Penalty Phase #13

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Vinnie just said he talked to AZ prison authorities and no matter what decision is made by the jury, she already will be in a cell alone without any interaction with other inmates. There goes the book club, Spanish lessons, etc. What a farce her whole "speech" was.

Absolutely agree. She won't be introducing or leading any programs. There are professionals who set up programs to rehabilitate prisoners. She might be allowed to participate after a few years of showing that she is a good prisoner. She would have to work to obtain a lesser security status to even have more freedom to move about the prison. That is if she gets lwop. She is full of herself.
And also on that page are her new interviews....I watched about 1 minute.
She sure uses "Someone once told me..." a lot. You would think she lived her life up until becoming a murderer just dwelling with many wise, deep thinking philosophers...

Again, no original thoughts in her brain, just more "someone else said".

BTW, everyone here is so convinced of BPD.
I can not be the only one who thinks she is pure sociopath, am I? :waitasec:

No, you are not. I don't even buy BPD. Pure psychopath (I just prefer that word over "sociopath").

And that includes malignant narcissism. I am also sick of certain MSM TH's saying "She's mentally ill," "She's sick," or, "She needs help." I am about done and hope she gets the max punishment. Even begging for her life she is not sorry.
Just watching Dr Drew now. Like the lady who just said re: Jodi never murdering before Travis "Maybe the Boston Bombers never lit a match before that day." She is right, one time is one time TOO MANY!
With all due respect this is simply not going to happen. She's been in jail for almost 5 yrs. Who has she killed behind bars? (answer: no one). She'll be in an even more restrictive prison when this trial ends. She'll be segregated for intake and processing for the first month or so. Is there a claim that Perryville does not have the ability to control their inmates and doesn't know how to run a prison to protect guards, other inmates, and the public at large?

With all due respect, it is simply going to happen.

Escape is a real possibility, and this Einsteinian, manipulative convict will find a way to kill again.

Remember my words.

You read it here first.
She said her brother married ? The one in court? Or is there another.

The brother that is much closer in age to the murderer.
Not the one that was in court.
Something that strikes me as really pathetic is the lack of remorse- I believe that the only remorse that she feels is that she got caught, & that people know that she did this. She doesn't even know enough to try & fake remorse or guilt.

It just boggles my mind as to how someone can conceive of something like this, carry it out, & then continue on with their life-it just chills me to the bone, to know that people like this are out there-I hope that I never encounter them.

Yes, it's only about how it affects her, about what she's lost, about what she gave up, she really is sad and distraught about that. The only seemingly real emotions she had was when she was talking about not being able to spend Christmases with her family, etc.. But no genuine remorse for her victim, no genuine remorse for his family. I keep thinking of her as a knife and gun wielding Stepford Wife. She's so cold and empty she's scary.
Going through verdict options .. life = helping people, death = appeals. And yes, she wants to go through the appeals options.

She doesn't think she got a fair trial (of course) she says circus atmosphere .. here kettle, meet pot .. he asks her why she's so hated, reiterates the mob mentality thing, asking him about how sensational it is.

If you could say something to Travis what would that be? She refuses to answer 'right now' and she wouldn't date Travis again, they were oil and water and brought out the worst in each other. He says the perception is Fatal Attraction, and she blames Travis for that, but doesn't hold it against him (WTF) .. was she posessive, no she was too permissive!!!!

Former boyfriend .. DB .. he says you've changed, do you think so? She thinks she changed, but naive, she really blames Travis trying to paint him as some kind of monster! Like the bad mistrustful boyfriend that screwed her life up.

What's the worst part? The pain she's caused.

Growing up .. did you think you'd find yourself the focus of a murder trail?

She doesn't read true crime, guess that one was for us ..

He asks her how she deals with the fact that she killed someone. She feels ugly, but it was just one day. Hard to face, still processing.

Will you be able to forgive yourself. She thinks she'll 'get there'. Sheesh.

She says she's not deeply religious at this point! She believes in heaven and hell, doesn't believe in hell. Forgiveness, mercy .. she thinks she can earn redemption with grace .. her cold sore is coming back.

She can't imagine Travis' family forgiving her, she hopes they will.

Still going ... she looks ugly.

I'm following along and then I read "her cold sore is coming back" and I just lost it:floorlaugh:
Going through verdict options .. life = helping people, death = appeals. And yes, she wants to go through the appeals options.

She doesn't think she got a fair trial (of course) she says circus atmosphere .. here kettle, meet pot .. he asks her why she's so hated, reiterates the mob mentality thing, asking him about how sensational it is.

Snipped & BBM: OFGS ... SHE's been selling herself to the media since the beginning ...

:doh: Never her fault ... always someone else's fault ... typical Jodi BS ...

:seeya: Thanks Mrs G Norris for the sumarry of the interviews -- I am unable to watch !
From Keifer's interview .. she looks weird!

ETA: It's not Keifer .. they just showed the interviewer .. this is azcentral ..

That's what she gets for "professional makeup"! Never get your makeup done for a wedding unless you do a trial run!!
Why does anyone in jail or prison get cable tv? I just don't get it. They are jail for goodness sakes. Sick of this....grrrr

I've heard from prisoners that LWP inmates get more opportunities, jobs, etc...
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