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I agree with a fair bit of what you say, I don't think he pulled strings, but I don't think he was being kept there either, and I base that on what BC himself told the was him who said George stayed on voluntarily for treatment.

If they really thought he was at risk to himself or others after the 72 hours, why didn't they try to extend the Baker Act hold? I'm not criticising psychiatrists.....I assume they thought long and hard before deciding not to extend it. If he was kept under the Baker Act, then I would agree that it would be proper to say he was "kept there".

Good points.

Let's try this on for size and see if it fits us both: "George stayed voluntarily under recommendation from his Doctors."
IMO, because he needs to tell the lie enough times to make people believe it really happened. I think he is really sending this mantra to LE or anyone who may want to question him...
I've had my first niggle of doubt about whether it really happened. I don't like thinking that. The trial may be far away, but the ZFG deposition is at the end of February...

And weren't LE going to ask the A's some hard questions "after the funeral"?
Please let me start out with a disclaimer that I do not know anything about the laws governing mental health in Florida. I do have a lot of personal experience in regards to mental health in SC as my adopted daughter is Bipolar and she was in and out of behavioral treatment centers and state hospitals, as well as living in a group home for a year. The reason? Thoughts of suicide. If you threaten to harm yourself or others, you can be placed in one of the above places (AFTER they do an assessment) for up to 10 days usually (in my case insurance had a major role because they would only pay up to 10 days at a time).

I am not a supporter of the Anthony's but I'm going to have to give George the benefit of the doubt on this one. From what I've read, something was mention in his letter that was found about harming himself. Given the enormous amount of stress that he has been under, I'm not surprised by what he was thinking. I've thought long and hard about his actions. We do not know what we would do if we were in his shoes. This could have happened to any of us. I guess this is hitting very close to home as my 20 yo daughter, now living in TX, was admitted to a state hospital about 3 days after George was, wanting to harm herself again.
Hi bunny,

I am glad the media is giving George his space right now, and agree with BC loven the media light.

What i have a serious concern about is BC flappen his gums again saying that he could not FIND a hospital that would accept GA due to media coverage??! What??

There have been WAY more famous people hospitalized for any number of reasons and not turned away. No law expert here... but i'm pretty sure that it would be illegal to deny care to a person in need. BC needs to shut up!

I hope every hospital in Orlando comes forward with a bed for George, because he does seem to need help...Then...he should be answering questions under oath... Truthfully and remember when he said that he would do anything for his Granddaughter. imho :)

Hey Rob,

I'm certain that media attention might have played a part in some hospitals' decision, but I'll bet big bucks that the very first factor that was discussed within the hospital was with the Patient Registration Coordinator, a and went something like this:

"Ok, how many beds are available in PF wing? 2 on reserve for criticals/unstable from ER, huh? No regular beds? How long is the waiting list? Uh-huh, well, that's it then, on the waiting list or recommend out-patient."

That would have been discussed first, then if they had a bed, they would have addressed the media concerns.
My question exactly!

What proof do we have that this was truly a suicide attempt and not a ruse for whatever reason, didn't want to testify against KC, didn't want to give a depo, wants to delay the funeral and thus delay questioning, wants to hold out for his immunity deal?

8 beers is nothing, at least not where I come from, my husband used to work building oil rigs and some of those guys could drink a case and never even feel it.

What kind of pills did he take and how many? Were this along with the beers? Who is world planning to commit suicide orders a pizza first (one for the road so to speak)? Why were the labels removed from the pill bottles? How many text messages did he send to his family before he started drinking his beers, eating his pizza, and popping pills? How was he found so quickly when no one supposedly knew where he was? If he was checking out because he was finally coming to terms with what happened, why did he throw all KCs friends under the bus instead of her?

I am sorry, maybe I am just suspicious by nature but something about this set off my hinky meter when I heard about it and it is still going off. I haven't followed it much because it really wasn't that interesting in the grand scheme of things at the time, but now I am curious.

