Ping Map and Timeline for June 16, 2008 - Discuss that day only.

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*snipped & bold by me*

Walgreen's @ 7325 Gatehouse Cir, Orlando

7325 Gatehouse Cir, Orlando, FL 32807 is an apartment complex, address needs to be verified before adding to the map

Lexus of Orlando 305 North Semoran Boulevard, Winter Park, FL 32792 - Added to map

CVS @ 7451 East Colonial Drive (same intersection as Amscot) - Added to the map
7325 Gatehouse Cir, Orlando, FL 32807 is an apartment complex, address needs to be verified before adding to the map

Lexus of Orlando 305 North Semoran Boulevard, Winter Park, FL 32792 - Added to map

CVS @ 7451 East Colonial Drive (same intersection as Amscot) - Added to the map

Thanks, Georgia PI. The Gatehouse Walgreen's popped up on Walgreen's search of Google Maps and I didn't investigate further. Appears to be an error.
Now that we have a few statements from TonE, does anyone remember if he was asked when KC showed up at his apartment on the 16th? Just trying to establish if there was in fact a time "lag" between KC leaving the A. home around 4:15 pm and arriving at TonE's, or if she went straight there (since the pings at Amscot are consistent with either possibility).
Now that we have a few statements from TonE, does anyone remember if he was asked when KC showed up at his apartment on the 16th? Just trying to establish if there was in fact a time "lag" between KC leaving the A. home around 4:15 pm and arriving at TonE's, or if she went straight there (since the pings at Amscot are consistent with either possibility).

...adding that doesn't help that 2 of the 3 towers, including the normal directional positioning of the pings, that typically service Tony's apt. are also common to that of Gentiva.

She was def'n on the move exiting G&C's area @ 4:14PM.

Travel time is 23 mins for direct route.

=> 4:37PM

The bookend pings to this time are:



Between 4:25PM and 4:53PM Casey moved from the NE-to-S side of the Amscot tower to the NW-to-NE side of the tower.

This is consistent with the 'typical' travel time...but leaves open the option that she could have been...

a) @ Tony's
b) @ Gentiva
c) @ CVS
d) @ McDonalds (next to CVS)
e) @...

Interested to see when/if Tony's statements help us out too.

ETA: After reviewing Casey's handwritten statement again (for another post) I noted that she used 7PM as the time she left Sawgrass...then - after asserting that JBP is one of Caylee's favorite places, implying that she went there - Casey indicated she went to Tony's apt. Perhaps there is a grain of truth in the timing Casey gave. Showing up @ Blockbuster @ 7:54PM...allowing some arrive, meet & greet time w/ Tony @ the apt. and travel time to Blockbuster could reasonably back up to ~7PM. In the interest of full-disclosure, per last update posted on the theories thread I'm currently parked on the deed going down between 6:34PM & 7:06PM in the vicinity of Tony's apartment. FWIW, the period of inactivity and proximity of the bookend pings would certainly allow a quick trip over to the west end of JBPark before arriving @ Tony's.
...adding that doesn't help that 2 of the 3 towers, including the normal directional positioning of the pings, that typically service Tony's apt. are also common to that of Gentiva.

She was def'n on the move exiting G&C's area @ 4:14PM.

Travel time is 23 mins for direct route.

=> 4:37PM

The bookend pings to this time are:



Between 4:25PM and 4:53PM Casey moved from the NE-to-S side of the Amscot tower to the NW-to-NE side of the tower.

This is consistent with the 'typical' travel time...but leaves open the option that she could have been...

a) @ Tony's
b) @ Gentiva
c) @ CVS
d) @ McDonalds (next to CVS)
e) @...

Interested to see when/if Tony's statements help us out too.

ETA: After reviewing Casey's handwritten statement again (for another post) I noted that she used 7PM as the time she left Sawgrass...then - after asserting that JBP is one of Caylee's favorite places, implying that she went there - Casey indicated she went to Tony's apt. Perhaps there is a grain of truth in the timing Casey gave. Showing up @ Blockbuster @ 7:54PM...allowing some arrive, meet & greet time w/ Tony @ the apt. and travel time to Blockbuster could reasonably back up to ~7PM. In the interest of full-disclosure, per last update posted on the theories thread I'm currently parked on the deed going down between 6:34PM & 7:06PM in the vicinity of Tony's apartment. FWIW, the period of inactivity and proximity of the bookend pings would certainly allow a quick trip over to the west end of JBPark before arriving @ Tony's.
Its weird I have listened to over and over his interviews and in the first couple they nothing about the 16th 17th etc..Im guessing because they were so focused on the 8th or 9th...I listened to the later interviews and thye mention BBuster..Im trying to listen again to see if they mention times..
...adding that doesn't help that 2 of the 3 towers, including the normal directional positioning of the pings, that typically service Tony's apt. are also common to that of Gentiva.

