Pit Bull Ban Starts Today In Garfield Heights, OH

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Dec 31, 2005
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This is a huge topic on local radio:


Anyone who has owns a Pit Bull must get rid of it Wednesday or face up to sixty days in jail and a three-thousand-dollar fine.(little more at link)

Even though I don't like pit bulls, I can't imagine having to get rid of my pet in so few days.

(I couldn't find an open pit bull thread, so posted it here. Mods feel free to move this wherever you see fit!)
That's just sad. I've never heard of the ban making people get rid of their dogs, I've just heard that they'd get a "grandfather" clause and no new Pits could be obtained.

I own one and I'd be extremely upset if this happened to me. It's basically dog discrimination and once they ban one breed, yours may be next.

It's the owners, not the dogs.
That's just sad. I've never heard of the ban making people get rid of their dogs, I've just heard that they'd get a "grandfather" clause and no new Pits could be obtained.

I own one and I'd be extremely upset if this happened to me. It's basically dog discrimination and once they ban one breed, yours may be next.

It's the owners, not the dogs.

Oh, I'm glad to hear they grandfathered in current pets. Thanks, Lurker, for the info. Between the Indians losing and this ban, I've turned off local news and radio!
Here's an article with more info:
"We found that people were not complying with the old ordinance, so we felt the only way to protect the safety of the people of Garfield Heights was to pass this ordinance," said Riley.

Many parents agree with the law, but while some people call it relief, others see it differently.

"I feel the whole thing is like a stereotype because not all pit bulls are vicious," said one dog owner.

GH isn't that big. I wonder how many pit bulls there are. I guess if you own one, one is enough.
Oh, I'm glad to hear they grandfathered in current pets. Thanks, Lurker, for the info. Between the Indians losing and this ban, I've turned off local news and radio!

I don't know if that's the case here. Pit Bulls were banned in PG county, MD but the people that already had them were grandfathered in, unless there was a complaint against the dog. For those that don't know MD, parts of PG County are a cesspool of drug dealers etc.
Sounds like a good ordinance--Let's hope it spreads like wildfire thruout the state and the country, just like England
<It's basically dog discrimination>

yes it most certainly is,, but for good reasons, obviously!

<and once they ban one breed, yours may be next>

uhhh,,, i don't think they'll be banning labs or lab mixes, poodles, or chihuahuas, etc. etc. etc. anytime soon

<It's the owners, not the dogs.>

and this is the same old phrase we keep hearing over and over and over. and that is where you are wrong, wrong, WRONG. it's very often the owners,, but it's also very often the DOGS.. and sometimes,, it's BOTH.

pit bulls were bred to have PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS specifically made for fighting and causing the most possible damage to another living thing. And they often snap and behave uncontrollably for no reason (yes, of course, sometimes other dogs do that too.. but not as much as pits). and when they DO snap and attack someone,, they're going to cause a lot more damage than most other dogs will do.

Yeah, yeah,, I know... 'a pomeranian killed a newborn one time somewhere' and 'one time when i was young, a german shapherd attacked someone and they had to go to the hospital' and so on and so on and so on. but pits attack so frequently, and with such viciousness,, that really, it has become synonymous with their name. the papers can't even keep up with all the attacks & injuries,, so they only cover the sensational stories now, like when someone gets their arms ripped off or when a child gets chased down and mauled to death. do you see this happening as often with other dogs?

no, we don't.

i say.. hooray for the ban. there should be at least a few places left where people can be free of these dogs. there's already enough stuff out there to watch out for without taking a walk down your street and having some crazed pit bull attack you (or your kid) from out of nowhere, because it got out of your neighbor's yard.
I work in Garfield Heights I like to refer to it as Garbage Heights or just Hell (hopefully I'm not offending anyone). This law does not surprise me, not much done here does anymore.
In some areas the ban may be neccesary, PG County was one of them in MD. It was run amok with drug dealers that used these dogs for the worst possible purpose. They banned the pit bulls there so far, Rotties, Dobies and Shephards will be next.

Thanks for the line Indy, I knew I had heard/read it somewhere! LOL

State Farm was the only company that would give me HO insurance with my boys and they made sure there were no complaints on them first. I've also got an additional policy on the dogs that they required. Responsible owners make good dogs, bottom line. The other companies I talked to said they wouldn't insure me if I had a Pitt, Rott, Dobie, GS, Akita or any other dog that "they" deemed dangerous.
While they have not outlawed any breeds here, they have made it a law that you have to have a 10 foot tall fence/pen for them and carry $50,000 insurance on them. This includes not just pits but shepards,rotties, dobermans, huskies, akita's, all types of bull dogs, great danes, dalmations, chows...basically any thing that isn't a toy breed.
.... It's basically dog discrimination and once they ban one breed, yours may be next.....
Preventing me from having a pet panther is also breed discrimination - but they're right - they are too dangerous to be a pet - even if some people have very nice pet panthers some places, and they are beautiful, magnificent creatures.