I keep meaning to mention this. I think it was the NG show that showed the motel room afterwards and the leftover beer in the fridge. I remember it because the beer was Miller Lite. Who attempts suicide on light beer??? :waitasec:
I honestly do not think so. However, I do agree with PotatoHead that anyone needing help should have it. I have no doubt that he was having a hard time coping, but I do not believe he really meant to kill himself.

That's just the way I see it.

I see it the same way. And also agree with PH that anyone needing help should have it.
actually go to any hospital after barely cutting your wrists or claiming that you took some pills beacuse you want to die and see what happens.

Can you imagine if a hospital kicked someone like that out - I mean the liability they would face if that person DID kill themselves after the hospital refused to help them.

I'm sure you could spend a week in the hospital perfectly healthy if you were willing to lie or er mispeak the truth.

I'd be pretty sure of that too.
If only he's been successful, then we'd know for sure.

I am glad he wasn't. I still hold out some hope he might co-operate with LE and do what he can to ensure whoever killed Caylee (or covered for the killer) receives justice.
I've had my first niggle of doubt about whether it really happened. I don't like thinking that. The trial may be far away, but the ZFG deposition is at the end of February...

And weren't LE going to ask the A's some hard questions "after the funeral"?

I'm with you ele...Yes(at least i think that was the story) i DO NOT want to think that, because i really do believe that G needs help. Even posted about it last night, and then :banghead:something doesn't feel right...could be the bean and cheese burrito i had for lunch... BC is just rubbing me the wrong way.:furious:and then toss in CA and :eek:imho
Please let me start out with a disclaimer that I do not know anything about the laws governing mental health in Florida. I do have a lot of personal experience in regards to mental health in SC as my adopted daughter is Bipolar and she was in and out of behavioral treatment centers and state hospitals, as well as living in a group home for a year. The reason? Thoughts of suicide. If you threaten to harm yourself or others, you can be placed in one of the above places (AFTER they do an assessment) for up to 10 days usually (in my case insurance had a major role because they would only pay up to 10 days at a time).

I am not a supporter of the Anthony's but I'm going to have to give George the benefit of the doubt on this one. From what I've read, something was mention in his letter that was found about harming himself. Given the enormous amount of stress that he has been under, I'm not surprised by what he was thinking. I've thought long and hard about his actions. We do not know what we would do if we were in his shoes. This could have happened to any of us. I guess this is hitting very close to home as my 20 yo daughter, now living in TX, was admitted to a state hospital about 3 days after George was, wanting to harm herself again.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience, Suki. I hope things go well for your adopted daughter.
George Anthony was released from the hospital during the evening hours, and his family reportedly opted to take him home instead of to another treatment facility.

Very interesting... thanks for the link!!

Of all the places for GA to go.......from the frying pot into the fire.......back with CA?LA and planning a funeral while staying at the house that is a crime scene and GA is suppose to heal?
I doubt if CA/LA will be 'nice' to GA........IMO, they will scream WHY DID YOU DO THIS STUNT, YOU HURT OUR KC..............he will be broken again.
Now GA will go back to lying and help CA, do what ever CA wants.......oh boy, just when I thought there was a little hope that GA would stand up for Caylee........
depression problems do not go away in 2 weeks........IMO
Please let me start out with a disclaimer that I do not know anything about the laws governing mental health in Florida. I do have a lot of personal experience in regards to mental health in SC as my adopted daughter is Bipolar and she was in and out of behavioral treatment centers and state hospitals, as well as living in a group home for a year. The reason? Thoughts of suicide. If you threaten to harm yourself or others, you can be placed in one of the above places (AFTER they do an assessment) for up to 10 days usually (in my case insurance had a major role because they would only pay up to 10 days at a time).

