Let me see if I have this right.
Jose Baez investigators are in an unnamed state, talking to an unidentified man, with the goal of obtaining a photograph of Casey, Caylee and an unidentified woman she claims is the ZFG?
What would the existence of a photo prove, exactly? That Casey and Caylee had their picture taken with some woman? That could be me. Or you. (Well, many of you.) Or any other stranger at the park whose name is actually Jane Smith or Susie Housefrau and who happened to be snapped with the tot mom and Caylee.
How would a random photo prove the existence of the imaginanny, much less that the woman in a photograph is a kidnapper?
This would have a lot more credibility if the unidentified man in the unnamed state could actually produce the anonymous woman whose identity could then be ascertained by the FBI. Without that, this appears to be just the latest smoke bomb thrown by an increasingly-desperate attorney and a client whose palms must be getting a little sweaty.