Please Update George's Condition or New Developments Here

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Whatever happens, I hope that George will be treated with kindness and understanding. I agree that going back home might not be the best option.
And I really wish the media would back off and give this family time to heal.
My prayers for all of them and especially for George... he obviously needs all the sympathy he can get right now.
In the "George's Suicide Note" thread here, I read that it was stated in his letter that he wasn't making much sense because he had taken a bunch of pills. And that there were empty, unlabeled pill bottles in the garbage in his hotel room. Do we know yet what pills he took? Did he take a possibly lethal amount or just a few?

Here's a link to the article where this info is stated.

I think we only know what Brad C has told us.
sometimes there isn't an actual court...they just convene in a conference room....thats what they did with my mom...I had to do stmts and everything--(wasn't fun--but necessary nonetheless)

That is true. It depends on the jurisdiction. In Florida, the petition must be heard in court, by a judge, within 5 days, which I think is a very, very good thing.

I'm sorry to hear you had to go through all that with your mom's case. It's so difficult to have a family member who is ill.
I really wish GA & CA had separate lawyers. In this instance, can BC serve both G & C best interests and wishes at the same time.?
I know from watching frustrated friends and family try to get help for someone, that it's not easy to accomplish. I've seen some people that are way out there mentally and yet were not held past the 72 hours. And I've never personally seen someone, voluntarily stay past the 72 hours. So is GA extending his treatment voluntarily? Or is he in such bad shape he's being held by the docs? If it's the latter, how bad off is he? I've seen delusional people not held.

Does anyone know if George was admitted involuntarily in the first place? It could be that the hospital examined him, determined inpatient care was warranted, and George checked himself in voluntarily. If that is the case, the admission would be voluntary and none of the Baker Act provisions apply.
Does anyone know if George was admitted involuntarily in the first place? It could be that the hospital examined him, determined inpatient care was warranted, and George checked himself in voluntarily. If that is the case, the admission would be voluntary and none of the Baker Act provisions apply.

He was definitely Baker Acted.

George Anthony was held at Halifax Medical Center for at least 72 hours under Florida's Baker Act (Baker Act details), which means he can be held against his will for up to 3 days.

The 72 hours has expired so he could be driven back to his home anytime Monday.
there is just so much that bc keeps releasing on this whole thing....privacy between him and his clients....I don't know who would enforce HIPPA laws but I do know everybody abides by them...much more so with psych dx....I had power of atty for my mom---had all the legal paper work but still was very limitted at times as to what I could or couldn't do....

I think that is where the info is coming from- BC, that is. As representative for the As perhaps he is releasing the info to quell any speculation. I would asume it is w/their approval.
there is just so much that bc keeps releasing on this whole thing....privacy between him and his clients....I don't know who would enforce HIPPA laws but I do know everybody abides by them...much more so with psych dx....I had power of atty for my mom---had all the legal paper work but still was very limitted at times as to what I could or couldn't do....
Even with medical power of attorney many have trouble getting access to medical records because of HIPAA laws.
CA and BC can't exercise their power of attorney (if they even have it) until GA is declared incompetent. It doesn't seem to be the case with GA.
BC is only stating his opinion on the matter. He's not a health care provider or insurance company disclosing medical information so he's not violating HIPAA laws. He may be violating attorney client privilage which is an issue for the Fl. bar.
the longer he stays the better. anything but going home to cindyland is good.
ITA - who enforces the HIPPA laws ? If Cindy and George have Medical Powers of Attorney on each other (as DH and I do), could this be a loophole underwhich this info is being released by BC with the authorization of CA ?

All HIPAA says is that the facility cannot release any information without the patient's signed permission - OR a POA. It is actually BC who is updating his condition, not the hospital, and he is George's attorney.

That's my take on it - I've worked for hospitals since 1978, before HIPAA was even born. There used to be little privacy.
Not incompetent but at risk ........... depression needs treatment - you dont recover in 72 hrs . This would be the best thing for him -
controlled enviroment - monitored medication - and visits with the doctors .
Even with medical power of attorney many have trouble getting access to medical records because of HIPAA laws.
CA and BC can't exercise their power of attorney (if they even have it) until GA is declared incompetent. It doesn't seem to be the case with GA.
BC is only stating his opinion on the matter. He's not a health care provider or insurance company disclosing medical information so he's not violating HIPAA laws. He may be violating attorney client privilage which is an issue for the Fl. bar.

Thanks for the info !
Did MN & tim Miller go see GA.? Does anyone think GA needs his own separate counsel aside from CA? As an ex inpatient psychiatric worker I'm hoping for GA's sake that he takes the help offered by trained specialist & they help him look at his issues as separate from CA. I hope he realizes his thoughts and feelings are his alone and not meshed with his wife's issues or his adult children's issues. My feeling only is if he is discharged to home he will be a ticking time bomb and some of his pent up anger won't be towards himself. I'm sure the psychiatrist assigned to GA are making a plan of treatment that for now will keep all safe.
In one of the hospitals earlier reports the hospital had said that George was being treated for other health issues as well..has anyone heard what those health issues were or what was meant by that. I took it as meaning it was a separate health issue and not from the attempt.. maybe I heard it wrong.
It was reported recently that George has now found his will to live so why another treatment facility?
BC on Today Show this morning re: GA's Condition

Meredith: Have they spoken to their daughter (in jail) since this happened?

BC: No, they have not been able to speak with Casey.

Why is that?..I know there are only certain times KC can make & accept phone calls (& visits) but under these dire circumstances (also when Caylee's remains were found) an exception can't be made?..I find that very hard to believe & have thought all along the reason why the A's haven't seen her since her arrest months ago is because she's REFUSING any & all communication with them..Just like she did a lot after she was first arrested back in July..Remember how many times they went to see her & were turned away?

If this is an accurate scenario it points even more to her GUILT in my eyes..What about yours? & do you think it's worthy of a discussion in it's own thread?
After reading this, I am wondering if he hasn't been declared incompetent. He may go to another treatment facility?

"Conway said they are still waiting on doctors to confirm a treatment plan. That may include George being released to a treatment facility closer to his Orange County home."

He is probably going voluntarily.
Not incompetent but at risk ........... depression needs treatment - you dont recover in 72 hrs . This would be the best thing for him -
controlled enviroment - monitored medication - and visits with the doctors .
Yes but you have to sign on for that voluntarily. Can't make you stay past the 72 hour hold if you don't wanna....generally speaking of course.
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