penalty phase #11

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Maybe she did this one before the Judge shut her down. Maybe it was by phone this past weekend. I saw it somewhere this morning that she told People mag that after doing the other interview she has changed her mind and now wants to live.


So she was told by her press spy that everyone was on to her attempted reverse pyschology?
She was gleeful. I saw what you saw and agree with you. She'd remember to mop at her nose with her snot rag but she was enjoying herself.

I don't buy her woeful beaten down look for an instant.

I also had to ask myself if I were seeing smiling or weeping? Was she thinking " awww, Travis is soo cute! "

ps on the neck slash, maybe that is a signal to someone at home watching? Remember the old Carol Burnett Show? Lol. Gawd I'm old.
When she feels her goose is cooked after a testimony, she slashes?
These victim impact statements will ring through the jurors ears all weekend. Can JM say that the family wants the DP?
Oh, for Gosh sake. I was pizzed that there was no court tomorrow, Thursday. I went the ENTIRE day today thinking it was Wednesday....
That chin thing is strange. I tried doing it to itch or wipe my chin, lol. It doesn't feel like it accomplished either. Plus the first time I noticed her doing it, , she went really quick. She started that well into the trial, not a life long habit? I just think its conscious. She is one strange bird.

When I saw the CMJA doing it today it didn't seem like a natural reaction to wiping away tears. Her thumb seemed to be clenched in some fashion. When you are wiping away tears it's not normally a conscious action, it just happens spontaneously without thought...the way she did it today didn't seem to be spontaneously at all, jmho. And what are the chances when you are wiping away tears that every time you do it looks identical to when you did it the time before...
I just got caught up on today's proceedings. My heart goes out to Steven and Samantha and the whole Alexander family. The siblings did a fantastic job today and I'm sure it was the hardest job they've ever had.

When the judge came back and announced they could not continue, I noticed Jodi sitting with that black jacket on. Her hair was tucked into the jacket and it felt like she was attempting to give the appearance that she was sick with chills or something. I think Jodi didn't like it that today was not all about her and figured out a way to stop everything. She didn't want to share this final day with "those people". I also think Jodi paid attention to Steven and Samantha talking about how they wanted to be home. Jodi saw fit to make sure they drag this out another week. She just sickens me!

Curious about something, I feel like I know Steven, Samantha, Tanisha, and the younger one that I call "Little Sam" but who are the other 3 siblings? Have they been in court? Is Travis the oldest?
You read my mind. Been wondering about that the past few days...or one gunshot...and left him to die. She hung herself. Took her own crime scene pics and went stabby enough to get the DP.

Still would have come back first degree premeditated IMO. The premeditation evidence was overwhelming and powerful. She may have gotten through the aggravation phase with an unproven verdict and would likely be looking at LWOP.

Other thoughts this case is making me think about is the cruel or extreme cruel thing. If it takes a woman 10 strikes of a baseball bat to kill a man, but a man only one strike with the bat to kill a woman because of the difference in strength could the man possibly get a different sentence than the woman because her kill was considered extreme cruelty.?
And then Memorial Day weekend is the 27th of May - one week later - so when do you think the Jury will get the case for final deliberations? They would have to get it by Wednesday to at least have it a full day before court adjourns on Friday the 24th for a 4 day holiday weekend! With all the delays, it may not be until June that we finally have a verdict!

I think the jury will get the case on Tuesday and return with a verdict on Wednesday.

Wednesday May 8th Verdict: Guilty of First degree murder
Wednesday May 15th Verdict: Guilty of Extreme Cruelty
Wednesday May 22: ???
Didn't Jodi nod her head when he said that?

Does that mean she will no longer drag his name through the mud from here on out?

I've only seen Steven's plea once tonight so would have to see it again to notice her reaction. Honestly I was paying more attention to him.

It wasn't the mom who shoo'd the kid away in that youtube vid, it was the bratty child of the mom that was filming the vid.
Again Jodi drew her fist with the thumb out under her chin in what appears to be cutting her throat after Samantha's statement. While some posters believe she is just wiping her chin it appears too often at the end of statements Jodi disapproves of and just does not like. Another one of those co-inky dinks to add to the list, I guess.

If she hadn't just wiped her face with a tissue she had in her other hand, I wouldn't have believed it myself. Who knows but those co-inky dinky thingies happen way too often with the convicted murderer. JMO

First time poster but I have been following this trial since the beginnng and reading here since day one.

I thought the impact statements today were moving and heartbreaking. Bless the Alexander family. I was really hoping though that Samantha and Steven would be able to face JA and express to her how they felt about not only what she did to their beloved Travis on June 4th, but also how they felt about what she did to him during the trial with her lies regarding domestic violence, pedophilia and all the rest of her trash talk. JA was allowed to say whatever she wanted about Travis for 18 days, all of it basically lies, and the family had to sit there and take it. I wanted it to be their turn today to make her sit there and listen to what they thought of her. I have seen familes that were allowed to do this in other trials but perhaps this wasn't allowed in this case. Anyone else?
BBM~Cheating is not abuse. But, the person who gets cheating on may go into a "vicious cycle", then it turns into abuse if the person has a low self esteem.

Dah!!! If you are an ADULT and don't like the way some man treats you, YOU WALK AWAY from that situation!! If you were REALLY are abused you report
it to Law enforcement. NO EXCUSES PLEASE!!!

How in the world cheating an abuse issue??? Please explain??

She chopped him up? Then drove around with pieces of her husband in suitcases? OMG. I need air.

Yes! They think she used a rotary saw and bled him out in the shower! It was horrible!!

I read John Glatt's book about the murder "To Have and To Kill". I couldn't put the book down! It was an unbelieable crime! Just awful! She is the female Scott Peterson! I will never understand why people just don't divorce their spouse if they are unhappy.

Melanie McGuire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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