penalty phase #11

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This is driving me insane, I can't even begin to imagine what the jury and the family feels. I'm going to have a Magnum ice cream bar and a Xanax. lol! I pray for the Alexander's sake this will be over on Monday.
Here's the list Nurmi presented earlier today:
1.Arias was only 27 years old at the time of the murder
2.She had no prior criminal history
3.She was a good friend
4.Arias lacked family support
5.Arias was abused and neglected as a child
6.She is trying to make the best of her life
7.Arias is trying to improve herself
8.She is a talented artist.

I'm willing to bet the jurors will react as follows:
1. Plenty old enough to know better.
2. Never got caught before I guess.
3. Except to Travis. And that guy she was trying to get the magazine code messages to. And that ex-boyfriend whose email she hacked into. And Darrell...although maybe he doesn't realize it yet.
4. No wonder.
5. Obviously she's led a sheltered life if she thinks that was abuse and neglect.
6 & 7. By thinking really hard about positive things?
8. My kids can draw better than she can.

I agree...sons 19 year old girlfriend was listening with me and she pretty much had the same responses, and the jurors are much more mature than she is.
I agree Jodi has been handed some pretty crappy spot in this life, but it was Jodi who CHOSE to accept them.

Too bad she CHOSE to brutally butcher the one person who recognized any value in her and willing to invest in her to understand she could change.

I will not diminish Sandy Arias.

What about the hand the Alexander siblings were dealt? I don't think any of those have become murderers. Choices were made. Right choices. Wrong choices. Jodi chose wrong

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If I was a juror I would be livid! The wasted time waiting in the jury room could be time to run errands, do laundry or housework. These people probably have full time jobs that could use their attention! The defense has become so adept at these stalling tactics because they have continually gotten away with it. I understand the judge wanting to be careful and not have any cause for a retrial, but at some point she could have bit the bullet and laid down the law. I am just frustrated I guess but c'mon already! Jurors if you ever read ANYTHING here after the conclusion of this nightmare, thank you, thank you for your diligence, your time and your patience. The jury as a whole had done an extraordinary job.

Not to mention the emotional toll it's no doubt taken on them. What an extraordinary jury duty this has been. To not be able to discuss this case with anyone and to essentially live in a bubble in the midst of this circus while dealing with the most heavy material and serious decisions has got to wear on them. Their schedule changed almost every week-- if they had kids or grandkids or pets or spouses, I can't imagine how they were able to tend to other responsibilities. They've had to put their lives on hold entirely.
They have gone above and beyond the call of duty.
First thing I thought about when the judge dismissed court this afternoon... here is another weekend that Steven's daughter will beg him not leave, come Sunday. :(
Maybe the defendant needs a long weekend to work up a plan on how to show remorse...practice ya know...
AMEN! I said earlier I felt Travis took over for Steven was awesome

Travis didn't take over for anyone. Steven and Samantha deserve the credit and recognition for standing up in court today...on their own...with the support of their family.
Judge doesn't even have control of her own court room this defendant does. Reminder!

JA was never a Photographer, she was NEVER an ARTIST and she NEVER WILL BE AN ARTIST. Try it Jodi try to put up one drawing of a copied piece of work and we will make sure it's known that you plagerized art work already, attempting to sell it as your own! Absolutely the Unmitigated GALL of this Murderer. Remember and say it in a mantra all weekend:

JA is never going to be an ARTIST she was NEVER AN ARTIST OR A PHOTOGRAPHER!
I am lost about the reason for this delay. What information do we have about this?
What has happened? Please?
Jean Cesarez said she saw no tears from the jury. They were strong and didn't shed a tear. Even though she's said time and time again she doesn't sit close enough to the jury box to see their reactions.

So she told the truth as she knew it but completely out of context. Then she said two of the male jurors wouldn't make eye contact with Steven/Stephen. How would she know that? :rolleyes:

Beth Karas said several of the male jurors were crying.

Who do I believe?

Jodi is LUCKY victim's statements aren't read JUST before deliberations. :stormingmad:
EXACTLY!! And, Jean, just agreed! She is happy for the delay because it "levels the playing field" for Jodi. Jury too emotional to give Jodi a fair chance.

Oh, like the fair chance Jodi gave Travis. I hope she gets 7 death penalties, one for every day of the week. Make that 8, 1 extra for luck!
In your frustration, don't miss the absolute beauty of today. Today, Travis spoke and ONLY Travis. For whatever reason, JA knew she could not touch that. It was a reverent thing to watch Travis' siblings stand for his honor, integrity, and character today. To me, today was sacred in so many ways. I am grateful that events ended up to make this day miraculously all about Travis today. No one else got to take that away. The jury will go home thinking about who Travis really was. When they come back Monday, JA's stuff will seem pretty cheap in comparison.

Today, was a day just for Travis. It is a long time coming.
:bump: and thank you kindly for the sentiments. It was Travis' day indeed. Pass it on.
First thing I thought about when the judge dismissed court this afternoon... here is another weekend that Steven's daughter will beg him not leave, come Sunday. :(

Oh :( I know.

Soon, Jodi, very very soon, you will no longer be left with any strings with which to control your puppets. You will forever be alone and having to do exactly as someone else in charge is telling you to do.

I take solace in that.
GOSH! I'd love to know what REALLY went on in Judge's chambers this afternoon!:banghead:
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