Slippery slope is always mentioned in these cases - once they set a speed limit of 55 to save lives, they'll knock it down to 45 next! Once they outlaw assault rifles, handguns are next! Slippery slope just really doesn't come true, unless society decides the next step is also a right step, such as in the KKK slippery slope warning, "Once you let them in the schools, they might be kissing and dating white girls next!"
You are wrong wrong wrong, Please do a little reading!!
I've done plenty of reading, and I don't think she's wrong at all. Pit bulls, along with the somewhat rarer Rotweilers are responsible for a horrible number of serious maulings and deaths far out of proportion to their numbers. And apparently good owners, with their beloved family pet have seen them suddenly turn, so it's not just the owner.

And now maybe the drug deallers will have to pick a new dog breed to abuse and make vicious - but that's easier for some breeds than others, and pit bulls are uniquely well qualified for that role. Now they'll have to take the second best. Look at it this way - 10,000 lowlifes can't be wrong. When they all pick the same breed of dog to have as their vicious, attacking counterpart, I think that's a good sign that the experts in this field have found something in the breed that works particularly well at being dangerous dogs to be around.
And I have facts to back up my feelings and I am sure you have yours.( No tone intended) I was reponding to HER telling us we were wrong. I have worked with many pits who have been deemed bad pets and really with proper traing and LOVE they come out of it just fine. I just get angered by people who dont read the facts that most of these dogs that have attacked are not even full pitts, and Yes lab/pit mixes have done the same. I have said this so many times It might be my new headline...lol but When you buy An inbreed pit from a backyard breeder you will get what you pay for. I just want to see proof that any pits from GOOD breeders have done this. Believe me I have looked many times and can not find one.

ETA also GS, huskies, akita, etc have killed people, not as many as the inbred pits but it does happen
And a bad panther with a good owner could come out just fine. But if it takes that much knowledge, training, work, to make a good pit bull owner - they don't belong as pets. I'm sure some people can make it work - just as some people could safely have a pet panther. But it's just not worth it.

Of course other dogs have killed people - the "less often" is my major point. Pit bulls - whether full or partially pit bull - they're more dangerous than other dogs. Why do we accept the risk, and mutilated children, to keep the few good ones with the few people who do everything right (or get lucky)?
I say we ban backyard breeding, get some tougher laws on ownership and I swear I feel these rates would go down A lot. My passion, if ya cant tell lol, Is pit bull rights. There are far too many good ones than bad ones. Believe me though I totally understand your feelings, which is why I make it my Job to fight for tougher laws. I dont want any more dogs killing anyone, but like I said when you buy an inbred, untrained animal you get just that. The people who are buying these types of dogs are the ones who should be banned from owning any dogs. It takes traing and proper breeding.

ETA If BF would let me I would own a panther in a heart beat...LOL
Also My 2 male huskies get traing year round, without it I am sure they would do damage. That is what I am preching, if they ban one breed of dog it will happen to the rest of the bigger dogs. I for one do NOT want to live in a world where toy breeds are all you can get as pets. I love my big boys, wouldnt give them up even if I was made too. I would move. As you can tell I think of my boys as my children, as most responsible pit bull owners do.
I've been thinking for years this country of ours has been headed in the direction of communism...

Seems my thoughts of this were not unfounded.
My very good friend has 2 gorgeous PBs, Miles and Maude. They are w/o a doubt the most well behaved dogs I've ever met. They still look scary as he!! and to this day i wll NOT just walk into her house. However I can see these dogs in the hands of the wrong people being equal to a weapon. we do background checks for folks trying to buy guns in this country - how about owners trying to buy breeds that are notorious for being dangerous?

I had the misfortune of rushing my 13 year old to the ER for 37 stitches courtesy of my next door neighbors unleashed German Sheperd this past March. My son simply rode his bike past their home and the dog ran off the property and jumped him. Not only was the dog not properly restrained he had NO SHOTS!!!! Sadly the dog is not only still alive (you're damn right I wanted him put down) but I get to hear her over there barking everytime one of my children is out in the yard. Had this been my 14 month old daughter that had been attacked she surely would have died.

However, and with that said, I do not believe in banning dogs as I agree 99% of the time it is humans that create these disasters. (inbredding and training)

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