Please Update George's Condition or New Developments Here

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George could very well be suffering from chronic depression. This could be the reason he can't hold a job. It's not being weak.There is a chemical imbalance in the brain and it rules your life,just like multiple sclerosis or diabetes.The difference is the STIGMA and NAME CALLING attached to it ,which keeps people from getting help.They also consider it a weakness or flaw.I repeat:It keeps people from getting help. Once you experience it you understand the hold true chronic depression has and you no longer JUDGE people as weak or lazy.
I try to be as open as I can about my child's suicide to fight the stigma.My son was awesome,but he didn't believe it.I am upfront about my resulting depression and medication for the same reason. The strongest,brightest,most productive people in the world can be stopped in their tracks by chronic depression.

Agree MissJames.

This whole thing is disturbing I agree. Many remarks have been tasteless if not callous. Everyone has their own expressions I guess.

Recently a bunch of internet thugs watched a 19 yr old with depression commit suicide online. Not one offer of help. After like 19 hours - someone called the city police where he lived. Florida I think. His parents were of course devastated.
George could very well be suffering from chronic depression. This could be the reason he can't hold a job. It's not being weak.There is a chemical imbalance in the brain and it rules your life,just like multiple sclerosis or diabetes.The difference is the STIGMA and NAME CALLING attached to it ,which keeps people from getting help.They also consider it a weakness or flaw.I repeat:It keeps people from getting help. Once you experience it you understand the hold true chronic depression has and you no longer JUDGE people as weak or lazy.
I try to be as open as I can about my child's suicide to fight the stigma.My son was awesome,but he didn't believe it.I am upfront about my resulting depression and medication for the same reason. The strongest,brightest,most productive people in the world can be stopped in their tracks by chronic depression.

I'm so sorry about your son.

Chronic depression does rule your life. I have been battling it since I was in my teens and there are days when you just want the entire world to go away and leave you alone.
Its pretty obvious how one can commit suicide with sleeping pills, but how does that work with blood pressure medication? Just wondering.

Also, just my $0.02.............but a $35 hotel room? Ew.

Well, everybody griped when he went to the Ritz.
It seems that there are two extreme opinions within this post and I am somewhat in the middle.

While I have a lot of compassion for anyone whom has lost a loved one nor would I never want anyone to commit suicide .... I have not witnessed behavior on anyone within these family that should rid them of negative feedback. Of coarse ...not as it relates specifically to the suicide issue ... but about the case and their behavior.

I have never been put in their position and hope I never will. However, I have been put in less desired circumstances such as ones that involve life / death and difficult choices all of which were negative (relates to someone stalking my family o_O). Anyway, it all comes down to what a mentor of mine told me a long time ago. Something like 'we have to play the game of life with the cards we been given'. Many times the deck of cards are overwhelmingly against us but then again how we respond during these times defines our true character.

So, my point is I feel uncomfortable for opinions on either extreme about others opinion of George or the family. There is sorry .... yet a lack of compassion as it relates to their behavior in these difficult times.
I have kept my thoughts on George to myself for a long time. I believe the man, over the years has been beaten down to the point that he no longer knows whom he is and what his purpose in life is for. He is only allowed to be what Cindy wants him to be. The only thing that gave him any sense of self worth was Caylee and now he no longer has that.

When reading the interviews that he did with LE I felt that he was being as honest as he knew how. I don’t know if he told the truth. I tend to believe that he did. His words were always very hesitant and he always offered an apology for how he felt. He wanted so much to be accepted and liked by those officers that had he not been there because of actions of his daughter he could have stayed for hours and hours just hanging out with the guys. You could tell that he was very proud to have once worked in LE and that he would have loved to be still doing so.
In the very beginning you didn't hear too much from George. It was all Cindy who was up in front of the camera. Something changed and I think it was the fact the Cindy found out he was telling LE what he knew and that was against her rules. George became two people. We were seeing old tapes with the one George while watching the new George on cameral. It was looking at Jackal and Hyde. He was one-way in those interviews and totally different when he was around Cindy.

The big hoopla at JB Park when LP was there with the divers was I first started to wonder about just how much Cindy controlled him. I had been watching live through Murt's cam and then later re-watched some of the news clips. Cindy was going off on reporters and everyone around her and George just stood there. On the one clip LP walks up to George and George immediate puts his hand out to shake. Cindy is off on the side fighting with someone. They smile at each other and walk away from the camera to talk. No getting in each other’s face. Just a calm conversation with each other. Cindy is not paying attention to what or whom George is talking to.
The interview with GVS was so odd. I have watched them a few times and I keep seeing little bits and pieces of things I did not notice before. Cindy is always in control of George.

