Ping Map for June 17, 2008 - Discuss that day only

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My question for the 17th is this -- where was she sleeping?

I think it may have been in her car. I've heard that AL said that KC "moved in" around the 16th, but why then is she texting him until 11:30 pm? If she was staying with him, why wasn't he there with her?

And, she shortly after midnight orders a pizza, or at least calls pizza place numbers. Couldn't this be THE pizza? That she was eating in her car because she had no where to go.

And who was she texting at 954-21*-1187? Was she looking for a place to stay?

The 1187 number is Sean H.
Snipped my own post from here:

Because KC (apparently) had no knowledge of ZFG's family status (kids), I'm of the mindset that she didn't actually glean any info from the visitor sheet ZFG filled out at Sawgrass.

My hunch is that KC spent the majority of the day June 17th concocting her story. During a window from approx 2:18 to 2:30p, her cell phone pings the tower NW of her parents home (between Anthony home & Sawgrass). Also during that timeframe, she places a call to AH and a call to RM.. and she receives a call from Dante S (who worked at a Ford dealership and lived at Sawgrass). My theory is that she may have asked him for information that would help her formulate her story (i.e. "Can you look up a license tag on a Ford Focus for me?" or "What day does trash collection happen at Sawgrass?") The duration of the call is just 7 minutes, so I doubt she got much useful info. (Speculation --> KC: "Dang, I guess I'll have to ask one of my LE buddies!") Incidentally, she pings that tower again from 2:49p to 3:47 and from 3:55p to 4:05 -- so she really seems to be hanging out around there.

I find it interesting that she then pings a tower near AR's house from 4:36p to 5:23, just before a 3-hour lapse in cell phone usage. The LE interview with AR has always bothered me. He claims he lied in his previous interview(s) because he was "scared". Scared of what?? That his buddies on the force would find out he'd been sleeping with a tramp?! C'mon, all the cool cops were doin' it! I suspect that AR's concern was that it would be found out he'd broken protocol to provide information to KC (like a license plate lookup) -- information that helped in the formulation of her story -- and that he feared could cause him to be viewed as an accessory after the fact. (Although, if he did such a thing, I believe he did it unwittingly at the time and it only occurred to him when the news broke that he may have played a role in helping her.) I really hope LE has gone back and re-visited AR with yet another interview that would poke at the "Scared of what?" angle. They dropped that line of questioning way too quickly, IMO.

Am I on the right track with the pings or does ping data debunk what I've posted above? BTW, IMO KC visits Chris' house on the 19th.
I'm sorry but I'm very computer challenged, but it sure seems like there is a great distance between the cell tower she hits on ping 9 and ping 9a, I know you can measure on google, but I dont know how to do that can someone please check that. tia
I'm sorry but I'm very computer challenged, but it sure seems like there is a great distance between the cell tower she hits on ping 9 and ping 9a, I know you can measure on google, but I dont know how to do that can someone please check that. tia

Approx 7.8 miles from tower to tower.
Thanks JWG, I have corrected it......

The ping map still shows the error...I was starting to factor in the 6:30 PM gas receipt and noticed the map is still missing tower 48 pings around 5:20 PM. Tower 56 pings at 4:36 PM.
Updated map to include "Hess Receipt" dated 6/17 as per the Evidence documents released on 11/26
From Supplemental Report MB1-80V-230, Dated 1/28/09, Released 3/20/09

On June 17, 2008, KC’s cellular phone registered with cell tower 27202-22281 at 1636HRS (4:36 pm), located in the Rouse Road and University Blvd area, and then with cellular tower 27202-20951 at 1720 (5:20 pm) and 1723 (5:20 pm) hours, located at East Colonial Drive and Culver Road (Downey Park Area) indicating movement to the west from cellular tower 27202-22281. Prior to registering with cellular tower 27202-22281 the cellular phone registered with the cellular tower near the parent’s residence at 1650HRS (4:50 pm) indicating a commute time of approximately 30 minutes.

