Penalty Phase #13

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I've been thinking about what went down today. I can't believe KN threw a tantrum today and blamed Mr. Martinez for his conduct, saying he intimidated witnesses. I found that all laughable considering KN has trashed Travis every chance he could, he put on several witnesses who haven't told the truth (to put it mildly), not to mention he has a client on the stand who has lied repeatedly, and not to mention the more than fair shake JSS has given the defence every step of the way....even though time and time again the DT has wasted everyone's time. And remember how KN treated Deanna on the stand??That was cruel and uncalled for, and he talks about Mr. Martinez. Huan Martinez has a lot more integrity in his baby toe, than KN has all together. That behaviour today of his took some nerve and if I was him I wouldn't be very proud.

I can't decide what I think will happen on Tuesday. I can't imagine CMJA not taking the lime light again - she just can't resist. But who really knows the way this trial has continued to shock.

I am going to concentrate on the Alexander family and send them thoughts for strength and healing.

Nite everyone.
That interview is so CRAZY! He seems like a not so great actor on an infomercial !

It's just so odd! JMO
Those were Victim Impact Statements. They'd be crossed like Dr. Horn was.

You are saying the family's words were impact statements, but the "they" in the next sentence is referring back to JA's possible witnesses, not the impact statements, correct?
Ok I think I've gotten today figured out now.

I think they NEVER intended, after last week, to put on any mitigation witnesses. I think they knew the risk that would occur during cross would be more devastating than these "nobodys" in terms of Arias could do to help her (esp w/ her own family sitting in there oddly mute in front of the jury).

I believe they knew there was no way they'd get a mistrial out of this.

I believe they in some kind of desperate last min move, decided to throw themselves under the bus to set up an ineffective counsel appeal (that won't work). From what I've seen, it doesn't appear Willmott was thrilled about this last strategy which could have been cooked up by Jodi herself!

I do not think that Daryl Brewer belived he'd be testifying torday. I don't think the interview done with him was any accident. I think that was also totally cued up and ready to fire. That was Michael Kiefer speaking to him in the background who got his pal Lin Sue Cooney to do the front of camera stuff. This was not done for HER news station but HIS (AZ CEntral, an extension of the NEWSPAPER). Kiefer's trying to distance himself but I believe, based on all I know, that he was hipped up to this before court today and ready to go with his "interview" of Darryl Brewer.

I think this was all carefully choreographed. I think the defense decided to launch Brewer's "testimony" via Kiefer hoping the jurors might see it without him having to be cross examined.

I do think it was that well thought out/planned.
Including Nurmi's faux outrage and temper tantrum.

Great Minds Think Alike - After I heard that DB interview, it all came together didn't it? He said that the trial was never fair to CMA from the beginning, he said that the "Appeals Process Should Be Interesting", and he also said he does not believe in the Death Penalty...

(Something's going on with my computer I think - Trying to speed things up here...Will be right back)...
Huh? Sorry WM; i'm confused. Travis family wasn't cross-examined? He is not defendant.

After Nurmi had his hissy fit, he said no character witnesses for Jodi.

No witnesses because of social media harassment etc..

imo, this is the DT's way to pave the road for an appeal.

Oh poor Jodi could not have witness statements because of "death threaths"; therefore, did not a got a fair trial.

He even brought up the witch trials and stoning. :floorlaugh:

This cannot get any lower; if Jodi is a no-show tomorrow; she is the star of her own show.

I didn't think they would be cross-examined because Travis' family wasn't. But I guess that's different somehow?
Ok I think I've gotten today figured out now.

I think they NEVER intended, after last week, to put on any mitigation witnesses. I think they knew the risk that would occur during cross would be more devastating than these "nobodys" in terms of Arias could do to help her (esp w/ her own family sitting in there oddly mute in front of the jury).

I believe they knew there was no way they'd get a mistrial out of this.

I believe they in some kind of desperate last min move, decided to throw themselves under the bus to set up an ineffective counsel appeal (that won't work). From what I've seen, it doesn't appear Willmott was thrilled about this last strategy which could have been cooked up by Jodi herself!