I hope that this time away from Cindy, who in my opinion has been a major factor as to why George wanted to end his life, gets the help he needs to discover that he is not responsible for any ones else’s actions other than his own and he doesn't need to have Cindy to tell him how he feels, or how he should think or what do to or how to do it.

I know first hand what it is to live with someone like Cindy. They constantly try to make you do and feel how they want you to but at the same time accuse you of not doing anything for yourself. In the end you have very few choices.
Succumb and no longer be a separate person, commit suicide or walk away.

With the right help he can make the choice to take the stand and be a witness.. for Caylee. He can still love his daughter but reject her actions.

May an angle be out his side to help guide him through this.

What a perfect assessment, Shadow. This is also, exactly how I see George. He's broken, & your first paragraph is spot on, IMO. He did feel his worth with Caylee & now is faced with such a huge void, I ache for him.
It seems that there are two extreme opinions within this post and I am somewhat in the middle.

While I have a lot of compassion for anyone whom has lost a loved one nor would I never want anyone to commit suicide .... I have not witnessed behavior on anyone within these family that should rid them of negative feedback. Of coarse ...not as it relates specifically to the suicide issue ... but about the case and their behavior.

I have never been put in their position and hope I never will. However, I have been put in less desired circumstances such as ones that involve life / death and difficult choices all of which were negative (relates to someone stalking my family o_O). Anyway, it all comes down to what a mentor of mine told me a long time ago. Something like 'we have to play the game of life with the cards we been given'. Many times the deck of cards are overwhelmingly against us but then again how we respond during these times defines our true character.

So, my point is I feel uncomfortable for opinions on either extreme about others opinion of George or the family. There is sorry .... yet a lack of compassion as it relates to their behavior in these difficult times.

So true.
We also don't know them or what has led up to all of this.We have some ideas,some supositions,but we don't really know.We are basing our judgement on very little information. Assumptions.
<Most respectfully snipped, MsJ>The difference is the STIGMA and NAME CALLING attached to it ,which keeps people from getting help. <snip>

And this thread has been a perfect example demonstrating the sentence above.

There are ways to express an opinion about the A's actions and in-actions without further stigmatizing what constitutes a 'plea for help' just because you don't like someone's behavior in other regards.

It's been a disappointment to read some of what's been written here. There is bashing - then there is BASHING.

Luckily, opinions come in all shapes and sizes: the informed, the un-informed, the politic, not so politic and the diplomatic, rants and raves, educated and lacking in common sense.

And it is up to the reader to choose how they'll interpret each post.

I choose to interpret yours as a wise, diplomatic, informed, educated rant.

And I thank you for it.

I do feel badly for George, because I think he is in so much emotional pain. I do not think some of the things he has done are right, but that Koolaide is some powerful stuff.
I really hope, for his sake, that CA and LA are kept far away from him at this point, and that he could receive support from people he respects and feels comfortable with.
I was thinking that if he spent some time with Tim Miller and Mark Nejame, two men who really seemed to care about him, that he would be able to have the strength to be honest with himself and with LE, and begin to try and put his life back together. Unfortunately, I think if he goes back to the bosom of his family, he will be lost forever. Big MOO
George could very well be suffering from chronic depression. This could be the reason he can't hold a job. It's not being weak.There is a chemical imbalance in the brain and it rules your life,just like multiple sclerosis or diabetes.The difference is the STIGMA and NAME CALLING attached to it ,which keeps people from getting help.They also consider it a weakness or flaw.I repeat:It keeps people from getting help. Once you experience it you understand the hold true chronic depression has and you no longer JUDGE people as weak or lazy.
I try to be as open as I can about my child's suicide to fight the stigma.My son was awesome,but he didn't believe it.I am upfront about my resulting depression and medication for the same reason. The strongest,brightest,most productive people in the world can be stopped in their tracks by chronic depression.

:clap: Very well said!! And I'm so sorry about your son.

OLG - I completely agree with you! :blowkiss:

Get well, George. There are so many people out there who care about your well-being.
Question/Food For Thought:

IF... George is found to have a mental disorder could his past or any future testimony at trial be jeopardized? It appears his GJ testimony was important in getting the indictment. For that reason his future testimony would most likely be very valuable to the prosecution as well.

However, should a doctor declare that testifying would bring consequences for his condition, would he be exempted from testifying on a medical/mental duress pretense? Could this eliminate one of the State's most valuable witnesses?

