Penalty/Sentencing Phase

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Oops should have checked this thread first for CC's intake info & new mugshot... I did a new thread. Darn!

As for the appeal, it will be very interesting to see what they come up with next week. I would think Judge Wharton would reject it, then it will go to Court of Appeals. The great thing is no more public money for CC... this has to come out of his own pocket, or should I say Grace Church's collection plates?!?!
Pontiac Correctional Center
Opened: June 1871
*Operational Capacity: 2,152
Level 1 Maximum Adult Male
*Current Population: 1,656
Average Age: 34
Average Annual Cost Per Inmate: $33,031.00

The facility consists of a total of 63 buildings, which comprise of more than 744,000 square feet. The facility sits on a 37-acre site, with 32 acres being enclosed by fencing. Pontiac Correctional Center houses the following offenders: segregation, condemned protective custody, mental health, administrative detention reintegration management and medium security.

It is a super scary looking place... I wouldn't want to be there! I have to go right past Pontiac on June 2nd for my sisters wedding weekend in Chi-Town... I'll take some pics for everyone.
makes sense that the defense has to "go through the motions" and file an appeal in any desperate attempt to get a new trial--if by remote chance there's a new trial, the result will be the same...this guy will never taste freedom, never eat a tasty meal again,never go on the internet, never have a cell phone, etc etc...
It is a super scary looking place... I wouldn't want to be there! I have to go right past Pontiac on June 2nd for my sisters wedding weekend in Chi-Town... I'll take some pics for everyone.
excellent-thank you!
I agree, but they even admitted this was a very hard case. They should just give it up and let the victims families have peace. JMOO and all that stuff.
Well I see he has lost that little smirk he had on his creepy face a few days ago before they found him guilty. Hope he enjoys meeting his new roomies. I'm sure they will like getting to know him well. Hope he rots in there!!! :floorlaugh:
someone said that he had a pic of sheri and the boys in his cell in Monroe Cty--wonder if he'll bother to put that up in his new home since his charade doesnt matter anymore...also wonder what he'll tell other inmates--"I was wrongly convicted" or "yeah, I killed them."
someone said that he had a pic of sheri and the boys in his cell in Monroe Cty--wonder if he'll bother to put that up in his new home since his charade doesnt matter anymore...also wonder what he'll tell other inmates--"I was wrongly convicted" or "yeah, I killed them."

My brother was a correctional officer in the state of California for years. He said they all claim to be innocent in prison.
WOW! He's shorter than I am! I didn't know that. Bad for him, I'm sure.

I think he looks like he has no soul. I'm sure glad he's not roaming the streets.
It is a super scary looking place... I wouldn't want to be there! I have to go right past Pontiac on June 2nd for my sisters wedding weekend in Chi-Town... I'll take some pics for everyone.

That would be great - I'm sure Chris would LOVE to have company. Maybe you can set up a meeting!! JK!
I wonder why they decided to send him to Pontiac instead of Stateville?
I don't care where he is going just as long as he is going...
best part of his intake info at the prision:
projected discharge date: INELIGIBLE:woohoo:

anyone know why he has to register as a sex offender?
Because there isn't a separate registration for child murderers. Since he murdered the children, he has to register on the sex offender list and it will be noted it was murder. However - he will never be out anyway. :)
My husband said it is because Pontiac has a condemned protective custody unit - maybe because of him killing his kids or because he was in "security" and his bro is a prison guard.
Do you think she's right, that the judge did the sentencing to avoid a death penalty sentence?

Coleman waived the hearing. He was most likely the one who feared the death sentence, therefore leaving it to the Judge.

"On Monday morning after Coleman waived his right to be sentenced by a jury, Wharton warned Coleman that, unlike jurors, he had seen all the evidence in the case, including things he ruled were too prejudicial to allow into the trial.
Jurors remained in their seats to hear the outcome.

Wharton rendered his decision at 1 p.m."

Read more:
Unfortunately, I hear the food is good at Pontiac...

To say that I am unhappy that he did not get the death penalty is an understatement.

If he had gotten the death penalty AND been executed immediately -- which is precisely what he deserves -- there is no possibility that anyone could have fought for him to have a life outside of prison or death again.

Chris Coleman is still alive. As long as he is alive, there is a possibility of escape... Would he hurt anyone? That is not so much the issue as him having one minute of normal life, or hiding and having a long life of it (less the hiding).

