penalty phase #11

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Except that conflicts with multiple other reporters who said they did see jurors crying.

I trust Beth, and in any case, I'm gonna choose to believe her because I hope she's right that they seem to have already decided on the DP. :)
Camille Kimball ‏@CamilleKimball 40m
As I left the courtroom, #JODIARIAS was talking mitigator. She seemed animated/positive, in contrast to her face today otherwise.


This just makes me sick. As soon as she has been successful at manipulating the court, she becomes energized. It is craziness.
:maddening: I am so conflicted. I almost feel as the death penalty is too good for CMJA. Life in complete solitary sounds more like it.. do they still do that??

That's one of the benefits of the DP, MEM -- if JA gets DP, she will be on death row where the cells are single cells, they are in their cells 23 hours a day with time out of them for showers and walking around in a barred but open-air exercise cell which is not much bigger than the actual indoor cell. Their meals are brought to them, as are phones. So they are in isolation. And since she may have to wait 20 yrs+ for that needle, she will essentially be in solitary for her entire sentence until she gets strapped down for The Big Sleep. DP'ers do not mix with any other prisoners, including fellow DP'ers.
Nice bra strap there in open court, Patti Womack. Please pull your jail striped top up, stop smiling and laughing and please look proper in court!

So inappropriate, like many things from that side of the courtroom.
Generally one must go to a strip club to see artwork of that quality.

I want to feel compasion for this mom and I just can't. It isn't hard to imagine why Jodi is Jodi.

Does the state have to pay for the DT's witness's (Patti Womack and Darryl Brewer) accommodation and travel costs as well or do PW and DB have to pay for their own travel/accommodation in AZ etc?

I don't know, but the state has paid for everything so far so why not.
Arizona courts closed on Fridays. They've held it a few times, but that has been the exception.

Makes banker's hours seem busy, eh ? What a giant waste of tax dollars to just skip 20% of a week every week for every trial.. that's bold misuse but I'm not in AZ so I guess my opinion doesn't matter.
I am surprised to see pink sheets. I thought everything would be stark.
Sheriff Joe has everything pink from underwear to handcuffs to sheets. He does it to humiliate the mostly male inmates of Maricopa.
Ok, so I listened to to my soothing ocean sounds and just chilled for a bit. I feel so much better. I think the global manipulation tactics of inmate Arias put me in a different place than I am used to.

First, I want to apologize for suggesting that the court "bag" the heads of the DT mitigation witnesses who refused to show their face...I shouldn't have said that. :blushing:

Secondly, I hope the words of Steven and Samantha remain as loud, pure and resounding in the jury's mind as the moment each of them spoke their hearts.:please:

Finally, I am extremely thankful to have people like my fellow sleuthers to lean on when the going gets tough and damn today was tough! :loveyou::takeabow:

Thanks for I think I can have A glass of wine without feeling the need to chug a few in a row. :facepalm:
Wow no wonder juror 8 went out and had a few too many. I think I would probably be carrying a flask in my purse after this roller coaster of a trial. Or wear one of those bras that you can fill with wine and sip it through a straw.

oh WOW where can I get one of those!! :floorlaugh:
Does anyone have a synopsis of what we know about Patty Womack?
To highlight the point of how ridiculous this trial has been...

There was LESS THAN 1.5 days of trial this entire week.

Wednesday: start testimony at 10AM PDT, closings, lunch at noon, deliberation and verdict at about 3PM PDT. They adjourned early. Total = 4 hours

Today, they started around 1/2 hour late @11:00 PDT, did opening statements, 2 victim impact statements, then lunch break at around 12:30 PDT. Total = 1.5 hours.

Total for the week: 5.5 hours

What about the hand the Alexander siblings were dealt? I don't think any of those have become murderers. Choices were made. Right choices. Wrong choices. Jodi chose wrong

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

THIS is what I have been thinking about ALL day since we are in the penalty phase and the mitigation specialist, and Jodi's friends will speak - Monday, I guess. Jodi's childhood wasn't anywhere near as bad as Travis' was. She was NOT abused. Her family is still intact, parents still married and together. She was well taken care of. She was never homeless. She never had to wonder when are where or next meal would come from, etc. Travis had it a lot tougher, yet look what he was doing with his life! He was making something of his life. He was giving back to the community. He was striving to be the best her could be. Jodi could have made the same choices, but she didn't. You can't blame her childhood for that. I don't want to hear any of the bunk the defense is going to say to try and save her life. It's all BUNK!


I can't stand her!

I can't stand her defense team!
Its not so much the judge called it a day
But she could have told the jury to leave at lunch and come back Monday
No-they left them in a room for 1 1/2 hrs-THEN told them to go home

Is it true Juan is writing a book...I saw a post up thread that said so

I sincerely hope so. I would certainly buy it.
Arizona courts closed on Fridays. They've held it a few times, but that has been the exception.

Are they closed on Friday?
I just thought the Judge had other matters she dealt with on Fridays.
Does anyone have a guess about why her sister, brothers, father, mother, grandmother, or even her buddy, Donovan won't be giving a statement? It seems pathetic that she has to reach way back in her past to find anyone who will say a good word about her.

They would be sworn to tell the truth.
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