Maybe this belongs in the legal question thread but starting it here for discussion.
The enviroment GA is now living in will be one of total support, empathy, logic forward treatment plan. He will be assigned one mental health tech. per shift for observation & to help GA adjust to this type of enviroment. The first few days after intake can be scary. It is so good for GA to be separated from his immediate enviroment to "gain perspective" :eek: I just caught myself! Everyday GA stays in-patient is a day closer to healing and being able to testify. Between therapy, meds, supportive enviroment, sleep. and a good diet I feel GA will gain the strength to do whatever is asked of him in a court of law. I'm sure his psychiatrist is moonitoring GA as well as JB is watching KC.
The enviroment GA is now living in will be one of total support, empathy, logic forward treatment plan. He will be assigned one mental health tech. per shift for observation & to help GA adjust to this type of enviroment. The first few days after intake can be scary. It is so good for GA to be separated from his immediate enviroment to "gain perspective" :eek: I just caught myself! Everyday GA stays in-patient is a day closer to healing and being able to testify. Between therapy, meds, supportive enviroment, sleep. and a good diet I feel GA will gain the strength to do whatever is asked of him in a court of law. I'm sure his psychiatrist is moonitoring GA as well as JB is watching KC.

I want him healthy to accept the reality of the situation and perhaps the distance from Cindy will further that commitment he needs to tell the truth about what he knows and what has happened. I wonder if JB and Cindy and the rest of the folks are concerned he is remaining there.
I want him healthy to accept the reality of the situation and perhaps the distance from Cindy will further that commitment he needs to tell the truth about what he knows and what has happened. I wonder if JB and Cindy and the rest of the folks are concerned he is remaining there.

I don't much care at all if they are concerned at this point.

Opportunity knocks for a turning point for George on multiple levels right now: emotionally, physically (they'll make him eat and sleep), mentally and morally.

I'm pulling for wellness for George.

As for those bolded, I don't think they've had George's best interests at heart for a long time.
SL_Zero said:
Its pretty obvious how one can commit suicide with sleeping pills, but how does that work with blood pressure medication? Just wondering.

an overdose of beta-blockers can cause heart failure.
Question/Food For Thought:

IF... George is found to have a mental disorder could his past or any future testimony at trial be jeopardized? It appears his GJ testimony was important in getting the indictment. For that reason his future testimony would most likely be very valuable to the prosecution as well.

However, should a doctor declare that testifying would bring consequences for his condition, would he be exempted from testifying on a medical/mental duress pretense? Could this eliminate one of the State's most valuable witnesses?

Maybe this belongs in the legal question thread but starting it here for discussion.

Not a chance...unless he develops dementia, has a stroke or something like that. Courts see witnesses try to get out of giving evidence all the time and don't take kindly to it. To be "incompetent" you really have to be off with the fairies, and depression doesn't even come close to getting you excused as a witness. A lot of accused persons are in psych wards in their jails, and they are taken from the hospital to court each day, with their meds, to attend their own trials.
I want him healthy to accept the reality of the situation and perhaps the distance from Cindy will further that commitment he needs to tell the truth about what he knows and what has happened. I wonder if JB and Cindy and the rest of the folks are concerned he is remaining there.

IF (and that's a big "if") at this stage, he is refusing visits from BC, they might be getting concerned. I just can't imagine him turning on Lee or Casey though, and I doubt any immunity deal will be offered to him unless LE believes he will be honest about their involvement, and I doubt they'd be very confident about that.
an overdose of beta-blockers can cause heart failure.

One of the most dangerous drugs one can OD with is plain old tylenol - can cause massive, irreparable liver damage.

So easy to obtain, and so often used in attempts.
Continued prayers for GA's spiritual, mental healing and strength.
Seems to me that George thinks it would be easier to die than to get his butt out there and get a job. Life goes on and bills need to be paid to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, but George thinks Cindy would be better off if he was dead....and I agree with him....because then she'd be able to collect his SS which would help pay the bills to live which he is not willing to do.

Many here see George as this upstanding guy and Cindy as a witch, but I see that George would have long ago ended his life if he didn't have Cindy to leach off of and to take care of him. George knows he's been a terrible husband and father, but instead of making it better, he desired to take the easiest way out for himself. If I was Cindy, I'd not go see him either because I would hate his guts for doing this. He's a weakling and has always been a weakling!


It is difficult for me to believe GA doesn't want to work. He seems to be out there getting work. His recent loss most likely is due to this case. Perhaps GA has had mental problems most of his life and that is why it has been hard to hold a job. I am guessing this may be the reason.

The fact that he kept a job for 10 years tells us that he can function. He most likely had a strong identity with that job. Since his leaving that job, his productive life ceased or slowed down. He may have harbored resentment for leaving that job and had led to depression and low self-esteem which may have been lying below the surface all along. I can guess that Caylee was the only human being that loved him unconditionally in that household. It appeared they all set conditions for him and than they would like him.

Whether he stayed because he was weak or stayed because of the kids is not known to us but neither has helped him grow or feel better about himself. For George to back into that house would be a detriment to his welfare. I hope he develops a support system that can help him.
Is there any news on George and how many times has Cindy visited him during the past week?
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