Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #2

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If this was a man who traveled 1000 miles to slaughter a woman...

I hate to say this, but, looking at Jodi's demeanor, especially with that guard and her DT this morning - and all through the trial, really - coupled with the strange goings on with this trial, it almost seems as if Jodi "knew" she would not get the death penalty, no matter what happened.

For some reason, the phrase "bread and circuses" comes to mind. :facepalm:

The way she was smiling and throwing her hair around with that guard was so weird. I swear she thinks all of this is just another chapter in her life. She is delusional squared! Hurry up Jury, this needs to END:scared:
:seeya: I was just thinking about the Pinellas 12 !

The Pinellas 12 will be relinquishing their "crown" IF this jury does NOT come back with the Death Penalty !

We will then have the "Maricopa 12" ... ugh !



However at least this jury convicted Jodi. The Pinellas 12 didn't convict Casey and never even asked a question or request to review evidence. The Pinellas 12 was a lazy jury. They just wanted to go home.

This jury apparently was swayed by Jodi and her statements. And as such the poor Alexanders will continue to suffer through another penalty phase.
Maybe the jury has taken a page from JA's Big Book of Manipulation and are letting her hope she has a chance at a life sentence to make her squirm.
This is very black & white thinking. They voted only that the state had proven that death should be a consideration or the sentence would have been given there & then. This jury are taking their job seriously, they could believe that it was a cruel & heinous crime, but that it's more deserving of life without parole. It's a little early to be calling the jurors liars, we are not witness to their deliberations.

Strongly disagree...
The judge was correct. The jurors asked for guidence on what to do if they couldn't reach a unanimous decision. imo
Funny if they were just messing with her, and come back with DP after giving her false hope ..
It's a small distinction between "what if" and "we can't", but one that makes a huge difference!
I saw the 'if' tweet as well, and double checked here:
Jury's question is what to do if they can not reach a verdict #JodiArias Judge is giving them further instruction 41 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

Agreed. That is a MASSIVE distinction!

Of course media will run with anything that foments hysteria. They already did it once today with jury instructions. Geez, and they can do it in real time- morons.
Do. Not. Lose. Faith.

I am convinced that this question (what if...) is nothing more than a long overdue expression of frustration from the jury. It's been five loooooooooong months and they've put up with shenanigans the likes of which would level other mortals.

It was only a question. The judge has given them the Allen Charge* (what another poster referred to as the "dynomite" charge) and that gives them a chance to inhale, pull up their socks and get back to work. This jury is going to come through for the Alexander family. They are.


I appreciate this sentiment and others who remind us all to keep the faith. I really want to, but I still have the horrible taste of the Casey Anthony trial in my mouth. At least this murderer was found guilty. I just want Travis' family to find some peace.
I wonder if they can specify LWOP Plus JA can never make another Interview, Video or written... the important item for the Alexander Family if she escapes a DP is to Never hear a word from her again. That would be a huge Penalty to JA also

That would never happen. It would be great it if could happen but it won't. And even if they could make such an offer Jodi would never agree to it. That's why she wants life she wants to continue to shine and be in the limelight. She enjoys trashing Travis publicly way too much to let it go.
You know what folks? I"m jsut glad the one that are for death are not caving in. They could have caved in and given life, but it seems they are holding tight.

They don't have the option of giving life. If they can't come back with death, then it goes to yet another jury, yet another hearing, yet another decision. And then if that jury can't decide on death, THEN it goes to the judge to decide LWOP or LWP. More wasted time. More wasted money. More hell for the Alexander family.
You guys... she's been convicted of 1st degree murder. There is no way JSS will only give her 25 yrs as her "life" sentence if it goes that way. She will spend the rest of her life in prison one way or the other. That *is* justice for the Alexander Family. Does no one understand this? Of course they hope she gets the DP but either way she will be gone/out of their lives forever. Getting that conviction was the most important part of this whole drama. Getting the DP is icing on the cake, but even without that they do have justice.

I understand, completely. At some point if she lives, her dream of living within the general population will come true. And her hope, whether real or not, of a parole date, will carry her thru. That's a whole hello more than Travis ever had.

She has played people. And she's still playing. It darn crummy looks like it's going to work ! Make-up and all.
it's possible that in order for a potential holdout to vote DP, they need to be talked into it. meaning, they are DP qualified in that they will do it, but maybe they could only do it automatically for something like mass murder. so they COULD give DP easily, but they need to ponder it in a situation where it inside a relationship, although that they found it easy to say she was guilty and that it was cruel.

:seeya: Good first post! :fireworks: :welcome: :fireworks:
And is JS able to tell them exactly what will happen if they can't agree? That that they may be REPLACED with a new jury?
Or, it that forbidden to tell them? I think the jury as a whole - the family atmosphere #8 spoke about would feel terrible to not be able to finish the trial they have put so much time and heart in. To be replaced at this point MAY be a determining factor for them.

I just pray for wisdom for them, and will accept their hard won answer - what ever it is.

pretty sure she can't tell them that. it's the same as a jury considering punishment during the guilt phase. it could influence them. they're just supposed to consider what they're doing and not worry about what happens if they can't agree.
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