She was def'n on the move exiting G&C's area @ 4:14PM.

Travel time is 23 mins for direct route.

=> 4:37PM

The bookend pings to this time are:



Between 4:25PM and 4:53PM Casey moved from the NE-to-S side of the Amscot tower to the NW-to-NE side of the tower.

This is consistent with the 'typical' travel time...but leaves open the option that she could have been...

a) @ Tony's
b) @ Gentiva
c) @ CVS
d) @ McDonalds (next to CVS)
e) @...

Interested to see when/if Tony's statements help us out too.

ETA: After reviewing Casey's handwritten statement again (for another post) I noted that she used 7PM as the time she left Sawgrass...then - after asserting that JBP is one of Caylee's favorite places, implying that she went there - Casey indicated she went to Tony's apt. Perhaps there is a grain of truth in the timing Casey gave. Showing up @ Blockbuster @ 7:54PM...allowing some arrive, meet & greet time w/ Tony @ the apt. and travel time to Blockbuster could reasonably back up to ~7PM. In the interest of full-disclosure, per last update posted on the theories thread I'm currently parked on the deed going down between 6:34PM & 7:06PM in the vicinity of Tony's apartment. FWIW, the period of inactivity and proximity of the bookend pings would certainly allow a quick trip over to the west end of JBPark before arriving @ Tony's.

still re reading the thread but...has it been discussed about the less than 1 hr lapse between pings 23 and 24? 4:53 and 5:4?? She was heading the the direction of TL's, is that when she stopped somewhere? the CVS as mentioned in previous posts.
still re reading the thread but...has it been discussed about the less than 1 hr lapse between pings 23 and 24? 4:53 and 5:4?? She was heading the the direction of TL's, is that when she stopped somewhere? the CVS as mentioned in previous posts.

I failed to bring the following post over here from the mystery text thread as I indicated I would before that thread was locked. Soooo... I'm gonna do this the hard apologies. I'll snip my own post a little for space, and do a little editing to include some more recent observations...since I'm already showing bad form :eek:

bondjamesbond said:
On the afternoon of 6/16, based on the tower handoffs of the pings and drive time, Casey left the area of G&C's/Lee's ~4:10PM and arrived in the area north of Amscot ~4:33PM. Casey had placed her last call in the 2nd - albeit mini - "flurry" of calls that day to Cindy's cell phone about the time she passed by Amscot. Then, there was a period of 28mins with no activity (Inactivity Period 1) on Casey's cell phone. We don't know what Casey was doing during this time frame, but, based on her next cell ping it appears she stayed somewhere around this area. Note that the following recognizable landmarks are located within the driving distance of the bookend pings that begin & end this 28min period.:
  • Tony's apt.
  • Gentiva
  • Lexus
  • Amscot
  • CVS
  • JB Park
Based on both of these bookend pings being from the same tower on the southern end of these landmarks, IMHO, it seems most likely Casey was nearer Amscot, one of the stores in this area, Gentiva or JB Park. Note, FWIW, that Casey's m.o. had been to drop Caylee @ Gentiva around Cindy's quiting time per several statements from Gentiva employees and George.

This first period of cell inactivity ended @ 4:53PM when Casey received a Facebook alert which pinged in the area described above.

After this Facebook alert was received there was a 64 minute period of inactivity (Inactivity Period 2)that ended @ 5:57PM pinging at the location most likely to be near Tony's apartment with a system message that indicated either a voicemail or text message was waiting. Despite receipt this system message, Casey waited another 34 mins (Inactivity Period 3)before initiating the 3rd "flurry" of calls that day to Cindy @ 6:31PM. Up to this point, all of Casey's calls to Cindy had been attempts to get Cindy to answer the phone based on their duration being <10seconds. However, two calls to Jesse had durations of ~1minute...left vmail messages perhaps.

At 6:33PM Casey appeared to notice the system message indicating a voicemail or text was waiting and dialed her voicemailbox number. IMHO, Casey had hoped this was a message from Cindy, etc, but, soon discovered it wasn't. Her call to voicemail lasted just under a minute and may have included checking Cindy's vmail receipt of messages Casey had left (an option from the vmail menu) and the text message that resulted from the Facebook alert...all of these can be done from the same call (I simulated myself this evening and took just over 30seconds to complete all three tasks). This series of actions provides one explanation for the system message(s) @ 6:34PM which arrived within seconds of the completion of the call Casey placed to her voicemailbox.

