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Chris Coleman Seeks New Trial

WATERLOO, Il. (KMOX)- Just under a month after their client was found guilty of murdering his wife and their two sons in their Columbia, Illinois home, the attorneys for Christopher Coleman have filed a motion for a new trial.

<<full article in link>>

*link to motion included in article
This is aggravating....why are the letting him play the victim card?
Hello All,

Judge denies new trial...

THANK YOU JUDGE! Chris Coleman has put too many people through hell trying to get his lying self-serving wicked self off the hook!

>>Judge Milton Whaton also ruled he will release exhibits, although likely edited, ... <<

Hopefully the judge can find a way to protect the dignity of Sheri and the children while exposing CC so that those who were somewhat confused lose the confusion.

I finally watched the family interview. Sad. The system was against him? Right. Spinning the truth. They know more that never came out. Right. If they know so much, it is over now. They can bring it all out if they want. Will they? I doubt it.
Denial and deluded, imo.
Actually, I only listened to about 10 min. of it. Couldn't take any more. I am not going to waste my time on this crap anymore.
Convicted killer Coleman is no longer in Illinois

Convicted killer Christopher Coleman was transferred Thursday from an Illinois prison in Pontiac to an out-of-state maximum security prison, Illinois Department of Corrections spokeswoman Sharyn Elman said.

A department official said in June that the department was in the process of moving Coleman to another state under the Interstate Compact Agreement. Prisoners in higher profile cases are sometimes moved out of state for safety and security reasons.

Read more:
I was just thinking about Sheri, Garrett and Gavin so I thought I would bump this thread for that reason.

Sheri and her boys are remembered and always will be.

Still breaks my heart............

Hours before relatives of murder victims Sheri Coleman and her sons, Garett and Gavin, planned to have the bodies exhumed from a cemetery here and moved to Cook County, Ill., a judge ordered them to stop.

A lawyer for Christopher Coleman, who is in prison for killing his wife and sons, walked into the Randolph County Courthouse on Monday afternoon &#8212; the last possible hour &#8212; and sought to block the disinterment.

Mario DeCicco, Sheri Coleman's brother, said Monday: "The audacity and hypocrisy of the entire Coleman family is despicable. All my mother wants is to have her babies home."

Doesn't IL have anything better to do? Please let this family be at peace . . .

Hours before relatives of murder victims Sheri Coleman and her sons, Garett and Gavin, planned to have the bodies exhumed from a cemetery here and moved to Cook County, Ill., a judge ordered them to stop.

A lawyer for Christopher Coleman, who is in prison for killing his wife and sons, walked into the Randolph County Courthouse on Monday afternoon — the last possible hour — and sought to block the disinterment.

Mario DeCicco, Sheri Coleman's brother, said Monday: "The audacity and hypocrisy of the entire Coleman family is despicable. All my mother wants is to have her babies home."

Doesn't IL have anything better to do? Please let this family be at peace . . .
Wow.......... Just Wow. I didn't think it possible that I could possibly hate Chis Coleman any more than I did and BAM! I am proven wrong. Okay, for the time being I am going to step away from the puter....... I don't trust myself right now to behave.
I was just going to say the same thing TallCoolOne...

Wow...Just wow! I mean, I have no words.
I know. 24 hours later and I am still feeling the same way. I am pretty much at a loss for words on this.

I am right now praying for Sheri, Garrett and Gavin's loved ones (and yes, this does EXCLUDE any of the Coleman klan) to hold each other close. I cannot fathom how this act by a very selfish, insignificant is affecting them right now.

I am also praying for Christopher Coleman.............. that someone delivers some jail house justice and ends his miserable life. I'm sorry, I know that is an awful thing to say, but rightly or wrongly, that is truly how I feel.

And for now I am going to back away from this thread, I still don't trust myself to keep my words civil enough to prevent permanent banishment from here.
This latest entry from their ministry online speaks for the return of the victims of their murderer son to those who truly loved halted by the hypocrisy of this family:

Wow &#8230;this year has rolled by fast. The holidays are upon us and the busyness gets even busier. Something that will help us through these days is to remember it&#8217;s not about us, but it is all about the people God has placed around us. He created us to serve and to be a blessing to others. It is what Christ has placed in us that he wants us to give away. As we give the love of Jesus to others we are in His perfect will. Col 1:27: Christ in you the hope of Glory. Let us purpose in our hearts to think about others more than we do ourselves and watch God do great things through us. Jesus died to set us free, let&#8217;s pass it on.

In Christ,
Pastors Ron and Connie Coleman

Sheri, Gavin and Garrett should be close to her family. It is appalling that someday Chris' body could be there next to them in that cemetery. If anything should persuade a Judge to rule to exhume and move the bodies it should be that.

Pretty sad that they cannot or will not see what's so obvious to the rest of us, but they have to hold the party line since he is their son and they probably dont want to believe it-who would if it were their offspring?

I seriously believe that their brain can not accept all the information that they have heard. It all goes against what they thought they knew about Chris. I believe that when and if their brain can ever accept it all they will face the truth of Chris. But really I think it would be horrible to realize that you raised someone capable of not only killing but of killing their own flesh and blood. is it any wonder that they take up for him and think he is innocent? That is much easier to face then the fact that your son is a killer. IMO
I know. 24 hours later and I am still feeling the same way. I am pretty much at a loss for words on this.

I am right now praying for Sheri, Garrett and Gavin's loved ones (and yes, this does EXCLUDE any of the Coleman klan) to hold each other close. I cannot fathom how this act by a very selfish, insignificant is affecting them right now.

I am also praying for Christopher Coleman.............. that someone delivers some jail house justice and ends his miserable life. I'm sorry, I know that is an awful thing to say, but rightly or wrongly, that is truly how I feel.

And for now I am going to back away from this thread, I still don't trust myself to keep my words civil enough to prevent permanent banishment from here.
Seriously he is a convicted killer. convicted of killing them. Why does he have a say where they are buried? The legal system is crazy.
Found some info about the Michael Cuneo
book [ame=""]Image: One Last Kiss: The True Story of a Minister's Bodyguard, His Beautiful Mistress, and a Brutal Triple Homicide: Michael W. Cuneo@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

I also heard that 48 Hours will be running the Coleman story on May 5th.

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