penalty phase #11

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Anyone else thinking poor ja can't go on today :stormingmad:

Don't know what is up, but I sure know that I would not want to follow the Alexander family if I were a defendant. I would fake anything I had to fake to get it held over until Monday when some time had lapsed. No way on earth I would let anyone make me go today. Just saying...:truce:
Maybe they don't want to be on video or photographed and the court is making accomodations.

I honestly feel like if they are willing to step out and speak for CMJA, then they need to be big enough to show their faces...I don't think they should be allowed to "hide" their faces...moo

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elizabetherwin Alexander's brother and sister just went back into chambers. #jodiarias about 1 minute ago · reply · retweet · favorite

michaelbkiefer The bailiff just said it will be at least another 30 minutes before they are back in open court. 2 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

BethKaras The bailiff just announced it will be another 30 minutes before court resumes. #jodiarias 3 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

elizabetherwin Bailiff says it'll be another 30 min before we start...ugh. #JodiArias 5 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

michaelbkiefer If the jury opts for life, judge will order pre-sentence report, set date in 1 month, then choose natural life or life with chance of parole 5 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

michaelbkiefer If the jury comes back for death, Arias is sentenced on the spot. 7 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

elizabetherwin 33 minutes late and counting...#jodiarias 9 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

BethKaras Attorneys are in chambers. The defense has two witnesses, Arias's friend Patricia and ex-boyfriend Darryl Brewer.... 10 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

michaelbkiefer Next we will hear testimony on Arias' behalf. Martinez will rebut it. Arias will speak. The jury will deliberate life or death. 10 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

michaelbkiefer Once more: yesterday the jury found that there was an aggravating factor that makes Arias eligible for death. We had impact statements. 11 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

elizabetherwin Willmett comes out of chambers, grabs something off her desk, goes back into chambers. #JodiArias 15 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

Does anybody else find it amazing that NO family member is going to plead for her life?

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My thought is that the mom would testify but that for some reason the DT or JA does not want her to. I am reluctant to blame the mom. JMO
The court should have had a mask made up ahead of time and tell him he could wear it. But what he would not know is the outside of the mask had a photographic print of his actual picture of his face. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

That would be great.

Eh! what does that say about the defendant when one of the TWO people to speak on her behalf has asked to not have his face shown~!!!

......and the other was a childhood friend who seems to have her own issues---I mean why bother, this speaks volumes!!
This is a clear tactic to put as much TIME between the impact statements...
and the jury's decision as possible.

The person who barbarically KILLED their brother wants to distance herself from those statements.

She wants them to FADE from the jury's memory. If they are FRESH, she is SCREWED.

So if today doesn't happen and we have to wait till Monday or later to even hear from Jodi's friends...

THAT will be what is fresh in the jury's mind when they decide her fate.

So one again the convicted killer gets HER way

She was planned for Monday according to a posted news article, IIRC.
Considering the long break, and if JA's witnesses actually left the courthouse, I'm thinking perhaps she doesn't want to put on any mitigation evidence and will ask the jury for the death penalty.

That would make my DAY!!!
I can think of a lot of reasons for a delay:

Maybe one of the DT witnesses is trying to drop out. Maybe JM has an issue with what one of them is going to say. Maybe Jodi doesn't want them to testify at all (a big stretch, granted). Maybe there's even a last minute attempt to work out a deal (another big stretch). Maybe JA's mom is reconsidering her decision to not testify. Maybe the DT wants to play some video or something that JM is objecting to. There could be all kinds of reasons -- we'll know soon enough.
Hmm wonder if she panicked eat'n her baloney sandwich & attempting to plea to LWOP??

Orrrrrrrrrrrr it's a delaying stunt by DT to ensure the Jury does not have ability to deliberate reach a decision today & make them sleep on it hoping someone will have second thoughts of giving her DP..

Speaking of never gets it right JC, did anyone see her and SA, it was on either DD or that one After Dark, it looked like they were either still in the court house, or maybe outside, and JC was giving SA a card, SA looked like she was shaking her head no and trying to walk away????

Yes .. JC has been trying to get an interview with her since conviction, that's why she was at the jail and then the psyche ward all weekend .. it didn't happen, and now she's put in a request to interview Arias herself .. I doubt that will be granted either .. she's too intrusive and it makes people want to run a mile.
Fun thoughts...
Nurmi's specialty is defending rapists and pedophiles.
He's a DP qualified def attorney who has worked with the worst of the worst.
Jodi is prolly BY FAR the most difficult client he has ever had.
What did Jean C just say on HLN? Something happened? So much interference.

Jodi Arias IS no Artist, she NEVER will be an Artist, she has never had work in a show, she has never taken photographs where I see they have been sold, before this murder. She will never be a photographer, there are no receipts that she was an artist or a photographer....EVER. She will NEVER be these things.

The Camera is NOT her friend, lol!
I truly believe there's nothing that can save JA's life now. No mitigation could be enough. This jury will sentence her to death and she earned her way there. When this trial started I gave her a 50/50 chance. Now I think it's 97% chance of the DP and I might be on the low side.

I do believe in the DP so her getting it doesn't upset me one bit. I don't think it applies in every murder case and I'm not a bloodthirsty person, but it exists for a reason and some defendants earn their way into the death chamber. JA, with her words as well as her deeds, has done exactly that IMO.


Agreed. And if JA gets up before the jury and says one more disparaging word about TA, she will have sealed her fate for all eternity.
Speaking of never gets it right JC, did anyone see her and SA, it was on either DD or that one After Dark, it looked like they were either still in the court house, or maybe outside, and JC was giving SA a card, SA looked like she was shaking her head no and trying to walk away????

She plays both sides of the fence! Good journalism, bad behavior, IMO.

I posted this earlier but it got deleted... because I called someone an April 1st.
Jean C just gave an update from inside the courthouse and whispered the entire thing so I didn't hear a single word of what she said.

Thought I'd update everyone.

You're welcome! :seeya:
Not mom, not dad, not the sister, or the brother. Didn't she say her dumb and stupid sister were very close? (her words, not mine).

Speaks volumes doesn't it.


It's a situation caused by Jodi needing to prove her "lack of family support" while also needing them to testify to what a good little girl she was and how her personality flipped when she met Travis. The Arias Paradox
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