After this disappointment, there was another 32 minute period of cell inactivity (Inactivity Period 4), until the 4th and final not-quite-a-"flurry" of calls began @ 7:06PM which sputtered and ended @ 7:21PM with calls to Amy. All of these activities pinged at a location most likely to be nearest to Tony's apartment. cell activity...none... for the 33 mins (Inactivity Period 5)...before Casey & Tony arrived @ Blockbuster IIRC ~7:54PM. Note that Blockbuster is less than 0.5 miles from Tony's, some time must be allowed for Casey to have met up with Tony and for the pair to get to Blockbuster @ ~7:54PM.

IIRC, Cindy stated in her interview w/ the FBI that Casey called the evening of the 16th to explain that she & Caylee would not be home that evening. It appears to me that the 7:06PM call to G&C's home, which lasted just under 1.5 minutes, serves as the best candidate for this call. This would also be in agreement with the time needed for Casey to meet up with Tony and travel to Blockbuster.

Based on the above, it appears to me that, after attempting to repeat a drop of Caylee with Cindy @ Gentiva ~5PM 6/16, an upset Casey engaged in a change of plans in which she turned her phone off (or battery died) @ ~5PM just after the un-noticed receipt of the Facebook Alert @ 4:53PM, and turned her phone back on (or noticed & charger plugged in) @ 5:57PM which resulted in the system message being re-sent to her phone indicating she had a waiting message (only explanation for this pattern I can think of). By 6:34PM Casey realized Cindy was not going to respond and Casey took the actions that ultimately cost Caylee her life. :( As noted before, medical death may not have occurred immediately, hence, the time of death can't be specified, however, the actions that resulted in Caylee's death appear to have been taken between 6:34PM and 7:06PM

Based on the above there are ample opportunites for Casey to have stopped @ the CVS on the corner of Colonial & Goldenrod to purchase some OTC sedatives, driven over to a remote area on the west end of JBPark to dose Caylee between 6:34-7:06PM and transfer her into the trunk - as one example. A remote are in the Sutton Place apts. would have worked as well.

Continuing w/ this approach, depending on the dosage used, it would have taken several minutes for a dose to take effect on Caylee. One must factor in that the 7:06PM pings aren't in the JBPark area, hence, travel time must be allowed. With travel time, one might speculate that the duct tape was used to expedite Caylee being quiet enough to transfer to the trunk @ JBPark in time to arrive near Tony's apartment ~7:06PM.

Just throwing out some options. P.S. Used the JBPark here to incorporate the notion that Casey inserted JBPark & 7PM in her handwritten statements, FWIW.

I failed to bring the following post over here from the mystery text thread as I indicated I would before that thread was locked. Soooo... I'm gonna do this the hard apologies. I'll snip my own post a little for space, and do a little editing to include some more recent observations...since I'm already showing bad form :eek:

Based on the above there are ample opportunites for Casey to have stopped @ the CVS on the corner of Colonial & Goldenrod to purchase some OTC sedatives, driven over to a remote area on the west end of JBPark to dose Caylee between 6:34-7:06PM and transfer her into the trunk - as one example. A remote are in the Sutton Place apts. would have worked as well.

Continuing w/ this approach, depending on the dosage used, it would have taken several minutes for a dose to take effect on Caylee. One must factor in that the 7:06PM pings aren't in the JBPark area, hence, travel time must be factored in. If travel time is factored in, one might speculate that the duct tape was used to expedite Caylee being quiet enough to transfer to the trunk @ JBPark in time to arrive near Tony's apartment ~7:06PM. Just throwing out some options. P.S. Used the JBPark here to incorporate the notion that Casey inserted JBPark & 7PM in her handwritten statements, FWIW.

Did Casey state she got off work from Universal at 5pm and then headed to go pick up Caylee?
Dropping off Caylee at Gentiva to Cindy (as Casey seemed to do frequently) could be the meaning behind getting off of work like a normal day as she stated to LE-

I don't think George's recounting of the day's timeline events and Casey's add up.
Are we still missing discovery info(text messages etc..) for June 15 and 16 from parties involved?
Bond - That just gave me chills reading that.... it seems very possible. Poor Caylee!!!

I never wanted to believe the sedative and placed in the trunk theory but you are starting to win me over.

