Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #6

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Mar 4, 2009
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Please continue discussion here on the Penn State/Sandusky/Second Mile case.

Links of interest:

[ame=""]Thread #1[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #2[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #3[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #4[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #5[/ame]

Grand jury presentment (.pdf)

Remember to show respect for others when engaging in thread dialogue; when replying to the
posts of others - attack the content of the post if need be, but never get personal and attack the poster.

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — A second top executive at The Second Mile is leaving, as the charity founded by former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky gets more scrutiny about how it was structured and run.

Katherine Genevose, the foundation's executive vice president and wife of recently departed CEO Jack Raykovitz, is no longer listed as a staff member on the charity's website.

Michael L. Wyland, who advises nonprofits as a partner in the firm Sumption & Wyland, recently analyzed the charity in an essay that appeared online in The Nonprofit Quarterly.

Wyland said he'd never seen bylaws that identify the "founder" as a corporate officer and member of the board's executive committee. The arrangement meant that Jerry Sandusky's duties conflicted with the powers of the board's chairman.

While it's not unusual for a founder to be the public face of an organization, Wyland said that board members have a legal responsibility to the charity, not the founder. Sandusky's extensive powers in the bylaws could have hindered such oversight.

More at link...
Reading through the link that Reader posted above, you find that Jerry is full of more bull. In his book (you can read many pages free on Amazon), he failed to mention that The Second Mile’s bylaws identify him as a LIFETIME corporate officer and a LIFETIME member of the board's executive committee. He tried to spin his story that he started The Second Mile (as a directive from God) and then wonderful people took over its leadership.

Wyland said the tendency to blame Second Mile board members may be excessive.
"There's this temptation to say, they should have known. Well, not always," Wyland added, especially when someone involved with an organization is making extensive efforts to hide the details of their wrongdoing. He noted that Raykovitz is married to Genovese who was the executive vice president. Wyland said that's a management conflict-of-interest. He noted that Raykovitz and Genovese also had formal oversight of all contributions, solicitations and financial records|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|p

This not-for-profit has missing financial records. Why is the Pennsylvania State Police not all over this?
Poll: Pa. voters approve of PSU decision to fire Paterno, Spanier

By a slim 52 – 43 percent majority, Pennsylvania voters support the decision to fire Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. By a much larger 74 – 13 percent margin, voters support the firing of University President Graham Spanier.

And 65 percent of respondents also said they believe football has too much influence at Penn State, while only 25 percent said it had about the right amount of influence. However, 67 percent agreed that it would be a “bad idea” for Penn State to decline a bowl bid.

More at link....
Reading through the link that Reader posted above, you find that Jerry is full of more bull. In his book (you can read many pages free on Amazon), he failed to mention that The Second Mile’s bylaws identify him as a LIFETIME corporate officer and a LIFETIME member of the board's executive committee. He tried to spin his story that he started The Second Mile (as a directive from God) and then wonderful people took over its leadership.

Wyland said the tendency to blame Second Mile board members may be excessive.
"There's this temptation to say, they should have known. Well, not always," Wyland added, especially when someone involved with an organization is making extensive efforts to hide the details of their wrongdoing. He noted that Raykovitz is married to Genovese who was the executive vice president. Wyland said that's a management conflict-of-interest. He noted that Raykovitz and Genovese also had formal oversight of all contributions, solicitations and financial records|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|p

This not-for-profit has missing financial records. Why is the Pennsylvania State Police not all over this?

Pensfan, I have come to realize that about the only area our opinions differ substantially is in who likely knew about this monster. I don't, for a minute, think that everyone in Penn State University or the community knew, but I do think that the knowledge was more widespread, particularly within TSM, than you seem to believe.

I read an article a few days ago and snipped these statements out because they support what, I believe, logic dictates as to awareness of this monster's actions.

Several former Second Mile board members told The Daily that if anyone on the board knew about the 2002 incident, it would have been Poole, who also was close to the charity’s former CEO, Jack Raykovitz.

“If you think about it from a logical standpoint, how do you have this group of people that are so intertwined with each other, and then have something like this come up, and then they not talk about it?”

It seems one former board member thinks as I do as to why silence was maintained for so long:

One former board member said “To be honest, I think people were worried about what would happen to Penn State and The Second Mile if Jerry Sandusky was found out.”
I had a career where I had to frequently and repeatedly tell family members that their loved one had an (incurable) mental illness. Although most of the family members had the capacity to understand what they were told, many could not grasp what they were told until much later.

I know one individual who forced his family to drive to Roswell, NM (3/4 of the way across the continent of North America) for every summer vacation for years, so he could receive special messages from aliens. Shockingly, his family was not ready to grasp that he had schizophrenia until one psychotic episode when he became dangerous. I feel most people who heard a pedo story about "great guy Jerry" could not grasp the thought that this nice man was a child rapist. What they experienced was different than denial. These people lacked the knowledge base on pedophiles to make the correct judgement on "great guy Jerry". They couldn't grasp that he was a pedo because they didn't know much about pedophiles except that they are "bad" men and great guy Jerry presented himself as a wonderful man.

