Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #2

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"What happens IF we cannot come to a unanimous decision..." (question)

"We can't come to a unanimous decision" (statement)

WHICH IS IT???!!! :banghead:

Just rewatched it on DVR

JSS: Ladies and Gentleman I have received your note indicating that you are unable to come to a unanimous decision.
WTF is up with that what ever he's called, deputy I guess, standing there laughing with the murderer?

Exactly....what is going on? Sheriff bending over backwards to make her happy.....deputies yukking it up with her.....

Travis who? :stormingmad:
This isn't such a bad thing. Yes, it would be terrible if she didn't get what she deserves. But, if she gets LWOP, there is far less chance of her sentence getting overturned on appeal. She won't get the years upon years of appeals and eventually she will fade into obscurity. She will lose her allure, to her fans and to the media. They will eventually stop wanting to talk to her because she won't be the pretty girl who miraculously got the DP, she'll just be another crazy murderer chick in the big house. I'm looking at the bright side.

Justice was still done with a conviction and either way, justice will have been served.
MC Superior Court ‏@courtpio 38m
Jury's question is what to do if they can not reach a verdict #JodiArias Judge is giving them further instruction

Ok looks to me like media is jumping the gun in interpretation...this tweet is from official court...

Appears to me that jury took first is they sent out question about what happens IF not unanimous....(interpretation: "If we are split 11 -1 can we quit deliberating?"

Judge sends them back if "helpful notes"....

My opinion....judge created this media misinterpretation with HER specific choice of wording when addressing the courtroom....

ETA: Case in point.....HLN now reporting jury is "working lunch" because judge sent them back in to deliberate....but didn't BK report this morning that one juror showed up at courthouse with his "working lunch" in hands????
If the jurors said they could deliver a death vedict during the selection process, they should deliver the DP now. After all they all agreed on murder 1 and cruel and heinous aggravator, this should be fairly strait forward. I agree, on, or more jurors lied.

This is very black & white thinking. They voted only that the state had proven that death should be a consideration or the sentence would have been given there & then. This jury are taking their job seriously, they could believe that it was a cruel & heinous crime, but that it's more deserving of life without parole. It's a little early to be calling the jurors liars, we are not witness to their deliberations.
Trying to empanel an unbiased jury ,at this point, seems impossible. If they absolutely cannot agree, I think that the least painless path would be to cut a deal for LWOP. This will insure that the evil one rots away for her natural life. This will also end the torture for the Alexander family and save a few million in taxpayer money. If it comes down to this, Mr. Martinez will surely have a tough decision.
MC Superior Court ‏@courtpio 27m

Jury's question is what to do if they can not reach a verdict #JodiArias Judge is giving them further instruction


Assuming the Court Twitter has the wording correct, the jury are just asking what happens IF they can't make the decision. They are still trying to work this out IMO and have just sought some advice.

And they are working through lunch. We haven't seen them do that before, right? I think they are close, imo.:seeya:
You knwo what all? I saw real concern on CMJA's face when JSS was talking. I think she thought she would get life. I think she was shocked to hear that some are thinking of the death penalty. MOO. That's what I read from her face.

So that gives me some relief. I hope that the ones that are for death hold firm.
MC Superior Court ‏@courtpio 27m

Jury's question is what to do if they can not reach a verdict #JodiArias Judge is giving them further instruction


Assuming the Court Twitter has the wording correct, the jury are just asking what happens IF they can't make the decision. They are still trying to work this out IMO and have just sought some advice.

Thank you gauntlet, IF...

doesn't mean they can't reach a decision.
Off-topic, but I just found out there was an alleged terrorist attack here in London today

Holy smoke! Stay safe my Brit cousins!

I'd rather see this *insert-name-of-your-own-choosing-here* get death, don't get me wrong but I think whatever the jury decides we will abide by. It was a few pages back but another poster made a strong outline on how it's actually going to be for her if she gets life. It won't be pleasant. I'm sure the other inmates won't take to her.