The two cellular towers of interest, 27202-22281 (28.59049, -81.21226) and 27202-20951 (28.57056, -81.23639), were 140’ in height with a beam of 90 degrees and 195’ in height with a beam at 30 degrees respectively. In addition, it was noted that the cellular phone was in the area of the parent’s residence when communications was idle for about one hour (from 1449 (2:49 pm) hours until 1547 (3:47 pm) hours) when movement begins and then subsides at 2023 (8:23 pm) hours near Anthony’s apartment. The significance of that activity was unknown.
From Supplemental Report MB1-80V-230, Dated 1/28/09, Released 3/20/09

On June 17, 2008, KC’s cellular phone registered with cell tower 27202-22281 at 1636HRS (4:36 pm), located in the Rouse Road and University Blvd area, and then with cellular tower 27202-20951 at 1720 (5:20 pm) and 1723 (5:20 pm) hours, located at East Colonial Drive and Culver Road (Downey Park Area) indicating movement to the west from cellular tower 27202-22281. Prior to registering with cellular tower 27202-22281 the cellular phone registered with the cellular tower near the parent’s residence at 1650HRS (4:50 pm) indicating a commute time of approximately 30 minutes.

The two cellular towers of interest, 27202-22281 (28.59049, -81.21226) and 27202-20951 (28.57056, -81.23639), were 140’ in height with a beam of 90 degrees and 195’ in height with a beam at 30 degrees respectively. In addition, it was noted that the cellular phone was in the area of the parent’s residence when communications was idle for about one hour (from 1149 (11:49 am) hours until 1547 (3:47 pm) hours) when movement begins and then subsides at 2023 (8:23 pm) hours near Anthony’s apartment. The significance of that activity was unknown.

bolded mine.. error in transcribing. :) should be 1449 hours unti 1547 (2:49 to 3:47)


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Can someone please direct me to the actual Hess receipt or the amount of gallons of gas. I know I have it somewhere and have spent hours searching, to no avail. It looks like TL may have paid for it but he must have filled both tanks since his total was about $75. Also, is there any information on called number ending 9899 made at 5:20pm?
I've spent all day thinking about this; ever since the EnCase time issue was rectified (IMO) I have looked at the laptop and desktop activity. And there is something I continue to not be able to produce a logical answer for. In my opinion, the WS'rs working on the ping data have done an exemplary job of tracking KC's movements, and I have virtually no doubts about the correctness of their analysis and results. And because I have faith in their work, it presents a big problem.

The laptop that KC eventually started using (from the 17th on) showed no user activity through-out the day on the 16th and all the way to somewhere at or after 2 p.m. on the 17th. Some where around that time, it exploded with activity indicative of internet usage. At the same time, the WS'rs have shown that KC's cell phone pings place her in the vicinity of the Anthony home beginning somewhere after 2 p.m. on the 17th.

My contention is that she did not leave the Anthony home on the 16th with the laptop. Why? Because if she had the laptop, she could have just used it at TL's apartment anytime in the more than 24 hours it set idle. But her usage of the laptop did not initiate until after she got into the vicinity of the Anthony home. Therefore, she had to "get to" the laptop before she started using it. I also argue that she didn't have it with her and maybe go to Lee's house to use it, because the same argument applies...if it was with her, she didn't need to travel to the Anthony/LA home area. Now, one thought that should be considered is that the laptop could have been at LA's house all the time, unused, and she drove to LA's home to use it. But CA states it was HER laptop, so I would assume that means it was in the Anthony home. I can think of no good reason this laptop would even be at LA's house, since (if I recall correctly), I believe he was out of town at the time. If he needed a laptop and didn't have one, he would have taken it with him.

