Penn State Sandusky-Report of the Special Investigative Counsel

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Sep 26, 2007
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Admin gave me the go ahead to start a separate thread so that posters can help one another with pieces of the report, MSM articles and twitter feeds etc as everything is dissected.

As in the Grand Jury Indictment and the trial, there is graphic information contained within the report.

Bring over posts you would like included on this thread.

I have read this twice now. All I can say is that emeritus award and the lump sum payment approved by Spanier (if I have that detail correct) makes me really really really wonder what Spanier actually knew and why JS was treated so handsomely. To be blunt.
Some posts from the other thread-
Report: Paterno, other leaders 'repeatedly concealed' facts about Sandusky sex abuse

Penn State football coach Joe Paterno and other university leaders "repeatedly concealed critical facts" relating to assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky’s child sex abuse from authorities, according to Louis Freeh, the former FBI director who conducted an investigation for the university in the Sandusky scandal.

Freeh also found that "although concern to treat the child abuser humanely was expressly stated, no such sentiments were ever expressed" by university officials, including Paterno and the university president, for Sandusky’s victims. The report says that five boys were assaulted by Sandusky on university property after officials knew about a 1998 criminal investigation.

The report says the main cause of the university's failure was a desire to avoid bad publicity. Also contributing:
•A striking lack of empathy for child abuse victims.
•Lack of oversight by the board of trustees.
•"A president who discouraged discussion and dissent."
•Ignorance of child abuse issues and laws.
•A football program that had opted out of university programs and training on reporting requirements.
•"A culture of reverence for the football program that is ingrained at all levels of the campus community."

Freeh's findings may affect the reputation of legendary coach Paterno, who died soon after the Sandusky allegations became public, as well as the university's standing with the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which so far has not announced any punishments of Penn State. The NCAA said Thursday it is studying the report.

Follows with quotes from Freeh's reports and past quotes of the principals....IMO they must charge Spanier now....

Some pretty damning quotes on Cynthia Baldwin, Penn State counsel in 2010, regarding her reaction to initial suggestion of an independent investigation:

Spanier and Baldwin opposed in independent investigation of the Sandusky issue, with Baldwin stating the "if we do this we will never get rid of the [outside investigative] group in some shape or form. The Board will then think that they should have such a group." Spanier agreed.
Freeh's Press Conference Remarks:


Our most saddening and sobering finding is the total disregard for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims by the most senior leaders at Penn State. The most powerful men at Penn State failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who Sandusky victimized. Messrs. Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley never demonstrated, through actions or words, any concern for the safety and well-being of Sandusky’s victims until after Sandusky’s arrest.

TVs at PSU student center suddenly switched to public access (
The handful of students and alumni that gathered in Penn State's student center this morning to watch the release of the Freeh report live were stunned when the channel suddenly switched.
But, just as an anchor was ready to speak about the report, the television screens suddenly went blank. They then turned to a public access channel featuring a reporter from The Morning Call newspaper in Allentown about the state budget.
the rest at link above


post freeh report response from PATERNO family...note that at the end they try to dilute Joes responsibility by saying :"everyone" shares in the responsibility...well i've heard the report summarzied and it doesnt point to"everyones" responsibility, but to the responsibility of four men---joe paterno is one of those men...the Paterno family remains in obscuration mode, no matter what.

The Paterno family released the following statement with regard to the release of Louis Freeh's report:

We are in the process of reviewing the Freeh report and will need some time before we can comment in depth on its findings and conclusions. From the moment this crisis broke, Joe Paterno supported a comprehensive, fair investigation. He always believed, as we do, that the full truth should be uncovered.

From what we have been able to ****** at this time, it appears that after reviewing 3 million documents and conducting more than 400 interviews, the underlying facts as summarized in the report are almost entirely consistent with what we understood them to be. The 1998 incident was reported to law enforcement and investigated. Joe Paterno reported what he was told about the 2001 incident to Penn State authorities and he believed it would be fully investigated. The investigation also confirmed that Sandusky's retirement in 1999 was unrelated to these events.

One great risk in this situation is a replaying of events from the last 15 years or so in a way that makes it look obvious what everyone must have known and should have done. The idea that any sane, responsible adult would knowingly cover up for a child predator is impossible to accept. The far more realistic conclusion is that many people didn't fully understand what was happening and underestimated or misinterpreted events. Sandusky was a great deceiver. He fooled everyone - law enforcement, his family, coaches, players, neighbors, University officials, and everyone at Second Mile.

Joe Paterno wasn't perfect. He made mistakes and he regretted them. He is still the only leader to step forward and say that with the benefit of hindsight he wished he had done more. To think, however, that he would have protected Jerry Sandusky to avoid bad publicity is simply not realistic. If Joe Paterno had understood what Sandusky was, a fear of bad publicity would not have factored into his actions.

We appreciate the effort that was put into this investigation. The issue we have with some of the conclusions is that they represent a judgment on motives and intentions and we think this is impossible. We have said from the beginning that Joe Paterno did not know Jerry Sandusky was a child predator. Moreover, Joe Paterno never interfered with any investigation. He immediately and accurately reported the incident he was told about in 2001.