FWIW, the death penalty lawyer did add in "accidental overdose of sedative" in his reasons not to give her the DP.

JBP has to factor in here somewhere since she added it into her written statement so the part about her stopping there to get her into the trunk seems accurate.

Based on the placement of the duct tape (in her hair), do you believe she meant to kill her or just let her sleep in the trunk that night?
If the above proves to be a true scenario, then bring on the death penalty. I cannot believe God has mercy on those who hurt his weaker vessels especially those vessels who are little children. If He does, then that's His business. He did not equip me to extend that level of compassion to people capable of an act such as this one. I say burn in hell to those who are capable of crimes such as these. I'm sick of people who reek havoc on our world and destroy the lives of those around them. I don't want to see any of them in heaven. It won't be heaven then. The only justice will be to know there truly is a heaven and a hell. We don't do a good job on earth - hell seems to be winning as there is alot of it around.

Sorry for the rant but I'm :furious:.

I failed to bring the following post over here from the mystery text thread as I indicated I would before that thread was locked. Soooo... I'm gonna do this the hard apologies. I'll snip my own post a little for space, and do a little editing to include some more recent observations...since I'm already showing bad form :eek:

Based on the above there are ample opportunites for Casey to have stopped @ the CVS on the corner of Colonial & Goldenrod to purchase some OTC sedatives, driven over to a remote area on the west end of JBPark to dose Caylee between 6:34-7:06PM and transfer her into the trunk - as one example. A remote are in the Sutton Place apts. would have worked as well.

Continuing w/ this approach, depending on the dosage used, it would have taken several minutes for a dose to take effect on Caylee. One must factor in that the 7:06PM pings aren't in the JBPark area, hence, travel time must be factored in. If travel time is factored in, one might speculate that the duct tape was used to expedite Caylee being quiet enough to transfer to the trunk @ JBPark in time to arrive near Tony's apartment ~7:06PM. Just throwing out some options. P.S. Used the JBPark here to incorporate the notion that Casey inserted JBPark & 7PM in her handwritten statements, FWIW.

adding on to the does evidence of chloroform in the trunk factor in?
Bond - That just gave me chills reading that.... it seems very possible. Poor Caylee!!!

I never wanted to believe the sedative and placed in the trunk theory but you are starting to win me over.

FWIW, the death penalty lawyer did add in "accidental overdose of sedative" in his reasons not to give her the DP.
JBP has to factor in here somewhere since she added it into her written statement so the part about her stopping there to get her into the trunk seems accurate.

Based on the placement of the duct tape (in her hair), do you believe she meant to kill her or just let her sleep in the trunk that night?

As the DP qualified lawyer on her team did Jose give him information to base this reasoning on to get the DP off the table? Is there truth to that?
Does the statement "this horrible thing that happened..."(Casey July 16 to LE) and "accidental overdose of sedatives..."(DP lawyer) have a connection?
Originally Posted by bondjamesbond. . . after attempting to repeat a drop of Caylee with Cindy @ Gentiva ~5PM 6/16, an upset Casey . . .


Excellent theory. Very possible and likely scenario, with all details worked out. I bet when we find what actually happened (IF we find what happened I should say), this will turn out to be very close.

I wanted to ask whether, in your view, the events and actions took place in a relatively short time. I mean, considering the earth-changing outcome. It's not every day that one kills one's child, accidentally or not.

IOW, in order to complete all of these actions within in the amount of available time, do you think KC would have had to be moving fairly quickly? Or, was there plenty of time to do it at a relatively normal pace?

What I'm trying to speculate on is whether or not sedating Caylee whenever Cindy was not able to babysit was business as usual,

I'm thinking that if she was able to accomplish all this fairly quickly, that may indicate that she'd done this type of thing before. As in, her not having to figure it out as she went along.

Of course, we know KC didn't think much of anything through. But, if this was a spur of the moment thing, she'd have had to work out the steps a bit, which would necessitate some thinking time. If she'd done it before, it wouldn't take much thought, she could just zip through the "steps."

For those who believe she premeditated (not in the legal definition) killing Caylee, had it planned IOW, that reasoning would be supported by it not taking long.

That is, if it, in fact, didn't take long.

What are your (and others :) ) thoughts on this?
Did Casey state she got off work from Universal at 5pm and then headed to go pick up Caylee?
One can attribute dropping off Caylee at Gentiva to Cindy as Casey seemed to do frequently as getting off of work like a normal day as she stated to LE

I don't think George's recounting of the day's timeline events and Casey's add up.
Are we still missing discovery info(text messages etc..) for June 15 and 16 from parties involved?

