PICTURE!!!!! Is it Maddie???

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If the picture was faked it was done with some skill. I have been looking at it and so far I have found some very small indications that it may have been faked but the indications are slight, not the overdone easily spotted fakes I usually see. At this point I cannot make a determination that is certain. All I can say is there is a small amount of indication the image is faked but only a small amount. Watch for some black halo highlighting around some body parts where background should be showing through but isn't. However, I am not seeing the other distortion that I sometimes see around areas where things have been pasted into a picture.

Anyone else have comments on what they see or do not see?
I don`t believe it has been photoshopped, but I don`t think it Maddie either.
Very similar looking, I reckon this girl isn`t as old as Maddie, and the face is too round. IMO
The woman walking to the side is not dressed in full Arab garb. Her dress is not long enough to fit their modesty. Rather it looks like a Western current style of tunic top with jeans under it. I know she has a scarf over her head, but it does make me wonder if she is originally from Europe and possibly has blonde hair or blonde genes. I would not assume this child is Maddie. Morocco is not that far from Europe and I am sure there must be a few lighter-haired children there.

The photo does not look photoshopped to me, but I am no expert.
Also by now we can safely assume, if Maddy is alive and well somewhere, she'd have short hair and it would be dyed back or brown.

I doubt that the photo, if it's real, is her. If she were abducted by a pedophile, I agree that her hair would have been cut and colored differently to change her appearance. In that photo, her bangs appear to be
around the same length that they were when she went missing. Which would mean someone has been cutting them. I doubt that an abductor would do that and if they did, they would have changed the color and style altogether.
What do you think?

This has me totally freaked out - either this really IS Madeleine, or a fake doctored photo made from the Madeleine campaign photo, IMO."

The photo of Madeleine is the red dress, (bottom right) is the same one used by the BBC to break this fairy story. CRG are certainly earning their money with this nifty piece of work. Of course, the Berber woman could simply be child-minding. Not everyone leaves their children unattended in a foreign country. This "Muslim" family could easily be tracked down and eliminated.... from the inquiry!
What do you think?

This has me totally freaked out - either this really IS Madeleine, or a fake doctored photo made from the Madeleine campaign photo, IMO."

The photo of Madeleine is the red dress, (bottom right) is the same one used by the BBC to break this fairy story. CRG are certainly earning their money with this nifty piece of work. Of course, the Berber woman could simply be child-minding. Not everyone leaves their children unattended in a foreign country. This "Muslim" family could easily be tracked down and eliminated.... from the inquiry!

Okay, a woman apparently took this picture with her cell phone - "they" (Interpol or whoever) know the woman's identity - why would she submit a photoshopped picture, it's obvious she would be caught. This sounds like a hoax from the gitgo, but why isn't someone stepping forward and admitting that it is?
I too think it is a hoax but as you say Poco, who could submit it without being caught?
The picture was taken on 31 August by Spanish holidaymaker Clara Torres in Zinat near Tangiers after she spotted the blonde girl among the group and thought it was odd.


Apparently picture was taken from inside a car, has the picture as taken from the car plus a picture of Clara Torres......


I guess you will have to copy and paste it.
I really can't believe the photo was altered, the woman who took the pic seems to be on the up and up. And, I put a lot of credibility in her comments about seeing the little girl, and immediately thinking about Maddie. First impressions often mean a lot.
I really can't believe the photo was altered, the woman who took the pic seems to be on the up and up. And, I put a lot of credibility in her comments about seeing the little girl, and immediately thinking about Maddie. First impressions often mean a lot.

LOL, I have no friggin' idea any more - will just have to wait and see I guess. If one poster says, they think it was altered, them I'm like, "Yeah, I bet it was altered." If I read something else or read a post from another poster, then I'm like, "I bet it is a real picture." Go figure!
I am not saying the pic is for sure a fake just that it might possibly be. There are ways to fake a pic without photoshop type technology. At this point I think it is only about a 35% chance its been faked - maybe less. I am not good with odds unless I am more certain. All I see so far is a possibility. However allegedly the original is being vetted by the experts so perhaps we will know before long.
Yes, it is her.

She was stolen by Joseph with the technicolor dream pants! Sheesh.

I bet you could walk into any city in America and take the same picture in any mall of a 4 year old girl with blonde hair and post it.

Yes, it is her.

She was stolen by Joseph with the technicolor dream pants! Sheesh.

I bet you could walk into any city in America and take the same picture in any mall of a 4 year old girl with blonde hair and post it.


True, and that's probably why they have been getting thousands of pictures sent into them from CONCERNED people. I think it is great that everyone is so aware of this and taking the time to take pictures and send them in. Ya never know, one of them may be her.
You know me, I am going to inject my photographer's eye... I am not perfect in reading pictures, but my abilities have been recognized by NASA, in the past, if that is worth anything of credibility.

The picture: on first glance, the child in the picture seems to have a broad nose... my feeling is that a shot that far away would be more about brightness, than contrast, because since the nose projects from the face it will be the part that captures the most light... so in my opinion: Maddie's nose probably wouldn't appear that broad. As well, the child in the image seems to have deeper set eyes... again, far away shot, brightness vs contrast... eyes are inward on the face, so they will capture less light. Maddie's eyes, since they aren't really set too fark back in her face, wouldn't look as deep as the child's in the image As well, the hair: how the hair lays and with the prominent gap in the part, suggests that the child has a definitive "cow lick" parting her hair... Maddie's hair is straight like the child in the picture, but Maddie's images do not seem to show any hint of a "cow lick"... plus when Maddie's hair is slightly parted, it's on the opposite of her head.

Overall, I can't say with 100% surety that this is not Maddie... I'll go with "80% not her", "20% probablity of it being her". As well, I really can't dismiss the probability that it isn't her based upon if someone kidnapped her they would have changed her appearance. There are enough dumb criminals out there to prove that sometimes people don't know how to cover their bums to go undetected.

So... that's my take on things...

I agree with your assessment of the child's face. The girl in the picture has more "depth" to her face than Madeleine has. I also concur with your take on the "criminals out there", in relation to changing Maddie's looks. It gets harder and harder to figure out their MO, because some are so unbelievably stupid and still we try to give them credit for a minimum of intelligence, at least. In other words, I believe we often "over" estimate the intelligence of the criminals and that could be a mistake.
While it would be great if this is Madeline, I think the face is too rounded. Surely, the people in the picture will be identified within a few days.
JanetElaine, my 14 year old just came running to tell me that I HAVE to post immediately and answer your question:

Yes, good photos can be taken from such a distance, especially with some of the newer phones including the Razr., iPhone, even her (cheap, her sister is adding) two year old cell phone, using the zoom feature.


(post dictated by both little Texanas.)

Playing catch-up :)

Texana, that is soooo funny! I can just picture the scene in my head. Thank you very much, little Texanas! I really appreciate it. :)
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