It can be argued that Joe Paterno should have gone further. He should have pushed his superiors to see that they were doing their jobs. We accept this criticism. At the same time, Joe Paterno and everyone else knew that Sandusky had been repeatedly investigated by authorities who approved his multiple adoptions and foster children. Joe Paterno mistakenly believed that investigators, law enforcement officials, University leaders and others would properly and fully investigate any issue and proceed as the facts dictated.

This didn't happen and everyone shares the responsibility
Again from Freeh's press conference.

Based on the evidence, the only known, intervening factor between the decision made on February 25, 2001 by Messrs. Spanier, Curley and Schulz to report the incident to the Department of Public Welfare, and then agreeing not to do so on February 27th, was Mr. Paterno’s February 26th conversation with Mr. Curley.

We never had the opportunity to talk with Mr. Paterno, but he did say what he told McQueary on February 10, 2011 when McQueary reported what he saw Sandusky doing in the shower the night before: “You did what you had to do. It is my job now to figure out what we want to do.” Why would anyone have to figure out what had to be done in these circumstances? We also know that he delayed reporting Sandusky’s sexual conduct because Mr. Paterno did not “want to interfere” with people’s weekend.
To his credit, Mr. Paterno stated on November 9, 2011, “With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more.”



It can be argued that Joe Paterno should have gone further. He should have pushed his superiors to see that they were doing their jobs. We accept this criticism. At the same time, Joe Paterno and everyone else knew that Sandusky had been repeatedly investigated by authorities who approved his multiple adoptions and foster children. Joe Paterno mistakenly believed that investigators, law enforcement officials, University leaders and others would properly and fully investigate any issue and proceed as the facts dictated.

This didn't happen and everyone shares the responsibility

That was pretty weak. Everyone dropped the ball so why judge JoPa harshly for dropping the ball too???

Please send in letters of support for the brave men who came forward for the first trial, please send along any information regarding other victims, or if you are a victim. Ms Balfour has contact information for the Attorney General's office, private attorneys, counselors set up to speak with victims....

Please-you are not alone.
That was pretty weak. Everyone dropped the ball so why judge JoPa harshly for dropping the ball too???

Presumably the family totally agrees with joes reasoning that he shouldnt "interfere' with anyones ""weekend" whe n\he heard about sandusky raping a child in the penn state showers..oh, sorry, myabe not raping..maybe just abusing...maybe just inappopriate touching...maybe just showing the boy how to soap up his back...who knows, we werent there.

the paternos are in the process of destroying whatever is left of joes name as they continue to defend the indefensible. they do not see this.

interesting. they are deluded.
Presumably the family totally agrees with joes reasoning that he shouldnt "interfere' with anyones ""weekend" whe n\he heard about sandusky raping a child in the penn state showers..oh, sorry, myabe not raping..maybe just abusing...maybe just inappopriate touching...maybe just showing the boy how to soap up his back...who knows, we werent there.

the paternos are in the process of destroying whatever is left of joes name as they continue to defend the indefensible. they do not see this.

interesting. they are deluded.

They are way past deluded. Shame on them. They should just shut up now
JoPa's name is gone. I think whether or not his legacy is gone...well it will be up to them and how they continue to handle this.
I've lost track of the number of times I've said "wow" or "OMG" while reading this report.

The callousness and disregard for these kids is astonishing.

Makes you want to cry.
Paterno's family has to adjust their thinking....Joe is not a victim.....the victims are young boys that suffered sexual abuse and rape while powerful respected men covered these crimes to protect their legacy .
snipped from :

Freeh's team of investigators found:

"The most saddening finding by the Special Investigative Counsel is the total and consistent disregard by the most senior leaders at Penn State for the safety and welfare of Sandusky's child victims. As the Grand Jury similarly noted in its presentment, there was no "attempt to investigate, to identify Victim 2, or to protect that child or any others from similar conduct except as related to preventing its re-occurrence on University property.

"Four of the most powerful people at The Pennsylvania State University -- President Graham B. Spanier, Senior Vice President-Finance and Business Gary C. Schultz, Athletic Director Timothy M. Curley and Head Football Coach Joseph V. Paterno -- failed to protect against a child predator harming children for over a decade. These men concealed Sandusky's activities from the Board of Trustees, the University community and authorities. They exhibited a striking lack of empathy for Sandusky's victims by failing to inquire as to their safety and well-being, especially by not attempting to determine the identity of the child who Sandusky assaulted in the Lasch Building in 2001. Further, they exposed this child to additional harm by alerting Sandusky, who was the only one who knew the child's identity, of what McQueary saw in the shower on the night of February 9, 2001.

RBBM: :maddening:

Question : Will these other 3 -- Spanier, Schultz, Curley -- be HELD RESPONSIBLE for their LACK of ACTION to protect these young children from Sandusky as well as their participation in the cover-up ? I sure hope so !

:moo: They belong in :jail::jail::jail: along with Sandusky !

I was reading some of our local tv stations postings and was shocked by comments from "JoPa" supporters... people want his "legacy" left alone. Sorry, but the day he turned a blind eye to this he lost his legacy.

ETA: a blind eye to the victims...

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