And...there is this. While doing dishes I looked out my kitchen window and saw a robin take a nice long bath in a puddle. He was really into it, full immerse and then shake, immerse and shake. It was so comical I had to hold my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud and scaring him away. She will never again have those little moments. No just starting out the window and comtemplating what to make for lunch, no excitement over the next Saturday night flick that HBO will show, no joy at watching a child graduate from high school. She will never ever ever have that.
One thing clear though, she ain't winning CRAP. She was found guilty of premeditated murder in the first degree and she will never walk out of prison.
I know a jury in Pinellas County who is looking to atone for their sins....

:seeya: I was just thinking about the Pinellas 12 !

The Pinellas 12 will be relinquishing their "crown" IF this jury does NOT come back with the Death Penalty !

We will then have the "Maricopa 12" ... ugh !

I feel strongly that without either DP or life with no chance for parole the murder one conviction is meaningless.
ABC15 Arizona ‏@abc15 42m NOW: RT @courtpio: Jury's question is what to do if they can not reach a verdict #JodiArias Judge is giving them further instruction

12News ‏@12News 44m RT @courtpio: Jury's question is what to do if they can not reach a verdict #JodiArias Judge is giving them further instruction

Arizona News ‏@ArizonaNewsnet 44m RT @courtpio: Jury's question is what to do if they can not reach a verdict #JodiArias Judge is giving them further instruction

Searching to rewatch the jury question.
She killed him in such a violent way. She stabbed him 29 times, shot him and slashed his throat from ear to ear. Then she cleaned up , threw everything into the washer machine. Then she dragged his body and threw him in the shower and washed her DNA away and left him to rot.

Come on Jury -Give her Death
I'm telling you Trigger, it's the guilt trip regarding the family, especially the sick father.
You guys... she's been convicted of 1st degree murder. There is no way JSS will only give her 25 yrs as her "life" sentence if it goes that way. She will spend the rest of her life in prison one way or the other. That *is* justice for the Alexander Family. Does no one understand this? Of course they hope she gets the DP but either way she will be gone/out of their lives forever. Getting that conviction was the most important part of this whole drama. Getting the DP is icing on the cake, but even without that they do have justice.

But Madeleine, do YOU understand....if the jury is deadlocked this does NOT go to the judge. A new jury has to be empaneled for this phase. That is the law in Arizona. This will leave the family hanging forever and Jodi giving interviews for months.
My evil imagination is hoping that maybe they are efing with her... raise her up rip her down... wish. wish. wish. I just don't get it... I cant imagine sitting all that time in that court room with her, with all of her...:stormingmad:

This DT has really pushed too far, is there any case law on the DT interupting a jury in deliberation!! Is that really what happened today, did the DT come in there and negotiate another face to face for instructions...How does that happen!!! They are the ones efing everyones mind...

It wasn't anything the DT did.....The judge forgot something!!!
Then they should not have been on the jury. They stated they could give the DP, now they can't?:steamed::banghead:

Oh I know! But saying you'd have no problem rendering the DP before the fact and then actually being faced with that situation are two different things. I truly do not believe it's a matter of whether or not JA deserves the DP; I think it's a juror or two secretly worried for their own soul if they send someone to their death.
Me too ! Absolutely STUNNED !

All 12 Jurors voted 1st Degree Pre-meditated Murder and 7 Jurors voted for Felony Murder as well.

All 12 Jurors voted for EXTREME CRUELTY.

Now WHY can't they agree on the DP ? It makes NO SENSE IMO !

If they give her LIFE w/ or w/o parole they have let down Travis and his Family !

IF JA does NOT get the DP, "You can mark my words" -- I will NEVER EVER TRUST A JURY AGAIN !

I have been there and done that. Don't get so invested in a case. It can break your heart.
The DP is appropriate- BUT if she gets life everyone will forget about her in a week and move on with their lives- I don't think she will last long in the big house with that over inflated ego of hers.
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