Because the 1998 molestation was explained by a need for a shower and a hug, those who heard the story and didn't have a knowledge base of pedophilia thought it was only dumb of great guy Jerry to have showered with a kid. Raykovitz clearly had the knowledge base to know differently, but I don't think he shared his knowledge.
I had a career where I had to frequently and repeatedly tell family members that their loved one had an (incurable) mental illness. Although most of the family members had the capacity to understand what they were told, many could not grasp what they were told until much later.

I know one individual who forced his family to drive to Roswell, NM (3/4 of the way across the continent of North America) for every summer vacation for years, so he could receive special messages from aliens. Shockingly, his family was not ready to grasp that he had schizophrenia until one psychotic episode when he became dangerous. I feel most people who heard a pedo story about "great guy Jerry" could not grasp the thought that this nice man was a child rapist. What they experienced was different than denial. These people lacked the knowledge base on pedophiles to make the correct judgement on "great guy Jerry". They couldn't grasp that he was a pedo because they didn't know much about pedophiles except that they are "bad" men and great guy Jerry presented himself as a wonderful man.

Because the 1998 molestation was explained by a need for a shower and a hug, those who heard the story and didn't have a knowledge base of pedophilia thought it was only dumb of great guy Jerry to have showered with a kid. Raykovitz clearly had the knowledge base to know differently, but I don't think he shared his knowledge.

We're talking about highly successful people who were intellectual scholars and captains of industry, and they couldn't grasp the concept of this monster being a child rapist due to some lack of a knowledge base on pedophilia? And that's why they didn't do anything to stop him and protect these children?

Wow. I guess someone just needs to go ahead and get that IGNORANT brush out and paint me from head to toe because I'll NEVER be able to wrap my country bumpkin mind around that theory.

I didn't know it required special training to recognize the reprehensible acts of a child rapist.
I had a career where I had to frequently and repeatedly tell family members that their loved one had an (incurable) mental illness. Although most of the family members had the capacity to understand what they were told, many could not grasp what they were told until much later.

I know one individual who forced his family to drive to Roswell, NM (3/4 of the way across the continent of North America) for every summer vacation for years, so he could receive special messages from aliens. Shockingly, his family was not ready to grasp that he had schizophrenia until one psychotic episode when he became dangerous. I feel most people who heard a pedo story about "great guy Jerry" could not grasp the thought that this nice man was a child rapist. What they experienced was different than denial. These people lacked the knowledge base on pedophiles to make the correct judgement on "great guy Jerry". They couldn't grasp that he was a pedo because they didn't know much about pedophiles except that they are "bad" men and great guy Jerry presented himself as a wonderful man.

Because the 1998 molestation was explained by a need for a shower and a hug, those who heard the story and didn't have a knowledge base of pedophilia thought it was only dumb of great guy Jerry to have showered with a kid. Raykovitz clearly had the knowledge base to know differently, but I don't think he shared his knowledge.

I don't think there lack of knowledge about anything had to do with how these men reacted when faced with McQuearys presentation of the shower rape.

There is a test that proves without a doubt to me they knew what was going on and how serious it was.

Simply ask these supposed "men" if McQueary had come to you and simply said Jerry Sandusky was in the shower with your 10 year old boy all alone and soaped up and hugging and playing would you have asked your son if Jerry had done anything to them? Would you have asked your son about the story or would you just take Jerry's word and go about your life.

They all knew it was really, really bad and that is why they claim now not to know the name of the little boy. They all heard the rape story and yet they tell a Grand Jury they never asked the name of the little boy.
I had a career where I had to frequently and repeatedly tell family members that their loved one had an (incurable) mental illness. Although most of the family members had the capacity to understand what they were told, many could not grasp what they were told until much later.

I know one individual who forced his family to drive to Roswell, NM (3/4 of the way across the continent of North America) for every summer vacation for years, so he could receive special messages from aliens. Shockingly, his family was not ready to grasp that he had schizophrenia until one psychotic episode when he became dangerous. I feel most people who heard a pedo story about "great guy Jerry" could not grasp the thought that this nice man was a child rapist. What they experienced was different than denial. These people lacked the knowledge base on pedophiles to make the correct judgement on "great guy Jerry". They couldn't grasp that he was a pedo because they didn't know much about pedophiles except that they are "bad" men and great guy Jerry presented himself as a wonderful man.

Because the 1998 molestation was explained by a need for a shower and a hug, those who heard the story and didn't have a knowledge base of pedophilia thought it was only dumb of great guy Jerry to have showered with a kid. Raykovitz clearly had the knowledge base to know differently, but I don't think he shared his knowledge.

The city, campus LE and SA investigated the 98 shower molestation case. The mother of the child sure knew it was wrong and the detectives knew it was wrong and I am sure the SA knew all about how pedophiles worked. For some reason he decided not to press charges.