There is a possibility (and a definite) for him to continue sucking the society he has already robbed:

$33031 x 41 years (if he only lives to age 75), that's $1,354,271
Trial costs, what were those? Maybe $1,000,000 (check this article)
Medical care and dental work: maybe $5000 a year (avg over the years)? x 41 = $205,000
Cost of Appeal? What's that going to cost? 1/2 mil? Another trial?

I'd say that we are ALREADY nearly to the 3 million dollar mark as a low that CC has/will cost society "to punish him." Of course, there "will be" inflation. He will probably cost far more than 3 million.

There is still a possibility that someone in this world will have to (as in Sheri's family's case) or get to (as in his family's case) see his living face -- or hear his voice.

There is a possibility that he will smell a nice smell, or hear a nice sound or breath fresh air.

There is a possibility that he can enjoy some type of pleasurable sensation or experience. He can get "excited" about some type of creep-seeking chick who wants to come visit him in prison. There is a possibility that he will marry again and have conjugal rights. There is a possibility that someone will make him feel good about himself. There is a possibility that he will enjoy the sensation of smile chemicals. There is the possibility that someone will take enough interest in him to interview him -- he is NOT interesting and I don't want him feeling that way, not ever.

So, now we are going to punish him at a correctional facility...

Here are the words of a woman whose husband has been there (or maybe is there):

>>Setting aside the lousy visits though, Pontiac is so much better than anywhere else and I talked to him last night and he just sounds so much better. He said the food is great, he gets regular yard (5x a week) and 3 showers...he's actually in heaven. He said it's like going from the Bates Motel to the Hilton, lol.<<

Yeah... I feel "real good" about CC being at Pontiac. Yummy food, and I measured his cell space in my office today -- not so bad, it is NOT a coffin, I would suggest he be forced to live in one while there, coming out only for a stretch now and then.

And what's with him or any of the prisoners doing anything but hard labor while there. Put their hineys on bikes and make them generate electric all day, and if they stop peddling, give them a little electric zap. It's not so cruel, my husband has to withstand that to stay alive (at about 700 volts due to a heart problem) -- so give them all little electrical stimuli to keep their butts producing SOMETHING for the pleasure of eating the food we put on their tables.

But no... I don't want him to suffer, I don't want him alive, I don't want him to have pleasure, I don't want him to exist -- and as long as he is alive, he "exists."

Onward...check this bit out:

>>O'Gara said it was Coleman's specific request for the judge to decide his fate and waive his right for the jury to sentence him.

"He didn't want to put his family through having to testify here on an very emotional day," O'Gara said. "He didn't want to put the jury through more, didn't want to put anybody through more. Figured with the status of the law being what it is right now, with what the governor has indicated, and what the legislature has done, it all seemed to be a lot of effort at this state that would have done more harm." <<

Yeah? Well CC really cares about everyone eh? He cared so much he didn't confess, the sorry *advertiser censored**! And he didn't want to put his family through more, right... So he is going to appeal, what is that going to put his family through? He didn't ask for a quick death sentence and death, what is that going to put everyone through (aside from millions.)

No...he didn't want the jury to decide the sentence, he knew what he would get. He thought he might not get it if the judge sentenced him, i.e put the onus on one person alone.

No...CC is a sorry loss that we cannot even lose.

As far as Tara goes... I'd like to have one of the "authors" or news men who have been writing about this case run down and see if they can catch a glimpse of her a) at work and b) in public life. I'd like to know if she has that piece on her finger, or if that was "just for show" in court. I happen to think it was to tick people off and she was requested to wear it. I happen to think her testifying was her deal to keep from being tried as accessory.
Wrinkes, thank you for that post.

Look at the life Michael Devlin is leading. CC faces the same thing.

A sure date with death would be one thing. He could appeal that to the high heavens and take advantage of protective custody along the way.

But CC will now live every single day with his back against the wall. He will never again have a peaceful night's sleep. He will never again eat a meal without one eye on watch for an attack. His days are truly numbered now.

And that booking shot, IMO, shows us that he recognizes exactly what his "life sentences" will entail.
I know it doesn't mean anything but I noticed two things on the custody status page. 1) It states sex offender registry required. 2) The sentencing info lists two counts/offenses. Nothing that makes any difference, just an observation.

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