This leaves the situation (through logic) that the laptop was at the Anthony home, and KC returned to use it (get it). Here's where the heart-sinking problem enters. At the same time that the laptop went "b*lls to the walls" (sorry, I work in the oilfield and we have illustrative language) so was the Anthony desktop. GA's pattern is pretty easy to pick out from the two day computer usage data we have been made privy to through discovery. He spent an average of a couple of hours surfing the net (or whatever he's doing) prior to going to work just before 3 p.m.

Now, one scenario that could be considered in this coinciding computer usage at the Anthony home is that maybe files were being transferred between the two computers (i.e. maybe George wasn't home and KC showed up and decided she would "get all her stuff" off the desktop and onto the laptop). While this can't be ruled out in the hour from 3 pm to 4 pm (because both times show that so many files were accessed that the number is not displayed on the forensics graph), it cannot be true from 2 pm to 3 pm. Because the laptop shows the number of files accessed during that one hour period and they don't match. If file transfers were taking place between the two computers, it should be a one-to-one file number access count on the two computers.

This leaves us (logical speaking) with the possibility that KC returned to the Anthony house sometime between 2 and 2:20 pm and began using the laptop. AT THE SAME TIME, George was using the desktop. This means that KC returned to that house while George was there. But, if this is true, and I'm finding it difficult to argue myself out of "it must be", George has never divulged that he saw KC again at the house on the 17th.

This concerns me a great deal. But when we add in that June 17th is the date that CA and GA claim that when CA got home from work she found the gate open, the pool supply box moved to the side of the pool, and the pool ladder in the pool, it opens up scenarios that I hesitate to postulate on.

I'm not one to flippantly insinuate ill-doings by people, but, at the same time, there is something wrong here. What happened on the afternoon of the 17th? What does GA know that he possibly hasn't shared?

Caylee was NOT with KC on the night of the 16th when she went to TL's, went to Blockbusters, spent the evening watching movies, etc. A living Caylee, most likely, was not with her when she showed up at the Anthony home on the afternoon of the 17th. Why has GA not stated KC returned alone?
If you believe she left the laptop at the house, why couldn't George have had both running? I do that all the time running extra scans and doing housekeeping on one, working on the other or cleaning both. If they clean the computer like they do everything else I would think they have a routine for running antivirus, adware, defragging, etc.
That's a very good possibility, AE. One I had not considered. That one goes in the list of things to consider. But we still have the issue of:

The laptop was not used prior to 2 pm or later on the 17th.
It began to be used (for whatever reason) extensively at that time and continuously from some where just past 2 pm up to 5 pm (George is now at work for 2 hours); it has a two hour break of no activity and then is used from 7 pm to 11 pm (and we have photobucket activity that ties KC to this activity).

So, while your thought is worthy of consideration, it doesn't answer everything!
Let's check GA's toll pass thingys for these dates. There's every possibility he left for work earlier than normal that day or had errands etc.
Maybe she had the laptop right next to the desktop and was transferring files? While she was waiting for them to download on the laptop, she was surfing on the other?
That's a very good possibility, AE. One I had not considered. That one goes in the list of things to consider. But we still have the issue of:

The laptop was not used prior to 2 pm or later on the 17th.
It began to be used (for whatever reason) extensively at that time and continuously from some where just past 2 pm up to 5 pm (George is now at work for 2 hours); it has a two hour break of no activity and then is used from 7 pm to 11 pm (and we have photobucket activity that ties KC to this activity).

So, while your thought is worthy of consideration, it doesn't answer everything!
Though I really don't have much to offer, I wonder if there was a Starbucks or some other type of coffee shop nearby?
Maybe she had the laptop right next to the desktop and was transferring files? While she was waiting for them to download on the laptop, she was surfing on the other?
Could be...
Let's check GA's toll pass thingys for these dates. There's every possibility he left for work earlier than normal that day or had errands etc.

There is no e-Pass transactions on 06/16/08. But your point is well taken, he could have left earlier. That would leave KC using both computers at the same time.

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