It had nothing to do with family denial.
I had a career where I had to frequently and repeatedly tell family members that their loved one had an (incurable) mental illness. Although most of the family members had the capacity to understand what they were told, many could not grasp what they were told until much later.

I know one individual who forced his family to drive to Roswell, NM (3/4 of the way across the continent of North America) for every summer vacation for years, so he could receive special messages from aliens. Shockingly, his family was not ready to grasp that he had schizophrenia until one psychotic episode when he became dangerous. I feel most people who heard a pedo story about "great guy Jerry" could not grasp the thought that this nice man was a child rapist. What they experienced was different than denial. These people lacked the knowledge base on pedophiles to make the correct judgement on "great guy Jerry". They couldn't grasp that he was a pedo because they didn't know much about pedophiles except that they are "bad" men and great guy Jerry presented himself as a wonderful man.

Because the 1998 molestation was explained by a need for a shower and a hug, those who heard the story and didn't have a knowledge base of pedophilia thought it was only dumb of great guy Jerry to have showered with a kid. Raykovitz clearly had the knowledge base to know differently, but I don't think he shared his knowledge.


Before I ever heard the term pedophile I was very familiar with the terms child molesters and perverts and the knowledge of child rape and the men that do it has been around a long, long time.
The city, campus LE and SA investigated the 98 shower molestation case. The mother of the child sure knew it was wrong and the detectives knew it was wrong and I am sure the SA knew all about how pedophiles worked. For some reason he decided not to press charges.

It had nothing to do with family denial.

Was this case the one where the child's school told the mom "to go home and think about it" in regards to nice Mr. Sandusky? If so, she met with resistance and no one wanted to take on the powerful Penn State!

From Pennsfan statement, in 1998 the explanation as the need for a shower and a hug, did not set off alarms of pedophile as it does today! Dumb, stupid, should have known better, all kinds of monikers would have been thrown out, but pedophile not at that time in history.
Thank you drf, pensfan, concernpa, for keeping us informed and updated. I haven't been to this thread in a week or so and the amount of new information and discovered possible connections is overwhelming. I guess that is to be expected. Its like an unassuming weed in your garden. You start to pull it out and only to find the roots keep going and branching off. And the more you pull, the more the other plants start to become disturbed- because their roots have become entangled with the weed. (I tend to see situations visually and this is what is pictured in my head whenever I hear about this case.). I would be interested in seeing a chart of how all the main players are connected. Would it look like a tree or massive spider web?
Again, thank you for keeping us informed.
Was this case the one where the child's school told the mom "to go home and think about it" in regards to nice Mr. Sandusky? If so, she met with resistance and no one wanted to take on the powerful Penn State!

From Pennsfan statement, in 1998 the explanation as the need for a shower and a hug, did not set off alarms of pedophile as it does today! Dumb, stupid, should have known better, all kinds of monikers would have been thrown out, but pedophile not at that time in history.

I believe you are referring to the exchange at Central Mountain High School between school officials and victim one's mother. If I remember correctly, that incident occurred in 2007.
Was this case the one where the child's school told the mom "to go home and think about it" in regards to nice Mr. Sandusky? If so, she met with resistance and no one wanted to take on the powerful Penn State!

From Pennsfan statement, in 1998 the explanation as the need for a shower and a hug, did not set off alarms of pedophile as it does today! Dumb, stupid, should have known better, all kinds of monikers would have been thrown out, but pedophile not at that time in history.

The 1998 investigation involved two detectives, the State of Penn welfare office and the SA. There was a 100 page report made up about it. This is victim 6.

They knew what a pedophile was and they knew the child said Jerry soaped him up in the shower then picked him up with his genitials touching the boys butt to rinse him off in the shower head.

They knew what Jerry was and did not press charges.

Victim 6 story starts on page 18 here.

Oh and the best part is at the conclusion of this "investigation" Jerry was just told don't take anymore little boys in the shower.
Coming in late, with a lot of emotion...what's the deal...if the victims had been girls would he be being treated differently.

This man needs help...from what I have read so does his wife...and they both need to be kept far from children and young people.

This makes me very ill
I believe you are referring to the exchange at Central Mountain High School between school officials and victim one's mother. If I remember correctly, that incident occurred in 2007.
Yes, the investigation of that one led to the Grand Jury.
By now, after all of these years of news reports, people should be sufficiently awake to realize that this, what I call "holocaust of children" isn't just confined to one case of massive numbers of victims. It is all over the country, world.

I am aware that there are investigative groups who are uncovering the perpetrators who have/are sexually exploiting children. I have to hope that, under the "radar," they are now connecting the dots with this case and others.

It is terrifying to confront the reality; however, people continuing to ignore the problem is only allowing the perps. to get away with atrocities that are so heinous that your mind cannot go there. Within the last few months, other "leaders" of very prominent organizations across the country, supposedly "mentoring and providing counseling services" to children, have been arrested for raping children.

This I know, just from researching and cross-referencing news reports.
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