Phone Calls

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Aug 26, 2006
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What is the original source/evidence for statements made that the R’s made phone calls (before the 911 call) to:

1) An attorney questioning the criminal culpability of a minor less than age 10 under Colorado law?

2) JB’s paediatrician?

I understand that these questions may not be answered definitively at this time because (as suggested by some posters on FFJ) the R’s phone records have been sealed (by some suggestions, all the way up to the White House). However, if true, these actions clearly suggest the beginning stages of a plan by adults to cover up the crime in order to protect the underage perpetrator(s). It becomes clear that if #1 and/or #2 above are true (especially #1), adults in the home later staged an intruder scene in order to protect Burke from living with the fact that he inflicted the fatal head wound, being labelled as a murderer, as well as any criminal proceedings that might be made against Burke and the family, etc.

The intruder scenario would be very believable to an almost 10 year old child, enough to make him reassess and encode details of the night accordingly, attributing JB’s death to an outsider.
More questions:

1) If LE, the DA or whomever is in charge of the case come to know with certainty (by way of definitive evidence, confession, etc.) that Burke (and/or another minor also present) were responsible for the fatal head wound, will the truth ever be revealed to the general public? In other words, does the law still protect the minor(s) involved if a finding guilt is made when they are now an adult? By protect I do not mean jail time, rather letting the truth be known and the case being recorded as solved.

2) If the R’s did conspire in the staging process, is there a statute of limitation on obstructing justice (as well as pointing the finger of blame at persons they knew to be innocent)?

I think the calls to the pediatrician were made a few days prior. Maybe I'm thiniking of something else.

2) If the R’s did conspire in the staging process, is there a statute of limitation on obstructing justice (as well as pointing the finger of blame at persons they knew to be innocent)?

Sadly, yes, and it's run out now!
What I wonder is,if this case is never solved,is there any point in time where evidence can be released,like 100 yrs or so from now,when anyone involved in the crime would no doubt be dead by then?
Maybe a Freedom of Information Act request means we won't have to wait that long!
in 100 years, it would do nobody here any good either lol. Just my 2c, i think this case is indeed destined to be unsolved, its really too bad. what i wouldnt give to just have been a fly on the wall that night..
SuperDave said:
Maybe a Freedom of Information Act request means we won't have to wait that long!
Has a request been made recently? I can see no good reason to keep any info private at this point.
I may be wrong ... but I believe the files cannot be opened to the public,while the case is considered an "open case." As we all know ... Lacy still considers this an "open case."

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