PI's following out of state lead on Picture of Caylee.

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I haven't seen the mods forbidding other members from coming into the alive threads, they just made a ridicule free zone for us to post in since we get hammered on 99.9% of the board. Lol.

Okay, I don't post often but must reply to this one. That is not true. In order to post in the "alive" thread one MUST believe that Caylee is alive.

Now, back on topic... Seranade, please advise... how could someone have a picture of Casey, Caylee and the nanny when we all know that there was NO NANNY? A person would have to need a NANNY. A person would either be very wealthy or have a JOB to have a NANNY.

Also, you implied that if there is a picture with some woman and Casey and Caylee that it would change things. HOW???
Why do I allow myself to get so worked up about this ? I've pretty much given up hope that Caylee is alive, but every time I see anything that even gives the tiniest hint that she might be alive I tear up and say a 'please God'. I've said 'please God' more in the last two months than I have in my entire life.
This is really a roller-coaster ride for all that are waiting for her to be found.
And the kicker....if this is a VALID, REAL lead, why isn't LE flying out to get the picture and interview this man? WHy is it one of Baez's PI's? Oh wait, I know. Because according to CA, all LE does is "fabricate" evidence. I keep waiting to hear the words "framed" and "consipracy" from her!

The A's need to justify where the donation money is going, so what better way than to have their PI's traveling around on this wild goose chase...rack up those expenses!!
Kinda o/t.....

That's why people keep interested in this case - "stay tuned." Myself, I don't profess to know the truth, and what I've observed is that most people have a hard time saying "I don't know." Well, I don't know. However, I do know this: the Scott Peterson and beyond amount of lying documented in the transcripts alone that we've already seen leads me to believe that as time passes, it's less and less likely a happy ending. The latter also is somewhat based on facts, statistics generated by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. But that's just me: I admire those who have faith beyond what I can have in most situations involving people :)

Nice post, well thought out.
Okay, I don't post often but must reply to this one. That is not true. In order to post in the "alive" thread one MUST believe that Caylee is alive.

Now, back on topic... Seranade, please advise... how could someone have a picture of Casey, Caylee and the nanny when we all know that there was NO NANNY? A person would have to need a NANNY. A person would either be very wealthy or have a JOB to have a NANNY.

Also, you implied that if there is a picture with some woman and Casey and Caylee that it would change things. HOW???

As I said, we shall see. I am simply witholding judgement.

And no, you do NOT have to believe Caylee is alive to post in those threads. The only thing the mods ask is that you not come in there and ridicule the posters and make arguments as to why she is dead. In fact, at least from my standpoint, we welcome people who come in and respectfully challenge our theories, facts, or assertions. REALLY! When that happens it helps to clarify our thinking while avoiding putting us on the defensive or making us feel attacked, as we do in other threads.
Why do I allow myself to get so worked up about this ? I've pretty much given up hope that Caylee is alive, but every time I see anything that even gives the tiniest hint that she might be alive I tear up and say a 'please God'. I've said 'please God' more in the last two months than I have in my entire life.
This is really a roller-coaster ride for all that are waiting for her to be found.

You are not alone my friend...my Mom and I were just discussing this earlier (of course once everyone else was out of the room, we have been forbidden to discuss this with them anymore. lol)
If she were mine, I would hold on the the very last oz of hope!
They don't want the woman in the picture to come forward to authenticate it. They only want to create "doubt". I just hope it backfires on them by the mysterious Z in the picture to show up to slap them with ANOTHER law suit!!
I think when the focus groups were talking about the case with 'ole Mr. Black they probably mentioned they had "issues" with believing Casey as she didn't even possess a photo of the person she accused took her daughter (doesn't matter who, this person DOES NOT EXIST!), So VOILA!...a picture appears. This really is the theater of the absurd.
Why do I allow myself to get so worked up about this ? I've pretty much given up hope that Caylee is alive, but every time I see anything that even gives the tiniest hint that she might be alive I tear up and say a 'please God'. I've said 'please God' more in the last two months than I have in my entire life.
This is really a roller-coaster ride for all that are waiting for her to be found.