I do not think that Daryl Brewer belived he'd be testifying torday. I don't think the interview done with him was any accident. I think that was also totally cued up and ready to fire. That was Michael Kiefer speaking to him in the background who got his pal Lin Sue Cooney to do the front of camera stuff. This was not done for HER news station but HIS (AZ CEntral, an extension of the NEWSPAPER). Kiefer's trying to distance himself but I believe, based on all I know, that he was hipped up to this before court today and ready to go with his "interview" of Darryl Brewer.

I think this was all carefully choreographed. I think the defense decided to launch Brewer's "testimony" via Kiefer hoping the jurors might see it without him having to be cross examined.

I do think it was that well thought out/planned.
Including Nurmi's faux outrage and temper tantrum.
Just wow! It might have helped if he got all of his story straight.
Thanks, KCL! The mental gymnastics I put my mind thru today was exhausting. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what was REALLY going on. I can sleep now.
That's right, because Jodi is not the victim here. She can also have character witnesses, but Juan can certainly cross since they would of been under oath.

Steven & Sam faced the jury directly and were not under oath.

You are saying the family's words were impact statements, but the "they" in the next sentence is referring back to JA's possible witnesses, not the impact statements, correct?
Huh? Sorry WM; i'm confused. Travis family wasn't cross-examined? He is not defendant.

After Nurmi had his hissy fit, he said not witnesses.

No witnesses because of social media harassment etc..

imo, this is the DT's way to pave the road for an appeal.

Oh poor Jodi could not have witness statements because of "death threaths"; therefore, did not a got a fair trial.

He even brought up the witch trials and stoning. :floorlaugh:

This cannot get any lower; if Jodi is a no-show tomorrow; she is the star of her own show.

I'm asking questions about this because I don't normally watch this phase of a trial. I have no idea what's happening. I assumed since Travis' family wasn't questioned, Jodi's family wouldn't be questioned. I assumed ALL of the people speaking, no matter what side, were able to just make impact statements.

I did not know that it was different for the victims' families versus the defendants loved ones making statements.
I get the impression that he's attempting to rehabilitate his image
, for himself, his son, his family. By painting a nicer picture of CJA it also paints a better picture of him and his involvement with her, or so he hopes. Can't say I really blame him for wanting to do that. Maybe part of the reason he stayed with her as long as he did was because of their joint ownership of the house. Convenient, she helped with the house, with his son (cringe), and financially.

Until she "just changed overnight" that is. :facepalm:

Ain't nobody gettin' out of this thing with their reputations intact. Anything that Monster gets near starts to rot. But I hear Satan is quite impressed with her and she's close to signing a bullet proof contact to star in *advertiser censored*'s the minute the juice hits her veins. Dear God, even my cat wants this to be over.

May Justice finally be given to Travis and all those that loved him. And I'm pretty sure that includes so many of us who never met him but would have felt blessed if we had. Sleep in the arms of the angels Travis, she can never hurt you again.
The fact that JSS would of let the witnesses speak in closed hearing?

It's Ok... no worries. It's been a long day, especially waking up from a nap and seeing DB being interviewed. :facepalm:

That was the icing of the cake today.

That means their argument about intimidation is bogus. And they know it.

Womack backed out because she could NOT say Jodi had a horrible childhood thus blowing the "family abandonment" claim out the window. They didn't like what was gonna be left standing once she actually withstood cross.

So then I think they just decided to choreograph this strategy- they being Jodi and Nurmi IMO. And they called in their little media friend to make it happen. How many times have we heard Nurmi claim the jury is watching the media in this trial? And so they put Brewer out there, the very night before jury will deliberate, with no cross, with soft ball questions orchestrated by Michael Kiefer. It's so obvious I'm surprised it took me this long to figure it out.
The interview was totally scripted, possibly by both Nurmi and MK .. designed to hit on mitigators they were too scared to put out there in open court (because Juan would have shot them to pieces), but that they hope the jury will see. I suspect Jodi has a drug past and both Daryl and Patti could have been made to discuss it on cross. So Nurmi puts forth 8 mitigators, and we all wonder why he doesn't include BPD, and then at the 11th hour he pulls the mitigation witnesses, and has DB hit the media and discuss Jodi's mental state for the most part. Cunning, is a word that springs to mind.
I hear ya. it's all confusing. :seeya:

If DB or PW would of testified, they would be crossed by Juan and there is no doubt about that, because he had her all loaded and ready to fire. (sheesh, I sound like a redneck now). :giggle:

I'm asking questions about this because I don't normally watch this phase of a trial. I have no idea what's happening. I assumed since Travis' family wasn't questioned, Jodi's family wouldn't be questioned. I assumed ALL of the people speaking, no matter what side, were able to just make impact statements.

