybe he needs to take lessons from the detectives who put Scott Peterson away.

It's the job of the police and the DA to prove they did it. It's not the Ramsey's job to prove they are innocent.
Lurker Steve said:
I'm sorry, but if a homicide detective quits because the accused are being uncooperative... that's a pretty f'ing lousy homicide detective. Maybe he needs to take lessons from the detectives who put Scott Peterson away.
No, he quit because the D.A. hampered his case, read up more on this case...
Beginners often paint pictures from books or other paintings. But no, they do not enter it in a showing. That is plagerizing. That is taking credit for art you did not create.
I didnt think Patsy was a beginner...I thought she had been painting for years
We all know PR loved to embellish, JBR spoke French and could play the violin too lol
I dont see the point of this thread, so she was a plagurizer as well :p
I guess it's still...'let's trash Patsy' and god knows I have too....
If this guy is for real I will make a public apology.
LinasK said:
No, he quit because the D.A. hampered his case, read up more on this case...
I see; so it was the Ramseys, the DA who sided with them, and his fellow bumbling officers fault. Not his.

[size=-1][font=helvetica,arial,sans]"[/font][/size][font=helvetica,arial,sans][size=-1]Among those criticized are Boulder County District Attorney Alex Hunter , veteran prosecutors Peter Hofstrom and Trip DeMuth, former Boulder Police Chief Tom Koby and current Chief Mark Beckner ."[/size][/font]

If there was anyone who bungled the case, it was Thomas. He bears ultimate responsibility.
JBean said:
I admittedly am not very familair with this case, but if this comes under the heading of evidence that PR is a murderer, I understand why she wasn't arrested.

Have I ever told you how much I love your style, JBean? :blowkiss:
Pepper said:
Have I ever told you how much I love your style, JBean? :blowkiss:
why thank you Pepper,you certainly cannot tell me too often.:p

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