I know, I've done the same thing but reality tells me this is another wild goose chase to create more doubt. KC wanting to do "private searches" to cover some of the pre-planned areas is for no other reason than to create more doubt and another possibility is so she can "control" the one search that may be just a little close for comfort for her. That tells me in a big way, she knows she's out there. DianeB said it best in her post:

This would have a lot more credibility if the unidentified man in the unnamed state could actually produce the anonymous woman whose identity could then be ascertained by the FBI. Without that, this appears to be just the latest smoke bomb thrown by an increasingly-desperate attorney and a client whose palms must be getting a little sweaty.
So you think Caylee is alive?

NO, I do not. I believe Caylee was killed, accidentally or otherwise, around the 15th of June. Ever read "Murder on the Orient Express"?

My opinion only.
I think when the focus groups were talking about the case with 'ole Mr. Black they probably mentioned they had "issues" with believing Casey as she didn't even possess a photo of the person she accused took her daughter (doesn't matter who, this person DOES NOT EXIST!), So VOILA!...a picture appears. This really is the theater of the absurd.

I think we're agreeing with each other? This mysterious person in no way could be THE Z. But whoever it is, just may come out of the woodwork to say hey, you accusing me? I'm taking you to court. I would love nothing better.
It is good to hear they have experts searching for her! I will reserve my opinion when there is more information but I will say about the photoshopping...NO matter how good someone is in photoshop an expert can figure out if it has been messed with. Pretty quickly too. I would dare call myself an expert but would assert I could prove whether or not it was with a full size file. The chances of them producing convincing phony photos are slim to none.
Well, if it's someone who's claiming he has a photo of the three, I sure hope you're right. Cases like these bring out all kinds of strange folk. I think it's cruel to give this family false hope. This is all a smokescreen folks to the main event. JMO
She could have a photograph showing an actual ZFG, in the process of writing a script, with Caylee on her lap, watching a squirrel dance about under her car, in the parking lot of the SG apartments and it wouldn't prove anyone else took, hurt or killed her daughter.
Is KC the one that told the PI's about this picture of her, ZG, and Caylee??? GA says that KC knows who has her daughter and knows she's safe.........so why does she need to search for her??

I think with all the stuff that's been released in the last couple of weeks, with her status being changed from POI to SUSPECT, and the fact that Tim M. is returning to Orlando this week to continue his search........KC is getting a little
"squirrely", panic mode is starting to set in.

I firmly beileve that Tim M will locate Caylees remains and charges will be filed on KC within the next couple of weeks. MOO
Look out Casey - Tim is on his way and he will find Caylee!
NO, I do not. I believe Caylee was killed, accidentally or otherwise, around the 15th of June. Ever read "Murder on the Orient Express"?

My opinion only.

No, i've never read it...guess i'll have to unless you've posted a shorter version (your theory) anywhere..:) which i would like to hear! Always open for it...
I think she killed her in a fit of rage...oops..no do-overs.. She may have tossed her into the pool and walked back into the house. Used the stairs to retrieve the body and forgot to put them back..like Cindy said...the stairs were there at the pool. However...she may have had help in disposing of the body after digging her up from the backyard, IMO
As I said, we shall see. I am simply witholding judgement.

And no, you do NOT have to believe Caylee is alive to post in those threads. The only thing the mods ask is that you not come in there and ridicule the posters and make arguments as to why she is dead. In fact, at least from my standpoint, we welcome people who come in and respectfully challenge our theories, facts, or assertions. REALLY! When that happens it helps to clarify our thinking while avoiding putting us on the defensive or making us feel attacked, as we do in other threads.

That's not true. I have respectfully posted a couple of times, only to be bashed immediatly and my post deleted within minutes. Thats a fact and I'm not alone. :waitasec:
I just want to shed some light right now on the socio/psychopathic mind set. I know whereof I speak, I have two of them. When they feel they have the slightest advantage, even if they make it up, they push. Notice Casey wanting to "search" for her child? Now, notice a picture of the Nanny? Put these two together and get the picture. She will push her picture lies, EXPECTING to be allowed to SEARCH for her daughter, and the whole thing is a bloody LIE to gain time, create reasonable doubt, or just to have fun - 'cause that's what they're like - they do because they can.

My opinion only.
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