I did not know that it was different for the victims' families versus the defendants loved ones making statements.
When JA was testifying about Darryl, didn't she slip in he was an alcoholic and a heavy smoker? The way she threw him under the bus, can't believe he would agree to speak in her defense. I think she has something on him which is why he agreed to testify.
That means their argument about intimidation is bogus. And they know it.

Womack backed out because she could NOT say Jodi had a horrible childhood thus blowing the "family abandonment" claim out the window. They didn't like what was gonna be left standing once she actually withstood cross.

So then I think they just decided to choreograph this strategy- they being Jodi and Nurmi IMO. And they called in their little media friend to make it happen. How many times have we heard Nurmi claim the jury is watching the media in this trial? And so they put Brewer out there, the very night before jury will deliberate, with no cross, with soft ball questions orchestrated by Michael Kiefer. It's so obvious I'm surprised it took me this long to figure it out.

Also the 'abuse' has already come out in court, so repeating it wasn't valuable enough to risk the drug use Juan mentioned today. And what does DB say .. that Jodi is 'sick' and 'needs help' etc etc etc ... with no risk of cross. I agree .. Oh, and Jodi was 'fine' until she met Travis, so therefore it must have been something between him and Jodi that caused this awful event :notgood:
Goodnight everyone!
This has been an emotional trying day. Hopefully tomorrow will be the end of this evil vile person.
Once the jury decides her punishment,How long will it be before she's sentenced? God bless the family of Travis Alexander they have literally battled the dark forces of evil in that courtroom.
Yes, same with Jodi's family testifying. It would blow out the mitigation factors out of the water.

Sneaky little DT and reporters.

That means their argument about intimidation is bogus. And they know it.

Womack backed out because she could NOT say Jodi had a horrible childhood thus blowing the "family abandonment" claim out the window. They didn't like what was gonna be left standing once she actually withstood cross.

So then I think they just decided to choreograph this strategy- they being Jodi and Nurmi IMO. And they called in their little media friend to make it happen. How many times have we heard Nurmi claim the jury is watching the media in this trial? And so they put Brewer out there, the very night before jury will deliberate, with no cross, with soft ball questions orchestrated by Michael Kiefer. It's so obvious I'm surprised it took me this long to figure it out.
That means their argument about intimidation is bogus. And they know it.

Womack backed out because she could NOT say Jodi had a horrible childhood thus blowing the "family abandonment" claim out the window. They didn't like what was gonna be left standing once she actually withstood cross.

So then I think they just decided to choreograph this strategy- they being Jodi and Nurmi IMO. And they called in their little media friend to make it happen. How many times have we heard Nurmi claim the jury is watching the media in this trial? And so they put Brewer out there, the very night before jury will deliberate, with no cross, with soft ball questions orchestrated by Michael Kiefer. It's so obvious I'm surprised it took me this long to figure it out.

That's an effrontery to the jury. They should be angry to even hear Nurmi continue to accuse them of breaking their pledge not to watch the media. The interviewer even called this out as a ploy during the interview, so I'd hope if any juror was going against the rules and watching DB's interview, they'd realize that they just got pimped.
That means their argument about intimidation is bogus. And they know it.

Womack backed out because she could NOT say Jodi had a horrible childhood thus blowing the "family abandonment" claim out the window. They didn't like what was gonna be left standing once she actually withstood cross.

So then I think they just decided to choreograph this strategy- they being Jodi and Nurmi IMO. And they called in their little media friend to make it happen. How many times have we heard Nurmi claim the jury is watching the media in this trial? And so they put Brewer out there, the very night before jury will deliberate, with no cross, with soft ball questions orchestrated by Michael Kiefer. It's so obvious I'm surprised it took me this long to figure it out.

nurmi was a visitor this weekend...
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