I am not a supporter of the Anthony's but I'm going to have to give George the benefit of the doubt on this one. From what I've read, something was mention in his letter that was found about harming himself. Given the enormous amount of stress that he has been under, I'm not surprised by what he was thinking. I've thought long and hard about his actions. We do not know what we would do if we were in his shoes. This could have happened to any of us. I guess this is hitting very close to home as my 20 yo daughter, now living in TX, was admitted to a state hospital about 3 days after George was, wanting to harm herself again.

suki- i am so glad that your daughter is receiving care,:blowkiss: it is very hard/stressful on the families of those coping with depression. sending you warm thoughts and prayers. I also really hope that you are right about George.
I have to ask a question, and I don't really don't mean this in a snarky or sarcastic way, Bunny. I really would like to hear your perspective on this:

Does it matter, really, if the attempt was fully under-taken, or if the desire to want to be dead was as far as it got?

What is the difference between those two scenarios in your opinion?

I suppose one generally wants to be dead if they kill (or genuinely try to) themselves.

But I'm not convinced George wanted to die.

And of course i know you don't want to be snarky or sarcastic and hope I'm not coming across as snarky and sarcastic, cause I don't mean to!
As far as the law is concerned it really doesn't matter if there was an attempt. Suicidal ideations are enough to hold you against your will.

I've learned one thing in my nearly 20 years of doing my job. The people who are really serious about killing themselves, do. We find them dead. They don't tell anybody before hand, they don't make good bye phone calls, they may or may not leave a note, they usually seem to other people like they were in a good mood and not depressed. Did GA actually try and kill himself, probably not. Does it matter as far as the help he needs, absolutely not. A cry for help is a cry for help. It should be and was taken seriously. I posted very early in this thread that GA had a chance to escape the toxic environment he was in. He had a chance to stand up for justice for Caylee and go against the Anthony Family Script. Unfortunately it looks like CA has dug her talons back into him and is probably making him drink the Kool-aid as we speak.

My heart goes out to GA. I had really hoped that he would turn himself around and start to heal his head and his heart. Unfortunately it looks like I was wrong.

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us.
Hi bunny,

I am glad the media is giving George his space right now, and agree with BC loven the media light.

What i have a serious concern about is BC flappen his gums again saying that he could not FIND a hospital that would accept GA due to media coverage??! What??

There have been WAY more famous people hospitalized for any number of reasons and not turned away. No law expert here... but i'm pretty sure that it would be illegal to deny care to a person in need. BC needs to shut up!

I hope every hospital in Orlando comes forward with a bed for George, because he does seem to need help...Then...he should be answering questions under oath... Truthfully and remember when he said that he would do anything for his Granddaughter. imho :)

OMG...I missed that...he's got to be kidding. Apparently there weren't even press at the hospital. The only press they are getting is because of BC, so perhaps if he'd shut up with the media for a while his client could get treatment?
Good points.

Let's try this on for size and see if it fits us both: "George stayed voluntarily under recommendation from his Doctors."

I sooooo want to agree with you! But....frankly, I don't believe BC anymore than I believe KC. If the hospital or someone independent of the As say it, I'll believe it and will agree with you. Is that fair?
There is a chance that G is on so much anti-anxiety, anti-depressants that he will sleep through most of the CA & LA episodes or be so tuned out - they won't get to him. We can hope.
I suppose one generally wants to be dead if they kill (or genuinely try to) themselves.

But I'm not convinced George wanted to die.

And of course i know you don't want to be snarky or sarcastic and hope I'm not coming across as snarky and sarcastic, cause I don't mean to!

I know you know that I know what we both know. :)
Do you think that maybe, just maybe, they would have admitted him if the Doctors at the hospital he just checked out of recommended inpatient treatment for him? Surely if the Docs had recommended it, they would have given him a bed???

Do you believe BC when he says the hospitals won't accept George because of the media? I can't imagine that would be legal IF he required inpatient treatment. As others have said, even celebrities get treatment. No one turned Britney Spears away!

I have not seen BC quoted as saying the George is too well known to go to another hospital. Do you have a link?
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