I'm not following the case very closely, but I don't take it that he is saying that. I mean I can read that statement at face value and his saying that LE is not focusing on the parents says to me that they just want to know the truth so that whoever is responsible can be brought to justice and Lisa can be brought home and laid to rest.
LE always, or hopefully always, goes where the evidence takes and I have faith they look at these crimes from all different angles leaving no stone unturned even though we may not know what is going on behind the scenes. Maybe LE really has to put this out there so defense attorneys can't say that their clients are being persecuted at the expense of the truth?
IDK. How horrible about his knowing one of those recent victims. Maybe its difficult at times to see all this attention on this one case when he has so many of them that deserve equal attention. Not to mention the crime stats that deserve attention too.