Yes she did, Intermezzo - exactly as you indicated.

OT, but, I had to chuckle when she wrote that she dropped Caylee @ 1PM, went to work @ Universal, then came back @ 5PM. Travel time one-way per Google=22mins. So...5PM - 1PM = 4hrs - 44mins = 3hrs 16mins. Whew! :rolleyes: But, then, Casey did tell George she'd prolly be working late 'normal' workday was << 3hrs 16mins, eh?

OK...back on-topic...sorta...

IIRC, the m.o. was gotta-drop-Caylee-off-w/-Cindy to work later/work an event and ZFG can't watch must've just been modest about her doing this on her late lunch break before an event, eh?

IMHO, I don't think we have any huge gaping holes re: discovery on the 16th. Per the 6/9 vs. 6/16 thread I think George gave an account of 6/9...although it was very, very similar to the events of 6/16 from his perspective... as far as I can casting blame on George for the discrepancy.
Originally Posted by bondjamesbond
On the afternoon of 6/16, based on the tower handoffs of the pings and drive time, Casey left the area of G&C's/Lee's ~4:10PM and arrived in the area north of Amscot ~4:33PM. Casey had placed her last call in the 2nd - albeit mini - "flurry" of calls that day to Cindy's cell phone about the time she passed by Amscot. Then, there was a period of 28mins with no activity (Inactivity Period 1) on Casey's cell phone. We don't know what Casey was doing during this time frame, but, based on her next cell ping it appears she stayed somewhere around this area. Note that the following recognizable landmarks are located within the driving distance of the bookend pings that begin & end this 28min period.:Tony's apt.
JB Park


Perhaps Casey was at JBP during this inactivity time with Caylee, letting her play, while she waited for Cindy to return her call to drop Caylee off, that way she was close.
FWIW, the death penalty lawyer did add in "accidental overdose of sedative" in his reasons not to give her the DP.

JBP has to factor in here somewhere since she added it into her written statement so the part about her stopping there to get her into the trunk seems accurate.

Based on the placement of the duct tape (in her hair), do you believe she meant to kill her or just let her sleep in the trunk that night?
My apologies for drifting OT to pings and into TheoryLand. I'm trying to be good...:angel:, I started w/ pings to arrive @ the'll try to do penance by not expanding too much on it here.

Maybe best if we take it up on the theories thread so as not to clog up this one, eh?
Yes she did, Intermezzo - exactly as you indicated.

OT, but, I had to chuckle when she wrote that she dropped Caylee @ 1PM, went to work @ Universal, then came back @ 5PM. Travel time one-way per Google=22mins. So...5PM - 1PM = 4hrs - 44mins = 3hrs 16mins. Whew! :rolleyes: But, then, Casey did tell George she'd prolly be working late 'normal' workday was << 3hrs 16mins, eh?

OK...back on-topic...sorta...

IIRC, the m.o. was gotta-drop-Caylee-off-w/-Cindy to work later/work an event and ZFG can't watch must've just been modest about her doing this on her late lunch break before an event, eh?

I think we have any huge gaping holes re: discovery on the 16th. Per the 6/9 vs. 6/16 thread I think George gave an account of 6/9...although it was very, very similar to the events of 6/16 from his perspective... as far as I can casting blame on George for the discrepancy.

Casey told LE she dropped Caylee off at Zanny/Sawgrass between 9am-1pm.

Nothing like a large 4 hour drop off gap to confuse the issue more, at the time (before the cell ping evidence came in)

Did George say the TIME he saw the 2 leave that day? (even though I don't have confidence in his retelling of the days events)
GA said he was watching his cooking show on June 16th. Do we know what show that was? If he knew the content of the show, it could be investigated to see if that segment aired that day to confirm if it was June 16th or June 9th. He remembered watching a cooking show and what they were wearing 31 days later, he may know what the show content was even if it was that long ago.
GA said he was watching his cooking show on June 16th. Do we know what show that was? If he knew the content of the show, it could be investigated to see if that segment aired that day to confirm if it was June 16th or June 9th. He remembered watching a cooking show and what they were wearing 31 days later, he may know what the show content was even if it was that long ago.

I don't believe he ever mentioned the content of the show just that it was one likes to watch and he mentions 10 to 1
I watched the Greta interview and he doesn't even mention the name of the show he was watching, just that he watches this show at this time.....
For the benefit of the ping thread...let's continue Q&A on the theories thread here.

I carried the theory over and organized it a bit.

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